984 resultados para Milho - Adubos e fertilizantes - Absorção e adsorção


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This work deals with the application of X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy on the study of the behavior of Cu2+ ions in inverse micelles. The formation of copper nanoparticles in water-in-oil microemulsions in pseudo-ternary systems of cetyl trimethylammonium Bromide (CTAB) surfactant, butanol co-surfactant, heptane as oil phase and aqueous solutions of CuSO4.5H2O, and NaBH4. The microemulsions were prepared with a fixed percentage (60 %) of oil phase and a variable water to tensoative proportion. It was observed an increase on Cu2+ reduction by the sodium borohydride in microemulsions with 13 % of aqueous phase, independent of the reaction time. For the microemulsions in which the aqueous phase is composed only by the CuSO4 solution, it was observed that the color of the solution depends on the water to surfactant ratio. These changes in color were attributed to a competition for the hidratation water between the polar head of the tensoative and Cu2+ ions with the eventual substitution of oxygen by bromine atoms in the first coordination shell of Cu2+ ions


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The proposal of this work is to evaluate the influence of the organic matter on the results of the analyses of the metals (Zn, Pb, Al, Cu, Cr, Fe, Cd e Ni) for Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS), so much in the extraction stage as in the reading using for that the chemometrics. They were used for this study sample of bottom sediment collected in river Jundiaí in the vicinity of the city of Macaíba-RN, commercial humus and water of the station of treatment of sewer of UFRN. Through the analyses accomplished by EAA it was verified that the interference of the organic matter happens in the extraction stage and not in the reading. With relationship to the technique of X Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRFS), the present work has as intended to evaluate the viability of this technique for quantitative analysis of trace metals (Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr and Pb) in having leached obtained starting from the extraction with acqua regia for an aqueous solution. The used samples constitute the fine fraction (<0.063 mm) of sediments of swamp of the river Jundiaí. The preparation of tablets pressed starting from the dry residue of those leached it allowed your analysis in the solid form. This preliminary study shows that, in the case of the digestion chemistry partially of the fine fractions of bottom sediments used for environmental studies, the technique of applied EFRX to the analysis of dry residues starting from having leached with acqua regia, compared her it analyzes of the leached with ICP-OES, it presents relative mistakes for Cu, Pb, Sr and Zn below 10%


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Cellulose acetate polymeric membranes had been prepared by a procedure of two steps, combining the method of phase inversion and the technique of hydrolysis-deposition. The first step was the preparation of the membrane, and together was organomodified with tetraethylortosilicate and 3-aminopropyltrietoxysilane. Parameters that exert influence in the complexation of the metallic ion, as pH, time of complexation, metal concentration, had been studied in laboratory using tests of metal removal. The membranes had presented resistance mechanics and reactivity to cations, being able to be an alternative for the removal, daily pay-concentration or in the study of the lability of metals complexed.


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In this work, chitosan was used as a coating of pure perlite in order to increase the accessibility of the groups OH- e NH2+the adsorptionof ions Mn2+ e Zn2+.The characterization results of the expanded perlite classified as microporous and whose surface area 3,176 m2 g-1after the change resulted in 4,664 m2g-1.From the thermogravimetry(TG) it was found that the percentage of coating was34,3%.The infrared analysis can prove the presence of groups Si-OH, Si-O e Al-O-Siresulting from the perlite and C=O, NH2and OH characterization of chitosan. The experiments on experiments on the adsorption of Mn and Zn were performed in the concentration range of10 a 50 mgL-1and the adsorption capacity inpH 5,8 e 5,2 was 19,49 and 23,09 mgg-1to 25 oC,respectively.The adsorption data were best fitted to Langmuir adsorption model to Langmuir adsorption model for both metalionsisindicative of monolayer adsorption. The kinetics of adsorption were calculated from the equation of Lagergren fitting the model pseudo-second-order for all initial concentrations, suggesting that adsorption of ions Mn2+ and Zn2+ follows the kinetics of pseudo-second-order and whose constant Speedk2(g/mg.min) are 0,105 e 3,98 and capacity and maximum removal qe 4,326 e 3,348,respectively.In this study we used a square wave voltammetry cathodic stripping voltammetry to quantify the adsorbed ions, and the working electrode glassy carbon, reference electrode silver / silver chloride and a platinum auxiliary electrode. The attainment of the peaks corresponding to ions Mn2+ and Zn2+ was evaluated in and electrochemical cell with a capacity of 30 mL using a buffer system (Na2HPO4/NaH2PO4)at pH 4 and was adjusted with solutionsH3PO4 0,1molL-1and NaOH 0,1 molL-1and addition of the analyte has been a cathodic peak in- 0,873 Vand detection limit of2,55x10-6molL-1para Zn.The dough used for obtaining the adsorption isotherm was 150 mg and reached in 120 min time of equilibrium for both metal ions.The maximum adsorption for 120 min with Mn concentration 20 mgL-1 and Zn 10 mgL-1,was91, 09 e 94, 34%, respectively


