989 resultados para Organotin dyes


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Textile Technology: The sun-blocking properties of a textile are enhanced when a dye, pigment, delustrant, or ultraviolet absorber finish is present that absorbs ultraviolet radiation and blocks its transmission through a fabric to the skin. For this reason, dyed fabrics provide better sun protection than bleached fabrics. Since naturally-colored cottons contain pigments that produce shades ranging from light green to tan and brown, it seemed reasonable to postulate that they would provide better sun protection than conventional bleached cotton, and that natural pigments might prove more durable to laundering and light exposure than dyes, but there is no published research on the ultraviolet transmission values for naturally-pigmented cottons. The purpose of this study was to determine the ultraviolet protection (UPF) values of naturally-pigmented cotton in three shades (green, tan, and brown), and the effect of light exposure and laundering on the sun-blocking properties of naturally-pigmented cotton. Naturally-pigmented cotton specimens were exposed to xenon light and accelerated laundering, ultraviolet transmission values measured, and UPF values calculated following light exposure and laundering. The naturally-pigmented cottons exhibited significantly higher UPF values than conventional cotton (bleached or unbleached). Although xenon light exposure and laundering caused some fading, the UPF values of naturally-pigmented cotton continue to be sufficiently high so that all three shades continue to provide good sun protection after the equivalent of 5 home launderings and 80 American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists fading units (AFUs) of xenon light exposure.


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Pós-graduação em Química - IQ


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The cationic dyes 9-aminoacridine (9AA) and safranine (Sf) were entrapped into silica spheres of about 0.2 mu m diameter prepared by modified Stober method. The fluorescent materials are investigated by steady-state and time-resolved emission, in addition of confocal fluorescence microscopy. Silica particles containing 9-aminoacridine (SP9AA) and safranine (SPSf or both dyes (SPSf9AA) are emissive particles. When both dyes are present in the same particle but loaded in sequential stages 9AA emission is quenched as a consequence of energy transfer from 9AA (donor) to Sf (acceptor). This result suggests that particle growing processes where the acceptor is incorporated first into the core do not prevent donor/acceptor pairs to be close due to an overlay of the concentration gradients of both dyes in a radial core-shell like distribution. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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For the first time, organotin compounds were determined in surface sediment samples collected from Sao Francisco do Sul, Itajai-Navegantes and Imbituba Harbors, located in Santa Catarina State, Brazil. Butyltins (BTs) were determined by gas chromatography with a pulsed flame photometric detector (GC-PFPD) after being modified using the Grignard derivatization method. The concentrations of BTs derivatives ranged from n.d. to 1136.6 ng (Sn) g(-1) of dry weight (dw) sediment for tributyltin (TOT), n.d. to 394.4 ng (Sn)g(-1) dw for dibutyltin (DOT) and n.d. to 312.2 ng (Sn)g(-1) dw for monobutyltin (MBT). The highest concentration of total BTs was found at the Itajai-Acu River dockyard, indicating intense inputs of antifouling paints to the environment. The relative difference in the BTs levels is a particular characteristic of sediments from harbors and may be related to the shipyards and the boat traffic which still use TBT-based antifouling paints.


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Contamination by butyltin compounds (BTs) has been reported in estuarine environments worldwide, with serious impacts on the biota of these areas. Considering that BTs can be degraded by varying environmental conditions such as incident light and salinity, the short-term variations in such factors may lead to inaccurate estimates of BTs concentrations in nature. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the possibility that measurements of BTs in estuarine sediments are influenced by different sampling conditions, including period of the day (day or night), tidal zone (intertidal or subtidal), and tides (high or low). The study area is located on the Brazilian southeastern coast, Sao Vicente Estuary, at Pescadores Beach, where BT contamination was previously detected. Three replicate samples of surface sediment were collected randomly in each combination of period of the day, tidal zone, and tide condition, from three subareas along the beach, totaling 72 samples. BTs were analyzed by GC-PFPD using a tin filter and a VF-5 column, by means of a validated method. The concentrations of tributyltin (TBT), dibutyltin (DBT), and monobutyltin (MBT) ranged from undetectable to 161 ng Sn g(-1) (d.w.). In most samples (71%), only MBT was quantifiable, whereas TBTs were measured in only 14, suggesting either an old contamination or rapid degradation processes. DBT was found in 27 samples, but could be quantified in only one. MBT concentrations did not differ significantly with time of day, zones, or tide conditions. DBT and TBT could not be compared under all these environmental conditions, because only a few samples were above the quantification limit. Pooled samples of TBT did not reveal any difference between day and night. These results indicated that, in assessing contamination by butyltin compounds, surface-sediment samples can be collected in any environmental conditions. However, the wide variation of BTs concentrations in the study area, i.e., over a very small geographic scale, illustrates the need for representative hierarchical and composite sampling designs that are compatible with the multiscalar temporal and spatial variability common to most marine systems. The use of such sampling designs will be necessary for future attempts to quantitatively evaluate and monitor the occurrence and impact of these compounds in nature


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The photodynamic properties of eight hydrophobic monocationic methyl and ruthenium polypyridine complex derivatives of free-base and zinc(II) meso-triphenyl-monopyridylporphyrin series were evaluated and compared using HeLa cells as model. The cream-like polymeric nanocapsule formulations of marine atelocollagen/xanthan gum, prepared by the coacervation method, exhibited high phototoxicity but negligible cytotoxicity in the dark. Interestingly, the formulations of a given series presented similar photodynamic activities but the methylated free-base derivatives were significantly more phototoxic than the respective ruthenated photosensitizers, reflecting the higher photoinduced singlet oxygen quantum yields of those monocationic porphyrin dyes.


