957 resultados para Monografias regionales


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This study presents itself as a contribution to the solidification of the Natural Gas industry, within the scope of the development of new products. The goal of this paper is to analyze the factors that lead to the success of new products through the evaluation of the activities done during the process of development of these products in the Natural Gas sector. To achieve this goal a case study was done in a small company of this segment. At first, as a basis for the study, a bibliographical research was done with books, theses, dissertations, monographies, publications in national and international periodicals, congress annals and publications in the internet related to the subject. Afterwards, a case study was done, aiming at the acquisition of further knowledge about the real process of development of products in a small company of the Natural Gas sector, allowing for the performance of the evaluation. The case study was done at Gas Project and Systems do Brasil, a company that works with the development of electronic equipment to the conversion of car engines to natural gas, through direct observations and interviews with the person responsible for the development and management of products. Through the evaluation of the process it was observed that the activities related to it are done in an informal way and some activities are considered unnecessary for their success. The results also suggest an emphasis in the technological activities, something that was not observed in the activities related to the market. The instruments used in this evaluation prove to be efficient to evaluate the process of development of new products in other companies, including those of different areas. Taking into account the relevance of the studied theme to the strengthening of the Natural Gas industry, it is necessary to do further complementary studies


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The present work investigates related discourse in rewriting discursive practices, at monographic works specifically at the theoretical foundation section. Focalizing some discursive strategies of voice management (direct and indirect discourse and modalization voice) we detach the introduction way and function of cited discourse. To do so, it were analyzed eighteen monographic works: nine of them final graduation works and other nine specialization works seeing that each works belonging to the same student, in two different stages, in the period from 2003 in graduation conclusion to 2005 in the end of specialization course. The data reveal that the monographic writer/student emphasizes the use of direct discourse in graduation works while in specialization works there was an emphasis at indirect speech. The analysis the way they introduce cited discourse pointed out that writer/student in graduation course such as specialization student make meaningless constructions when they do not use discendi verbs, they demonstrate difficulties inarticulate citing discourse with cited discourse. In what is related to functions of cited discourse we verify that the student/writer, in both stages or levels give emphasis to the function maintain an assertion, indicating that other s discourse serve mainly as a resource of authority just because that this function reveals the absence of a dialog between student writing and cited discourse. In a general way, the forms of other s discourse claim a form of writing that is found starting from a sequence of cited discourse in what student/writer voice in graduation and specialization comes to text surface just few times, but most of the times, the student takes other s words as they were themselves, every time there is an overlap of author/source


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In this study we investigate the reference to other s discourse done it through the resource of direct cited discourse at background section in monographic texts produced by university students at the last phase of final work in their graduate Letras course. This work is guided in cited/related discourse studies in Bakhtin (2004), Authier-Revuz (1990, 1998, 2004), Maingueneau (1996, 2002), Charaudeau and Maingueneau (2004); in genre approaches developed by Bakhtin (2000); Maingueneau (1996, 2002); socio-discursive interaction (BRONCKART, 1999, 2003; SCHNEUWLY, 2004; DOLZ e SCHNEUWLY, 2004) and Bazerman (2005); and also in presuppositions of Textual Linguistics presented by Charrolles (1988), Van Dijk (1997), Beaugrande and Dressier (1981), Koch and Travaglia (1993, 1995), Koch (2002, 2004) and Val (2000, 2004). We have established as aims to analyze and interpret meaning relations problems in how to articulate direct cited discourse with citing discourse and at the same time explain semantic implications that comes from that articulation that compromise text meaning, at background section in that monographic genre. The analysis, by qualitative and quantitative basis in eleven monographic works that form our corpus, gave us the opportunity to achieve and see that meaning relationships in the articulation of direct cited discourse with citing discourse show problems that may be categorized into three different groups: problems related to meaning relationships with citing discourse that comes before it, problems of meaning relationships with citing discourse that comes after it, and problems with of meaning relationships with citing discourse that come before it and at the same time with citing discourse that comes after it (i.e. in relation to both). These analysis also allow us assert that, these problems, just because they occur frequently, they affect the micro level text coherence, and they also compromise the text global meaning. The results show that students at Letras Course, even in the ending process of their course do not show the real domain in relation to some ways of direct cited discourse organization and working, and also how the ideas articulation work in the construction of relations between direct cited discourse and the citing discourse that can turn those students able to produce a text that enhance acceptable patterns


