861 resultados para Multi-agent simulation and artificial snow optimization
This paper presents a theoretical analysis and an optimization method for envelope amplifier. Highly efficient envelope amplifiers based on a switching converter in parallel or series with a linear regulator have been analyzed and optimized. The results of the optimization process have been shown and these two architectures are compared regarding their complexity and efficiency. The optimization method that is proposed is based on the previous knowledge about the transmitted signal type (OFDM, WCDMA...) and it can be applied to any signal type as long as the envelope probability distribution is known. Finally, it is shown that the analyzed architectures have an inherent efficiency limit.
Distributed parallel execution systems speed up applications by splitting tasks into processes whose execution is assigned to different receiving nodes in a high-bandwidth network. On the distributing side, a fundamental problem is grouping and scheduling such tasks such that each one involves sufñcient computational cost when compared to the task creation and communication costs and other such practical overheads. On the receiving side, an important issue is to have some assurance of the correctness and characteristics of the code received and also of the kind of load the particular task is going to pose, which can be specified by means of certificates. In this paper we present in a tutorial way a number of general solutions to these problems, and illustrate them through their implementation in the Ciao multi-paradigm language and program development environment. This system includes facilities for parallel and distributed execution, an assertion language for specifying complex programs properties (including safety and resource-related properties), and compile-time and run-time tools for performing automated parallelization and resource control, as well as certification of programs with resource consumption assurances and efñcient checking of such certificates.
The agent programming landscape has been revealed as a natural framework for developing “intelligence” in AI. This can be seen from the extensive use of the agent concept in presenting (and developing) AI systems, the proliferation of agent theories, and the evolution of concepts such as agent societies (social intelligence) and coordination.
Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) technology is beginning to have an impact on agriculture. Canopy volume and/or fruit tree leaf area can be estimated using terrestrial laser sensors based on this technology. However, the use of these devices may have different options depending on the resolution and scanning mode. As a consequence, data accuracy and LiDAR derived parameters are affected by sensor configuration, and may vary according to vegetative characteristics of tree crops. Given this scenario, users and suppliers of these devices need to know how to use the sensor in each case. This paper presents a computer program to determine the best configuration, allowing simulation and evaluation of different LiDAR configurations in various tree structures (or training systems). The ultimate goal is to optimise the use of laser scanners in field operations. The software presented generates a virtual orchard, and then allows the scanning simulation with a laser sensor. Trees are created using a hidden Markov tree (HMT) model. Varying the foliar structure of the orchard the LiDAR simulation was applied to twenty different artificially created orchards with or without leaves from two positions (lateral and zenith). To validate the laser sensor configuration, leaf surface of simulated trees was compared with the parameters obtained by LiDAR measurements: the impacted leaf area, the impacted total area (leaves and wood), and th impacted area in the three outer layers of leaves.
With the Bonner spheres spectrometer neutron spectrum is obtained through an unfolding procedure. Monte Carlo methods, Regularization, Parametrization, Least-squares, and Maximum Entropy are some of the techniques utilized for unfolding. In the last decade methods based on Artificial Intelligence Technology have been used. Approaches based on Genetic Algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks have been developed in order to overcome the drawbacks of previous techniques. Nevertheless the advantages of Artificial Neural Networks still it has some drawbacks mainly in the design process of the network, vg the optimum selection of the architectural and learning ANN parameters. In recent years the use of hybrid technologies, combining Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, has been utilized to. In this work, several ANN topologies were trained and tested using Artificial Neural Networks and Genetically Evolved Artificial Neural Networks in the aim to unfold neutron spectra using the count rates of a Bonner sphere spectrometer. Here, a comparative study of both procedures has been carried out.