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The phenomenon of adsorption is of fundamental importance for the treatment of textile effluents and removal of dyes. Chitosan is characterized as an excellent adsorbent material, not only for its adsorption capacity but also the low cost production. Equilibrium and kinetic studies were developed in this study to describe the mechanism of adsorption of the anionic azo dye Orange G in chitosan, with the isotherms obtained from the variation of the concentration of dye in the continuous phase. The kinetics of the process was analyzed based on models involving the adsorption of molecules of the dye in nonpolar and polar sites. Adsorption experiments were carried out in water and in saline media with different NaCl concentrations, both for the determination of the equilibrium time as isotherms for making kinetic curves in which the amount of dye adsorbed measured indirectly varied with time. The experiments revealed the opening of the biopolymer structure with increasing concentration of Orange G, accompanied by high pH values and change on the type of interaction between the dye and the adsorbent surface, suggesting behavior advocated by the Langmuir equation in a certain range of concentration of the adsorbate and following the Henry's Law at higher concentrations, from the increased number of sites available for adsorption. The studies conducted showed that the saline medium reduces the chitosan s adsorption capacity according to a certain concentration, the occurrence of the cooperative adsorption process steps kinetic mechanism suggested as a new alternative for the interpretation of the phenomenon


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O recente interesse em se obter materiais nanoporosos funcionalizados para aplicações como calisadores heterogêneos e adsorção de CO2, tem aumentado no meio industrial e cientifico. Nesta última aplicação, a introdução de grupos aminas, como os presentes em quitosana, em materiais nanoporosos do tipo SBA-15 para gerar interações específicas com o CO2 tem ganhado importância. Assim, neste trabalho foram realizadas a síntese do SBA-15 e posterior impregnação da CS no suporte mesoporoso através do método de impregnação por via úmida. Os materiais obtidos foram caracterizados por meio DRX, TG, DSC, MEV, FTIR e adsorção/dessorção de N2. Os resultados de DRX indicaram que a estrutura ordenada do suporte SBA-15 foi preservada após a impregnação e os cálculos mostraram que o diâmetro médio do poro e/ou a espessura média da parede (wt) foram alterados devido a introdução da quitosana nas amostras funcionalizadas. As curvas de TG e de DSC,corroboraram com os dados de DRX, indicando a presença da quitosana na estrutura mesoporosa do SBA-15, assim como as micrografias das amostras funcionalizadas, que possibilitou visualizar o estado de agregação do material obtido. As bandas características de absorção da CS na região IV foram identificadas e interpretadas nas amostras funcionalizadas confirmando as outras caracterizações. Foi visto também que a área superficial diminuiu nas amostras funcionalizadas, indicando a sucessiva incorporação do polímero no suporte mesoporoso. A energia de ativação do processo de degradação térmica da quitosana impregnada no suporte foi determinada por meio do método de cinética livre de Viazovkin e pelo método de Ozawa-Flay-Wall com os resultados indicando que o aumento da quitosana diminui em aproximadamente 10% a energia de ativação para sua degradação.


