986 resultados para MIR-206


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Undernutrition is a widespread problem in intensive care unit and is associated with a worse clinical outcome. A state of negative energy balance increases stress catabolism and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality in ICU patients. Undernutrition-related increased morbidity is correlated with an increase in the length of hospital stay and health care costs. Enteral nutrition is the recommended feeding route in critically ill patients, but it is often insufficient to cover the nutritional needs. The initiation of supplemental parenteral nutrition, when enteral nutrition is insufficient, could optimize the nutritional therapy by preventing the onset of early energy deficiency, and thus, could allow to reduce morbidity, length of stay and costs, shorten recovery period and, finally, improve quality of life. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the change in non-compliant items in prescription orders following the implementation of a computerized physician order entry (CPOE) system named PreDiMed. SETTING: The department of internal medicine (39 and 38 beds) in two regional hospitals in Canton Vaud, Switzerland. METHOD: The prescription lines in 100 pre- and 100 post-implementation patients' files were classified according to three modes of administration (medicines for oral or other non-parenteral uses; medicines administered parenterally or via nasogastric tube; pro re nata (PRN), as needed) and analyzed for a number of relevant variables constitutive of medical prescriptions. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: The monitored variables depended on the pharmaceutical category and included mainly name of medicine, pharmaceutical form, posology and route of administration, diluting solution, flow rate and identification of prescriber. RESULTS: In 2,099 prescription lines, the total number of non-compliant items was 2,265 before CPOE implementation, or 1.079 non-compliant items per line. Two-thirds of these were due to missing information, and the remaining third to incomplete information. In 2,074 prescription lines post-CPOE implementation, the number of non-compliant items had decreased to 221, or 0.107 non-compliant item per line, a dramatic 10-fold decrease (chi(2) = 4615; P < 10(-6)). Limitations of the computerized system were the risk for erroneous items in some non-prefilled fields and ambiguity due to a field with doses shown on commercial products. CONCLUSION: The deployment of PreDiMed in two departments of internal medicine has led to a major improvement in formal aspects of physicians' prescriptions. Some limitations of the first version of PreDiMed were unveiled and are being corrected.


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Digital Holographic Microscopy (DHM), is a new imaging technique allowing to provide quantitative phase images with a high accuracy and stability making possible to explore a large variety of relevant processes, occurring on the p.s to day time scale, in the fields including material research as well as cell biology. As a non invasive and real time imaging technique, DHM is particularly well suited for high throughput screening


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The increased incidence over the past decade of bloodstream infections (BSIs) caused by gram-positive bacteria, particularly methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, highlights the critical need for a consistent approach to therapy. However, there is currently no international consensus on the diagnosis and management of gram-positive BSIs. The Clinical Consensus Conference on Gram-Positive Bloodstream Infections was convened as a session at the 9th International Symposium on Modern Concepts in Endocarditis and Cardiovascular Infections held in 2007. Participants discussed various aspects of the practical treatment of patients who present with gram-positive BSI, including therapeutic options for patients with BSIs of undefined origin, the selection of appropriate empirical therapy, and treatment of complicated and uncomplicated BSIs. The opinions of participants about these key issues are reflected in this article.


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Jaboticatubas is a municipality in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte which has been a target of a wide media release as "the capital of schistosomiasis" since the 1960's. In order to give support to a work based on an integrated control, we sought to identify the disease determinants at the site. A transversal study was carried out aimed at identifying prevalence rates of the disease and factors associated with the infection in the district of São José de Almeida, and two close localities, Cipó Velho and São José da Serra, all of them located in the municipality of Jaboticatubas. A parasitological survey was performed, applying the Kato-Katz method with two slides per sample in 1186 schoolchildren which represents 77% of all registered pupils in four public schools in 2001. Among these schoolchildren a number of 101 (8.6%) prooved positive for Schistosoma mansoni eggs in their stool samples. A total of 64 families, whose schoolchildren had shown to be positive for schistosomiasis, also undertook examinations. As negative control, a random sample was collected from the 206 families, whose children had proven negative for schistosomiasis. The prevalence among 270 families (1304 people) was 12%. To assess those who continued to have contact with possibly contaminated water, 1061 (81.4%) people of the 270 families were interviewed. A multivariate analysis identified the following factors associated with the infection: time of residence in the area (short period), garbage disposal (use of deserted areas), gender (male), age (from 10 to 29 years), and water contact (daily and weekly). Further analysis of these factors revealed a close correlation between water contact and the disease, with a positive significant frequency concerning almost all those items. Depending on gender and age significant variations of water contact patterns associated with leisure and professional activities were found. A malacological survey on water collections in the area identified snails of the species Biomphalaria straminea and B. glabrata. The latter showed 17 (0.6%) specimens positive for S. mansoni. Qualitative studies have complemented such evidences, which allowed us to design a reference picture and specific indicators of the disease for the local population. Those data provided the essential information to continue the development of an already ongoing educative process, as well as projects on environmental improvements.


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En aquest projecte s'estudiarà què passa si un servidor no té la informació que potser altres servidors que pertanyen a la mateixa empresa o grup d'usuaris sí que tenen dins seu, i com cal resoldre el problema de l'accés a aquesta informació de manera que sigui transparent per a l'usuari.


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A total of 206 serum samples from children (3-14 years old) living in the Amador County (La Chorrera District, Province of Panama) were screened by indirect immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT) for the presence of antibodies against Trypanosoma cruzi. Positive sera were confirmed by recombinant enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Western blot analysis. The presence of blood trypanosomes was investigated by hemoculture and subsequently identify by a duplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) followed by dot blot hybridization. The results indicated a prevalence of 9.7% for trypanosome infections, a seroprevalence of 2.9% against T. cruzi and a predominance of T. rangeli infection (6.8%). The immunological and clinical implications of these findings are discussed.


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Genetic defects in autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) promote cystic growth of renal tubules, at least in part by stimulating the accumulation of cAMP. How renal cAMP levels are regulated is incompletely understood. We show that cAMP and the expression of its synthetic enzyme adenylate cyclase-6 (AC6) are up-regulated in cystic kidneys of Bicc1(-)(/-) knockout mice. Bicc1, a protein comprising three K homology (KH) domains and a sterile alpha motif (SAM), is expressed in proximal tubules. The KH domains independently bind AC6 mRNA and recruit the miR-125a from Dicer, whereas the SAM domain enables silencing by Argonaute and TNRC6A/GW182. Bicc1 similarly induces silencing of the protein kinase inhibitor PKIα by miR-27a. Thus, Bicc1 is needed on these target mRNAs for silencing by specific miRNAs. The repression of AC6 by Bicc1 might explain why cysts in ADPKD patients preferentially arise from distal tubules.


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Contexte Le plasmocytome isolé osseux est une tumeur maligne rare des cellules plasmocytaires. Les données issues de la littérature ne permettent pas de se déterminer sur la dose radiothérapeutique optimale. Dans cette perspective nous avons conduit une vaste étude rétrospective dans le but d'évaluer l'évolution, les facteurs pronostiques aunsi que la dose radiothérapeutique optimale chez les patients présentant un plasmocytome isolé. Méthodes Nous avons réunis les données de 206 patients présentant un plasmocytome isolé osseux sans évidence de myélome multiple. Chaque cas a été documenté histopathologiquement. La majorité des patients (n=169) ont été traités par radiothérapie seule, 32 par une combinaison radiothérapie-chimiothérapie, et 5 par chirurgie. La durée de suivi médiane fut de 54 mois (7-245) Résultats A 5 ans, la survie globale est de 70%, la survie sans maladie de 46% et le contrôle local de 88%. La durée médiane de développement vers une myélome multiple est de 21 mois (2-135) avec une probabilité à 5 ans de 51 %. Les analyses multivariées indiquent l'âge (<60 ans) et la taille de la tumeur (<5cm) comme facteur favorables pour survie. L'âge (<60ans) se dégage comme facteur favorable pour la survie sans maladie. La localisation de la tumeur (vertébrale vs autre) indique la probabilité de contrôle local. L'âge plus avancé (>60 ans) est le seul prédicteur de myélome multiple. Aucune relation dose-réponse n'est mise en évidence pour les doses supérieures à 30 Gy, même pour lés tumeurs les plus étendues. Conclusions Les patients les plus jeunes, principalement ceux présentant une localisation vertébrale, présentent la meilleure évolution sous traitement radiothérapeutique modéré. La progression vers le myélome multiple reste le problème thérapeutique principal. Les futures investigations devraient se focaliser sur les chimiothérapies adjuvantes ainsi que sur les nouveaux agents thérapeutiques.


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Several mechanisms have been postulated as potentially involved in life-threatening complications during cemented surgery. In this study, we evaluated the role of anaphylaxis and pulmonary fat embolism in the pathophysiology of bone cement implantation syndrome in a series of fatal cases that underwent medicolegal investigations. Postmortem findings in these cases were compared with those obtained from individuals who died after other injuries and/or interventions and in which activated mast cells and pulmonary fat embolism were involved in the pathogenesis of death. Fifty subjects were selected including 6 individuals who had undergone cemented total hip arthroplasty and died intraoperatively, 32 subjects who died shortly after being involved in traffic accidents, 8 individuals who died shortly after the injection of contrast material, and 4 subjects who had undergone orthopedic surgery and died postoperatively. Massive pulmonary fat embolism was determined to be the cause of death in all the 6 subjects who died intraoperatively as well as the main cause of death in traffic-road victims with rapid respiratory function deterioration. Mast cell activation was identified exclusively in the group of subjects who died shortly after contrast material administration. Massive pulmonary fat embolism appears to be the most important factor responsible for severe cardiorespiratory function deterioration during cemented arthroplasty. Cardiac comorbidities can also significantly influence the severity of intraoperative complications, thus corroborating the hypothesis of a multifactorial model in the pathogenesis of bone cement implantation syndrome.