First, this paper describes a future layered Air Traffic Management (ATM) system centred in the execution phase of flights. The layered ATM model is based on the work currently performed by SESAR [1] and takes into account the availability of accurate and updated flight information ?seen by all? across the European airspace. This shared information of each flight will be referred as Reference Business Trajectory (RBT). In the layered ATM system, exchanges of information will involve several actors (human or automatic), which will have varying time horizons, areas of responsibility and tasks. Second, the paper will identify the need to define the negotiation processes required to agree revisions to the RBT in the layered ATM system. Third, the final objective of the paper is to bring to the attention of researchers and engineers the communalities between multi-player games and Collaborative Decision Making processes (CDM) in a layered ATM system
This work presents a behavioral-analytical hybrid loss model for a buck converter. The model has been designed for a wide operating frequency range up to 4MHz and a low power range (below 20W). It is focused on the switching losses obtained in the power MOSFETs. Main advantages of the model are the fast calculation time (below 8.5 seconds) and a good accuracy, which makes this model suitable for the optimization process of the losses in the design of a converter. It has been validated by simulation and experimentally with one GaN power transistor and three Si MOSFETs. Results show good agreement between measurements and the model
This article describes the simulation and characterization of an ultrasonic transducer using a new material called Rexolite to be used as a matching element. This transducer was simulated using a commercial piezoelectric ceramic PIC255 at 8 MHz. Rexolite, the new material, presents an excellent acoustic matching, specially in terms of the acoustic impedance of water. Finite elements simulations were used in this work. Rexolite was considered as a suitable material in the construction of the transducer due to its malleability and acoustic properties, to validate the simulations a prototype transducer was constructed. Experimental measurements were used to determine the resonance frequency of the prototype transducer. Simulated and experimental results were very similar showing that Rexolite may be an excellent matching, particularly for medical applications.
In this Master’s Thesis a new Distributed Award Protocol (DAP) for robot communication and cooperation is presented. Task assignment (contract awarding) is done dynamically with contracts assigned to robots based upon the best bid received. Instead of having a manager and a contractor it is proposed a fully distributed bidding/awarding mechanism without a distinguished master. The best bidding robots are awarded with contract for execution. The contractors make decisions locally. This brings the following benefits: no communication bottleneck, low computational power requirement, increased robustness. DAP can handle multitasking. Tasks can be injected into system during the execution of already allocated tasks. As tasks have priorities, in the next cycle after taking into account actual bid parameters of all robots, tasks can be re-allocated. The aim is to minimize a global cost function which is a compromise between cost of task execution and cost of resources usage. Information about tasks and bid values is spread among robots with the use of a Round Robin Route, which is a novel solution proposed in this work. This method allows also identifying failed robots. Such failed robot is eliminated from the list of awarded robots and its replacement is found so the task is still executed by a team. If the failure of a robot was temporary (e.g. communication noise) and the robot can recover, it can again participate in the next bidding/awarding process. Using a bidding/awarding mechanism allows robots to dynamically relocate among tasks. This is also contributes to system robustness. DAP was evaluated through multiple experiments done in the multi-robot simulation system. Various scenarios were tested to check the idea of the main algorithm. Different failures of robots (communication failures, partial hardware malfunctions) were simulated and observations were made regarding how DAP recovers from them. Also the DAP flexibility to environment changes was watched. The experiments in the simulated environment confirmed the above features of DAP.
