887 resultados para Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation
Several strategies are available to the Iowa Department of Transportation (IaDOT) for limiting deterioration due to chloride-induced corrosion of embedded reinforcing bars in concrete bridge decks. While the method most commonly used throughout the Midwestern United States is to construct concrete bridge decks with fusion-bonded epoxy-coated reinforcing bars, galvanized reinforcing bars are an available alternative. Previous studies of the in situ performance of galvanized reinforcing bars in service in bridge decks have been limited. IaDOT requested that Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (WJE) perform this study to gain further understanding of the long-term performance of an Iowa bridge deck reinforced with galvanized reinforcing bars. This study characterized the condition of a bridge deck with galvanized reinforcing bars after about 36 years of service and compared that performance to the expected performance of epoxy-coated or uncoated reinforcing bars in similar bridge construction. For this study, IaDOT selected the Iowa State Highway 92 bridge across Drainage Ditch #25 in Louisa County, Iowa (Structure No. 5854.5S092), which was constructed using galvanized reinforcing bars as the main deck reinforcing. The scope of work for this study included: field assessment, testing, and sampling; laboratory testing and analysis; analysis of findings; service life modeling; and preparation of this report. In addition, supplemental observations of the condition of the galvanized reinforcing bars were made during a subsequent project to repair the bride deck.
Based on previous National Bridge Inventory data, the state of Iowa has nearly 20,000 bridges on low-volume roads (LVRs). Thus, these bridges are the responsibility of the county engineers. Of the bridges on the county roads, 24 percent are structurally deficient and 5 percent are functionally obsolete. A large number of the older bridges on the LVRs are built on timber piling with timber back walls. In many cases, as timber abutments and piers age, the piling and back wall planks deteriorate at a rate faster than the bridge superstructure. As a result, a large percentage of the structurally deficient bridges on LVRs are classified as such because of the condition of the timber substructure elements. As funds for replacing bridges decline and construction costs increase, effective rehabilitation and strengthening techniques for extending the life of the timber substructures in bridges with structurally sound superstructures has become even more important. Several counties have implemented various techniques to strengthen/repair damaged piling, however, there is minimal data documenting the effectiveness of these techniques. There are numerous instances where cracked and failed pilings have been repaired. However, there are no experimental data on the effectiveness of the repairs or on the percentage of load transferred from the superstructure to the sound pile below. To address the research needs, a review and evaluation of current maintenance and rehabilitation methods was completed. Additionally, a nationwide survey was conducted to learn the methods used beyond Iowa. Field investigation and live-load testing of bridges with certain Iowa methods was completed. Lastly, laboratory testing of new strengthening and rehabilitation methods was performed.
Joints are always a concern in the construction and long-term performance of concrete pavements. Research has shown that we need some type of positive load transfer across transverse joints. The same research has directed pavement designers to use round dowels spaced at regular intervals across the transverse joint to distribute the vehicle loads both longitudinally and transversely across the joint. The goal is to reduce bearing stresses on the dowels and the two pavement slab edges and erosion of the underlying surface, hence improved long-term joint and pavement structure performance. Road salts cause metal corrosion in doweled joints, excessive bearing stresses hollow dowel ends, and construction processes are associated with cracking pavement at the end of dowels. Dowels are also a cost factor in the pavement costs when joint spacing is reduced to control curling and warping distress in pavements. Designers desire to place adequate numbers of dowels spaced at the proper locations to handle the anticipated loads and bearing stresses for the design life of the pavement. This interim report is the second of three reports on the evaluation of elliptical steel dowels. This report consists of an update on the testing and performance of the various shapes and sizes of dowels. It also documents the results of the first series of performance surveys and draws interim conclusions about the performance of various bar shapes, sizes, spacings, and basket configurations. In addition to the study of elliptical steel dowel performance, fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) are also tested as elliptical dowel material (in contrast to steel) on a section of the highway construction north of the elliptical steel test sections.