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In this work, we study the types of paraphrases used by the students of the Language and Literature Course when they reformulate a source text in the theoretical section of the monographs produced as texts for the conclusion of the course. Our main goal is to know how the process of textual reformulation takes place in the production of the monographic gender. From the used theoretical orientation (Fuchs,1982; 1994; Charaudeau and Maingueneau, 2006; Fávero et al, 2007; Hilgert, 1997, 2002, 2006; among others) we have worked with the paraphrase notion as an activity of discoursive reformulation, considering as the basic groundings the situation of communication and the subjects, or the wider context. In a more specific way, we have considered that the paraphrase performs alterations in the formal level, in the semantic level and in the functional level. Besides that, we sought to articulate the practice of paraphrasing to the gender of discourse in which it appears and to the contextual implications involved in the producing of the gender in question, and in doing so we were grounded in Baktin´s (2003) and Maingueneau´s (1998; 2001) postulates. For the analysis of the corpus that consists of 19 monographs, we have used the three categories defined by Hilgert (2002, 2006):expansion, condensation and parallelism as a way of identifying, describing and characterizing the types of paraphrases used by the students who produced the monographs when they take up Travaglia´s (1996) text about the language conceptions. The results show that the use of the paraphrastic parallelism (with 69.45 % in relation to only 18.41% of condensation and 12.13 % of expansion) was the most recurrent in the reformulations performed by the students who produced the monographs and this manifestation was characterized mainly by the lexical-semantic repetition of fragments of the source text. We have concluded that the high incidence of paraphrastic parallelism is an indication that the student does not have a command of the ways of production and circulation of the discoursive genders uttered in the academic-scientific realm


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Estudio sobre los libros Clã do jabuti, de Mário de Andrade, y Catimbó, de Ascenso Ferreira, publicados en el año de 1927. Dentro del contexto del Modernismo en los años de 1920, se evidencia la filiación de los poetas con las tendencias literarias modernista y regionalista. Eso se confirma por los elementos introducidos en sus poesías, en las referidas obras, que traen el sentido de brasilidade discutido en la época, específicamente en el momento post1924. Tales elementos se refieren a las marcas de la oralidad que fueron aprovechadas esteticamente en los referidos textos, en lo que toca a la representación que poseen en el ámbito de la tradición de la cultura popular brasileña. En ese sentido, fue establecida una relación entre la moderna literatura nacional y la tradición de la cultura popular. Los textos observados muestran la diversidad cultural del país por medio de tales marcas, distinguiéndose por el aspecto nacionalista de Mário de Andrade, en consonancia con el proyecto de nación idealizado, y por el aspecto nacionalista/regionalista de Ascenso Ferreira, saliendo al encuentro de elementos nacionales y regionales. Siendo así, Clã do jabuti es un repertorio de todo Brasil y representación de la cultura nacional, de acuerdo con la brasilidade propuesta a partir de 1924; y Catimbó es la cristalización poética, en tonos de una brasilidade más norteña, de las particularidades de la región


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In this study we have developed a discussion about academic text production in the undergraduate course of Literature and Languages. Specifically, we are going to analyze the monographic text writing in order to verify the meaning effects created from the ways of showing other s discourses that constitute a written production. As a means to do that, we are going to answer the following question: How does a young researcher make use of a theory in order to be part of a particular scientific community? We aim to: 1) analyze the linguistic resources, like quotations and signs of cohesion that demonstrate the other s voice presence in academic writing; 2) observe the meaning effects produced through the ways that the one who writes shows the other s voice in the written text. Firstly, we have selected 23 (twentythree) monographs produced in the last five years by students from a Literature and Languages undergraduate course in a determined public university. However, in this study, we have analyzed just 02 (two) different monographic texts. To develop such an investigation, we have inquired Kuhn s concept of science, which shows the existence of different meanings of science production in the course of the centuries. It allows us to define academic writing as science production that develops and contributes to knowledge production. With the purpose of restricting the meaning of writing conception, we have relied on Coracini, who assumes that all writing production is the registration of the self, in other words, writing comes from the subject s intervention, it is to say that only an imposition of the self guarantees the subject as author of what he writes. We have as theoretical basis the following concepts: 1-) Authier-Revus s enunciative heterogeneity, that allowed us to analyze the written marks of the other in the monographic writing; 2-) Pêcheux s reformulation-paraphrase and Orlandi s polysemy and paraphrase, concepts that present notions of productivity and creativity as ways of meaning production, and allows us to observe how the process of language production in academic writing is established; 3-) Rossi-Landi s concept of exchange-value and use-value, which consider language as a linguistic work, allowing us to verify the differences between use and social functionality in a determined theory; and 4-) Possenti s notion of authorship indicia, with which we have identified attitudes that make the one who writes author of his own text. We have verified that writing characterized for repetition and reproduction may develop a meaning effect that constructs the idea that writing production promotes an author, a concept or a theory. We have also realized that a written text that restricts itself to reproduce other authors discourses and does not articulate a theory with data analysis or with work methodology, when evaluated is approved and legitimates itself as scientific production. That demonstrates the existence of academic productions that do not develop any functionality of the employed theory. The text works as a means to promote its theoretical concepts, and theory. It is to say that the theoretical foundantion, which usually is a way to argue and sustain scientific production, does not have any function. Thus, we consider that the way someone shows the other s discourse in academic writing may work as a way to underline what the other asserts to the detriment of the researcher s words. This fact allows us to comprehend that a way of writing may evidence a meaning effect of the author s, theory s or theoretical concepts promotion


