956 resultados para Metronidazole vaginal gel
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados do tratamento da agenesia vaginal pela técnica cirúrgica de McIndoe-Bannister modificada e pela técnica de Frank. MÉTODOS: Este estudo retrospectivo foi conduzido com uma amostra de conveniência de 25 mulheres portadoras de agenesia vaginal em seguimento no Ambulatório de Ginecologia Infanto Puberal. Quinze mulheres foram submetidas à cirúrgica modificada de McIndoe-Bannister Grupo Cirúrgico e 10 fora tratadas com a técnica de Frank Grupo Frank. Para a análise comparativa entre essas duas amostras, foram considerados os seguintes parâmentros: vaginometria final, efeitos adversos e satisfação sexual após o tratamento. Esses dados foram obtidos por meio dos registros nos prontuários médicos. A satisfação sexual foi aferida por questão simples: como está sua vida sexual? RESULTADOS: Houve diferença em relação ao comprimento da vagina tanto naquelas submetidas à técnica de Frank (comprimento inicial 2,4±2,0 cm, após o tratamento 6,9±1,1 cm, p<0,0001), quanto naquelas submetidas à técnica cirúrgica (comprimento inicial 0,9±1,4 cm, após o tratamento 8,0±0,8 cm, p<0,0001). A vaginometria foi maior no Grupo Cirúrgico (Grupo Frank=7,0±0,9 cm versus Grupo Cirúrgico=8,0±0,8 cm, p=0,0005). Quarenta por cento do Grupo Cirúrgico tiveram complicações cirúrgicas. Não foram registradas complicações pela técnica de Frank. A satisfação sexual foi referida pela totalidade das pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados do presente estudo indicam que ambas as técnicas, cirúrgica e conservadora são eficientes para o tratamento da agenesia vaginal, resultando na construção da vagina favorável à realização do coito e com satisfação sexual. Os aspectos favoráveis da técnica de Frank estão relacionados com o baixo custo e baixos índices de complicações.
Lectins are carbohydrate-binding proteins of non-imune origin. This group of proteins is distributed widely in nature and they have been found in viruses, microorganisms, plants and animals. Lectins of plants have been isolated and characterized according to their chemical, physical-chemical, structural and biological properties. Among their biological activities, we can stress its fungicidal action. It has been previously described the effect of the lectins Dviol, DRL, ConBr and LSL obtained from the seeds of leguminous plants on the growth of yeasts isolated from vaginal secretions. In the present work the experiments were carried out in microtiter plates and the results interpreted by both methods: visual observations and a microplate reader at 530nm. The lectin concentrations varied from 0.5 to 256µg/mL, and the inoculum was established between 65-70% of trammitance. All yeast samples isolated from vaginal secretion were evaluated taxonomically, where were observed macroscopic and microscopic characteristics to each species. The LSL lectin did not demonstrate any antifungal activity to any isolate studied. The other lectins DRL, ConBr and DvioL, showed antifungal potential against yeast isolated from vaginal secretion. These findings offering offer a promising field of investigation to develop new therapeutic strategies against vaginal yeast infections, collaborating to improve women's health.
Abstrakt Bakgrund: Med tanke på den ökande frekvensen av kejsarsnitt utan medicinsk indikation världen över är det angeläget att studera detta ämne. Förhoppningarna på denna studie var att den skulle leda till en bättre individuell omvårdnad för de kvinnor som önskade denna förlossningsmetod. Syfte: Att belysa olika faktorer som kan påverka att kvinnan önskar kejsarsnitt utan medicinsk indikation framför en vaginal förlossning, samt behov av omvårdnad. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie, där fjorton vetenskapliga studier inkluderats. Genom en innehållsanalys växte två huvudteman fram, den första var faktorer bakom val av förlossningsmetod, under detta tema skapades åtta underkategorier och det andra huvudtemat var behovet av stöd i samband med vaginal förlossning. Resultat: De största bakomliggande faktorerna till att kvinnan önskade kejsarsnitt utan medicinsk indikation var tidigare upplevelser och kvinnans ökande ålder. Många av dessa kvinnor kände att de saknade både stöd och information från vårdgivarna. Diskussion: Vikten av information och stöd var av stor betydelse för dessa kvinnor. För att säkra detta är omvårdnadsdokumentation en grundläggande del i vårdarbetet. För att hjälpa kvinnor som önskar kejsarsnitt utan medicinsk indikation kunde olika strategier för stresshantering (så kallad coping) vara ett bra alternativ att använda sig av i sådana situationer.
