993 resultados para Nd
Disposar d’informació és imprescindible per a poder prendre decisions correctament. La tendència actual en la pràctica professional és la de valorar el saber utilitzar instruments per a l’obtenció d’evidències científiques. La tecnologia actual posa a l’ abast dels professionals gran quantitat de documents i les eines per recuperar-los. Una de les fronteres que limita la disponibilitat d’ informació és la capacitat dels professionals en poder-la aconseguir i aquesta s’aconsegueix a través de la formació. Des de la perspectiva docent ens preguntàvem si és necessari formar als alumnes de ciències de la salut en temes documentals i quina repercussió està tenint en la seva labor quotidiana. L’ objectiu del present estudi és conèixer l’ importància que li donen els estudiants de tercer curs d’ infermeria a l’aprenentatge de temes documentals, principalment referents a localització i recuperació d’informació. Es vol valorar l’impacte de la formació en documentació durant el període d’ estudis, la perspectiva de l’ impacte sobre el seu futur professional i la importància sobre la vida quotidiana en general. Metodologia. S’ha realitzat una enquesta autocontestada als alumnes de tercer curs de l’ Escola Universitària de Ciències de la Salut de la Universitat de Vic. L’ anàlisi es basa en comparar un grup d’alumnes que ha rebut formació a través de un mòdul específic de documentació, respecte la resta d’alumnes que no l’ han rebut. Resultats. En general, l’ importància que els alumnes atribueixen a la formació en aspectes documentals durant el període de formació acadèmica és de 8,75 punts de mitjana ( escala de 0 a 10). Confirmen que el mòdul de documentació els ha aportat ajuda per realitzar altres assignatures, els seus companys els demanen ajudes relacionades, han millorat la qualitat dels treballs i se senten més capacitats per localitzar i recuperar informació. En un futur laboral immediat, li assignen una importància de 9 punts i creuen els servirà per desenvolupar de forma més eficient l’activitat laboral. L’ importància en la vida quotidiana és puntuada en 8,75 punts, destacant com raó principal el poder seguir el ritme de la societat actual. Discussió. Els alumnes consideren que és necessari i imprescindible disposar d’unes habilitats mínimes en documentació. Els que han seguit el mòdul de documentació valoren més els beneficis que aporten aquests coneixements, respecte els que no l’han seguit. La pràctica i l’ adquisició d’ habilitats documentals han d’integrar-se progressivament, essent el docent el primer en estimular i promoure aquesta dinàmica dins de cada assignatura.
L'anàlisi de la densitat urbana és utilitzada per examinar la distribució espacial de la població dins de les àrees urbanes, i és força útil per planificar els serveis públics. En aquest article, s'estudien setze formes funcionals clàssiques de la relació existent entre la densitat i la distancia en la regió metropolitana de Barcelona i els seus onze subcentres.
An analysis is carried out in a sample of 738 industrial plants of the determining factors in the use of internal promotion of blue-collar workers to middle managers and skilled technicians as against their external recruitment. The use of internal promotion is positively correlated with variables indicative of the efforts made by plants to measure employees' skills, and to a lesser extent, with the level of specificity of investments in human capital made by blue-collar workers. Contrary to what was expected, variables related with the use and efficiency of other incentive systems have no significant influence on the increased or decreased use of internal promotion. These results are initial evidence that internal promotions are used to protect and favour specific investments, especially those made by firms in order to discover their workers' skills.
The primary purpose of this exploratory empirical study is to examine the structural stability of a limited number of alternative explanatory factors of strategic change. On the basis of theoretical arguments and prior empirical evidence from two traditional perspectives, we propose an original empirical framework to analyse whether these potential explanatory factors have remained stable over time in a highly turbulent environment. This original question is explored in a particular setting: the population of Spanish private banks. The firms of this industry have experienced a high level of strategic mobility as a consequence of fundamental changes undergone in their environmental conditions over the last two decades (mainly changes related to the new banking and financial regulation process). Our results consistently support that the effect of most explanatory factors of strategic mobility considered did not remain stable over the whole period of analysis. From this point of view, the study sheds new light on major debates and dilemmas in the field of strategy regarding why firms change their competitive patterns over time and, hence, to what extent the "contextdependency" of alternative views of strategic change as their relative validation can vary over time for a given population. Methodologically, this research makes two major contributions to the study of potential determinants of strategic change. First, the definition and measurement of strategic change employing a new grouping method, the Model-based Cluster Method or MCLUST. Second, in order to asses the possible effect of determinants of strategic mobility we have controlled the non-observable heterogeneity using logistic regression models for panel data.
