997 resultados para PME líder
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar uvas Vitis vinifera L. das variedades comerciais: Brasil, Benitaka, Itália e Red Globe, quanto às características físico-químicas e sensoriais. Os teores de sólidos solúveis, diâmetro e comprimento das bagas, cujos resultados apresentaram conformidade com os padrões comerciais, foram determinados. A avaliação sensorial foi realizada por meio da Análise Descritiva Quantitativa - ADQ. Foram selecionados e treinados os julgadores que, sob orientação de um líder, estabeleceram os atributos sensoriais capazes de descrever com fidedignidade as características das uvas, conforme se segue: tonalidade de cor, uniformidade de cor, aroma característico, firmeza, gosto doce, gosto amargo, gosto ácido, adstringência, sabor e qualidade global. Constatou-se que as médias obtidas nos atributos tonalidade de cor, uniformidade de cor, firmeza, sabor e qualidade global diferiram estatisticamente dentre as uvas avaliadas e, ainda, que os atributos do sabor, seguido do gosto doce e da tonalidade da cor, apresentaram as correlações mais fortes com a qualidade global, determinantes, portanto, das características sensoriais das uvas.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos dos sistemas de manejo integrado e orgânico sobre atributos de nutrição, sanidade, rendimento e qualidade de maçãs 'Catarina'. O estudo foi realizado em São Joaquim-SC, ao longo das safras de 2008/2009 e 2009/2010. O porta-enxerto era Marubakaido, com filtro de EM-9, e as macieiras conduzidas, em líder central. Os atributos do solo eram adequados ao desenvolvimento e produção das macieiras em ambos os sistemas. O sistema de manejo orgânico aumentou o teor de Cu nas folhas e Ca e Cu na casca e polpa dos frutos, a área de cor vermelha na epiderme dos frutos e a incidência de frutos com queimaduras por sol e com danos por mosca-das-frutas. O índice iodo-amido e o teor de sólidos solúveis foram superiores nos frutos do sistema orgânico. O manejo orgânico reduziu a área foliar média das plantas, e nos frutos reduziu as relações K/Ca, Mg/Ca, N/Ca e (K+Mg)/Ca na casca e Mg/Ca na polpa, a severidade de "russeting", o número de sementes e a acidez titulável. Não houve diferenças quanto aos demais atributos avaliados. A produção orgânica de maçãs é viável, desde que disponível tecnologia eficaz para o controle da mosca-das-frutas.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a conservação do abacate 'Hass'frigoarmazenado submetido a atmosferas modificadas ativas. Os frutos foram acondicionados em embalagem de náilon+polietileno e submetidos à injeção de mistura de gases, constituindo os tratamentos: I - mistura gasosa do ambiente (21,0 kPa de O2+0,03 kPa de CO2); II - 4,0 kPa de O2+5,0kPa de CO2 ; III - 4,0 kPa de O2+6,0 kPa de CO2 ; IV - 4,0 kPa de O2+7,0 kPa de CO2, e V- 4,0 kPa de O2+8,0 kPa de CO2). As embalagens contendo os frutos foram armazenadas em câmara frigorífica, a uma temperatura de 10±1ºC e umidade relativa de 90±5%, durante 25 dias, sendo as análises realizadas a cada 5 dias. As análises realizadas foram perda de massa, atividade respiratória, potencial hidrogeniônico (pH), firmeza, acidez titulável (AT), sólidos solúveis (SS) e atividade das enzimas pectinametilesterase (PME) e poligalacturonase (PG). O tratamento em que os frutos foram submetidos à pressão parcial de 4,0 kPa de O2+7,0 kPa de CO2 foi o mais efetivo na conservação dos frutos, principalmente pela menor perda de massa e baixa produção de CO2.
Aquest treball aprofundeix sobre les diferents concepcions del terme populisme i les característiques d'Hugo Chávez com a líder polític per analitzar cinc episodis consecutius del programa televisiu ‘Aló Presidente’ i després d'aplicar la metodologia de Teun A. van Dijk sobre el discurs ideològic, demostrar com el comandant usava els ressorts populistes per defensar les polítiques dutes a terme pel govern bolivarià.
A la llista Top 100 Global Innovators 2011 trobem 40 companyies dels Estats Units, 27 del Japó, 11 de França, 6 de Suècia, 4 d'Alemanya, 4 de Corea del Sud, 4 dels Països Baixos, 3 de Suïssa i 1 de Liechtenstein. Els Estats Units lideren la llista, hi ha més empreses asiàtiques que europees i cap de la Xina, que és líder en quantitat de patents però no en influència i qualitat
Si ens fixem en la recerca bàsica, Catalunya és, sens dubte, líder a l'Estat. És el resultat d'una encertada tasca encetada a principi del decenni passat i que, malgrat les vicissituds pressupostàries negatives, s'ha mantingut i ha donat fruits. Tanmateix, les coses no són iguals quan ens referim al percentatge del PIB invertit pel conjunt de la societat catalana. Segons les darreres dades publicades per l'INE, referides al 2009, Catalunya hi va destinar l'1,68% del PIB regional. A una distància considerable trobem Navarra (2,13%), el País Basc (2,06%) i la Comunitat de Madrid (2,06%).