Negli impianti utilizzati per la produzione di energia elettrica che sfruttano l'energia solare, quali la tecnologia solare a concentrazione (Solare Termodinamico) sviluppata da ENEA, per minimizzare le dispersioni di calore è necessaria una elevata selettività spettrale. Per ottimizzare l'efficienza dell'impianto è quindi necessario lo sviluppo di materiali innovativi, in grado di minimizzare la quantità di energia dispersa per riflessione. In questo studio, per incrementare la trasmittanza solare dei componenti in vetro presenti nei tubi ricevitori dell'impianto, sono state utilizzate tipologie diverse di rivestimenti antiriflesso (multistrato e a singolo strato poroso). I rivestimenti sono stati ottenuti mediante via umida, con tecnica di sol-gel dip-coating. I sol coprenti sono stati preparati da alcossidi o sali metallici precursori degli ossidi che costituiscono il rivestimento. Sono state approfondite sia la fase di sintesi dei sol coprenti, sia la fase di deposizione sul substrato, che ha richiesto la progettazione e realizzazione di una apparecchiatura prototipale, ossia di un dip-coater in grado di garantire un accurato controllo della velocità di emersione e dell'ambiente di deposizione (temperatura e umidità). Il materiale multistrato applicato su vetro non ha migliorato la trasmittanza del substrato nell'intervallo di lunghezze d'onda dello spettro solare, pur presentando buone caratteristiche antiriflesso nell'intervallo dell'UV-Vis. Al contrario, l'ottimizzazione del rivestimento a base di silice porosa, ha portato all'ottenimento di indici di rifrazione molto bassi (1.15 to 1.18) e ad un incremento della trasmittanza solare dal 91.5% al 96.8%, efficienza superiore agli attuali rivestimenti disponibili in commercio.
This work of thesis involves various aspects of crystal engineering. Chapter 1 focuses on crystals containing crown ether complexes. Aspects such as the possibility of preparing these materials by non-solution methods, i.e. by direct reaction of the solid components, thermal behavior and also isomorphism and interconversion between hydrates are taken into account. In chapter 2 a study is presented aimed to understanding the relationship between hydrogen bonding capability and shape of the building blocks chosen to construct crystals. The focus is on the control exerted by shape on the organization of sandwich cations such as cobalticinium, decamethylcobalticinium and bisbenzenchromium(I) and on the aggregation of monoanions all containing carboxylic and carboxylate groups, into 0-D, 1-D, 2-D and 3-D networks. Reactions conducted in multi-component molecular assemblies or co-crystals have been recognized as a way to control reactivity in the solid state. The [2+2] photodimerization of olefins is a successful demonstration of how templated solid state synthesis can efficiently synthesize unique materials with remarkable stereoselectivity and under environment-friendly conditions. A demonstration of this synthetic strategy is given in chapter 3. The combination of various types of intermolecular linkages, leading to formation of high order aggregation and crystalline materials or to a random aggregation resulting in an amorphous precipitate, may not go to completeness. In such rare cases an aggregation process intermediate between crystalline and amorphous materials is observed, resulting in the formation of a gel, i.e. a viscoelastic solid-like or liquid-like material. In chapter 4 design of new Low Molecular Weight Gelators is presented. Aspects such as the relationships between molecular structure, crystal packing and gelation properties and the application of this kind of gels as a medium for crystal growth of organic molecules, such as APIs, are also discussed.
