976 resultados para Mini-horse
Introduction The aim of this study was to identify the blood feeding sources of Nyssomyia intermedia (Ny. intermedia) and Nyssomyia neivai (Ny. neivai), which are Leishmania vectors and the predominant sandfly species in the Ribeira Valley, State of São Paulo, Brazil, an endemic area for cutaneous leishmaniasis. Methods Specimens were captured monthly between February 2001 and December 2003 on a smallholding and a small farm situated in the Serra district in the Iporanga municipality. The blood meals of 988 engorged females were tested using the avidin-biotin immunoenzymatic enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Seven blood meal sources were investigated: human, dog, chicken, bovine, pig, horse and rat. Results The results showed that among the females that fed on one or more blood sources, the respective percentages for Ny. intermedia and Ny. neivai, respectively, were as follows: human (23% and 36.8%), pig (47.4% and 26.4%), chicken (25.7% and 36.8%) and dog (3.9% and 0%), and the differences in the blood sources between the two species were statistically significant (p = 0.043). Conclusions Both species had predominant reactivity for one or two blood sources, and few showed reactivity indicating three or four sources. Many different combinations were observed among the females that showed reactivity for more than one source, which indicated their opportunistic habits and eclecticism regarding anthropic environmental conditions.
Introduction The blood meal source of sandflies provides valuable information about the vector/host interaction and allows for an understanding of American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) transmission mechanisms. The aim of this study was to identify the blood meal sources of Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) intermedia in an endemic area of leishmaniasis in Brazil's State of Paraná using a precipitin test. Methods Sandflies were collected in the rural locality of Epitácio Pessoa within the City of Adrianópolis, State of Paraná, in southern Brazil. A total of 864 female sandflies were captured, and 862 (99.8%) were identified as L. intermedia species. However, two unidentified specimens were considered to be part of the genus Lutzomyia. Results Among the females examined, 396 specimens presented reactions to a certain type of tested antiserum, and most (67.9%) reacted to the simple type. These sandflies fed mainly on the blood of birds, opossums, and rodents, but specimens that fed on the blood of humans, dogs, horses, cattle, and cats were also found. Among the cross-reactions found (32.1%), bird/rodent, bird/opossum, bird/dog, bird/human, and horse/dog cross-reactions were the most common. Conclusions These results demonstrate a tendency in the eclectic feeding behavior of L. intermedia and support its potential role as a vector for ACL in the study area.
Introduction Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) may offer an alternative diagnostic option when clinical signs and symptoms suggest visceral leishmaniasis (VL) but microscopic scanning and serological tests provide negative results. PCR using urine is sensitive enough to diagnose human visceral leishmaniasis (VL). However, DNA quality is a crucial factor for successful amplification. Methods A comparative performance evaluation of DNA extraction methods from the urine of patients with VL using two commercially available extraction kits and two phenol-chloroform protocols was conducted to determine which method produces the highest quality DNA suitable for PCR amplification, as well as the most sensitive, fast and inexpensive method. All commercially available kits were able to shorten the duration of DNA extraction. Results With regard to detection limits, both phenol: chloroform extraction and the QIAamp DNA Mini Kit provided good results (0.1 pg of DNA) for the extraction of DNA from a parasite smaller than Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum (< 100fg of DNA). However, among 11 urine samples from subjects with VL, better performance was achieved with the phenol:chloroform method (8/11) relative to the QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (4/11), with a greater number of positive samples detected at a lower cost using PCR. Conclusion Our results demonstrate that phenol:chloroform with an ethanol precipitation prior to extraction is the most efficient method in terms of yield and cost, using urine as a non-invasive source of DNA and providing an alternative diagnostic method at a low cost.
