988 resultados para Magnetic Fields


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l-(BETS)2FeCl4 undergoes transitions from an antiferromagnetic insulator to a metal and then to a superconductor as a magnetic field is increased. We use a Hubbard-Kondo model to clarify the role of the Fe31 magnetic ions in these phase transitions. In the high-field regime, the magnetic field acting on the electron spins is compensated by the exchange field He due to the magnetic ions. We show how He can be extracted from the observed splitting of the Shubnikov–de Haas frequencies. We predict the field range for field-induced superconductivity in other materials.


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The flow field and the energy transport near thermoacoustic couples are simulated using a 2D full Navier-Stokes solver. The thermoacoustic couple plate is maintained at a constant temperature; plate lengths, which are short and long compared with the particle displacement lengths of the acoustic standing waves, are tested. Also investigated are the effects of plate spacing and the amplitude of the standing wave. Results are examined in the form of energy vectors, particle paths, and overall entropy generation rates. These show that a net heat-pumping effect appears only near the edges of thermoacoustic couple plates, within about a particle displacement distance from the ends. A heat-pumping effect can be seen even on the shortest plates tested when the plate spacing exceeds the thermal penetration depth. It is observed that energy dissipation near the plate increases quadratically as the plate spacing is reduced. The results also indicate that there may be a larger scale vortical motion outside the plates which disappears as the plate spacing is reduced. (C) 2002 Acoustical Society of America.


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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an easily automated, reliable technique to investigate axial mixing within rotating drums. Moist bran can be clearly differentiated from dry bran using MRI allowing a non-segregating tracer for axial mixing. For a 20-cm diameter drum, the axial dispersion coefficient in the particle bed was 0.51 cm s(-2). Axial dispersion is scale-dependent.


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Ecosystem management such as plant residue retention and prescribed burning can significantly affect soil organic matter (SOM) composition and, thereby, the closely associated carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycling processes, which underpin terrestrial ecosystem productivity and sustainability. Humic acid (HA) is an important SOM component and its chemical composition has attracted much attention. Here we report the first application of N-14 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to soil HA study, revealing the surprising existence of nitrate-N and ammonia-N in the HAs. This newly discovered HA nitrate-N, though in a relatively low concentrations, is closely related to soil N availability and responsive to plant residue management regimes in contrasting forest ecosystems. The HA nitrate-N may be a useful and sensitive biochemical indicator of SOM quality in response to different ecosystem management regimes.


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This paper presents a new approach to the LU decomposition method for the simulation of stationary and ergodic random fields. The approach overcomes the size limitations of LU and is suitable for any size simulation. The proposed approach can facilitate fast updating of generated realizations with new data, when appropriate, without repeating the full simulation process. Based on a novel column partitioning of the L matrix, expressed in terms of successive conditional covariance matrices, the approach presented here demonstrates that LU simulation is equivalent to the successive solution of kriging residual estimates plus random terms. Consequently, it can be used for the LU decomposition of matrices of any size. The simulation approach is termed conditional simulation by successive residuals as at each step, a small set (group) of random variables is simulated with a LU decomposition of a matrix of updated conditional covariance of residuals. The simulated group is then used to estimate residuals without the need to solve large systems of equations.


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Background-In vivo methods to evaluate the size and composition of atherosclerotic lesions in animal models of atherosclerosis would assist in the testing of antiatherosclerotic drugs. We have developed an MRI method of detecting atherosclerotic plaque in the major vessels at the base of the heart in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor-knockout (LDLR-/-) mice on a high-fat diet. Methods and Results-Three-dimensional fast spin-echo magnetic resonance images were acquired at 7 T by use of cardiac and respiratory triggering, with approximate to140-mum isotropic resolution, over 30 minutes. Comparison of normal and fat-suppressed images from female LDLR-/- mice I week before and 8 and 12 weeks after the transfer to a high-fat diet allowed visualization and quantification of plaque development in the innominate artery in vivo. Plaque mean cross-sectional area was significantly greater at week 12 in the LDLR-/- mice (0.14+/-0.086 mm(2) [mean+/-SD]) than in wild-type control mice on a normal diet (0.017+/-0.031 mm(2), p


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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) magnets have very stringent constraints on the homogeneity of the static magnetic field that they generate over desired imaging regions. The magnet system also preferably generates very little stray field external to its structure, so that ease of siting and safety are assured. This work concentrates on deriving, means of rapidly computing the effect of 'cold' and 'warm' ferromagnetic material in or around the superconducting magnet system, so as to facilitate the automated design of hybrid material MR magnets. A complete scheme for the direct calculation of the spherical harmonics of the magnetic field generated by a circular ring of ferromagnetic material is derived under the conditions of arbitrary external magnetizing fields. The magnetic field produced by the superconducting coils in the system is computed using previously developed methods. The final, hybrid algorithm is fast enough for use in large-scale optimization methods. The resultant fields from a practical example of a 4 T, clinical MRI magnet containing both superconducting coils and magnetic material are presented.