The vaginal microbiota of healthy women consists of a wide variety of anaerobic and aerobic bacteria, dominated by the genus Lactobacillus. The activity of lactobacilli is essential to protect women from genital infections and to maintain the natural healthy balance of the vaginal ecosystem. This role is particularly important during pregnancy because vaginal infection is one of the most important mechanisms for preterm birth. The most common vaginal disorder is bacterial vaginosis (BV). BV is a polymicrobial disorder, characterized by a depletion of lactobacilli and an increase in the concentration of other bacteria, including Gardnerella vaginalis, anaerobic Gram-negative rods, anaerobic Gram-positive cocci, Mycoplasma hominis, and Mobiluncus spp. An integrated molecular approach based on real-time PCR and PCR-DGGE was used to investigate the effects of two different therapeutic approaches on the vaginal microbiota composition. (i) The impact of a dietary supplementation with the probiotic VSL#3, a mixture of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Streptococcus strains, on the vaginal microbial ecology and immunological profiles of healthy women during late pregnancy was investigated. The intake was associated to a slight modulation of the vaginal microbiota and cytokine secretion, with potential implications in preventing preterm birth. (ii) The efficacy of different doses of the antibiotic rifaximin (100 mg/day for 5 days, 25 mg/day for 5 days, 100 mg/day for 2 days) on the vaginal microbiota of patients with BV enrolled in a multicentre, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled study was also evaluated. The molecular analyses demonstrated the ability of rifaximin 25 mg/day for 5 days to induce an increase of lactobacilli and a decrease of the BV-associated bacteria after antibiotic treatment, and a reduction of the complexity of the vaginal microbial communities. Thus, confirming clinical results, it represents the most effective treatment to be used in future pivotal studies for the treatment of BV.
Studio, progettazione e realizzazione di un regolatore di carica per batterie al piombo gel, con algoritmo mppt, per applicazioni fotovoltaiche in isola
Understanding the origins of the mechanical properties and its correlation withrnthe microstructure of gel systems is of great scientific and industrial interest. Inrngeneral, colloidal gels can be classified into chemical and physical gels, accordingrnto the life time of the network bonds. The characteristic di↵erences in gelationrndynamics can be observed with rheological measurements.rnAs a model system, a mixture of sodium silicate and low concentration sulfuric acidrnwas used. Nano-sized silica particles grow and aggregate to a system-spanning gelrnnetwork. The influence of the finite solubility of silica at high pH on the gelationrnwas studied with classical and piezo rheometer. The storage modulus of therngel grew logarithmically with time with two distinct growth laws. A relaxationrnat low frequency was observed in the frequency dependent measurements. I attributernthese two behaviors as a sign of structural rearrangements due to the finiternsolubility of silica at high pH. The reaction equilibrium between formation andrndissolution of bonds leads to a finite life time of the bonds and behavior similar tornphysical gel. The frequency dependence was more pronounced for lower water concentrations,rnhigher temperatures and shorter reaction times. With two relaxationrnmodels, I deduced characteristic relaxation times from the experimental data. Besidesrnrheology, the evolution of silica gels at high pH on di↵erent length scales wasrnstudied by NMR and dynamic light scattering. The results revealed that the primaryrnparticles existed already in sodium silicate and aggregated after the mixingrnof reactants due to a chemical reaction. Throughout the aggregation process thernsystem was in its chemical reaction equilibrium. Applying large oscillatory shearrnstrain to the gel allowed for modifying the gel modulus. The e↵ect of shear andrnshear history on the rheological properties of the gel were investigated. The storagernmodulus of the final gel increased with increasing strain. This behavior can be explained with (i) shear-induced aggregate compaction and (ii) combination ofrnbreakage and new formation of bonds.rnIn comparison with the physical gel-like behavior of the silica gel at high pH, typicalrnchemical gel features were exhibited by other gels formed from various chemicalrnreactions. Influences of the chemical structure modification on the gelation wererninvestigated with the piezo-rheometer. The external stimuli can be applied to tunernthe mechanical properties of the gel systems.