The Health Behavior in School-aged Children is a cross-national study collecting data on social and health indicators on adolescents in 43 countries. The study provides comparable data on health behaviors and health outcomes through the use of a common protocol, which have been a back bone of the study sine its initiation in 1983. Recent years, researchers within the study have noticed a questionable comparability on the widely used item on self-rated health. One of the four response categories to the item "Would you say your health is….?" showed particular variation, as the response category "Fair" varied from 20 % in Latvia and Moldova to 3-4 % in Bulgaria and Macedonia. A qualitative mini-survey of the back-translations showed that the response category "Fair" had a negative slant in 25 countries, a positive slant in 10 countries and was considered neutral in 9 countries. This finding indicates that there are what may be called semantic issues affecting comparability in international studies, since the same original word (in an English original) is interpreted differently across countries and cultures. The paper test and discuss a few possible explanations to this, however, only leaving to future studies to hold a cautious approach to international comparisons if working with the self-rated health item with four response categories.
IntroductionThe prevalence of sexual dysfunction (SD) and dissatisfaction with sexual life (DSL) in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection (CHC) was jointly investigated via a thorough psychopathological analysis, which included dimensions such as fatigue, impulsiveness, psychiatric comorbidity, health-related quality of life (HRQL) and sociodemographic and clinical characteristics.MethodsMale and female CHC patients from an outpatient referral center were assessed using the Brief Fatigue Inventory, the Barrat Impulsiveness Scale, the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAM-A), and the World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale-Brief Version (WHOQOL-BREF). Structured psychiatric interviews were performed according to the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview. SD was assessed based on specific items in the BDI (item 21) and the HAM-A (item 12). DSL was assessed based on a specific question in the WHOQOL-BREF (item 21). Multivariate analysis was performed according to an ordinal linear regression model in which SD and DSL were considered as outcome variables.ResultsSD was reported by 60 (57.1%) of the patients according to the results of the BDI and by 54 (51.4%) of the patients according to the results of the HAM-A. SD was associated with older age, female gender, viral genotype 2 or 3, interferon-α use, impulsiveness, depressive symptoms, antidepressant and benzodiazepine use, and lower HRQL. DSL was reported by 34 (32.4%) of the patients and was associated with depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, antidepressant use, and lower HRQL.ConclusionsThe prevalence of SD and DSL in CHC patients was high and was associated with factors, such as depressive symptoms and antidepressant use. Screening and managing these conditions represent significant steps toward improving medical assistance and the HRQL of CHC patients.
ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION: In the Americas, mucosal leishmaniasis is primarily associated with infection by Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis. However, Leishmania (Viannia) guyanensis is another important cause of this disease in the Brazilian Amazon. In this study, we aimed at detecting Leishmaniadeoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) within paraffin-embedded fragments of mucosal tissues, and characterizing the infecting parasite species.METHODS: We evaluated samples collected from 114 patients treated at a reference center in the Brazilian Amazon by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analyses.RESULTS: Direct examination of biopsy imprints detected parasites in 10 of the 114 samples, while evaluation of hematoxylin and eosin-stained slides detected amastigotes in an additional 17 samples. Meanwhile, 31/114 samples (27.2%) were positive for Leishmania spp. kinetoplast deoxyribonucleic acid (kDNA) by PCR analysis. Of these, 17 (54.8%) yielded amplification of the mini-exon PCR target, thereby allowing for PCR-RFLP-based identification. Six of the samples were identified as L. (V.) braziliensis, while the remaining 11 were identified as L. (V.) guyanensis.CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study demonstrate the feasibility of applying molecular techniques for the diagnosis of human parasites within paraffin-embedded tissues. Moreover, our findings confirm that L. (V.) guyanensisis a relevant causative agent of mucosal leishmaniasis in the Brazilian Amazon.