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The recent interest in obtaining functionalized nanoporous materials for applications such as heterogeneous catalysts and adsorption of CO2 has increased today. In the latter application, the introduction of amino groups such as present in the chitosan (CS), in the nanoporous materials like SBA-15 to generate specific interactions with CO2 has gained importance. In this work were performed to hydrothermal synthesis of SBA-15 and subsequent impregnation of the CS in the support mesoporous by the method of the wet impregnation. The materials were characterized by TG/DTG, DSC, XRD, SEM, FTIR and adsorption / desorption of N2. The XRD showed that the ordered structure of the support SBA-15 was preserved after the impregnation and calculations have shown that the average pore diameter (Dp) and / or the average wall thickness (wt) have been changed due to introduction of the CS in the samples functionalized. The curves of TG and DSC data corroborates the XRD, indicating the presence of CS in the nanoporous structure of SBA-15, as well as micrographs of samples, which allowed the display state of aggregation of the material obtained. The characteristics of bands absorption in the region of the CS in the FTIR were identified and interpreted in the samples functionalized, confirming the further characterization. Measurements showed that the BET surface area decreases in the functionalized samples, indicating the successive incorporation of the polymer in the nanoporous support. The activation energy apparent (Ea) for the process of thermal degradation of CS in the impregnated support was determined by the methods of kinetic freedom Vyazovkin and Ozawa-Flynn-Wall with the results indicating that the sample functionalized CS/SBA-15 2,5 % was decrease of the Ea in their degradation of about 10% compared to 1,0 % CS/SBA-15 sample


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TiTanate NanoTubes (TTNT) were synthesized by hydrothermal alkali treatment of TiO2 anatase followed by repeated washings with distinct degrees of proton exchange. TTNT samples with different sodium contents were characterized, as synthesized and after heattreatment (200-800ºC), by X-ray diffraction, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction, thermal analysis, nitrogen adsorption and spectroscopic techniques like FTIR and UV-Vis diffuse reflectance. It was demonstrated that TTNTs consist of trititanate structure with general formula NaxH2−xTi3O7·nH2O, retaining interlayer water in its multiwalled structure. The removal of sodium reduces the amount of water and contracts the interlayer space leading, combined with other factors, to increased specific surface area and mesopore volume. TTNTs are mesoporous materials with two main contributions: pores smaller than 10 nm due to the inner volume of nanotubes and larger pores within 5-60 nm attributed to the interparticles space. Chemical composition and crystal structure of TTNTs do not depend on the average crystal size of the precursor TiO2-anatase, but this parameter affects significantly the morphology and textural properties of the nanostructured product. Such dependence has been rationalized using a dissolution-recrystallization mechanism, which takes into account the dissolution rate of the starting anatase and its influence on the relative rates of growth and curving of intermediate nanosheets. The thermal stability of TTNT is defined by the sodium content and in a lower extent by the crystallinity of the starting anatase. It has been demonstrated that after losing interlayer water within the range 100-200ºC, TTNT transforms, at least partially, into an intermediate hexatitanate NaxH2−xTi6O13 still retaining the nanotubular morphology. Further thermal transformation of the nanostructured tri- and hexatitanates occurs at higher or lower temperature and follows different routes depending on the sodium content in the structure. At high sodium load (water washed samples) they sinter and grow towards bigger crystals of Na2Ti3O7 and Na2Ti6O13 in the form of rods and ribbons. In contrast, protonated TTNTs evolve to nanotubes of TiO2(B), which easily convert to anatase nanorods above 400ºC. Besides hydroxyls and Lewis acidity typical of titanium oxides, TTNTs show a small contribution of protonic acidity capable of coordinating with pyridine at 150ºC, which is lost after calcination and conversion into anatase. The isoeletric point of TTNTs was measured within the range 2.5-4.0, indicating behavior of a weak acid. Despite displaying semiconductor characteristics exhibiting typical absorption in the UV-Vis spectrum with estimated bandgap energy slightly higher than that of its TiO2 precursor, TTNTs showed very low performance in the photocatalytic degradation of cationic and anionic dyes. It was concluded that the basic reason resides in its layered titanate structure, which in comparison with the TiO2 form would be more prone to the so undesired electron-hole pair recombination, thus inhibiting the photooxidation reactions. After calcination of the protonated TTNT into anatase nanorods, the photocatalytic activity improved but not to the same level as that exhibited by its precursor anatase