La Diabetes Mellitus se define como el trastorno del metabolismo de los carbohidratos, resultante de una producción insuficiente o nula de insulina en las células beta del páncreas, o la manifestación de una sensibilidad reducida a la insulina por parte del sistema metabólico. La diabetes tipo 1 se caracteriza por la nula producción de insulina por la destrucción de las células beta del páncreas. Si no hay insulina en el torrente sanguíneo, la glucosa no puede ser absorbida por las células, produciéndose un estado de hiperglucemia en el paciente, que a medio y largo plazo si no es tratado puede ocasionar severas enfermedades, conocidos como síndromes de la diabetes. La diabetes tipo 1 es una enfermedad incurable pero controlable. La terapia para esta enfermedad consiste en la aplicación exógena de insulina con el objetivo de mantener el nivel de glucosa en sangre dentro de los límites normales. Dentro de las múltiples formas de aplicación de la insulina, en este proyecto se usará una bomba de infusión, que unida a un sensor subcutáneo de glucosa permitirá crear un lazo de control autónomo que regule la cantidad optima de insulina aplicada en cada momento. Cuando el algoritmo de control se utiliza en un sistema digital, junto con el sensor subcutáneo y bomba de infusión subcutánea, se conoce como páncreas artificial endocrino (PAE) de uso ambulatorio, hoy día todavía en fase de investigación. Estos algoritmos de control metabólico deben de ser evaluados en simulación para asegurar la integridad física de los pacientes, por lo que es necesario diseñar un sistema de simulación mediante el cual asegure la fiabilidad del PAE. Este sistema de simulación conecta los algoritmos con modelos metabólicos matemáticos para obtener una visión previa de su funcionamiento. En este escenario se diseñó DIABSIM, una herramienta desarrollada en LabViewTM, que posteriormente se trasladó a MATLABTM, y basada en el modelo matemático compartimental propuesto por Hovorka, con la que poder simular y evaluar distintos tipos de terapias y reguladores en lazo cerrado. Para comprobar que estas terapias y reguladores funcionan, una vez simulados y evaluados, se tiene que pasar a la experimentación real a través de un protocolo de ensayo clínico real, como paso previo al PEA ambulatorio. Para poder gestionar este protocolo de ensayo clínico real para la verificación de los algoritmos de control, se creó una interfaz de usuario a través de una serie de funciones de simulación y evaluación de terapias con insulina realizadas con MATLABTM (GUI: Graphics User Interface), conocido como Entorno de Páncreas artificial con Interfaz Clínica (EPIC). EPIC ha sido ya utilizada en 10 ensayos clínicos de los que se han ido proponiendo posibles mejoras, ampliaciones y/o cambios. Este proyecto propone una versión mejorada de la interfaz de usuario EPIC propuesta en un proyecto anterior para gestionar un protocolo de ensayo clínico real para la verificación de algoritmos de control en un ambiente hospitalario muy controlado, además de estudiar la viabilidad de conectar el GUI con SimulinkTM (entorno gráfico de Matlab de simulación de sistemas) para su conexión con un nuevo simulador de pacientes aprobado por la JDRF (Juvenil Diabetes Research Foundation). SUMMARY The diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder of carbohydrates, as result of an insufficient or null production of insulin in the beta cellules of pancreas, or the manifestation of a reduced sensibility to the insulin from the metabolic system. The type 1 diabetes is characterized for a null production of insulin due to destruction of the beta cellules. Without insulin in the bloodstream, glucose can’t be absorbed by the cellules, producing a hyperglycemia state in the patient and if pass a medium or long time and is not treated can cause severe disease like diabetes syndrome. The type 1 diabetes is an incurable disease but controllable one. The therapy for this disease consists on the exogenous insulin administration with the objective to maintain the glucose level in blood within the normal limits. For the insulin administration, in this project is used an infusion pump, that permit with a subcutaneous glucose sensor, create an autonomous control loop that regulate the optimal insulin amount apply in each moment. When the control algorithm is used in a digital system, with the subcutaneous senor and infusion subcutaneous pump, is named as “Artificial Endocrine Pancreas” for ambulatory use, currently under investigate. These metabolic control algorithms should be evaluates in simulation for assure patients’ physical integrity, for this reason is necessary to design a simulation system that assure the reliability of PAE. This simulation system connects algorithms with metabolic mathematics models for get a previous vision of its performance. In this scenario was created DIABSIMTM, a tool developed in LabView, that later was converted to MATLABTM, and based in the compartmental mathematic model proposed by Hovorka that could simulate and evaluate several different types of therapy and regulators in closed loop. To check the performance of these therapies and regulators, when have been simulated and evaluated, will be necessary to pass to real experimentation through a protocol of real clinical test like previous step to ambulatory PEA. To manage this protocol was created an user interface through the simulation and evaluation functions od therapies with insulin realized with MATLABTM (GUI: Graphics User Interface), known as “Entorno de Páncreas artificial con Interfaz Clínica” (EPIC).EPIC have been used in 10 clinical tests which have been proposed improvements, adds and changes. This project proposes a best version of user interface EPIC proposed in another project for manage a real test clinical protocol for checking control algorithms in a controlled hospital environment and besides studying viability to connect the GUI with SimulinkTM (Matlab graphical environment in systems simulation) for its connection with a new patients simulator approved for the JDRF (Juvenil Diabetes Research Foundation).