El passat 12 de desembre, l'Organització per a la Cooperació i el Desenvolupament Econòmic va fer públic un informe que revelava que durant l'any 2004 la Xinava superar els EUA com a líder mundial en exportacions de tecnologies de la informació, com ara telèfons mòbils, ordinadors portàtils i càmeres digitals. Aquesta notícia, que confirma l'espectacular creixement d'aquest gegant asiàtic, m'ha fet reflexionar sobre diversos escrits que he llegit aquest darrer any [...].
An efficient approach for organizing large ad hoc networks is to divide the nodesinto multiple clusters and designate, for each cluster, a clusterhead which is responsible forholding intercluster control information. The role of a clusterhead entails rights and duties.On the one hand, it has a dominant position in front of the others because it manages theconnectivity and has access to other node¿s sensitive information. But on the other hand, theclusterhead role also has some associated costs. Hence, in order to prevent malicious nodesfrom taking control of the group in a fraudulent way and avoid selfish attacks from suitablenodes, the clusterhead needs to be elected in a secure way. In this paper we present a novelsolution that guarantees the clusterhead is elected in a cheat-proof manner.
This article reviews data obtained through research into early childhood mathematics education in Spain. It analyses the current curricular directions in mathematics education with early learners. It also provides an overview of mathematical practices in early childhood education classrooms to analyse the commonalities and differences between research, curriculum and educational practice. A review of the research presented at SEIEM symposia from 1997 until 2012 demonstrates: a) very little research has been done, a trend that is repeated in other areas, such as the JCR-Social Sciences Edition or the PME; b) the first steps have been taken to create a more and more cohesive body of research, although until now there has not been enough data to outline the curricular directions; and c) some discrepancies still exist between the mathematical practices in early childhood education classrooms and the official guidelines
För att mogna på en heterosexuell marknad innebär det att unga i ungdomsromanen lär sig förstå hur gränser kan överskridas och vilka handlingar som får repressalier. Genom att diskutera tystnader och talakter gällande heterosexualitet visar "Frigjord oskuld. Heterosexuellt mognadsimperativ i svensk ungdomsroman" hur heteronormen är förhandlingsbar. Studien undersöker heterosexuella kärleksavbrott, gränsöverskridande väninneskap, tabubelagd syskonkärlek och homosexuellt agerande. Med avstamp i queerteori, feministisk teori och narratologi studeras hur sexualitet, men även kategorier som kön, klass och ålder, (re)producerar uppfattningar om (hetero)sexualitet. Utgående från nio ungdomsromaner skrivna år 1969-2004 av fyra författare: Gunnel Beckman, Inger Edelfeldt, Peter Pohl och Mats Wahl analyseras hur de unga förutsätts konstruera heterosexualitet(er) inom ramen för acceptabelt agerande i enlighet med ett heterosexuellt mognadsimperativ.
Female sexual dysfunctions, including desire, arousal, orgasm and pain problems, have been shown to be highly prevalent among women around the world. The etiology of these dysfunctions is unclear but associations with health, age, psychological problems, and relationship factors have been identified. Genetic effects explain individual variation in orgasm function to some extent but until now quantitative behavior genetic analyses have not been applied to other sexual functions. In addition, behavior genetics can be applied to exploring the cause of any observed comorbidity between the dysfunctions. Discovering more about the etiology of the dysfunctions may further improve the classification systems which are currently under intense debate. The aims of the present thesis were to evaluate the psychometric properties of a Finnish-language version of a commonly used questionnaire for measuring female sexual function, the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), in order to investigate prevalence, comorbidity, and classification, and to explore the balance of genetic and environmental factors in the etiology as well as the associations of a number of biopsychosocial factors with female sexual functions. Female sexual functions were studied through survey methods in a population based sample of Finnish twins and their female siblings. There were two waves of data collection. The first data collection targeted 5,000 female twins aged 33–43 years and the second 7,680 female twins aged 18–33 and their over 18–year-old female siblings (n = 3,983). There was no overlap between the data collections. The combined overall response rate for both data collections was 53% (n = 8,868), with a better response rate in the second (57%) compared to the first (45%). In order to measure female sexual function, the FSFI was used. It includes 19 items which measure female sexual function during the previous four weeks in six subdomains; desire, subjective arousal, lubrication, orgasm, sexual satisfaction, and pain. In line with earlier research in clinical populations, a six factor solution of the Finnish-language