RESUMO: Introdução: A diabetes é uma patologia crônica que vêm crescendo exponencialmente em países desenvolvidos e, principalmente, naqueles em desenvolvimento, como é o caso do Brasil. Além de gerar importante custo aos sistemas públicos de saúde, sabe-se que as consequências do mau controle da diabetes tem impacto importante na vida de indivíduos que apresentam a doença, como a perda precoce da funcionalidade e a reduzida qualidade de vida. Nesse sentido, o governo federal brasileiro estabelece em 2002 o Programa Hiperdia, que prevê educação terapêutica e a assistência multiprofissional como estratégias na prevenção e controle das consequências geradas pelo mau controle da diabetes. Objetivo: O estudo aqui proposto tem como objetivo avaliar de que modo a presença e o tempo de diagnóstico da diabetes do tipo 2 (DM2) estão associados à funcionalidade e qualidade de vida de indivíduos assistidos pelo Programa Hiperdia. Metodologia: Foram avaliados indivíduos com idade igual ou superior a 40 anos, residentes na cidade de Viçosa-Minas Gerais/Brasil, distribuídos em diferentes grupos conforme as perspectivas de análise 1 (estudo da presença da DM2) e 2 (estudo do tempo de diagnóstico da patologia). Para a perspectiva 1 dois diferentes grupos foram comparados: controle (CTL), indivíduos sem DM2 ou qualquer patologia em órgãos alvo da doença; e DM2, indivíduos diagnosticados com diabetes do tipo 2. Já para a perspectiva 2 de análise pessoas diagnosticadas com DM2 foram distribuídas em dois diferentes grupos: G1, indivíduos com tempo de diagnóstico da DM2 ≥ 1 ano e ≤ 5 anos; e G2, indivíduos com tempo de diagnóstico da DM2 ≥ 10 anos. Previamente, avaliamos o estado cognitivo dos participantes por meio do Mini Mental State Exam. Dados sociodemográficos e clínicos (rastreio de sintomas depressivos, sonolência diurna excessiva e antropometria) também foram avaliados, além da verificação do perfil bioquímico por meio de informações provenientes de prontuários médicos. Para o estudo da funcionalidade, os instrumentos Activities of Daily Living, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living e o Life Style Questionnaire foram utilizados, assim como o SF-36v2 para a avaliação da qualidade de vida. Por fim, outras variáveis como conhecimento sobre a DM2 e gestão da patologia também foram investigadas. 10 Resultados: 198 indivíduos (CTL: 81; DM2: 117) com idade ≥ 40 anos foram avaliados, dos quais 55,5% apresentaram idade igual ou superior a 60 anos. A maioria corresponderam ao sexo feminino (62,6%). Foram verificados similares resultados para o estado cognitivo em ambas as perspectivas de análise. Pode-se dizer que, para a perspectiva 1 (CTL vs. DM2), os grupos apresentaram diferenças estatísticas significantes para a maioria das variáveis estudadas e tendência para a variável estilo de vida, com resultados desfavorecedores ao grupo DM2. Para a perspectiva 2 (G1 vs. G2), nossos resultados não evidenciam diferenças significantes para o tempo de diagnóstico em nenhuma das variáveis estudadas. Conclusões: Os resultados do estudo mostram que a presença da DM2 em situação de inadequado controle, bem como o insuficiente conhecimento sobre a patologia entre os indivíduos assistidos pelo Centro Hiperdia podem representar um importante fator para a verificação da reduzida funcionalidade e qualidade de vida. Isto sugere a necessidade de ajustes na execução do Programa, de modo a tornar possível o alcance dos objetivos propostos pelo mesmo. Referente ao tempo de diagnóstico da DM2, em nossa amostra, os resultados indicam que este parece não representar um fator desfavorecedor da funcionalidade e qualidade de vida.---------------------------ABSTRACT: Introduction: Type 2 diabetes (DM2) is a chronic disease that has been growing exponentially in developed countries, and even more so in developing countries such as Brazil. In addition, the pathology generates a significant cost to public healthcare systems. It is well known that the poor control of diabetes has important consequences on the lives of individuals diagnosed with the disease, such as the early loss of functionality and a reduced quality of life. In this sense, the Brazilian federal government established the Programa Hiperdia in 2002, a program that provides therapeutic education and multidisciplinary care in order to prevent and control the consequences of diabetes. Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate how the presence and the diagnosis time of DM2 are associated with the functionality and quality of life of individuals assisted by the Programa Hiperdia. Methodology: We evaluated individuals aged 40 years or older living in Viçosa, Minas Gerais/Brazil, and divided them into different groups according to the analytical perspectives 1 (the study of the presence of DM2) and 2 (the study of the diagnosis time of DM2). For perspective 1, two different groups were compared: the DM2 group, which consisted of individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and the control group (CTL), which consisted of individuals without type 2 diabetes or any disease in the target organs. For perspective 2, people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes were divided into two different groups: G1, individuals with diagnosis time ≥ 1 year and ≤ 5 years; and G2, individuals with diagnosis time ≥ 10 years. Prior to group assignment, we assessed the cognitive status of all participants with the Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE). Sociodemographic and clinical data (i.e. screening of depressive symptoms, excessive daytime sleepiness and anthropometry) were also evaluated, as well as the biochemical profile based on information from the local Hiperdia center. To study functionality, Activities of Daily Living, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living and Life Style Questionnaire were administered. Quality of life was assessed via the SF-36v2 Health Survey. Finally, variables such as knowledge about DM2 and disease management were also verified. Results: 198 subjects (CTL: 81; DM2: 117) aged ≥ 40 years were evaluated, of whom 55.5% were aged 60 years or older. The majority of subjects were women (62,6%). Cognitive status scores were similar amongst both analytical perspectives. In terms of perspective 1 (DM2. vs. CTL), it showed statistically significant differences between the groups for the most part of the variables studied, and poorer results in the DM2 group. Regarding perspective 2 (G1 vs. G2), our results did not show significant differences for the diagnosis time in any of the variables studied. Conclusions: Our findings show that the presence of DM2 with inadequate control of the condition, as well as lack of knowledge about the disease among individuals assisted by the Hiperdia center may represent an important factor in the poor functionality and reduced quality of life when compared to the control group. This suggests that the Program likely needs some adjustments on its implementation in order to make possible the achievement of the objectives proposed. With respect to the diagnosis time for DM2 in our sample, the results indicate that it does not seem to be a factor in poor functionality nor quality of life.
As increasingly more sophisticated materials and products are being developed and times-to-market need to be minimized, it is important to make available fast response characterization tools using small amounts of sample, capable of conveying data on the relationships between rheological response, process-induced material structure and product characteristics. For this purpose, a single / twin-screw mini-extrusion system of modular construction, with well-controlled outputs in the range 30-300 g/h, was coupled to a in- house developed rheo-optical slit die able to measure shear viscosity and normal-stress differences, as well as performing rheo-optical experiments, namely small angle light scattering (SALS) and polarized optical microscopy (POM). In addition, the mini-extruder is equipped with ports that allow sample collection, and the extrudate can be further processed into products to be tested later. Here, we present the concept and experimental set-up [1, 2]. As a typical application, we report on the characterization of the processing of a polymer blend and of the properties of extruded sheets. The morphological evolution of a PS/PMMA industrial blend along the extruder, the flow-induced structures developed and the corresponding rheological characteristics are presented, together with the mechanical and structural characteristics of produced sheets. The application of this experimental tool to other material systems will also be discussed.
Traffic Engineering (TE) approaches are increasingly impor- tant in network management to allow an optimized configuration and resource allocation. In link-state routing, the task of setting appropriate weights to the links is both an important and a challenging optimization task. A number of different approaches has been put forward towards this aim, including the successful use of Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs). In this context, this work addresses the evaluation of three distinct EAs, a single and two multi-objective EAs, in two tasks related to weight setting optimization towards optimal intra-domain routing, knowing the network topology and aggregated traffic demands and seeking to mini- mize network congestion. In both tasks, the optimization considers sce- narios where there is a dynamic alteration in the state of the system, in the first considering changes in the traffic demand matrices and in the latter considering the possibility of link failures. The methods will, thus, need to simultaneously optimize for both conditions, the normal and the altered one, following a preventive TE approach towards robust configurations. Since this can be formulated as a bi-objective function, the use of multi-objective EAs, such as SPEA2 and NSGA-II, came nat- urally, being those compared to a single-objective EA. The results show a remarkable behavior of NSGA-II in all proposed tasks scaling well for harder instances, and thus presenting itself as the most promising option for TE in these scenarios.