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In this work were synthesized matrix-based commercial white clay in its composition having large amounts of kaolinite and quartz, with a certain percentage of iron oxide for use as an adsorbent for hydrogen sulfide (H2S). To characterize the effect of initial matrix techniques were used to characterize XRD, FTIR, XRF and TG. The initial clay mineral matrix was placed in contact with 0.1 molar solutions of the salts of Co2+, Ni2+, Cr3+ and a solution 0.1 g / 100ml rhodamine B. During the synthesis process, the solutions were placed in contact with the initial matrix for a period of 48 hours in order to have ion exchange with the clay mineral. To check the amount of exchanged metals, we used the technique of X-ray Fluorescence (XRF). After synthesis was initiated the process of adsorption of H2S, where the arrays were placed in the reactor, then by passing a stream of hydrogen sulfide. The matrix along with the reactor was weighed before and after to measure the amount of gas adsorbed. Based on the gravimetric data the matrix which had the highest performance of the adsorption matrix was exchanged with Ni2+ ions, obtaining a result of 11.13 mg H2S / g matrix, then the matrix coated with rhodamine B which was reached 10.13 mg H2S / g matrix


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Muitos mecanismos provocados pela ação humana vêm gerando um aumento na queima de combustíveis fósseis e processos químicos (produtos orgânicos, carvão, madeira, óleo diesel, gasolina e outros derivados de petróleo) e, consequentemente, há um aumento na emissão de CO2 na atmosfera. Uma das alternativas para a captura desse poluente é o processo de adsorção, o qual pode ajudar na redução do CO2. As hidrotalcitas ou hidróxidos duplos lamelares (HDL s) estão dentre esses materiais estudados, já que apresentam alta estabilidade e uma boa porosidade, tornando-se assim um promissor adsorvente de gases poluentes. Os HDL s formam um grupo de argilas do tipo aniônico que consiste em camadas positivamente carregadas de óxido de metal (ou hidróxido de metal) com intercamadas de ânions. Foi constatado que ânions que possuem duas cargas negativas, estabilizam muito mais que ânions monovalentes, sendo o carbonato o mais estável dos ânions divalentes. Neste trabalho, foi proposta uma modificação na síntese direta através da co-precipitação a pH constante utilizando sais de cátions divalentes (Mg2+) e trivalentes (Al3+) reportados na literatura. Durante a síntese dos HDL s retirou-se o carbonato, bem como, utilizou-se um copolímero como um template para o alargamento das lamelas. As amostras foram caracterizadas utilizando as técnicas de DRX, TG/DTG, FTIR, MEV/EDX, MET e adsorção e dessorção de N2. Os dados obtidos indicam que a estrutura, mesmo após a modificação, apresentou resultados condizentes com os encontrados na literatura. Dentre as várias aplicações dos HDL s foi realizado o estudo da adsorção do CO2. A capacidade de adsorção do material foi testada de acordo com o tempo de contato entre o adsorvente e o adsorbato, sendo esperado que os materiais tratados com template apresentassem um maior desempenho


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Among the polymers that stand out most in recent decades, chitosan, a biopolymer with physico-chemical and biological promising properties has been the subject of a broad field of research. Chitosan comes as a great choice in the field of adsorption, due to their adsorbents properties, low cost and abundance. The presence of amino groups in its chain govern the majority of their properties and define which application a sample of chitosan may be used, so it is essential to determine their average degree of deacetylation. In this work we developed kinetic and equilibrium studies to monitor and characterize the adsorption process of two drugs, tetracycline hydrochloride and sodium cromoglycate, in chitosan particles. Kinetic models and the adsorption isotherms were applied to the experimental data. For both studies, the zeta potential analyzes were also performed. The adsorption of each drug showed distinct aspects. Through the studies developed in this work was possible to describe a kinetic model for the adsorption of tetracycline on chitosan particles, thus demonstrating that it can be described by two kinetics of adsorption, one for protonated tetracycline and another one for unprotonated tetracycline. In the adsorption of sodium cromoglycate on chitosan particles, equilibrium studies were developed at different temperatures, allowing the determination of thermodynamic parameters


