949 resultados para Mutated HOXB4
The patched gene (Ptc) is a member of the hedgehog signaling pathway which plays a central role in the development of many invertebrate and vertebrate tissues. In addition, Ptc and a number of other pathway members are mutated in some common human cancers. Patched is the receptor for the hedgehog ligand and in the mouse ablation of the Ptc gene leads to developmental defects and an embryonic lethal phenotype. Here we describe a conditional Ptc allele in mice which will have utility for the temporospatial ablation of Ptc function. genesis 36:158-161, 2003. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The activity of the TRACP promoter has been investigated as a model of gene regulation in osteoclasts. The murine TRACP gene promoter contains potential binding sites for a number of transcription factors in particular, candidate sites for the Ets factor PU.1 and for the microphthalmia transcription factor (MiTF). These are of relevance to osteoclast biology because the PU.1 knockout mouse has an osteopetrotic phenotype, and MiTF, when mutated in the mi/mi mouse, also results in osteopetrosis. The binding sites for both of these factors have been identified, and they have been determined to be functional in regulating TRACP expression. A novel assay system using the highly osteoclastogenic RAW/C4 subclone of the murine macrophage cell line RAW264.7 was used to perform gene expression experiments on macrophage and osteoclast cell backgrounds. We have shown that TRACP expression is a target for regulation by the macrophage/osteoclast transcription factor PU.1 and the osteoclast commitment factor MiTF and that these factors act synergistically in regulating this promoter. This directly links two controlling factors of osteoclast differentiation to the expression of an effector of cell function.
The cellular function of the menin tumor suppressor protein, product of the MEN1 gene mutated in familial multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1, has not been defined. We now show that menin is associated with a histone methyltransferase complex containing two trithorax family proteins, MLL2 and Ash2L, and other homologs of the yeast Set1 assembly. This menin-associated complex methylates histone H3 on lysine 4. A subset of tumor-derived menin mutants lacks the associated histone methyltransferase activity. In addition, menin is associated with RNA polymerase II whose large subunit carboxyl-terminal domain is phosphorylated on Ser5. Men1 knockout embryos and cells show decreased expression of the homeobox genes Hoxc6 and Hoxc8. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments reveal that menin is bound to the Hoxc8 locus. These results suggest that menin activates the transcription of differentiation-regulating genes by covalent histone modification, and that this activity is related to tumor suppression by MEN1.
We have used microarray gene expression pro. ling and machine learning to predict the presence of BRAF mutations in a panel of 61 melanoma cell lines. The BRAF gene was found to be mutated in 42 samples (69%) and intragenic mutations of the NRAS gene were detected in seven samples (11%). No cell line carried mutations of both genes. Using support vector machines, we have built a classifier that differentiates between melanoma cell lines based on BRAF mutation status. As few as 83 genes are able to discriminate between BRAF mutant and BRAF wild-type samples with clear separation observed using hierarchical clustering. Multidimensional scaling was used to visualize the relationship between a BRAF mutation signature and that of a generalized mitogen-activated protein kinase ( MAPK) activation ( either BRAF or NRAS mutation) in the context of the discriminating gene list. We observed that samples carrying NRAS mutations lie somewhere between those with or without BRAF mutations. These observations suggest that there are gene-specific mutation signals in addition to a common MAPK activation that result from the pleiotropic effects of either BRAF or NRAS on other signaling pathways, leading to measurably different transcriptional changes.
