875 resultados para Murcha de Fusarium


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Objetivou-se avaliar a qualidade das mudas de goiabeira no município de Petrolina, PE.


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Os solos arenosos apresentam fragilidade estrutural e textural. Atualmente, esses solos vêm sendo amplamente cultivados, com destaque para as culturas de mangueira e videira, em perímetros irrigados da região Nordeste. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar alguns atributos físicos e químicos de um Neossolo Quartzarênico em área cultivada com a cultura da mangueira sob irrigação de longo prazo e uma área de referência (vegetação de caatinga). O estudo foi realizado, em área comercial em Petrolina-PE, Brasil. Foram coletadas amostras de solo em: 1) sob caatinga; 2) sob cultivo de mangueira (Mangifera indica L.), dispostas de forma pareada, em transecto contendo 10 pontos distanciados de 30 m entre si. Amostras compostas foram coletadas nas profundidades (m): 0,00-0,10; 0,10-0,20; 0,20-0,40; 0,40-0,60; 1,00-1,20; 1,60-1,80, no início do período chuvoso, em novembro de 2011. Em laboratório, determinaram-se a reação do solo pH-H2O, cátions trocáveis (K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+), fósforo disponível (P-disp.) e o teor de carbono orgânico total. A CTC a pH 7,0 (T) e a saturação por bases (V%) foram calculadas. Para determinação dos atributos físicos foram coletadas amostras indeformadas, em anéis volumétricos (100 cm3), nas camadas de 0,00- 0,10 m e 0,10-0,20 m. Determinaram-se o teor de água volumétrica na capacidade de campo (? cc), no ponto de murcha permanente (? pmp), densidade do solo, densidade de partículas, o volume de macro e de microporos e poros totais. A água disponível foi calculada pela diferença entre (? cc) e (? pmp). Os resultados indicam elevação do pH-H2O, K+, P-disp, Ca2+ e V% em área de fruticultura irrigada, em especial, na camada de 0,00-0,10 m do solo e menores teores de Al3+. A adubação com potássio e fósforo, em sistemas irrigados de produção de manga incrementa a translocação desses nutrientes para camadas profundas do solo. O cultivo de mangueira irrigada após 20 anos promoveu redução do volume de macroporos na camada de 0,0-0,10 m do solo. No entanto, não foi suficiente para indicar um grau acentuado de compactação. Os atributos químicos e físicos se correlacionaram de forma linear e positiva com os teores de carbono orgânico. Isso demonstra a importância de estratégias de manejo que visem o incremento de matéria orgânica do solo, em clima semiárido.


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Purpose: To Isolate and characterize Actinobacteria with antimicrobial activity from Guaviare River (Colombia). Methods: Water and sediment samples were collected from Guaviare River. Direct plating, heat and CaCO3 methods were used to isolate Actinobacteria. Six bacterial strains were tested using T-Streak method: Escherichia coli ATCC 23724, Staphylococus aureus ATCC 25923, Acinetobacter baumannii ATCC 19606, Bacillus subtilis ATCC 21556, Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC 700603, Chromobacterium violaceum ATCC 31532. Strains of Fusarium sp. H24, Trichoderma harzianum H5 and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides were tested using Kirby-Bauer method. Isolates with high antimicrobial activity were selected for further taxonomic identification. Results: A total of 374 actinobacteria isolates were obtained. Seven isolates exhibited high antimicrobial activity (p < 0.05) and were confirmed as members of Streptomycetaceae family. Of these, three isolates showed differential phenotypic and genotypic profiles, indicating that they may represent new species. Conclusions: To date, this is the first study of this type in Colombian Orinoquia and indicates that this promising source of Actinobacteria from aquatic sediments with the ability to produce antimicrobial secondary metabolites.