Background: Pre-existing psychological factors can strongly influence coping with type 1 diabetes mellitus and interfere with self-monitoring. Psychiatric disorders seem to be positively associated with poor metabolic control. We present a case of extreme compulsive blood testing due to obsessive fear of hypoglycemia in an adolescent with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Case report: Type 1 diabetes mellitus (anti GAD-antibodies 2624 U/l, norm < 9.5) was diagnosed in a boy aged 14.3 years [170 cm (+ 0.93 SDS), weight 50.5 kg (+ 0.05 SDS)]. Laboratory work-up showed no evidence for other autoimmune disease. Family and past medical history were unremarkable. Growth and developmental milestones were normal. Insulin-analog based basal-bolus regime was initiated, associated to standard diabetic education. Routine psychological evaluation performed at the onset of diabetes revealed intermittent anxiety and obsessivecompulsive traits. Accordingly, a close psychiatric follow-up was initiated for the patient and his family. An adequate metabolic control (HbA1c drop from >14 to 8%) was achieved within 3 months, attributed to residual -cell function. In the following 6 months, HbA1c rose unexpectedly despite seemingly adequate adaptations of insulin doses. Obsessive fear of hypoglycemia leading to a severe compulsive behavior developed progressively with as many as 68 glycemia measurements per day (mean over 1 week). The patient reported that he could not bear leaving home with glycemia < 15 mmol/l, ending up with school eviction and severe intra-familial conflict. Despite intensive psychiatric outpatient support, HbA1c rose rapidly to >14% with glycemia-testing reaching peaks of 120 tests/day. The situation could only be discontinued through psychiatric hospitalization with intensive behavioral training. As a result, adequate metabolic balance was restored (HbA1c value: 7.1 %) with acceptable 10-15 daily glycemia measurements. Discussion: The association of overt psychiatric disorders to type 1 diabetes mellitus is very rare in the pediatric age group. It can lead to a pathological behavior with uncontrolled diabetes. Such exceptional situations require long-term admissions with specialized psychiatric care. Slow acceptation of a "less is better" principle in glycemia testing and amelioration of metabolic control are difficult to achieve.
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: An increase in new HIV cases among men who have sex with men (MSM) has been reported in Switzerland since 2001. A rapid result HIV testing for MSM through voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) facility ("Checkpoint") was opened in Geneva in 2005. This gay-friendly facility, the first to open in Switzerland, provides testing for sexually transmitted infections (STI) and rapid result HIV testing and counselling. Our objective was to analyze Checkpoint's activity over its first five years of activity and its ability to attract at-risk MSM. METHODS: We used routine data collected anonymously about the facility activity (number of clients, number of tests, and test results) and about the characteristics of the clientele (sociodemographic data, sexual risk behaviour, and reasons for testing) from 2005 to 2009. RESULTS: The yearly number of HIV tests performed increased from 249 in 2005 to 561 in 2009. The annual proportion of positive tests among tests performed varied between 2% and 3%. Among MSM clients, the median annual number of anal intercourse (AI) partners was three. Roughly 30% of all MSM clients had at least one unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) experience in the previous 12 months with a partner of different/unknown HIV status.The main reason for testing in 2007, 2008, and 2009 was "sexual risk exposure" (~40%), followed by "routine" testing (~30%) and "condom stopping in the beginning of a new steady relationship" (~10%). Clients who came to the facility after a sexual risk exposure, compared to clients who came for "routine testing" or "condom stopping" reasons, had the highest number of AI partners in the previous 12 months, were more likely to have had UAI with a partner of different/unknown HIV status in the previous 12 months (respectively 57.3%, 12.5%, 23.5%), more likely to have had an STI diagnosed in the past (41.6%, 32.2%, 22.9%), and more likely to report recent feelings of sadness or depression (42.6%; 32.8%, 18.5%). CONCLUSION: Many of Checkpoint's clients reported elevated sexual risk exposure and risk factors, and the annual proportion of new HIV cases in the facility is stable. This VCT facility attracts the intended population and appears to be a useful tool contributing to the fight against the HIV epidemic among MSM in Switzerland.