version of the FSFI received supported. The internal consistencies of the scales were good to excellent. Some questions about how to avoid overestimating the prevalence of extreme dysfunctions due to women being allocated the score of zero if they had had no sexual activity during the preceding four weeks were raised. The prevalence of female sexual dysfunctions per se ranged from 11% for lubrication dysfunction to 55% for desire dysfunction. The prevalence rates for sexual dysfunction with concomitant sexual distress, in other words, sexual disorders were notably lower ranging from 7% for lubrication disorder to 23% for desire disorder. The comorbidity between the dysfunctions was substantial most notably between arousal and lubrication dysfunction even if these two dysfunctions showed distinct patterns of associations with the other dysfunctions. Genetic influences on individual variation in the six subdomains of FSFI were modest but significant ranging from 3–11% for additive genetic effects and 5–18% for nonadditive genetic effects. The rest of the variation in sexual functions was explained by nonshared environmental influences. A correlated factor model, including additive and nonadditive genetic effects and nonshared environmental effects had the best fit. All in all, every correlation between the genetic factors was significant except between lubrication and pain. All correlations between the nonshared environment factors were significant showing that there is a substantial overlap in genetic and nonshared environmental influences between the dysfunctions. In general, psychological problems, poor satisfaction with the relationship, sexual distress, and poor partner compatibility were associated with more sexual dysfunctions. Age was confounded with relationship length but had over and above relationship length a negative effect on desire and sexual satisfaction and a positive effect on orgasm and pain functions. Alcohol consumption in general was associated with better desire, arousal, lubrication, and orgasm function. Women pregnant with their first child had fewer pain problems than nulliparous nonpregnant women. Multiparous pregnant women had more orgasm problems compared to multiparous nonpregnant women. Having children was associated with less orgasm and pain problems. The conclusions were that desire, subjective arousal, lubrication, orgasm, sexual satisfaction, and pain are separate entities that have distinct associations with a number of different biopsychosocial factors. However, there is also considerable comorbidity between the dysfunctions which are explained by overlap in additive genetic, nonadditive genetic and nonshared environmental influences. Sexual dysfunctions are highly prevalent and are not always associated with sexual distress and this relationship might be moderated by a good relationship and compatibility with partner. Regarding classification, the results supports separate diagnoses for subjective arousal and genital arousal as well as the inclusion of pain under sexual dysfunctions.
Syftet med denna avhandling var att undersöka hur förändringarna i det agrara samhället påverkar den enskilda jordbrukarens livskoncept. Teorin som ligger till grund för förståelsen anknyter till moderniseringen, som framtvingat nya metoder och ett jordbruk med stark förankring i marknaden. Europeiska unionen har för jordbrukarna betytt nya rutiner och tvång att uppfylla bestämda regelverk. Den empiriska analysen berör frågor jordbrukarna tvingas tänka igenom på det personliga planet. Därtill behandlas viktiga strategier som är betydelsefulla för framtiden med dithörande ökad ekonomisk risk. Nyckelbegreppet kallar jag livskoncept. Livskonceptet består av känslan av sammanhang enligt Aaron Antonovskys defi nition, i förening med livspolitiken så som Anthony Giddens beskriver den. Livskonceptet är en kombination av meningsfullhet, begriplighet och hanterbarhet, jämte livskontroll, självbestämmande, förtroende, emancipation och identitet. Dessa är element som jordbrukaren tvingas leva med i beslutsprocessen och som utgör grund för livskvalitet. Avhandling är baserad på intervjuer med 46 jordbrukare i olika ålder från Österbotten, Åboland och Nyland. Jordbrukarna i undersökningen var noga utvalda och representerar jordbrukets olika inriktningar. Under intervjuerna behandlades olika teman, som förutom rena jordbruksproblem också tangerade sociala angelägenheter som ensamhet, stress och jämbördighet med andra yrkesgrupper. Därtill återspeglas jordbrukets situation i andra länder genom diskussioner som förts med olika utländska experter och jordbrukare. Känslan av identitet och stolthet var stark hos samtliga intervjuade. Jordbrukare i åldern 39–52 år visade sig ha det starkaste livskonceptet och de äldre i intervallet 53–69 år det svagaste ett resultat av den snabba förändringen i det agrara samhället. De yngsta under 38 år håller fortfarande på att söka sin plats och att besluta om i vilken riktning de önskar utvidga sin verksamhet och har därför inte hunnit utforma sitt livskoncept. Ett genomgående pro b lem är att man inte känner sig jämställd med andra yrkesgrupper. De centrala begreppen är: det agrara samhället, modernisering, globalisering, jordbrukartyp, risker, expertsystem och livskoncept.