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Beech bark disease (BBD), a non-native association of the fungal pathogen Neonectria faginata and the beech scale insect Cryptococcus fagisuga, has dramatically affected American beech within North American forests. To monitor the spread and effects of BBD in Michigan, a network of forest health monitoring plots was established in 2001 following the disease discovery in Ludington State Park (Mason County). Forest health canopy condition and basic forestry measurements including basal area were reassessed on beech trees in these plots in 2011 and 2012. The influence of bark-inhabiting fungal endophytes on BBD resistance was investigated by collecting cambium tissue from apparently resistant and susceptible beech. Vigor rating showed significant influences of BBD in sample beech resulting in reduced health and substantiated by significant increases of dead beech basal area over time. C. fagisuga distribution was found to be spatially clustered and widespread in the 22 counties in Michigan's Lower Peninsula which contained monitoring plots. Neonectria has been found in Emmet, Cheboygan and Wexford in the Lower Peninsula which may coincide with additional BBD introduction locations. Surveys for BBD resistance resulted in five apparently resistant beech which were added to a BBD resistance database. The most frequently isolated endophytes from cambium tissue were identified by DNA sequencing primarily as Deuteromycetes and Ascomycetes including Chaetomium globosum, Neohendersonia kickxii and Fusarium flocciferum. N. faginata in antagonism trials showed significant growth reduction when paired with three beech fungal endophytes. The results of the antagonism trial and decay tests indicate that N. faginata may be a relatively poor competitor in vivo with limited ability to degrade cellulose.


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Introducción: La rápida detección e identificación bacteriana es fundamental para el manejo de los pacientes críticos que presentan una patología infecciosa, esto requiere de métodos rápidos para el inicio de un correcto tratamiento. En Colombia se usan pruebas microbiología convencional. No hay estudios de espectrofotometría de masas en análisis de muestras de pacientes críticos en Colombia. Objetivo general: Describir la experiencia del análisis microbiológico mediante la tecnología MALDI-TOF MS en muestras tomadas en la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá. Materiales y Métodos: Entre junio y julio de 2013, se analizaron 147 aislamientos bacterianos de muestras clínicas, las cuales fueron procesadas previamente por medio del sistema VITEK II. Los aislamientos correspondieron a 88 hemocultivos (60%), 28 urocultivos (19%), y otros cultivos 31 (21%). Resultados: Se obtuvieron 147 aislamientos con identificación adecuada a nivel de género y/o especie así: en el 88.4% (130 muestras) a nivel de género y especie, con una concordancia del 100% comparado con el sistema VITEK II. El porcentaje de identificación fue de 66% en el grupo de bacilos gram negativos no fermentadores, 96% en enterobacterias, 100% en gérmenes fastidiosos, 92% en cocos gram positivos, 100% bacilos gram negativos móviles y 100% en levaduras. No se encontró ninguna concordancia en bacilos gram positivos y gérmenes del genero Aggregatibacter. Conclusiones: El MALDI-TOF es una prueba rápida para la identificación microbiológica de género y especie que concuerda con los resultados obtenidos de manera convencional. Faltan estudios para hacer del MALDI-TOF MS la prueba oro en identificación de gérmenes.


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Filamentous fungi are a threat to the conservation of Cultural Heritage. Thus, detection and identification of viable filamentous fungi are crucial for applying adequate Safeguard measures. RNA-FISH protocols have been previously applied with this aim in Cultural Heritage samples. However, only hyphae detection was reported in the literature, even if spores and conidia are not only a potential risk to Cultural Heritage but can also be harmful for the health of visitors, curators and restorers. Thus, the aim of this work was to evaluate various permeabilizing strategies for their application in the detection of spores/conidia and hyphae of artworks’ biodeteriogenic filamentous fungi by RNA-FISH. Besides of this, the influence of cell aging on the success of the technique and on the development of fungal autofluorescence (that could hamper the RNA-FISH signal detection) were also investigated. Five common biodeteriogenic filamentous fungi species isolated from biodegradated artworks were used as biological model: Aspergillus niger, Cladosporium sp, Fusarium sp, Penicillium sp. and Exophialia sp. Fungal autofluorescence was only detected in cells harvested from Fusarium sp, and Exophialia sp. old cultures, being aging-dependent. However, it was weak enough to allow autofluorescence/RNA-FISH signals distinction. Thus, autofluorescence was not a limitation for the application of RNA-FISH for detection of the taxa investigated. All the permeabilization strategies tested allowed to detect fungal cells from young cultures by RNA-FISH. However, only the combination of paraformaldehyde with Triton X-100 allowed the detection of conidia/spores and hyphae of old filamentous fungi. All the permeabilization strategies failed in the Aspergillus niger conidia/spores staining, which are known to be particularly difficult to permeabilize. But, even in spite of this, the application of this permeabilization method increased the analytical potential of RNA FISH in Cultural Heritage biodeterioration. Whereas much work is required to validate this RNA-FISH approach for its application in real samples from Cultural Heritage it could represent an important advance for the detection, not only of hyphae but also of spores and conidia of various filamentous fungi taxa by RNA-FISH.