Tutkimus koostuu neljästä artikkelista, jotka käsittelevät suomalaisten pienten ja keskisuurten teollisuusyritysten (PKT-yritysten) innovatiivisuutta, sen attribuutteja (ominaispiirteitä) sekä indikaattoreita. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan sekä kirjallisuudessa esitettyjä että PKT-johtajien ja PKT-yritystenkehityshankkeiden rahoituspäätöksiin osallistuvien yritystutkijoiden haastatteluissa esittämiä innovatiivisuuden määritelmiä. Innovatiivisuusindikaattoreista tarkastellaan PKT-yritysten kehittämishankkeille sovellettavia rahoitus- ja arviointikriteerejä sekä yritysten ulkopuolisten rahoittajien että PKT-johtajien näkökulmasta. Erityistä huomiota kohdistetaan sovellettuihin laadullisiin ja ei-numeerisiin innovatiivisuuden arviointikriteereihin. Sekä kirjallisuudessa että kymmenen yritystutkijan ja kuuden esimerkkiyrityksen johtajan haastatteluissa innovaation uutuus yhdistetään innovatiivisuuteen. Muita tärkeitä innovatiivisuuteen liitettyjä ominaisuuksia olivat markkinat, muista yrityksistä erottuminen ja yksilöiden luovuus. Ihmisläheiset ja yksilöihin liittyvät näkökulmat korostuvat yritystutkijoiden ja PKT-johtajien innovatiivisuuden määritelmissä, kun taas kirjallisuudessa annetaan enemmän painoa ympäristölle, tuotteille ja markkinoille. Yritystutkijat pitivät yritykseen ja sen johtajaan liittyviä tekijöitä tärkeinä rahoitettavien kehittämishankkeiden panosten arviointikriteereinä. Tuotteiden kaupallinen menestys oli rahoittajan kannalta tärkein tulostekijä. Tarkastelluissa esimerkkiyrityksissä kehityshankkeista päättäminen ja hankkeiden arviointi on toisaalta intuitiivista ja saattaa olla tiedostamatontakin, koska yritysten kehittämistoiminta on vähäistä. Pienyritysten johtajat korostavat arvioinnissa rahallisiamittareita, vaikka sekä numeerisia että laadullisia kriteereitä sovelletaan. Todennäköisin syy tälle on pienyritysten rajalliset taloudelliset voimavarat. Toinen mahdollinen syy rahoituksellisten tekijöiden painottamiseen on, että tämän päivän ihannejohtaja ymmärretään analyyttiseksi ja mm.rahavirtoja valvovaksi. Kuitenkin innovatiiviset yritysjohtajat pitävät innovaatioiden luomista yhtenä elämän hauskoista puolista. Innovatiiviset esimerkkiyritykset ovat tulevaisuuteen ja kasvuun suuntautuneita strategisella tasolla. Operationaalisella tasolla ne tuottavat keksintöjä ja innovaatioita. Patentteja tarkastelluilla yrityksillä on kuitenkin vähän. Sekä innovatiiviset että vähemmän innovatiiviset esimerkkiyritykset ovat voimakkaasti asiakassuuntautuneita ja erikoistuneita tiettyihin tuotteisiin ja asiakkaisiin. Asiakkaiden tarpeita tyydytetään kehittämällä niitä vastaavia tuotteita. Tästä johtuu, että valtaosa yritysten kehittämistoiminnasta kohdistuu tuotteisiin tai tuotantoon.
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) mahdollistaa pakettimuotoisen tiedonsiirron GSM-verkossa. Se tarjoaa yhteyden pakettidataverkkoihin, nostaen samalla tiedonsiirtonopeutta radiorajapinnassa. Radioresurssit ovat varattuna vain silloin kun on jotain lähetettävää, tehden täten radioresurssien käytön paljon tehokkaammaksi. Tämä diplomityö keskittyy GPRS protokollaan ja erityisesti sen datapinossa olevaan Radio Link Control (RLC) kerrokseen. RLC-kerros huolehtii GPRS- puhelimen ja tukiaseman välisen yhteyden luotettavuudesta. Työn tavoitteena on tutkia RLC-kerroksen toiminnallisuutta ja sen luotettavuutta heikossa kentässä, sekä selvittää heikon kentän vaikutusta uudelleenlähetyksiin. Työn tuloksena saadaan arvio signaalin voimakkuuden sekä uudelleen lähetysten vaikutuksesta GPRS:n datansiirtonopeuteen. Tämä työ käsittelee myös lyhyesti GSM-järjestelmää, koska lukijan on näin helpompaa ymmärtää myös GPRS-järjestelmän vaatimia teknisiä muutoksia. Tämä diplomityö on tehty osana Nokia Matkapuhelimet Oyj:ssä käynnissä olevaa GPRS tuotekehitysprojektia. Työn tuloksia käytetään testauksen tukena ja niitä on käytetty apuna RLC-kerroksen luotettavuustestauksen suunnittelussa.