Does shareholder value orientation lead to shareholder value creation? This article proposes methods to quantify both, shareholder value orientation and shareholder value creation. Through the application of these models it is possible to quantify both dimensions and examine statistically in how far shareholder value orientation explains shareholder value creation. The scoring model developed in this paper allows quantifying the orientation of managers towards the objective to maximize wealth of shareholders. The method evaluates information that comes from the companies and scores the value orientation in a scale from 0 to 10 points. Analytically the variable value orientation is operationalized expressing it as the general attitude of managers toward the objective of value creation, investment policy and behavior, flexibility and further eight value drivers. The value creation model works with market data such as stock prices and dividend payments. Both methods where applied to a sample of 38 blue chip companies: 32 firms belonged to the share index IBEX 35 on July 1st, 1999, one company represents the “new economy” listed in the Spanish New Market as per July 1st, 2001, and 5 European multinational groups formed part of the EuroStoxx 50 index also on July 1st, 2001. The research period comprised the financial years 1998, 1999, and 2000. A regression analysis showed that between 15.9% and 23.4% of shareholder value creation can be explained by shareholder value orientation.
In this paper, 27 studies from the last decade which deal more or less explicitly with the International New Venture, global start-up or born-global phenomenon are first identified, and then fully examined and critically assessed as a basis for obtaining an adequate view of the state-of-the-art of this increasingly important research avenue in the field of International Entrepreneurship (IE). The methodology used for this synthetic review allow us to analyze a number of recent, purposefully-chosen studies that are systematically compared along the following criteria: 1) main objective and type of research; 2) theoretical framework/s of reference, 3) methodological issues, and 4) main findings and/or conclusions. As a result of this literature review, a critical assessment follows in which the most relevant benefits and contributions as well as potential drawbacks, limitations or major discrepancies in the research activities conducted so far are discussed. Finally, some suggestions and implications are provided in the form of future research directions.
Este trabajo de investigación se dirige sobre el ámbito de los gobiernos locales y su objetivo es el de analizar cuál es el papel del endeudamiento en los ciclos políticos presupuestarios, contrastando si, en la utilización de este instrumento financiero, se da una distribución temporal estratégica en torno a las citas electorales, y si la existencia de estos ciclos puede resultar un factor explicativo del endeudamiento acumulado en los gobiernos locales. Para el contraste empírico se utilizan datos presupuestarios de los ayuntamientos catalanes con una población superior a los 10.000 habitantes, para los cuales disponemos de datos durante el periodo 1988-1999, en total 86 municipios. La metodología empleada está basada en una Prueba T para muestras relacionadas.
This paper examines the governance of Spanish Banks around two main issues. First, does a poor economic performance activate those governance interventions that favor the removal of executive directors and the merger of non-performing banks? And second, does the relationship between governance intervention and economic performance vary with the ownership form of the bank? Our results show that a bad performance does activate governance mechanisms in banks, although for the case of Savings Banks intervention is confined to a merger or acquisition. Nevertheless, the distinct ownership structure of Savings Banks does not fully protect non-performing banks from disappearing. Product-market competition compensates for those weak internal governance mechanisms that result from an ownership form which gives voice to several stakeholder groups.
This paper proposes a two-dimensional Strategic Performance Measure (SPM) to evaluate the achievement of sustained superior performance. This proposal builds primarily on the fact that, under the strategic management perspective, a firm's prevalent objective is the pursuit of sustained superior performance. Three basic conceptual dimensions stem from this objective: relativity, sign dependence, and dynamism. These are the foundations of the SPM, which carries out a separate evaluation of the attained superior performance and of its sustainability over time. In contrast to existing measures of performance, the SPM provides: (i) a dynamic approach by considering the progress or regress in performance over time, and (ii) a cardinal measurement of performance differences and its changes over time. The paper also proposes an axiomatic framework that a measure of strategic performance should comply with to be theoretically and managerially sound. Finally, an empirical illustration of the Spanish banking sector during 1987-1999 is herein provided by discussing some relevant cases.