In questo progetto di tesi si è cercato il modo di rendere più efficace la resistenza dei materiali plastici alla fotodegradazione indotta dai raggi ultravioletti, attraverso l’utilizzo di coatings ibridi organici-inorganici preparati utilizzando il processo sol-gel. Tali rivestimenti in grado di migliorare la resistenza superficiale potrebbero essere applicati a diversi materiali ed in particolare ai policarbonati che per le loro eccellenti proprietà di trasparenza vengono molto utilizzati in illuminotecnica ed altre applicazioni per l’esterno. In particolare il lavoro ha riguardato lo studio e l’utilizzo di due assorbitori UV di tipo fenolico, il 2,2’-diidrossi-4-metossibenzofenone e il 2,2’,4,4’-tetraidrossibenzofenone. Si è provato a non collocare semplicemente tali assorbitori all’interno del coating sol-gel ma a legarli covalentemente al network tridimensionale di silani auspicando una migliore resistenza alla fotodegradazione UV-indotta. Il nostro interesse si è concentrato soprattutto sul 2,2’,4,4’-tetraidrossibenzofenone, in quanto abbiamo visto che una sua funzionalizzazione rispetto all’altro assorbitore UV risulta più semplice ed efficace.
Between 2005 and 2006, we investigated vaginal practices in Yogyakarta, Indonesia; Tete, Mozambique; KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa; and Bangkok and Chonburi, Thailand. We sought to understand women's practices, their motivations for use and the role vaginal practices play in women's health, sexuality and sense of wellbeing. The study was carried out among adult women and men who were identified as using, having knowledge or being involved in trade in products. Further contacts were made using snowball sampling. Across the sites, individual interviews were conducted with 229 people and 265 others participated in focus group discussions. We found that women in all four countries have a variety of reasons for carrying out vaginal practices whose aim is to not simply 'dry' the vagina but rather decrease moisture that may have other associated meanings, and that they are exclusively "intravaginal" in operation. Practices, products and frequency vary. Motivations generally relate to personal hygiene, genital health or sexuality. Hygiene practices involve external washing and intravaginal cleansing or douching and ingestion of substances. Health practices include intravaginal cleansing, traditional cutting, insertion of herbal preparations, and application of substances to soothe irritated vaginal tissue. Practices related to sexuality can involve any of these practices with specific products that warm, dry, and/or tighten the vagina to increase pleasure for the man and sometimes for the woman. Hygiene and health are expressions of femininity connected to sexuality even if not always explicitly expressed as such. We found their effects may have unexpected and even undesired consequences. This study demonstrates that women in the four countries actively use a variety of practices to achieve a desired vaginal state. The results provide the basis for a classification framework that can be used for future study of this complex topic.
Intravaginal practices are commonly used by women to manage their vaginal health and sexual life. These practices could, however, affect intravaginal mucosal integrity. The objectives of this study were to examine evidence for associations between: intravaginal practices and acquisition of HIV infection; intravaginal practices and vaginal infections; and vaginal infections and HIV acquisition.
Measurement of bladder wall thickness using transvaginal ultrasound has previously been shown to discriminate between women with diagnosed detrusor overactivity and those with urodynamic stress incontinence. So far, no comparison has been made between abdominal, perineal and vaginal route for the measurement of bladder wall thickness. The aim of this prospective study was to determine if abdominal, perineal and vaginal ultrasound measurements of bladder wall thickness are comparable with each other.
The i-gel™ is a single-use supraglottic airway device (SAD) that allows fibreoptic-guided tracheal intubation through the device. Until now, no prospective data for this procedure are available. Therefore, in a prospective randomized controlled trial, we evaluated fibreoptic-guided tracheal intubation with a standard Rüsch™ PVC tracheal tube (TT) through the i-gel™ compared with the single-use ILMA™ (sILMA™) TT through the sILMA™ in patients with a predicted difficult airway.
The single-use supraglottic airway device i-gel™ has been described in several case reports as a conduit for intubation, but no prospective data about success rates of blind intubation are available. Therefore, we performed this prospective randomized controlled trial to compare the success rate of blind tracheal intubation with a Magill PVC tube through the i-gel™ with intubation using an sILMA™ PVC tube through the single-use intubating laryngeal mask airway (sILMA™).