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The properties of films of carboxymethyl cellulose, CMC, of different degree of substitution, DS, have been examined by the use of perichromic indicators (probes). The film properties that have been determined are: empirical polarity, E-T(33); "acidity", alpha; "basicity", beta; and dipolarity/polarizability, pi*. This has been achieved by employing the following perichromic probes: 4-nitroaniline, 4-nitroanisole, 4-nitro-N,N-dimethylaniline, and 2,6-dichloro-4-(2,4,6-triphenyl-pyridinium-1-yl)phenolate, WB. The correlations between both E-T(33)- or pi* and DS were found to be linear; that between beta and DS is a second order polynomial; no obvious correlation was found between alpha and DS. The polarities of CMC films are in the range of those of butyl alcohols. As models for CMC, we have employed cellulose plus CMC of high DS; oxidized cellulose with degree of oxidation = 0.5; sodium glucuronate. The former model behaved akin to CMC, but the plots of the perichromic properties versus DS showed different slopes/intercepts. FTIR data and molecular dynamics simulations on the solvation of WB have shown that this difference can be traced to more efficient hydrogen bonding between the film of the model and the probe. This affects the intra-molecular charge-transfer energy of the latter, leading to different responses to the variation of DS. Based on the excellent linear correlation between E-T(33) and DS, for CMC from different origins, we suggest that perichromism is a simple, accurate, and expedient alternative for the determination of DS of the biopolymer derivative.


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The present work describes the electrochemical reduction of the azo dye Sudan III in methanol/0.01 mol l(-1) Bu4NBF4 at applied potential of -1.2V, which promotes 98% discoloration of the commercial sample. The reduction products were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography, after optimized conditions for 20 aromatic amines with carcinogenic potentiality. The harmful compounds such as: aniline, benzidine, o-toluidine, 2,6-dimethylaniline, 4,4'-oxydianiline, 4,4'-metileno-bis-2-methylaniline and 4-aminobiphenyl are formed after azo bond cleavage. The electrochemical reduction is compared with chemical reduction by using sodium thiosulfate. Our findings illustrates that commercial Sudan III under reductive condition can forms a number of products, which some are known active genotoxins. The technique could be used to mimic important redox reactions in human metabolism or environment, highlighting the possible formation of by-products more toxic than the original dyes.


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The chemiluminescence of cyclic peroxides activated by oxidizable fluorescent dyes is an example of chemically initiated electron exchange luminescence (CIEEL), which has been used also to explain the efficient bioluminescence of fireflies. Diphenoyl peroxide and dimethyl-1,2-dioxetanone were used as model compounds for the development of this CIEEL mechanism. However, the chemiexcitation efficiency of diphenoyl peroxide was found to be much lower than originally described. In this work, we redetermine the chemiexcitation quantum efficiency of dimethyl-1,2-dioxetanone, a more adequate model for firefly bioluminescence, and found a singlet quantum yield (Phi(s)) of 0.1%, a value at least 2 orders of magnitude lower than previously reported. Furthermore, we synthesized two other 1,2-dioxetanone derivatives and confirm the low chemiexcitation efficiency (Phi(s) < 0.1%) of the intermolecular CIEEL-activated decomposition of this class of cyclic. peroxides. These results are compared with other chemiluminescent reactions, supporting the general trend that intermolecular CIEEL systems are much less efficient in generating singlet excited states than analogous intramolecular processes (Phi(s) approximate to 50%), with the notable exception of the peroxyoxalate reaction (Phi(s) approximate to 60%).


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The hermit crab Clibanarius vittatus is a typical organism from intertidal regions being considered as a good bioindicator of tributyltin presence at these environments. Thus this study presents the analytical performance and validation method for TBT quantification in tissues of C. vittatus by gas chromatography with pulsed flame photometric detector (GC-PFPD) after extraction with an apolar solvent (toluene) and Grignard derivatization. The limits of detection of the method (LOD) were 2.0 and 2.8 ng g(-1) for TBT and DBT (dibutyltin), respectively, and its limits of quantification (LOQ) were 6.6 and 8.9 ng g(-1) for TBT and DBT, respectively. The method was applied to samples from Santos Estuary, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. TBT and DBT concentrations ranged from 26.7 to 175.0 ng g(-1) and from 46.2 to 156.0 ng g(-1), respectively. These concentrations are worrisome since toxic effects (such as endocrine disruption) have been reported for other organisms even under lower levels of registred at this study.