Los mercados financieros en economías emergentes como la mexicana se caracterizan por importantes asimetrías de información que dificultan el acceso de las PYMEs al crédito bancario. En este artículo se analiza el problema de la restricción de crédito a partir de una muestra de empresas industriales obtenida en el entorno industrial de Guadalajara (México). Nuestro propósito se centra en identificar qué elementos caracterizan a las empresas que sufren esta restricción, cuestión de gran interés desde la perspectiva de política económica, en el sentido de orientar los esfuerzos de las instituciones gubernamentales(banca de desarrollo) hacia las empresas con mayores problemas de financiación.
En esta investigación se analizan los factores que influyen en la revelación de información tanto obligatoria como voluntaria (activos intangibles) en las entidades de crédito españolas en sus informes anuales, contrastando si son diferentes los factores que influyen en la revelación de una u otra información.
En este trabajo procedemos a caracterizar las empresas que colaboran con centros tecnológicos. Las investigaciones empíricas de Cassiman & Veugelers (1998b) y Bayona (2000), junto a los enfoques teóricos del cambio tecnológico y de las motivaciones para colaborar tecnológicamente, serán los principales referentes para la formulación de hipótesis acerca del perfil de las empresas que colaboran con centros tecnológicos. Los datos procedentes de la Encuesta sobre Estrategias Empresariales de 1998 serán utilizados para elaborar el perfil de empresa – usuario y aportar así algunas intuiciones sobre las motivaciones específicas en la selección de un centro tecnológico en lugar de un cliente o un proveedor para una colaboración tecnológica. La búsqueda de recursos públicos y servicios tecnológicos concretos, así como una mayor confianza, parecen motivar la elección de dicha institución para colaborar en una alianza tecnológica.
En los últimos años, la relación entre tecnología y resultado exportador ha sido objeto de algunos estudios centrados en explicar la relación existente entre los distintos indicadores de las actividades tecnológicas y la performance internacional de las empresas. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las investigaciones centradas en este tema tienden a aproximar la estrategia innovadora de una empresa a partir de sus gastos en actividades de I+D cuando, en realidad, el concepto de innovación tecnológica podría resultar más amplio que la mera realización formal de actividades de I+D. En este trabajo en primer lugar se identifican aquellos factores que aproximan, de una forma más exhaustiva, las actividades de innovación tecnológica que realiza una empresa y, en segundo lugar, se averiguará su relación con el resultado exportador de la misma. Los resultados que se obtienen son satisfactorios ya que demuestran que la probabilidad y la intensidad exportadora de las empresas españolas del sector textil-confección dependen no sólo de sus inversiones en I+D, sino también de otras variables vinculadas a su estrategia innovadora.
Markowitz portfolio theory (1952) has induced research into the efficiency of portfolio management. This paper studies existing nonparametric efficiency measurement approaches for single period portfolio selection from a theoretical perspective and generalises currently used efficiency measures into the full mean-variance space. Therefore, we introduce the efficiency improvement possibility function (a variation on the shortage function), study its axiomatic properties in the context of Markowitz efficient frontier, and establish a link to the indirect mean-variance utility function. This framework allows distinguishing between portfolio efficiency and allocative efficiency. Furthermore, it permits retrieving information about the revealed risk aversion of investors. The efficiency improvement possibility function thus provides a more general framework for gauging the efficiency of portfolio management using nonparametric frontier envelopment methods based on quadratic optimisation.
This study analyses efficiency levels in Spanish local governments and their determining factors through the application of DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) methodology. It aims to find out to what extent inefficiency arises from external factors beyond the control of the entity, or on the other hand, how much it is due to inadequate management of productive resources. The results show that on the whole, there is still a wide margin within which managers could increase local government efficiency levels, although it is revealed that a great deal of inefficiency is due to exogenous factors. It is specifically found that the size of the entity, per capita tax revenue, the per capita grants or the amount of commercial activity are some of the factors determining local government inefficiency.