Suorituskyky- ja kuormitustestien tekeminen sovelluksille on erittäin tärkeä osa tuotantoprosessia nykypäivänä. Myös Web-sovelluksia testataan yhä enemmän. Tarve suorituskyky- ja kuormitustestien tekemiselle on selvä. Testattavan ympäristön tämänhetkinen, mutta myös tulevaisuuden toimivuus taataan oikein tehdyillä testeillä ja niitä seuraavilla korjaustoimenpiteillä. Suurten käyttäjämäärien testaaminen manuaalisesti on kuitenkin hyvin vaikeaa. Sirpaleisen ympäristön, kuten palveluihin perustuvien Web-sovellusympäristöjen testaaminen on haaste. Tämän työn aiheena on arvioida työkaluja ja menetelmiä, joilla raskaita teollisia Web-sovelluksia voidaan testata. Tavoitteena on löytää testausmenetelmiä, joilla voidaan luotettavasti simuloida suuria käyttäjämääriä. Tavoitteena on myös arvioida erilaisten yhteyksien ja protokollien vaikutusta Web-sovelluksen suorituskykyyn.
Teollusuussovelluksissa vaaditaan nykyisin yhä useammin reaaliaikaista tiedon käsittelyä. Luotettavuus on yksi tärkeimmistä reaaliaikaiseen tiedonkäsittelyyn kykenevän järjestelmän ominaisuuksista. Sen saavuttamiseksi on sekä laitteisto, että ohjelmisto testattava. Tämän työn päätavoitteena on laitteiston testaaminen ja laitteiston testattavuus, koska luotettava laitteistoalusta on perusta tulevaisuuden reaaliaikajärjestelmille. Diplomityössä esitetään digitaaliseen signaalinkäsittelyyn soveltuvan prosessorikortin suunnittelu. Prosessorikortti on tarkoitettu sähkökoneiden ennakoivaa kunnonvalvontaa varten. Uusimmat DFT (Desing for Testability) menetelmät esitellään ja niitä sovelletaan prosessorikortin sunnittelussa yhdessä vanhempien menetelmien kanssa. Kokemukset ja huomiot menetelmien soveltuvuudesta raportoidaan työn lopussa. Työn tavoitteena on kehittää osakomponentti web -pohjaiseen valvontajärjestelmään, jota on kehitetty Sähkötekniikan osastolla Lappeenrannan teknillisellä korkeakoululla.
Monet ohjelmistoyritykset ovat alkaneet kiinnittää yhä enemmän huomiota ohjelmistotuotteidensa laatuun. Tämä on johtanut siihen, että useimmat niistä ovat valinneet ohjelmistotestauksen välineeksi, jolla tätä laatua voidaan parantaa. Testausta ei pidä rajoittaa ainoastaan ohjelmistotuotteeseen itseensä, vaan sen tulisi kattaa koko ohjelmiston kehitysprosessi. Validaatiotestauksessa keskitytään varmistamaan, että lopputuote täyttää sille asetetut vaatimukset, kun taas verifikaatiotestausta käytetään ennaltaehkäisevänä testauksena, jolla pyritään poistamaan virheitä jo ennenkuin ne pääsevät lähdekoodiin asti. Työ, johon tämä diplomityö perustuu, tehtiin alkukevään ja kesän aikana vuonna 2003 Necsom Oy:n toimeksiannosta. Necsom on pieni suomalainen ohjelmistoyritys, jonka tutkimus- ja kehitysyksikkö toimii Lappeenrannassa.Tässä diplomityössä tutustutaan aluksi ohjelmistotestaukseen sekä eri tapoihin sen organisoimiseksi. Tämän lisäksi annetaan yleisiä ohjeita testisuunnitelmien ja testaustapausten tekoon, joita onnistunut ja tehokas testaus edellyttää. Kun tämä teoria on käyty läpi, esitetään esimerkkinä kuinka sisäinen ohjelmistotestaus toteutettiin Necsomilla. Lopuksi esitetään johtopäätökset, joihin päädyttiin käytännön testausprosessin seuraamisen jälkeen ja annetaan jatkotoimenpide-ehdotuksia.