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Information on the solvation in mixtures of water, W, and the ionic liquids, ILs, 1-allyl-3-R-imidazolium chlorides; R = methyl, 1-butyl, and 1-hexyl, has been obtained from the responses of the following solvatochromic probes: 2,6-dibromo-4-[(E)-2-(1-R-pyridinium-4-yl)ethenyl] phenolate, R = methyl, MePMBr2; 1-octyl, OcPMBr(2), and the corresponding quinolinium derivative, MeQMBr(2). A model developed for solvation in binary mixtures of W and molecular solvents has been extended to the present mixtures. Our objective is to assess the relevance to solvation of hydrogen-bonding and the hydrophobic character of the IL and the solvatochromic probe. Plots of the medium empirical polarity, E-T(probe) versus its composition revealed non-ideal behavior, attributed to preferential solvation by the IL and, more efficiently, by the IL-W hydrogen-bonded complex. The deviation from linearity increases as a function of increasing number of carbon atoms in the alkyl group of the IL, and is larger than that observed for solvation by W plus molecular solvents (1-propanol and 2-(1-butoxy)ethanol) that are more hydrophobic than the ILs investigated. This enhanced deviation is attributed to the more organized structure of the ILs proper, which persists in their aqueous solutions. MeQMBr(2) is more susceptible to solvent lipophilicity than OcPMBr(2), although the former probe is less lipophilic. This enhanced susceptibility agrees with the important effect of annelation on the contributions of the quinonoid and zwitterionic limiting structures to the ground and excited states of the probe, hence on its response to both medium composition and lipophilicity of the IL.


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Tributyltin (TBT) contamination affects the reproductive system of many species of invertebrates worldwide. The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of exposure to TBT pollution on the reproduction of the hermit crab Clibanarius vittatus. An orthogonal experiment was designed with two treatments: contamination (with or without TBT in the food) and crab sex (males and females). The animals were reared in the laboratory for nine months, and macroscopic and histological analyses of reproductive organs were carried out after the end of the experiment. Tributyltin was recorded in exposed crabs, but no morphological alterations were detected in the gonads of males, regardless of whether they were exposed to TBT. In contrast, females exposed to TBT displayed disorganization and atrophy of their ovaries, thus directly affecting reproduction in this hermit crab species. This effect observed in female hermit crabs may harm populations located in harbor regions, where TBT concentration is high, even after the worldwide TBT ban.


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Hybrid materials were prepared by combining clay mineral (montmorillonite SWy-2 and saponite SapCa-1) and dyes extracted from the acai (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) fruit, which contains mainly anthocyanins from the 3-glucoside class, to increase the stability of the dye and facilitate its handling and storage. Clay minerals are common ingredients in therapeutic and pharmaceutical products and acai phytochemicals show disease prevention properties. The extract of the acai fruit was mixed with water suspensions of layered silicates in different proportions. The dyeclay hybrids presented incorporated organic material in amounts up to 24 wt.-%. X ray diffractometry and vibrational (FTIR and Raman) and electronic spectroscopic data showed that flavylium cations were successfully intercalated between the inorganic layers. Mass-coupled thermogravimetric analysis (TGA-MS) data showed a significant gain in the thermostability of the organic species in relation to anthocyanins in the extract. MS curves related to CO2 release (m/z = 44) are ascendant above 200 degrees C when the dye cations are confined to the inorganic structure. The radical scavenging activity of the hybrid materials was monitored by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) toward the stable radical DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) and compared to the activity of the acai extract. In addition to the fact that interaction with clay minerals improves the stability of the acai dyes against heat, their properties as radical scavengers are preserved after intercalation. The improvement in the properties of the nutraceutical species by intercalation by using biocompatible inorganic structures can be valuable for human therapy.


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In a previous work, succinylated sugarcane bagasse (SCB 2) was prepared from sugarcane bagasse (B) using succinic anhydride as modifying agent. In this work the adsorption of cationic dyes onto SCB 2 from aqueous solutions was investigated. Methylene blue, MB, and gentian violet, GV, were selected as adsorbates. The capacity of SCB 2 to adsorb MB and GV from aqueous single dye solutions was evaluated at different contact times, pH, and initial adsorbent concentration. According to the obtained results, the adsorption processes could be described by the pseudo-second-order kinetic model. Adsorption isotherms were well fitted by Langmuir model. Maximum adsorption capacities for MB and GV onto SCB 2 were found to be 478.5 and 1273.2 mg/g, respectively. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aqueous extracts from wood biotreated with the white-rot fungus Ceriporiopsis subvermispora were evaluated for their Fe3+- and Cu2+-reducing activities and their anti- or prooxidant properties in Fenton-like reactions to decolorize the recalcitrant dye Azure B. The decolorization of Azure B was strongly inhibited in the presence of 10% (v/v) wood extracts. Only 0.1% (v/v)-diluted extracts provided some enhancement of the Azure B decolorization. The iron-containing reactions decolorized more Azure B and consumed substantially more H2O2 than the reactions containing copper. This study demonstrates that water-soluble wood phenols exert anti- or prooxidant effects that depend on their concentration in the reactions and on the type of cation, Fe3+ or Cu2+, used to convert H2O2 to OH radicals. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.