992 resultados para Mid-Pacific ocean


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New paleomagnetic and paleontologic data from Pacific DSDP Sites 463 and 167 define the magnetic reversals that predate the Cretaceous Normal Polarity Superchron (K-N). Data from Mid-Pacific Mountain Site 463 provide the first definition of polarity chron M0 in the Pacific deep-sea sedimentary record. Foraminiferal biostratigraphy suggests that polarity chron M0 is contained entirely within the lower Aptian Hedbergella similis Zone, in agreement with foraminiferal data from the Italian Southern Alps and Atlantic Ocean. Nannofossil assemblages also suggest an early Aptian age for polarity chron M0, contrary to results from the Italian Umbrian Apennines and Southern Alps, which place polarity chron M0 on the Barremian-Aptian boundary. Biostratigraphic dating discrepancies caused by the time-transgressive, preservational, or provincial nature of paleontological species might be reconciled by the use of magnetostratigraphy, specifically polarity chron M0 which lies close to the Barremian-Aptian boundary. At Magellan Rise Site 167, five reversed polarity zones are recorded in Hauterivian to Aptian sediments. Correlation with M-anomalies is complicated by synsedimentary and postsedimentary sliding about 25 m.y. after basement formation, producing gaps in, and duplications of, the stratigraphic sequence. The magnitude and timing of such sliding must be addressed when evaluating the stratigraphy of these oceanic-rise environments.


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Clasts of metamorphosed mafic igneous rock of diverse composition were recovered in two drill sites on a serpentine mud volcano in the outer Mariana forearc during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 125. These clasts are xenolithic fragments that have been entrained in the rising serpentine mud, and make up less that 9% of the total rock recovered at Sites 778 and 779. Most samples are metabasalt or metadiabase, although one clast of possible boninite and one cumulate gabbro were recovered. On the basis of trace element signatures, samples are interpreted to represent both arc-derived and mid-ocean ridge-derived compositions. Rocks with extremely low TiO2 (<0.3 wt%) and Zr (<30 ppm) are similar to boninite series rocks. Samples with low TiO2 (<0.9 wt%) and Zr (<50 ppm) and extreme potassium enrichment (K2O/Na2O >3.9) may represent island arc rocks similar to shoshonites. However, the K2O/Na2O ratios are much higher than those reported for shoshonites from modem or ancient arcs and may be the result of metamorphism. Samples with moderate TiO2 (1.4 to 1.5 wt%) and Zr (72 to 85 ppm) are similar to rocks from mid-ocean ridges. A few samples have TiO2 and Zr intermediate between island arc and mid-ocean ridge basalt-like rocks. Two samples have high iron (Fe2O3* = >12.8 to 18.5 wt%) (Fe2O3* = total iron calculated as Fe2O3) and TiO2 (>2.3 wt%) and resemble FeTi basalt recovered from mid-ocean ridges. Metamorphism in most samples ranges from low-temperature zeolite, typical of ocean floor weathering, to prehnite-pumpellyite facies and perhaps lower greenschist. Blue amphibole and lawsonite minerals are present in several samples. One diabase clast (Sample 9) exhibits Ca enrichment, similar to rodingite metamorphism, typical of mafic blocks in serpentinized masses. The presence of both low-grade (clays and zeolites) and higher grade (lawsonite) metamorphism indicates retrograde processes in these clasts. These clasts are fragments of the forearc crust and possibly of the subducting plate that have been entrained in the rising serpentine and may represent the deepest mafic rocks ever recovered from the Mariana forearc. The variable compositions and degree of metamorphism of these clasts requires at least two tectonic origins. The recovery of clasts with mid-ocean ridge and arc chemical affinities in a single drill hole requires these clasts to have been "mixed" on a small scale either (1) in the forearc crustal sequence, or (2) after inclusion in the rising serpentine mud. The source of the MORB-like samples and an explanation for the presence of both MORB-like and arc-like rocks in close proximity is critical to any model of the evolution of the Mariana forearc. The source of the MORB-like samples likely will be one (or more) of the following: (1) accretion of Pacific plate lithosphere, (2) remnants of original forearc crust (trapped plate), (3) volcanism in the supra-subduction zone (arc or forearc) environment, or (4) derivation from the subducting slab by faulting along the dÈcollement.


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Constants of calcium, magnesium, zinc, cobalt, copper, and nickel exchange for sodium in iron-manganese nodules taken from different parts of the Pacific Ocean were determined under static conditions at constant ionic strength (?=0.05). These determinations revealed high capacity of nodules for sorbing the referred ions (their exchange constants range from 1.93 to 20.85). Obtained data demonstrate the major role of MnO and Fe2O3 in sorption processes in iron-manganese nodules.


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A series of novel long-chain 3,4-dialkylthiophenes (C36-C54) was identified in a number of sediments ranging from Pleistocene to Cretaceous. The identifications were based on mass spectral characterisation, desulphurisation and mass spectral data of synthesised model compounds. These organic sulphur compounds are probably formed by sulphur incorporation into mid-chain dimethylalkadienes with two methylenic double bonds. These putative precursor lipids are unprecedented and may be considered rather unusual. The distribution of 3,4-dialkylthiophenes in sediments varies considerably with the depositional palaeoenvironment, indicating that these compounds have a potential as molecular markers reflecting changes in palaeoenvironment.


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We present a new record of eolian dust flux to the western Subarctic North Pacific (SNP) covering the past 27000 years based on a core from the Detroit Seamount. Comparing the SNP dust record to the NGRIP ice core record shows significant differences in the amplitude of dust changes to the two regions during the last deglaciation, while the timing of abrupt changes is synchronous. If dust deposition in the SNP faithfully records its mobilization in East Asian source regions, then the difference in the relative amplitude must reflect climate-related changes in atmospheric dust transport to Greenland. Based on the synchronicity in the timing of dust changes in the SNP and Greenland, we tie abrupt deglacial transitions in the 230Th-normalized 4He flux record to corresponding transitions in the well-dated NGRIP dust flux record to provide a new chronostratigraphic technique for marine sediments from the SNP. Results from this technique are complemented by radiocarbon dating, which allows us to independently constrain radiocarbon paleoreservoir ages. We find paleoreservoir ages of 745 ± 140 yr at 11653 yr BP, 680 ± 228 yr at 14630 yr BP and 790 ± 498 yr at 23290 yr BP. Our reconstructed paleoreservoir ages are consistent with modern surface water reservoir ages in the western SNP. Good temporal synchronicity between eolian dust records from the Subantarctic Atlantic and equatorial Pacific and the ice core record from Antarctica supports the reliability of the proposed dust tuning method to be used more widely in other global ocean regions.


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The application of radiogenic isotopes to the study of Cenozoic circulation patterns in the South Pacific Ocean has been hampered by the fact that records from only equatorial Pacific deep water have been available. We present new Pb and Nd isotope time series for two ferromanganese crusts that grew from equatorial Pacific bottom water (D137-01, 'Nova', 7219 m water depth) and southwest Pacific deep water (63KD, 'Tasman', 1700 m water depth). The crusts were dated using 10Be/9Be ratios combined with constant Co-flux dating and yield time series for the past 38 and 23 Myr, respectively. The surface Nd and Pb isotope distributions are consistent with the present-day circulation pattern, and therefore the new records are considered suitable to reconstruct Eocene through Miocene paleoceanography for the South Pacific. The isotope time series of crusts Nova and Tasman suggest that equatorial Pacific deep water and waters from the Southern Ocean supplied the dissolved trace metals to both sites over the past 38 Myr. Changes in the isotopic composition of crust Nova are interpreted to reflect development of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and changes in Pacific deep water circulation caused by the build up of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. The Nd isotopic composition of the shallower water site in the southwest Pacific appears to have been more sensitive to circulation changes resulting from closure of the Indonesian seaway.