Microinjection molding of polymer composites with carbon nanotubes (CNT) requires previous production of the nanocomposites, often by melt extrusion. Each processing step has a thermo-mechanical effect on the polymer melt, conveying different properties to the final product. In this work, polyamide 6 and its composites with pristine and functionalized CNT (f-CNT) were processed by a mini twin-screw extrusion, followed by microinjection molding. The morphology induced on the polymer by each process was analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry and wide angle X-ray diffraction. Calorimetric analysis showed a secondary crystallization for the microinjected materials, absent for the extruded materials. The characterization of microinjected polyamide 6 by X-ray diffraction revealed a large contribution of the c phase to the total crystallinity, mainly in the skin region, while the nanocomposites and extruded materials were characterized by a larger contribution of the a phase. Functionalization of CNT did not affect significantly the polymer morphology compared to composites with pristine CNT.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Psicologia
Dissertação de mestrado em Psicologia Aplicada (área de especialização em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde)
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Materiais
Fields of murundus (FM) are wetlands that provide numerous ecosystem services. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the chemical [organic carbon (OC), P, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+ and H+Al] and physical [texture and bulk density (Bd)] soil attributes and calculate the organic matter (OM) and nutrient stock (P, Ca, Mg, and K) in soils of FM located in the Guapore River basin in Mato Grosso. Thirty-six sampling points were selected, and soil samples were collected from two environments: the murundu and plain area surrounding (PAS). At each sampling point, mini trenches of 0.5 × 0.5 × 0.4 m were opened and disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were collected at depths of 0-0.1, 0.1-0.2, and 0.2-0.4 m. In the Principal Component Analysis the variables H+Al (49%) and OM (4%) were associated with the F1 component and sand content (47%) with the F2 component. The FM had lower pH values and higher concentrations of K+, P, and H+Al than PAS at all depths (p < 0.05). Additionally, FM stocked up to 433, 360, 205, and 11 kg ha-1 of Ca, Mg, K, and P, respectively, for up to a depth of 0.2 m. The murundu stored two times more K and three times more P than that in the PAS. Our results show that the FM has high sand content and Bd greater than 1.5 Mg m-3, high acidity, low OC content, and low nutrient concentrations. Thus, special care must be taken to preserve FM such that human intervention does not trigger environmental imbalances.
INRODUÇÃO: Limitações da qualidade de vida dos pacientes com insuficiência renal crônica (IRC) em programa de hemodiálise estão associadas a maior prevalência de transtornos psiquiátricos. O diagnóstico precoce e preciso pode contribuir na elaboração de estratégias de tratamento. OBJETIVO: Estudar a prevalência e o padrão dos transtornos psiquiátricos em pacientes hemodialisados, identificando variáveis relacionadas com sua ocorrência. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 244 pacientes e analisadas as variáveis associadas à ocorrência de transtornos psiquiátricos. Os pacientes foram avaliados através do Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI). RESULTADOS: Pelo menos um diagnóstico psiquiátrico foi apresentado por 91 pacientes (37,3%). Os de ocorrência mais freqüente foram distimia (17,6%), risco de suicídio (16,4%) e episódio depressivo maior (8,6%). O sexo feminino apresentou maior risco de transtornos psiquiátricos (razão de chance [RC] = 2,77; intervalo de confiança [IC] 95%: 1,42-5,41). Os pacientes viúvos, separados e solteiros apresentaram maior risco de transtornos psiquiátricos do que os casados (RC= 5,507;IC95%:1,348-22,551). Aqueles com menos de dois anos em diálise apresentaram risco maior (RC = 2,075; IC 95%: 1,026-4,197). Os pacientes com clearance fracional de uréia (Kt/V) abaixo de 0,9 tiveram maior chance de apresentar transtornos psiquiátricos (RC = 3,955; IC 95%: 1,069-11,012). CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de transtornos psiquiátricos foi alta. Os transtornos afetivos foram os mais freqüentes. Nas mulheres e naqueles com Kt/V baixo, o risco foi maior. Nos pacientes casados e naqueles com mais de dois anos em tratamento o risco foi menor.