Mutations in components of the Mre 11/Rad50/Nbs1 complex give rise to genetic disorders characterized by neurological abnormalities, radiosensitivity, cell cycle checkpoint defects, genomic instability and cancer predisposition. Evidence exists that this complex associates with chromatin during DNA replication and acts as a sensor of double strand breaks (dsbs) in DNA after exposure to radiation. A series of recent reports provides additional support that the complex senses breaks in DNA and relays this information to ATM, mutated in ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T), which in turn activates pathways for cell cycle checkpoint activation. Paradoxically members of the Mre11 complex are also downstream of ATM in these pathways. Here, Lavin attempts to make sense of this sensing mechanism with reference to a series of recent reports on the topic. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Serine/threonine protein kinase AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a key metabolic stress-responsive factor that promotes the adaptation of cells to their microenvironment. Elevated concentrations of intracellular AMP, caused by metabolic stress, are known to activate AMPK by phosphorylation of the catalytic subunit. Recently, the tumor suppressor serine/threonine protein kinase LKB1 was identified as an upstream kinases, AMPKKs. In the current study, we found that stimulation with growth factors also caused AMPK-alpha subunit phosphorylation. Interestingly, even an LKB1-nonexpressing cancer cell line, HeLa, exhibited growth factor-stimulated AMPK-alpha subunit phosphorylation, suggesting the presence of an LKB1-independent pathway for AMPK-alpha subunit phosphorylation. In the human pancreatic cancer cell line PANC-1, AMPK-alpha subunit phosphorylation promoted by IGF-I was suppressed by antisense ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) expression. We found that IGF-1 also induced AMPK-alpha subunit phosphorylation in the human normal fibroblast TIG103 cell line, but failed to do so in a human fibroblast AT2-KY cell line lacking ATM. Immunoprecipitates of ATM collected from IGF-1-stimulated cells also caused the phosphorylation of the AMPK-alpha subunit in vitro. IGF-1-stimulated ATM phosphorylation at both threonine and tyrosine residues, and our results demonstrated that the phosphorylation of tyrosine in the ATM molecule is important for AMPK-alpha subunit phosphorylation during IGF-1 signaling. These results suggest that IGF-1 induces AMPK-alpha subunit phosphorylation via an ATM-dependent and LKB1-independent pathway. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Ataxia-oculomotor apraxia (AOA1) is a neurological disorder with symptoms that overlap those of ataxia-telangiectasia, a syndrome characterized by abnormal responses to double-strand DNA breaks and genome instability. The gene mutated in AOA1, APTX, is predicted to code for a protein called aprataxin that contains domains of homology with proteins involved in DNA damage signalling and repair. We demonstrate that aprataxin is a nuclear protein, present in both the nucleoplasm and the nucleolus. Mutations in the APTX gene destabilize the aprataxin protein, and fusion constructs of enhanced green fluorescent protein and aprataxin, representing deletions of putative functional domains, generate highly unstable products. Cells from AOA1 patients are characterized by enhanced sensitivity to agents that cause single-strand breaks in DNA but there is no evidence for a gross defect in single-strand break repair. Sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide and the resulting genome instability are corrected by transfection with full-length aprataxin cDNA. We also demonstrate that aprataxin interacts with the repair proteins XRCC1, PARP-1 and p53 and that it co-localizes with XRCC1 along charged particle tracks on chromatin. These results demonstrate that aprataxin influences the cellular response to genotoxic stress very likely by its capacity to interact with a number of proteins involved in DNA repair.
The product of the gene (ATM) mutated in the human genetic disorder ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) is a high molecular weight, protein (similar to350 kDa) containing a C-terminal protein kinase domain and a number of other putative domains not yet functionally defined. The majority of ATM gene mutations in A-T patients are truncating, resulting in prematurely terminated products that are highly unstable. Missense mutations within the kinase domain and elsewhere in the molecule alter the stability of the protein and lead to loss of protein kinase activity. Only rarely are patients observed with two missense mutations and this gives rise to a milder disease phenotype. Evidence for a dominant interfering effect on normal ATM kinase activity has been reported in cell lines transfected with missense mutant ATM and in cell lines from some A-T heterozygotes. The dominant negative effect of mutant ATM is manifested by an enhancement of cellular radiosensitivity and may be responsible for the cancer predisposition observed in carriers of ATM missense mutations. In this review, we explore the domain structure of the ATM molecule, sites of interaction with other proteins and the consequences of specific amino acid changes on function. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) protein kinase is activated in response to ionizing radiation (IR) and activates downstream DNA-damage signaling pathways. Although the role of ATM in the cellular response to ionizing radiation has been well characterized, its role in response to other DNA-damaging agents is less well defined. We previously showed that genistein, a naturally occurring isoflavonoid, induced increased ATM protein kinase activity, ATM-dependent phosphorylation of p53 on serine 15 and activation of the DNA-binding properties of p53. Here. we show that genistein also induces phosphorylation of p53 at serines 6, 9, 20,46, and 392, and that genistein-induced accumulation and phosphorylation of p53 is reduced in two ATM-deficient human cell lines. Also, we show that genistein induces phosphorylation of ATM on serine 1981 and phosphorylation of histone H2AX on serine 139. The related bioflavonoids, daidzein and biochanin A, did not induce either phosphorylation of p53 or ATM at these sites. Like genistein, quercetin induced phosphorylation of ATM on serine 198 1, and ATM-dependent phosphorylation of histone H2AX on serine 139; however, p53 accumulation and phosphorylation on serines 6, 9, 15, 20, 46, and 392 occurred in ATM-deficient cells, indicating that ATM is not required for quercetin-induced phosphorylation of p53. Our data suggest that genistein and quercetin induce different DNA-damage induced signaling pathways that, in the case of genistein, are highly ATM-dependent but, in the case of quercetin, may be ATM-dependent only for some downstream targets. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective-To evaluate the haplotype distribution associated with the copper toxicosis gene and the segregation of the mutated allele in a Bedlington Terrier population in Australia. Animals-131 Bedlington Terriers. Procedure-Samples of DNA and RNA were obtained from each dog. Genetic status of each dog was evaluated by use of the DNA markers C04107; single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), which was adjacent to exon 2 of Murr1; and a deletion marker for exon 2. A subgroup of the study population was evaluated by use of biochemical and histologic techniques to elucidate the correlation between genotype and phenotype. Results-We identified a recombination between the C04107 marker and Murr1 and a variation in a nucleotide in the splice site of exon 2 in our Bedlington Terrier cohort. Furthermore, we identified a novel haplotype associated with copper toxicosis in this cohort. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Our findings indicate that the deletion of exon 2 was not the sole cause of copper toxicosis, although only exon 2 deletion of Murr1 has been responsible for copper toxicosis in Bedlington Terriers. Although we failed to find a novel mutation in our cohort, we identified an affected dog family with an intact exon 2. Furthermore, we found that an SNP in the 5' splicing site of exon 2 may or may not be associated with a novel mutation of the Murr1 gene or other genes. Loss of linkage between the C04107 marker and the Murr1 gene was also identified in a certain family of dogs.
The Wilms' tumour suppressor gene, WT1, encodes a zinc-finger protein that is mutated in Wilms' tumours and other malignancies. WT1 is one of the earliest genes expressed during kidney development. WT1 proteins can activate and repress putative target genes in vitro, although the in vivo relevance of such target genes often remains unverified. To better understand the role of WT1 in tumorigenesis and kidney development, we need to identify downstream target genes. In this study, we have expression pro. led human embryonic kidney 293 cells stably transfected to allow inducible WT1 expression and mouse mesonephric M15 cells transfected with a WT1 antisense construct to abolish endogenous expression of all WT1 isoforms to identify WT1-responsive genes. The complementary overlap between the two cell lines revealed a pronounced repression of genes involved in cholesterol biosynthesis by WT1. This pathway is transcriptionally regulated by the sterol responsive element-binding proteins (SREBPs). Here, we provide evidence that the C-terminal end of the WT1 protein can directly interact with SREBP, suggesting that WT1 may modify the transcriptional function of SREBPs via a direct protein-protein interaction. Therefore, the tumour suppressor activities of WT1 may be achieved by repressing the mevalonate pathway, thereby controlling cellular proliferation and promoting terminal differentiation.
The aim was to investigate the roles of proline residues in extracellular loop 2 (P172, P183, P188 and P209) and transmembrane domains 2, 5, 11 and 12 (P108, P270, P526, P551, P552 and P570) in determining noradrenaline transporter (NET) expression and function. Mutants of human NET with these residues mutated to alanine were pharmacologically characterized. Mutation of P108, P270 and P526 disrupted cell surface expression, from [H-3]nisoxetine binding and confocal microscopy data. Mutations of P526, P551 and P570 reduced transporter turnover (V-max of [H-3]noradrenaline uptake/B-max of [H-3]nisoxetine binding) by 1.5-1.7-fold compared with wild-type NET, so these residues might be involved in conformational changes associated with substrate translocation. Conversely, mutations of P172, P183, P188 and P209 increased V-max/B-max by 2-3-fold compared with wild-type, indicating that the presence of these proline residues limits turnover of the NET. The mutations had few effects on apparent affinities of substrates or affinities of inhibitors, except decreases in inhibitor affinities after mutations of the P270 and P570 residues, and increases after mutation of the P526 residue. Hence, proline residues in extracellular loop 2 and in transmembrane domains have a range of roles in determining expression and function of the NET.