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Due to its physico-chemical and biological properties, related to the abundance and low cost of raw material, chitosan has been recognized as a material of wide application in various fields, such as in drug delivery systems. Many of these properties are associated with the presence of amino groups in its polymer chain. A proper determination of these amino groups is very important, in order to properly specify if a given chitosan sample can be used in a particular application. Thus, in this work, initially, a comparison between the determination of the deacetylation degree by conductometry and elemental analysis was carried out using a detailed analysis of error propagation. It was shown that the conductometric analysis resulted in a simple and safe method for the determining the degree of deacetylation of chitosan. Subsequently, experiments were performed to monitor and characterize the adsorption of tetracycline on chitosan particles through kinetic and equilibrium studies. The main models of kinetics and adsorption isotherms, widely used to describe the adsorption on wastewater treatment systems and the drug loading, were used to treat the experimental data. Firstly, it was shown that an apparent linear t/q(t) × t relationship did not imply in a pseudo-second-order adsorption kinetics, differently of what has been repeatedly reported in the literature. It was found that this misinterpretation can be avoided by using non-linear regression. Finally, the adsorption of tetracycline on chitosan particles was analyzed using insights obtained from theoretical analysis, and the parameters generated were used to analyze the kinetics of adsorption, the isotherm of adsorption and to ropose a mechanism of adsorption


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The present work was to carry out a study on the adsorption of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in arrays synthesized from a commercial clay mineral formed by a mixture of dolomite and quartz. To produce the ion exchange matrix were made using aqueous solutions of salts of cobalt II chloride hexahydrate (CoCl2.6H2O) II cadmium nitrate tetrahydrate (Cd (NO3)2.4H2O) I mercuric chloride (HgCl) nitrate and chromium III pentahydrate (Cr (NO3)3.5H2O). The arrays were subjected to hydrogen sulphide gas passage for one hour. To check the amount of gas adsorbed was used gravimetric process. The best result was in the adsorption matrix doped with cadmium and the solution retained for a longer time than the largest amount of H2S was the cobalt matrix. The matrix unmodified exhibited poor adsorption capacity. The characterization of the matrices were used XRD, XRF and IV. Mother with cadmium showed a high capacity in ion exchange, because the percentage of cadmium increased from 0% to 81.38% by replacing atoms of calcium and silicon which increased from 96.54% to 17.56% and 15, 72% to 0.32%, respectively, but also the best performance in adsorption of H2S adsorbing 11.89507 mg per gram of matrix


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Objetivou-se avaliar as produtividades de grãos de milho e massa seca de braquiárias em duas modalidades de consórcio em sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária no período de inverno-primavera em região do Cerrado. O experimento foi conduzido no ano de 2006, na Fazenda de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão (FEPE), pertencente à Faculdade de Engenharia (FE/UNESP - Campus de Ilha Solteira), localizada no município de Selvíria, MS. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 4x2, com cinco repetições. Os tratamentos constituíram-se de quatro espécies de braquiárias (Brachiaria brizantha cv. 'Marandu', Brachiaria decumbens, Brachiaria ruziziensis e Brachiaria híbrido cv. 'Mulato II') consorciadas na linha e a lanço no momento da semeadura do milho. Avaliaram-se os componentes da produção, a produtividade do milho, bem como a massa seca das braquiárias após a colheita do milho. As forrageiras consorciadas a lanço, com destaque para a Brachiaria ruziziensis proporcionaram menor desenvolvimento das plantas de milho e menores valores dos componentes da produção, bem como da produtividade de grãos. Apesar de satisfatórias produtividades de massa seca (acima de 2.500kg ha-1), com exceção da Brachiaria brizantha, as demais espécies consorciadas a lanço foram superiores, com destaque para a Brachiaria decumbens e a Brachiaria ruziziensis que apresentaram maior adaptabilidade e produtividade de forragem no consórcio com milho em sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária.