Distribution of abundance of planktic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils at DSDP Sites 17-167 and 62-463

Autoria(s): Tarduno, John A; Sliter, William V; Bralower, Timothy J; McWilliams, Michael; Premoli Silva, Isabella; Ogg, James G

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 14.209250 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 178.921400 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 7.068300 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 174.667800 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 21.350200 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -176.825000 * DATE/TIME START: 1971-04-23T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1978-08-02T00:00:00




New paleomagnetic and paleontologic data from Pacific DSDP Sites 463 and 167 define the magnetic reversals that predate the Cretaceous Normal Polarity Superchron (K-N). Data from Mid-Pacific Mountain Site 463 provide the first definition of polarity chron M0 in the Pacific deep-sea sedimentary record. Foraminiferal biostratigraphy suggests that polarity chron M0 is contained entirely within the lower Aptian Hedbergella similis Zone, in agreement with foraminiferal data from the Italian Southern Alps and Atlantic Ocean. Nannofossil assemblages also suggest an early Aptian age for polarity chron M0, contrary to results from the Italian Umbrian Apennines and Southern Alps, which place polarity chron M0 on the Barremian-Aptian boundary. Biostratigraphic dating discrepancies caused by the time-transgressive, preservational, or provincial nature of paleontological species might be reconciled by the use of magnetostratigraphy, specifically polarity chron M0 which lies close to the Barremian-Aptian boundary. At Magellan Rise Site 167, five reversed polarity zones are recorded in Hauterivian to Aptian sediments. Correlation with M-anomalies is complicated by synsedimentary and postsedimentary sliding about 25 m.y. after basement formation, producing gaps in, and duplications of, the stratigraphic sequence. The magnitude and timing of such sliding must be addressed when evaluating the stratigraphy of these oceanic-rise environments.


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Tarduno, John A; Sliter, William V; Bralower, Timothy J; McWilliams, Michael; Premoli Silva, Isabella; Ogg, James G (1989): M-sequence reversals recorded in DSDP sediment cores from the western Mid-Pacific Mountains and Magellan Rise. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 101(10), 1306-1316, doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1989)101<1306:MSRRID>2.3.CO;2


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted

Palavras-Chave #17-167; 62-463; A. infracretacea; Abund; Abundance; Assipetra infracretacea; C. angustiforatus; C. conicus; C. cuvillieri; C. margerelii; C. mexicana mexicana; C. surirellus; Comment; Conusphaera mexicana mexicana; Cretarhabdus angustiforatus; Cretarhabdus conicus; Cretarhabdus surirellus; Cruciellipsis cuvillieri; Cyclagelosphaera margerelii; D. lehmanii; Deep Sea Drilling Project; Depth; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Diazomatolithus lehmanii; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; DSDP; E. floralis; Epoch; Eprolithus floralis; etching; F. oblongus; Flabellites oblongus; G. blowi; G. ferreolensis; Globigerinelloides blowi; Globigerinelloides ferreolensis; Glomar Challenger; H. delrioensis; H. gorbachikae; H. planispira; H. radiatus; H. sigali; H. similis; H. trocoidea; Hedbergella delrioensis; Hedbergella gorbachikae; Hedbergella planispira; Hedbergella sigali; Hedbergella similis; Hedbergella trocoidea; Hyalodiscus radiatus; L. alatus; L. bollii; L. carniolensis; Label; Leg17; Leg62; Lithraphidites alatus; Lithraphidites bollii; Lithraphidites carniolensis; M. chiastius; M. circumradiatus; M. pemmatoidea; magnus; Manivitella pemmatoidea; Markalius circumradiatus; Microstaurus chiastius; N. truitti; Nannoconus truitti; Nannofossil zone; Nannos zone; North Pacific/CONT RISE; North Pacific/SEAMOUNT; ODP sample designation; Overg ind; Overgrowth index; P. asper; P. embergeri; P. fenestrata; P. infinitus; P. splendens; Parhabdolithus asper; Parhabdolithus embergeri; Parhabdolithus infinitus; Parhabdolithus splendens; Percivalia fenestrata; Plank foram zone; Planktonic foraminifera zone; R. irregularis; R. laffittei; R. terebrodentarius; Rotelapillus laffittei; Rucinolithus irregularis; Rucinolithus terebrodentarius; Sample code/label; T. bejaouaensis; T. jurapelagicus; T. malticus; T. roberti; T. stradneri; Tegumentum stradneri; Tetralithus malticus; Ticinella bejaouaensis; Ticinella roberti; Tubodiscus jurapelagicus; V. stradneri; Vekshinella stradneri; W. barnesae; W. communis; Watznaueria barnesae; Watznaueria communis; Z. diplogrammus; Z. elegans; Zygodiscus diplogrammus; Zygodiscus elegans
