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With the aim to reduce unwanted bycatches and discards in small mesh size trawling for Baltic eel some technical measurements are described and investigated. They include as well sorting grids as the more selective technological alternative longlining.


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Due to the increasing environmental awareness of the public, marine environmental protection became a general interest. Since fishery is one of the strongest direct influences of man on the marine ecosystem, it became criticised, especially because of the discarding of unused fish, which is considered as a waste of the resource. In the different types of fisheries the calculation of the amounts of discards in relationship to the landings vary strongly. One of the reasons is, however, the different use of the terms 'bycatch' and 'discard'. Thus it is important to work with equal terms and definitions, so that fishermen, protectionists and ecologists talk the same language. This contribution tries to define the following terms achieving a generally acceptable terminology which is also explained by the attached diagram.


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This article informs about the current status and development of fish stocks which are•of commercial importance for all branches of the German fisheries in the•entire North Atlantic. The information is based to a large extent on the reports of the Advisory Committee on Fishery Management (ACFM)of the International Council of the Sea(ICES) and in close connection with the results of scientific investigations of different institutes in Europe dealing with fish including the Institute for Sea Fisheries in Hamburg.


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Die gegenwärtige Situation der westlichen und östlichen Dorschbestände in der Ostsee wird von den Experten des Internationalen Rates für Meeresforschung, verglichen mit den 80er Jahren, als ungünstig beurteilt. Noch 1994 wurde daher kein Anlaß gesehen, trotz massiver Proteste der Praxis, die Empfehlung für eine moderate Befischung aufzuheben (Anon. 1994).


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The investigations showed that the shelf life of traditional smoked and vacuum-packed gutted mackerels, mackerel and herring fillets is similar to the corresponding vacuum-packed products smoked with liquid smoke. The storage temperature was 5 ± 0,5 °C. Under experimental conditions the storage time was 26 days for smoked gutted mackerels and more than 30 days for smoked fillets. Storage times of 20 to 25 days for these products are recommended. The microbiological and chemical results showed no differences between both technologies.


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The 25th annual meeting of WEFTA was held in Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, in November 1995 as an "International Seafood Conference". In 12 sessions 40 oral presentations and 60 posters were presented. The topics included among others: Quality assurance, consumer demands and behaviour, processing, packaging, distribution, nutrition, storage, analytical methodology. The conference was attended by 210 participants from 33 countries.


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Two redfish species are expected to live off western Greenland in a broad distribution area. Except for a small population of adults in the Godthab Fjord, only juvenile and adolescent specimens have been met there, tending to increase in age from the north to the south. As taxonomic identification of single specimens is difficult the distribution of species stocks cannot be clearly identified. This paper deals with spawning areas, migration and drifting routes around Greenland respectively in relation to distributional pattern of juvenile redfish off western Greenland.


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Die Unterwasser-Beobachtungstechnik mit Hilfe von Videokameras wurde nach 1945 entwickelt und erzielte in den 50er Jahren ihre ersten aufsehenerregenden Erfolge auf dem Gebiet der Wracksuche. Versuche mit der neuen Technik in der Fischereiforschung ließen gleichzeitig die Grenzen bei der Beobachtung von fischereilichen Fanggeräten und -objekten erkennen: die geringe Lichtstärke der verfügbaren Kameras erforderte den Einsatz von Kunstlicht, d.h. eine Beobachtung des Fangprozesses unter "natürlichen" Bedingungen ohne Zusatzbeleuchtung war nicht möglich. Diese Einschränkung sowie die am Beginn jeder technischen Entwicklung unvermeidlichen Kinderkrankheiten verhinderten zu dieser Zeit die allgemeine Einführung der Unterwasser-Beobachtungstechnik mit Video-Kameras in der Fischereiforschung.


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Colour measurements were performed on smoked Norwegian salmon sides using an objective method based on the CIELab-system. The influence of a freeze/thaw cycle was evaluated. Already after a short frozen storage of 8 hours a signiticant colour difference could be noticed. This was manifested by an increase in lightness as well as in redness and yellowness as result of the freeze/thaw cycle. These colour changes were observable by eyes too.


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Data on the fat content in the edible part of mackerel in correlation to the length are given for nine different fishing grounds. The samples were taken in spring and summer in the North Sea, west and south of the British Isles and in the bay of Biscay.


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Financial support is going to be applied for from the European Commission in order to establish the European Fish Ageing Network (EFAN). The project, which was planned and initiated from Norway (Floedevigen) is supposed to be a concerted action from 14 European Countries involving about 35 institutions. The primary aim of the network is to coordinate the research in age reading, especially the improvement of data bases for reference material, the transformation of research (e.g. daily ring formation in otoliths) to each interested reader. Moreover, the applied financial support is supposed to be preliminary spent for travel of researcher and technicians to other institutes where the same fish species are aged. Reference material is supposed to be sent to the institutes for check-reading. Specific workshops will be held in cases where heterogeneous results occur from check-reading the reference material.


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In order to investigate the abundanceand strength of most recent year classes of cod,haddock, whiting, Norway pout, herring, sprat, and mackerel seven researchvessels of ICES member states carried out a bottom trawl survey in the North Sea in January/February 1996. Germany took part in these investigations by R.V. "Walther Herwig III" from January 19 to February 9 covering 62 out of 332 international stations. No substantial positive or negative results concerning the incoming year classes were obtained. As expected, the hydrographc situation of the area under investigation was strongly influenced by the actual weather: On the one hand, the continuous cooling of the surface layer by cold air caused vertical mixing down into the bottom layer in larger areas, and led to decreasing water temperatures which were below the long term values in nearly all the North Sea at the end of the investigation period. On the other hand, the continuous southern to eastern winds over the North Sea led to horizontal water mass transports renewing vertical salinity differences and inducing regionally positive as weH as negative salinity anomalies of up to 0.6· 10-3. ,


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Based on the report of the most recent meeting of the ICES Advisory Committee on Fishery Management (ACFM), May 1996, brief uptodate information is given on the status of the fish stocks utilized by the German fleet and the relevant advice on TAC's to be fished in 1997.