Abstract Transport is the foundation of any economy: it boosts economic growth, creates wealth, enhances trade, geographical accessibility and the mobility of people. Transport is also a key ingredient for a high quality of life, making places accessible and bringing people together. The future prosperity of our world will depend on the ability of all of its regions to remain fully and competitively integrated in the world economy. Efficient transport is vital in making this happen. Operations research can help in efficiently planning the design and operating transport systems. Planning and operational processes are fields that are rich in combinatorial optimization problems. These problems can be analyzed and solved through the application of mathematical models and optimization techniques, which may lead to an improvement in the performance of the transport system, as well as to a reduction in the time required for solving these problems. The latter aspect is important, because it increases the flexibility of the system: the system can adapt in a faster way to changes in the environment (i.e.: weather conditions, crew illness, failures, etc.). These disturbing changes (called disruptions) often enforce the schedule to be adapted. The direct consequences are delays and cancellations, implying many schedule adjustments and huge costs. Consequently, robust schedules and recovery plans must be developed in order to fight against disruptions. This dissertation makes contributions to two different fields: rail and air applications. Robust planning and recovery methods are presented. In the field of railway transport we develop several mathematical models which answer to RENFE’s (the major railway operator in Spain) needs: 1. We study the rolling stock assignment problem: here, we introduce some robust aspects in order to ameliorate some operations which are likely to fail. Once the rolling stock assignment is known, we propose a robust routing model which aims at identifying the train units’ sequences while minimizing the expected delays and human resources needed to perform the sequences. 2. It is widely accepted that the sequential solving approach produces solutions that are not global optima. Therefore, we develop an integrated and robust model to determine the train schedule and rolling stock assignment. We also propose an integrated model to study the rolling stock circulations. Circulations are determined by the rolling stock assignment and routing of the train units. 3. Although our aim is to develop robust plans, disruptions will be likely to occur and recovery methods will be needed. Therefore, we propose a recovery method which aims to recover the train schedule and rolling stock assignment in an integrated fashion all while considering the passenger demand. In the field of air transport we develop several mathematical models which answer to IBERIA’s (the major airline in Spain) needs: 1. We look at the airline-scheduling problem and develop an integrated approach that optimizes schedule design, fleet assignment and passenger use so as to reduce costs and create fewer incompatibilities between decisions. Robust itineraries are created to ameliorate misconnected passengers. 2. Air transport operators are continuously facing competition from other air operators and different modes of transport (e.g., High Speed Rail). Consequently, airline profitability is critically influenced by the airline’s ability to estimate passenger demands and construct profitable flight schedules. We consider multi-modal competition including airline and rail, and develop a new approach that estimates the demand associated with a given schedule; and generates airline schedules and fleet assignments using an integrated schedule design and fleet assignment optimization model that captures the impacts of schedule decisions on passenger demand.
In this paper, we introduce B2DI model that extends BDI model to perform Bayesian inference under uncertainty. For scalability and flexibility purposes, Multiply Sectioned Bayesian Network (MSBN) technology has been selected and adapted to BDI agent reasoning. A belief update mechanism has been defined for agents, whose belief models are connected by public shared beliefs, and the certainty of these beliefs is updated based on MSBN. The classical BDI agent architecture has been extended in order to manage uncertainty using Bayesian reasoning. The resulting extended model, so-called B2DI, proposes a new control loop. The proposed B2DI model has been evaluated in a network fault diagnosis scenario. The evaluation has compared this model with two previously developed agent models. The evaluation has been carried out with a real testbed diagnosis scenario using JADEX. As a result, the proposed model exhibits significant improvements in the cost and time required to carry out a reliable diagnosis.
Nuevas aplicaciones tecnológicas y científicas mediante amarras electrodinámicas son analizadas para misiones planetarias. i) Primero, se considera un conjunto de amarras cilíndricas en paralelo (veleros electrosolares) para una misión interplanetaria. Los iones provenientes del viento solar son repelidos por el alto potencial de dichas amarras generando empuje sobre el velero. Para conocer el intercambio de momento que provocan los iones sobre las amarras se ha considerado un modelo de potencial estacionario. Se ha analizado la transferencia orbital de la Tierra a Júpiter siguiendo un método de optimización de trayectoria indirecto. ii) Una vez que el velero se encuentra cerca de Júpiter, se ha considerado el despliegue de una amarra para diferentes objetivos científicos. iia) Una amarra podría ser utilizada para diagnóstico de plasmas, al ser una fuente efectiva de ondas, y también como un generador de auroras artificiales. Una amarra conductora que orbite en la magnetosfera jovial es capaz de producir ondas. Se han analizado las diferentes ondas radiadas por un conductor por el que circula una corriente constante que sigue una órbita polar de alta excentricidad y bajo apoápside, como ocurre en la misión Juno de la NASA. iib) Además, se ha estudiado una misión tentativa que sigue una órbita ecuatorial (LJO) por debajo de los intensos cinturones de radiación. Ambas misiones requiren potencia eléctrica para los sistemas de comunicación e instrumentos científicos. Las amarras pueden generar potencia de manera más eficiente que otros sistemas que utlizan paneles solares o sistemas de potencia de radioisótopos (RPS). La impedancia de radiación es necesaria para determinar la corriente que circula por todo el circuito de la amarra. En un modelo de plasma frío, la radiación ocurre principalmente en los modos de Alfven y magnetosónica rápida, mostrando un elevado índice de refracción. Se ha estudiado la impedancia de radiación en amarras con recubrimiento aislante para los dos modos de radiación y cada una de las misiones. A diferencia del caso ionosférico terrestre, la baja densidad y el intenso campo magnético que aparecen en el entorno de Júpiter consiguen que la girofrecuencia de los electrones sea mucho mayor que la frecuencia del plasma; esto hace que el espectro de potencia para cada modo se modifique substancialmente, aumentando la velocidad de Alfven. Se ha estimado también la impedancia de radiación para amarras sin aislante conductor. En la misión LJO, un vehículo espacial bajando lentamente la altitud de su órbita permitiría estudiar la estructura del campo magnético y composición atmosférica para entender la formación, evolución, y estructura de Júpiter. Adicionalmente, si el contactor (cátodo) se apaga, se dice que la amarra flota eléctricamente, permitiendo emisión de haz de electrones que generan auroras. El continuo apagado y encendido produce pulsos de corriente dando lugar a emisiones de señales, que pueden ser utilizadas para diagnóstico del plasma jovial. En Órbita Baja Jovial, los iones que impactan contra una amarra polarizada negativamente producen electrones secundarios, que, viajando helicoidalmente sobre las líneas de campo magnético de Júpiter, son capaces de alcanzar su atmósfera más alta, y, de esta manera, generar auroras. Se han identificado cuáles son las regiones donde la amarra sería más eficiente para producir auroras. iic) Otra aplicación científica sugerida para la misión LJO es la detección de granos cargados que orbitan cerca de Júpiter. Los electrones de alta energía en este ambiente pueden ser modelados por una distribucción no Maxwelliana conocida como distribución kappa. En escenarios con plasmas complejos, donde los campos eléctricos en Júpiter pueden acelerar las cargas hasta velocidades que superen la velocidad térmica, este tipo de distribuciones son muy útiles. En este caso las colas de las distribuciones de electrones siguen una ley de potencias. Se han estudiado las fluctuaciones de granos cargados para funciones de distribución kappa. iii) La tesis concluye con el análisis para deorbitar satélites con amarras electrodinámicas que siguen una Órbita Baja Terrestre (LEO). Una amarra debe presentar una baja probabilidad de corte por pequeño debris y además debe ser suficientemente ligero para que el cociente entre la masa de la amarra y el satélite sea muy pequeño. En este trabajo se estiman las medidas de la longitud, anchura y espesor que debe tener una amarra para minimizar el producto de la probabilidad de corte por el cociente entre las masas de la amarra y el satélite. Se presentan resultados preliminares del diseño de una amarra con forma de cinta para deorbitar satélites relativamente ligeros como Cryosat y pesados como Envisat. Las misiones espaciales a planetas exteriores y en el ámbito terrestre plantean importantes retos científico-tecnológicos que deben ser abordados y solucionados. Por ello, desde el inicio de la era espacial se han diseñando novedosos métodos propulsivos, sistemas de guiado, navegación y control más robustos, y nuevos materiales para mejorar el rendimiento de los vehículos espaciales (SC). En un gran número de misiones interplanetarias y en todas las misiones a planetas exteriores se han empleado sistemas de radioisótopos (RPS) para generar potencia eléctrica en los vehículos espaciales y en los rovers de exploración. Estos sistemas emplean como fuente de energía el escaso y costoso plutonio-238. La NASA, por medio de un informe de la National Academy of Science (5 de Mayo del 2009), expresó una profunda preocupación por la baja cantidad de plutonio almacenado, insuficiente para desarrollar todas las misiones de exploración planetaria planeadas en el futuro [81, 91]. Esta circustancia ha llevado a dicha Agencia tomar la decisión de limitar el uso de estos sistemas RPS en algunas misiones de especial interés científico y una recomendación de alta prioridad para que el Congreso de los EEUU apruebe el reestablecimiento de la producción de plutonio-238, -son necesarios cerca de 5 kg de este material radiactivo al año-, para salvaguardar las misiones que requieran dichos sistemas de potencia a partir del año 2018. Por otro lado, la Agencia estadounidense ha estado considerando el uso de fuentes de energía alternativa; como la fisión nuclear a través del ambicioso proyecto Prometheus, para llevar a cabo una misión de exploración en el sistema jovial (JIMO). Finalmente, dicha misión fue desestimada por su elevado coste. Recientemente se han estado desarrollando sistemas que consigan energía a través de los recursos naturales que nos aporta el Sol, mediante paneles solares -poco eficientes para misiones a planetas alejados de la luz solar-. En este contexto, la misión JUNO del programa Nuevas Fronteras de la NASA, cuyo lanzamiento fue realizado con éxito en Agosto de 2011, va a ser la primera misión equipada con paneles solares que sobrevolará Júpiter en el 2015 siguiendo una órbita polar. Anteriormente se habían empleado los antes mencionados RPS para las misiones Pioneer 10,11, Voyager 1,2, Ulysses, Cassini-Huygens y Galileo (todas sobrevuelos excepto Galileo). Dicha misión seguirá una órbita elíptica de alta excentricidad con un periápside muy cercano a Júpiter, y apoápside lejano, evitando que los intensos cinturones de radiación puedan dañar los instrumentos de navegación y científicos. Un tether o amarra electrodinámica es capaz de operar como sistema propulsivo o generador de potencia, pero también puede ser considerado como solución científicotecnológica en misiones espaciales tanto en LEO (Órbita Baja Terrestre) como en planetas exteriores. Siguiendo una perspectiva histórica, durante las misiones terrestres TSS-1 (1992) y TSS-1R (1996) se emplearon amarras estandard con recubrimiento aislante en toda su longitud, aplicando como terminal anódico pasivo un colector esférico para captar electrones. En una geometría alternativa, propuesta por J. R. Sanmartín et al. (1993) [93], se consideró dejar la amarra sin recubrimiento aislante (“bare tether”), y sin colector anódico esférico, de forma que recogiera electrones a lo largo del segmento que resulta polarizado positivo, como si se tratara de una sonda de Langmuir de gran longitud. A diferencia de la amarra estandard, el “bare tether” es capaz de recoger electrones a lo largo de una superficie grande ya que este segmento es de varios kilómetros de longitud. Como el radio de la amarra es del orden de la longitud de Debye y pequeño comparado con el radio de Larmor de los electrones, permite una recolección eficiente de electrones en el régimen OML (Orbital Motion Limited) de sondas de Langmuir. La corriente dada por la teoría OML varía en función del perímetro y la longitud. En el caso de una cinta delgada, el perímetro depende de la anchura, que debe ser suficientemente grande para evitar cortes producidos por debris y micrometeoritos, y suficientemente pequeño para que la amarra funcione en dicho régimen [95]. En el experimento espacial TSS-1R mencionado anteriormente, se identificó una recolección de corriente más elevada que la que predecía el modelo teórico de Parker- Murphy, debido posiblemente a que se utilizaba un colector esférico de radio bastante mayor que la longitud de Debye [79]. En el caso de una amarra “bare”, que recoge electrones a lo largo de gran parte de su longitud, se puede producir un fenómeno conocido como atrapamiento adiabático de electrones (adiabatic electron trapping) [25, 40, 60, 73, 74, 97]. En el caso terrestre (LEO) se da la condición mesotérmica en la que la amarra se mueve con una velocidad muy superior a la velocidad térmica de los iones del ambiente y muy inferior a la velocidad térmica de los electrones. J. Laframboise y L. Parker [57] mostraron que, para una función de distribución quasi-isotrópica, la densidad de electrones debe entonces ser necesariamente inferior a la densidad ambiente. Por otra parte, debido a su flujo hipersónico y a la alta polarización positiva de la amarra, la densidad de los iones es mayor que la densidad ambiente en una vasta región de la parte “ram” del flujo, violando la condición de cuasi-neutralidad,-en una región de dimensión mayor que la longitud de Debye-. La solución a esta paradoja podría basarse en el atrapamiento adiabático de electrones ambiente en órbitas acotadas entorno al tether. ABSTRACT New technological and scientific applications by electrodynamic tethers for planetary missions are analyzed: i) A set of cylindrical, parallel tethers (electric solar sail or e-sail) is considered for an interplanetary mission; ions from the solar wind are repelled by the high potential of the tether, providing momentum to the e-sail. An approximated model of a stationary potential for a high solar wind flow is considered. With the force provided by a negative biased tether, an indirect method for the optimization trajectory of an Earth-to-Jupiter orbit transfer is analyzed. ii) The deployment of a tether from the e-sail allows several scientific applications in Jupiter. iia) It might be used as a source of radiative waves for plasma diagnostics and artificial aurora generator. A conductive tether orbiting in the Jovian magnetosphere produces waves. Wave radiation by a conductor carrying a steady current in both a polar, highly eccentric, low perijove orbit, as in NASA’s Juno mission, and an equatorial low Jovian orbit (LJO) mission below the intense radiation belts, is considered. Both missions will need electric power generation for scientific instruments and communication systems. Tethers generate power more efficiently than solar panels or radioisotope power systems (RPS). The radiation impedance is required to determine the current in the overall tether circuit. In a cold plasma model, radiation occurs mainly in the Alfven and fast magnetosonic modes, exhibiting a large refraction index. The radiation impedance of insulated tethers is determined for both modes and either mission. Unlike the Earth ionospheric case, the low-density, highly magnetized Jovian plasma makes the electron gyrofrequency much larger than the plasma frequency; this substantially modifies the power spectrum for either mode by increasing the Alfven velocity. An estimation of the radiation impedance of bare tethers is also considered. iib) In LJO, a spacecraft orbiting in a slow downward spiral under the radiation belts would allow determining magnetic field structure and atmospheric composition for understanding the formation, evolution, and structure of Jupiter. Additionally, if the cathodic contactor is switched off, a tether floats electrically, allowing e-beam emission that generate auroras. On/off switching produces bias/current pulses and signal emission, which might be used for Jovian plasma diagnostics. In LJO, the ions impacting against the negative-biased tether do produce secondary electrons, which racing down Jupiter’s magnetic field lines, reach the upper atmosphere. The energetic electrons there generate auroral effects. Regions where the tether efficiently should produce secondary electrons are analyzed. iic) Other scientific application suggested in LJO is the in-situ detection of charged grains. Charged grains naturally orbit near Jupiter. High-energy electrons in the Jovian ambient may be modeled by the kappa distribution function. In complex plasma scenarios, where the Jovian high electric field may accelerate charges up superthermal velocities, the use of non-Maxwellian distributions should be considered. In these cases, the distribution tails fit well to a power-law dependence for electrons. Fluctuations of the charged grains for non-Mawellian distribution function are here studied. iii) The present thesis is concluded with the analysis for de-orbiting satellites at end of mission by electrodynamic tethers. A de-orbit tether system must present very small tether-to-satellite mass ratio and small probability of a tether cut by small debris too. The present work shows how to select tape dimensions so as to minimize the product of those two magnitudes. Preliminary results of tape-tether design are here discussed to minimize that function. Results for de-orbiting Cryosat and Envisat are also presented.
Sandwich panels of laminated gypsum and rock wool have shown large pathology of cracking due to excessive slabs deflection. Currently the most widespread use of this material is as vertical elements of division or partition, with no structural function, what justifies that there are no studies on the mechanism of fracture and mechanical properties related to it. Therefore, and in order to reduce the cracking problem, it is necessary to progress in the simulation and prediction of the behaviour under tensile and shear load of such panels, although in typical applications have no structural responsability.