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Low concentrate density from wet drum magnetic separators in dense medium circuits can cause operating difficulties due to inability to obtain the required circulating medium density and, indirectly, high medium solids losses. The literature is almost silent on the processes controlling concentrate density. However, the common name for the region through which concentrate is discharged-the squeeze pan gap-implies that some extrusion process is thought to be at work. There is no model of magnetics recovery in a wet drum magnetic separator, which includes as inputs all significant machine and operating variables. A series of trials, in both factorial experiments and in single variable experiments, was done using a purpose built rig which featured a small industrial scale (700 mm lip length, 900 turn diameter) wet drum magnetic separator. A substantial data set of 191 trials was generated in this work. The results of the factorial experiments were used to identify the variables having a significant effect on magnetics recovery. It is proposed, based both on the experimental observations of the present work and on observations reported in the literature, that the process controlling magnetic separator concentrate density is one of drainage. Such a process should be able to be defined by an initial moisture, a drainage rate and a drainage time, the latter being defined by the volumetric flowrate and the volume within the drainage zone. The magnetics can be characterised by an experimentally derived ultimate drainage moisture. A model based on these concepts and containing adjustable parameters was developed. This model was then fitted to a randomly chosen 80% of the data, and validated by application to the remaining 20%. The model is shown to be a good fit to data over concentrate solids content values from 40% solids to 80% solids and for both magnetite and ferrosilicon feeds. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Loss of magnetic medium solids from dense medium circuits is a substantial contributor to operating cost. Much of this loss is by way of wet drum magnetic separator effluent. A model of the separator would be useful for process design, optimisation and control. A review of the literature established that although various rules of thumb exist, largely based on empirical or anecdotal evidence, there is no model of magnetics recovery in a wet drum magnetic separator which includes as inputs all significant machine and operating variables. A series of trials, in both factorial experiments and in single variable experiments, was therefore carried out using a purpose built rig which featured a small industrial scale (700 mm lip length, 900 mm diameter) wet drum magnetic separator. A substantial data set of 191 trials was generated in the work. The results of the factorial experiments were used to identify the variables having a significant effect on magnetics recovery. Observations carried out as an adjunct to this work, as well as magnetic theory, suggests that the capture of magnetic particles in the wet drum magnetic separator is by a flocculation process. Such a process should be defined by a flocculation rate and a flocculation time; the latter being defined by the volumetric flowrate and the volume within the separation zone. A model based on this concept and containing adjustable parameters was developed. This model was then fitted to a randomly chosen 80% of the data, and validated by application to the remaining 20%. The model is shown to provide a satisfactory fit to the data over three orders of magnitude of magnetics loss. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science BY. All rights reserved.


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Sensitivity of output of a linear operator to its input can be quantified in various ways. In Control Theory, the input is usually interpreted as disturbance and the output is to be minimized in some sense. In stochastic worst-case design settings, the disturbance is considered random with imprecisely known probability distribution. The prior set of probability measures can be chosen so as to quantify how far the disturbance deviates from the white-noise hypothesis of Linear Quadratic Gaussian control. Such deviation can be measured by the minimal Kullback-Leibler informational divergence from the Gaussian distributions with zero mean and scalar covariance matrices. The resulting anisotropy functional is defined for finite power random vectors. Originally, anisotropy was introduced for directionally generic random vectors as the relative entropy of the normalized vector with respect to the uniform distribution on the unit sphere. The associated a-anisotropic norm of a matrix is then its maximum root mean square or average energy gain with respect to finite power or directionally generic inputs whose anisotropy is bounded above by a≥0. We give a systematic comparison of the anisotropy functionals and the associated norms. These are considered for unboundedly growing fragments of homogeneous Gaussian random fields on multidimensional integer lattice to yield mean anisotropy. Correspondingly, the anisotropic norms of finite matrices are extended to bounded linear translation invariant operators over such fields.


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A high definition, finite difference time domain (HD-FDTD) method is presented in this paper. This new method allows the FDTD method to be efficiently applied over a very large frequency range including low frequencies, which are problematic for conventional FDTD methods. In the method, no alterations to the properties of either the source or the transmission media are required. The method is essentially frequency independent and has been verified against analytical solutions within the frequency range 50 Hz-1 GHz. As an example of the lower frequency range, the method has been applied to the problem of induced eddy currents in the human body resulting from the pulsed magnetic field gradients of an MRI system. The new method only requires approximately 0.3% of the source period to obtain an accurate solution. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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We investigate coherent electron transport through a parallel circuit of two quantum dots (QDs), each of which has a single tunable. energy level. Electrons tunnelling via each dot from the left lead interfere with each other at the right lead. It is shown that due to the quantum interference of tunnelling electrons the double QD device is magnetically polarized by coherent circulation of electrons on the closed path through the dots and the leads. By varying the energy level of each dot one can make the magnetic states of the device be up-, non- or down-polarized. It is shown that for experimentally accessible temperatures and applied biases the magnetic polarization currents Should be sufficiently large to observe with current nanotechnology.