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Marine sediments harbor an enormous quantity of microorganisms, including a multitude of novel species. The habitable zone of the marine sediment column begins at the sediment-water interface and probably extends to depths of several thousands of meters. Studies of the microbial diversity in this ecosystem have mostly relied on molecular biological techniques. We used a complementary method - analysis of intact polar membrane lipids - to characterize the in-situ microbial community in sediments covering a wide range of environmental conditions from Peru Margin, Equatorial Pacific, Hydrate Ridge, and Juan de Fuca Ridge. Bacterial and eukaryotic phospholipids were only detected in surface sediments from the Peru Margin. In contrast, deeply buried sediments, independent of their geographic location, were dominated by archaeal diether and tetraether lipids with various polar head groups and core lipids. We compared ring distributions of archaeal tetraether lipids derived from polar glycosidic precursors with those that are present as core lipids. The distributions of these related compound pools were distinct, suggestive of different archaeal sources, i.e., the polar compounds derive from sedimentary communities and the core lipids are fossil remnants from planktonic communities with possible admixtures of decayed sedimentary archaea. This in-situ production of distinct archaeal lipid populations potentially affects applications of the TEX86 paleotemperature proxy as demonstrated by offsets in reconstructed temperatures between both pools. We evaluated how varying cell and lipid stabilities will influence the sedimentary pool by using a box-model. The results are consistent with (i) a requirement of continuous inputs of freshly synthesized lipids in subsurface sediments for explaining the observed distribution of intact polar lipids, and (ii) decreasing lipid inputs with increasing burial depth.


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Since studies on deep-sea cores were carried out in the early 1990s it has been known that ambient temperature may have a marked affect on apatite fission track annealing. Due to sluggish annealing kinetics, this effect cannot be quantified by laboratory annealing experiments. The unknown amount of low-temperature annealing remains one of the main uncertainties for extracting thermal histories from fission track data, particularly for samples which experienced slow cooling in shallow crustal levels. To further elucidate these uncertainties, we studied volcanogenic sediments from five deep-sea drill cores, that were exposed to maximum temperatures between ~10° and 70°C over geological time scales of ~15-120 Ma. Mean track lengths (MTL) and etch pit diameters (Dpar) of all samples were measured, and the chemical composition of each grain analyzed for age and track length measurements was determined by electron microprobe analysis. Thermal histories of the sampled sites were independently reconstructed, based on vitrinite reflectance measurements and/or 1D numerical modelling. These reconstructions were used to test the most widely used annealing models for their ability to predict low-temperature annealing. Our results show that long-term exposure to temperatures below the temperature range of the nominal apatite fission track partial annealing zone results in track shortening ranging between 4 and 11%. Both chlorine content and Dpar values explain the downhole annealing patterns equally well. Low chlorine apatite from one drill core revealed a systematic relation between Si-content and Dpar value. The question whether Si-substitution in apatite has direct and systematic effects on annealing properties however, cannot be addressed by our data. For samples, which remained at temperatures <30°C, and which are low in chlorine, the Laslett et al. [Laslett G., Green P., Duddy I. and Gleadow A. (1987) Thermal annealing of fission tracks in apatite. Chem. Geol. 65, 1-13] annealing model predicts MTL up to 0.6 µm longer than those actually measured, whereas for apatites with intermediate to high chlorine content, which experienced temperatures >30°C, the predictions of the Laslett et al. (1987) model agree with the measured MTL data within error levels. With few exceptions, predictions by the Ketcham et al. [Ketcham R., Donelick R. and Carlson W. (1999) Variability of apatite fission-track annealing kinetics. III: Extrapolation to geological time scales. Am. Mineral. 84/9, 1235-1255] annealing model are consistent with the measured data for samples which remained at temperatures below ~30°C. For samples which experienced maximum temperatures between ~30 and 70°C, and which are rich in chlorine, the Ketcham et al. (1999) model overestimates track annealing.