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Nos últimos anos, o tema velhice tem despertado mais a atenção de diversos setores da sociedade. O resultado disso é o aumento de reportagens, artigos, monografias, dissertações e teses sobre ele.O Brasil está caminhando para se tornar a sexta população de idosos no mundo, fruto do grande avanço tecnológico, intensificado na segunda metade do século XX, facilitando as conquistas da medicina, da saúde e da genética. Vale salientar que essa problemática está inserida em um contexto social, político e econômico específico, que é o da resignificação do poder local. É nessa conjuntura que situamos o presente trabalho, que é um estudo sobre a avaliação de políticas públicas. Nesse sentido, procuramos analisar a efetividade do Programa Idoso Cidadão, da Prefeitura Municipal de Mossoró. O quadro de referência teórico-metodológico situa-se na revisão da literatura sobre terceira idade, poder local e avaliação de políticas públicas, observação assistemática; e entrevista semi-estruturada com os gestores, os profissionais envolvidos e particularmente com os usuários do Programa, tendo como meta averiguar como esses agentes percebem a implementação e os resultados do Programa. Com este tratamento conceitual foi possível apreender as condições em que se deu o estudo sobre a efetividade do referido programa para o processo de inclusão dos idosos na sociedade. O Programa Idoso Cidadão é, sem dúvida, um avanço no trabalho com os idosos e na inclusão destes na sociedade. É um espaço para a construção da cidadania, embora apresente muitas limitações, principalmente na área física e no quadro profissional. Constatou-se que, de modo geral, o Programa atende às necessidades básicas de sua clientela. Portanto podemos dizer que a avaliação da efetividade dessa política de atendimento ao idoso se mostrou eficaz, uma vez que podemos perceber o quanto o programa é importante para a vida de seus usuários, promovendo a elevação de sua auto-estima e de sua aceitação como categoria social


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A revisão da história do desenvolvimento da educação brasileira ao longo do séc. XX permite-nos observar que grande parte das alternativas implantadas com o intuito de resolver os problemas de democratização, acesso e permanência do aluno em uma escola de qualidade foram suplantadas por políticas de caráter econômico e financeiro que acabavam preterindo os aspectos pedagógicos. Com base nesta constatação, entendemos que a atual proposição de ampliação do Ensino Fundamental de 8 para 9 anos representa uma nova oportunidade para a revisão deste procedimento histórico no âmbito da sociedade brasileira. Tendo em vista que o prazo proposto para adequação de todas as escolas à lei é 2010, realizou-se uma investigação junto a 2 (dois) Núcleos Regionais de Ensino, 8 (oito) Secretarias Municipais de Educação e 12 (doze) escolas vinculadas a estes órgãos, localizadas em diferentes cidades e regiões do estado do Paraná-Brasil, com o objetivo de investigar como a referida proposta chegou às escolas, bem como de que forma as mesmas estão se preparando para este processo. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas junto a representantes dos núcleos e secretarias e também, junto aos diretores e professores das escolas. Pode-se constatar que muito pouco se sabe acerca da proposta de Implantação do Ensino Fundamental de 9 anos e que pairam muitas dúvidas e preocupações sobre se a proposta não consiste somente em mais uma mudança política e estrutural, se não significa, apenas, uma antecipação da alfabetização que poderá prejudicar as crianças. Assim sendo, parece ficar evidente a precocidade da implantação de forma ampla e generalizada, antes que sejam garantidas as condições de preparação das respectivas escolas e professores.