Lines of transgenic tobacco have been generated that are transformed with either the wild-type peanut peroxidase prxPNC2 cDNA, driven by the CaMV3 5S promoter (designated 35S::prxPNC2-WT) or a mutated PNC2 cDNA in which the asparagine residue (Asn(189)) associated with the point of glycan attachment (Asn(189)) has been replaced with alanine (designated 35S::prxPNC2-M). PCR, using genomic DNA as template, has confirmed the integration of the 35S::prxPNC2-WT and 35::prxPNC2-M constructs into the tobacco genome, and western analysis using anti-PNC2 antibodies has revealed that the prxPNC2-WT protein product (PNC2-WT) accumulates with a molecular mass of 34,670 Da, while the prxPNC2-M protein product (PNC2-M) accumulates with a molecular mass of 32,600 Da. Activity assays have shown that both PNC2-WT and PNC2-M proteins accumulate preferentially in the ionically-bound cell wall fraction, with a significantly higher relative accumulation of the PNC2-WT isoenzyme in the ionically-bound fraction when compared with the PNC2-M isoform. Kinetic analysis of the partially purified PNC2-WT isozyme revealed an affinity constant (apparent K-m) of 11.2 mM for the reductor substrate guaiacol and 1.29 mM for H2O2, while values of 11.9 mM and 1.12 mM were determined for the PNC2-M isozyme. A higher Arrenhius activation energy (E,,) was determined for the PNC2-M isozyme (22.9 kJ mol(-1)), when compared with the PNC2-WT isozyme (17.6 kJ mol(-1)), and enzyme assays have determined that the absence of the glycan influences the thermostability of the PNC2-M isozyme. These results are discussed with respect to the proposed roles of N-linked glycans attached to plant peroxidases. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The structures of acetylcholine-binding protein ( AChBP) and nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ( nAChR) homology models have been used to interpret data from mutagenesis experiments at the nAChR. However, little is known about AChBP-derived structures as predictive tools. Molecular surface analysis of nAChR models has revealed a conserved cleft as the likely binding site for the 4/7 alpha-conotoxins. Here, we used an alpha 3 beta 2 model to identify beta 2 subunit residues in this cleft and investigated their influence on the binding of alpha-conotoxins MII, PnIA, and GID to the alpha 3 beta 2 nAChR by two-electrode voltage clamp analysis. Although a beta 2-L119Q mutation strongly reduced the affinity of all three alpha-conotoxins, beta 2-F117A, beta 2-V109A, and beta 2-V109G mutations selectively enhanced the binding of MII and GID. An increased activity of alpha-conotoxins GID and MII was also observed when the beta 2-F117A mutant was combined with the alpha 4 instead of the alpha 3 subunit. Investigation of A10L-PnIA indicated that high affinity binding to beta 2-F117A, beta 2-V109A, and beta 2-V109G mutants was conferred by amino acids with a long side chain in position 10 (PnIA numbering). Docking simulations of 4/7 alpha-conotoxin binding to the alpha 3 beta 2 model supported a direct interaction between mutated nAChR residues and alpha-conotoxin residues 6, 7, and 10. Taken together, these data provide evidence that the beta subunit contributes to alpha-conotoxin binding and selectivity and demonstrate that a small cleft leading to the agonist binding site is targeted by alpha-conotoxins to block the nAChR.
A MerR-like regulator (NmlR -Neisseria merR-like Regulator) identified in the Neisseria gonorrhoeae genome lacks the conserved cysteines known to bind metal ions in characterized proteins of this family. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that NmlR defines a subfamily of MerR-like transcription factors with a distinctive pattern of conserved cysteines within their primary structure. NmlR regulates itself and three other genes in N. gonorrhoeae encoding a glutathione-dependent dehydrogenase (AdhC), a CPx-type ATPase (CopA) and a thioredoxin reductase (TrxB). An nmlR mutant lacked the ability to survive oxidative stress induced by diamide and cumene hydroperoxide. It also had > 50-fold lower NADH-S-nitrosoglutathione oxidoreductase activity consistent with a role for AdhC in protection against nitric oxide stress. The upstream sequences of the NmlR regulated genes contained typical MerR-like operator/promoter arrangements consisting of a dyad symmetry located between the -35 and -10 elements of the target genes. The NmlR target operator/promoters were cloned into a beta-galactosidase reporter system and promoter activity was repressed by the introduction of NmlR in trans. Promoter activity was activated by NmlR in the presence of diamide. Under metal depleted conditions NmlR did not repress P-AdhC (or P-CopA) promoter activity, but this was reversed in the presence of Zn(II), indicating repression was Zn(II)-dependent. Analysis of mutated promoters lacking the dyad symmetry revealed constitutive promoter activity which was independent of NmlR. Gel shift assays further confirmed that NmlR bound to the target promoters possessing the dyad symmetry. Site-directed mutagenesis of the four NmlR cysteine residues revealed that they were essential for activation of gene expression by NmlR.