Cloud computing is a practically relevant paradigm in computing today. Testing is one of the distinct areas where cloud computing can be applied. This study addressed the applicability of cloud computing for testing within organizational and strategic contexts. The study focused on issues related to the adoption, use and effects of cloudbased testing. The study applied empirical research methods. The data was collected through interviews with practitioners from 30 organizations and was analysed using the grounded theory method. The research process consisted of four phases. The first phase studied the definitions and perceptions related to cloud-based testing. The second phase observed cloud-based testing in real-life practice. The third phase analysed quality in the context of cloud application development. The fourth phase studied the applicability of cloud computing in the gaming industry. The results showed that cloud computing is relevant and applicable for testing and application development, as well as other areas, e.g., game development. The research identified the benefits, challenges, requirements and effects of cloud-based testing; and formulated a roadmap and strategy for adopting cloud-based testing. The study also explored quality issues in cloud application development. As a special case, the research included a study on applicability of cloud computing in game development. The results can be used by companies to enhance the processes for managing cloudbased testing, evaluating practical cloud-based testing work and assessing the appropriateness of cloud-based testing for specific testing needs.
Current therapy for pancreatic cancer is multimodal, involving surgery and chemotherapy. However, development of pancreatic cancer therapies requires a thorough evaluation of drug efficacy in vitro before animal testing and subsequent clinical trials. Compared to two-dimensional culture of cell monolayer, three-dimensional (3-D) models more closely mimic native tissues, since the tumor microenvironment established in 3-D models often plays a significant role in cancer progression and cellular responses to the drugs. Accumulating evidence has highlighted the benefits of 3-D in vitro models of various cancers. In the present study, we have developed a spheroid-based, 3-D culture of pancreatic cancer cell lines MIAPaCa-2 and PANC-1 for pancreatic drug testing, using the acid phosphatase assay. Drug efficacy testing showed that spheroids had much higher drug resistance than monolayers. This model, which is characteristically reproducible and easy and offers rapid handling, is the preferred choice for filling the gap between monolayer cell cultures and in vivo models in the process of drug development and testing for pancreatic cancer.
Software is a key component in many of our devices and products that we use every day. Most customers demand not only that their devices should function as expected but also that the software should be of high quality, reliable, fault tolerant, efficient, etc. In short, it is not enough that a calculator gives the correct result of a calculation, we want the result instantly, in the right form, with minimal use of battery, etc. One of the key aspects for succeeding in today's industry is delivering high quality. In most software development projects, high-quality software is achieved by rigorous testing and good quality assurance practices. However, today, customers are asking for these high quality software products at an ever-increasing pace. This leaves the companies with less time for development. Software testing is an expensive activity, because it requires much manual work. Testing, debugging, and verification are estimated to consume 50 to 75 per cent of the total development cost of complex software projects. Further, the most expensive software defects are those which have to be fixed after the product is released. One of the main challenges in software development is reducing the associated cost and time of software testing without sacrificing the quality of the developed software. It is often not enough to only demonstrate that a piece of software is functioning correctly. Usually, many other aspects of the software, such as performance, security, scalability, usability, etc., need also to be verified. Testing these aspects of the software is traditionally referred to as nonfunctional testing. One of the major challenges with non-functional testing is that it is usually carried out at the end of the software development process when most of the functionality is implemented. This is due to the fact that non-functional aspects, such as performance or security, apply to the software as a whole. In this thesis, we study the use of model-based testing. We present approaches to automatically generate tests from behavioral models for solving some of these challenges. We show that model-based testing is not only applicable to functional testing but also to non-functional testing. In its simplest form, performance testing is performed by executing multiple test sequences at once while observing the software in terms of responsiveness and stability, rather than the output. The main contribution of the thesis is a coherent model-based testing approach for testing functional and performance related issues in software systems. We show how we go from system models, expressed in the Unified Modeling Language, to test cases and back to models again. The system requirements are traced throughout the entire testing process. Requirements traceability facilitates finding faults in the design and implementation of the software. In the research field of model-based testing, many new proposed approaches suffer from poor or the lack of tool support. Therefore, the second contribution of this thesis is proper tool support for the proposed approach that is integrated with leading industry tools. We o er independent tools, tools that are integrated with other industry leading tools, and complete tool-chains when necessary. Many model-based testing approaches proposed by the research community suffer from poor empirical validation in an industrial context. In order to demonstrate the applicability of our proposed approach, we apply our research to several systems, including industrial ones.
This study probed for an answer to the question, "How do you identify as early as possible those students who are at risk of failing or dropping out of college so that intervention can take place?" by field testing two diagnostic instruments with a group of first semester Seneca College Computer Studies students. In some respects, the research approach was such as might be taken in a pilot study. Because of the complexity of the issue, this study did not attempt to go beyond discovery, understanding and description. Although some inferences may be drawn from the results of the study, no attempt was made to establish any causal relationship between or among the factors or variables represented here. Both quantitative and qualitative data were gathered during. four resea~ch phases: background, early identification, intervention, and evaluation. To gain a better understanding of the problem of student attrition within the School of Computer Studies at Seneca College, several methods were used, including retrospective analysis of enrollment statistics, faculty and student interviews and questionnaires, and tracking of the sample population. The significance of the problem was confirmed by the results of this study. The findings further confirmed the importance of the role of faculty in student retention and support the need to improve the quality of teacher/student interaction. As well, the need __f or ~~ills as~e:ss_~ent foll,,-~ed }JY supportiv e_c_ounsell~_I'l9_ ~~d_ __ placement was supported by the findings from this study. strategies for reducing student attrition were identified by faculty and students. As part of this study, a project referred to as "A Student Alert project" (ASAP) was undertaken at the School of Computer Studies at Seneca College. Two commercial diagnostic instruments, the Noel/Levitz College Student Inventory (CSI) and the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI), provided quantitative data which were subsequently analyzed in Phase 4 in order to assess their usefulness as early identification tools. The findings show some support for using these instruments in a two-stage approach to early identification and intervention: the CSI as an early identification instrument and the LASSI as a counselling tool for those students who have been identified as being at risk. The findings from the preliminary attempts at intervention confirmed the need for a structured student advisement program where faculty are selected, trained, and recognized for their advisor role. Based on the finding that very few students acted on the diagnostic results and recommendations, the need for institutional intervention by way of intrusive measures was confirmed.
This study probed for an answer to the question, "How do you identify as early as possible those students who are at risk of failing or dropping out of college so that intervention can take place?" by field testing two diagnostic instruments with a group of first semester Seneca College Computer ,Studies students. In some respects, the research approach was such as might be taken in a pilot study_ Because of the complexity of the issue, this study did not attempt to go beyond discovery, understanding and description. Although some inferences may be drawn from the results of the study, no attempt was made to establish any causal relationship between or among the factors or variables represented here. Both quantitative and qualitative data were gathered during four resea~ch phases: background, early identification, intervention, and evaluation. To gain a better understanding of the problem of student attrition within the School of Computer Studies at Seneca College, several methods were used, including retrospective analysis of enrollment statistics, faculty and student interviews and questionnaires, and tracking of the sample population. The significance of the problem was confirmed by the results of this study. The findings further confirmed the importance of the role of faculty in student retention and support the need to improve the quality of teacher/student interaction. As well, the need for skills assessmen~-followed by supportive counselling, and placement was supported by the findings from this study. strategies for reducing student attrition were identified by faculty and students. As part of this study, a project referred to as "A Student Alert Project" (ASAP) was undertaken at the School of Computer Studies at Seneca college. Two commercial diagnostic instruments, the Noel/Levitz College Student Inventory (CSI) and the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI), provided quantitative data which were subsequently analyzed in Phase 4 in order to assess their usefulness as early identification tools. The findings show some support for using these instruments in a two-stage approach to early identification and intervention: the CSI as an early identification instrument and the LASSI as a counselling tool for those students who have been identified as being at risk. The findings from the preliminary attempts at intervention confirmed the need for a structured student advisement program where faculty are selected, trained, and recognized for their advisor role. Based on the finding that very few students acted on the diagnostic results and recommendations, the need for institutional intervention by way of intrusive measures was confirmed.