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CONTEXT: Infection of implantable cardiac devices is an emerging disease with significant morbidity, mortality, and health care costs. OBJECTIVES: To describe the clinical characteristics and outcome of cardiac device infective endocarditis (CDIE) with attention to its health care association and to evaluate the association between device removal during index hospitalization and outcome. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PATIENTS: Prospective cohort study using data from the International Collaboration on Endocarditis-Prospective Cohort Study (ICE-PCS), conducted June 2000 through August 2006 in 61 centers in 28 countries. Patients were hospitalized adults with definite endocarditis as defined by modified Duke endocarditis criteria. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: In-hospital and 1-year mortality. RESULTS: CDIE was diagnosed in 177 (6.4% [95% CI, 5.5%-7.4%]) of a total cohort of 2760 patients with definite infective endocarditis. The clinical profile of CDIE included advanced patient age (median, 71.2 years [interquartile range, 59.8-77.6]); causation by staphylococci (62 [35.0% {95% CI, 28.0%-42.5%}] Staphylococcus aureus and 56 [31.6% {95% CI, 24.9%-39.0%}] coagulase-negative staphylococci); and a high prevalence of health care-associated infection (81 [45.8% {95% CI, 38.3%-53.4%}]). There was coexisting valve involvement in 66 (37.3% [95% CI, 30.2%-44.9%]) patients, predominantly tricuspid valve infection (43/177 [24.3%]), with associated higher mortality. In-hospital and 1-year mortality rates were 14.7% (26/177 [95% CI, 9.8%-20.8%]) and 23.2% (41/177 [95% CI, 17.2%-30.1%]), respectively. Proportional hazards regression analysis showed a survival benefit at 1 year for device removal during the initial hospitalization (28/141 patients [19.9%] who underwent device removal during the index hospitalization had died at 1 year, vs 13/34 [38.2%] who did not undergo device removal; hazard ratio, 0.42 [95% CI, 0.22-0.82]). CONCLUSIONS: Among patients with CDIE, the rate of concomitant valve infection is high, as is mortality, particularly if there is valve involvement. Early device removal is associated with improved survival at 1 year.


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Signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) 3 is a pleiotropic transcription factor with important functions in cytokine signaling in a variety of tissues. However, the role of STAT3 in the intestinal epithelium is not well understood. We demonstrate that development of colonic inflammation is associated with the induction of STAT3 activity in intestinal epithelial cells (IECs). Studies in genetically engineered mice showed that epithelial STAT3 activation in dextran sodium sulfate colitis is dependent on interleukin (IL)-22 rather than IL-6. IL-22 was secreted by colonic CD11c(+) cells in response to Toll-like receptor stimulation. Conditional knockout mice with an IEC-specific deletion of STAT3 activity were highly susceptible to experimental colitis, indicating that epithelial STAT3 regulates gut homeostasis. STAT3(IEC-KO) mice, upon induction of colitis, showed a striking defect of epithelial restitution. Gene chip analysis indicated that STAT3 regulates the cellular stress response, apoptosis, and pathways associated with wound healing in IECs. Consistently, both IL-22 and epithelial STAT3 were found to be important in wound-healing experiments in vivo. In summary, our data suggest that intestinal epithelial STAT3 activation regulates immune homeostasis in the gut by promoting IL-22-dependent mucosal wound healing.


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BACKGROUND: Long-lasting food impactions requiring endoscopic bolus removal occur frequently in patients with eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) and harbor a risk for severe esophageal injuries. We evaluated whether treatment with swallowed topical corticosteroids is able to reduce the risk of occurrence of this complication. METHODS: We analyzed data from the Swiss EoE Cohort Study. Patients with yearly clinic visits, during which standardized assessment of symptoms, endoscopic, histologic, and laboratory findings was carried out, were included. RESULTS: A total of 206 patients (157 males) were analyzed. The median follow-up time was 5 years with a total of 703 visits (mean 3.41 visits/patient). During the follow-up period, 33 patients (16 % of the cohort) experienced 42 impactions requiring endoscopic bolus removal. We evaluated the following factors regarding the outcome 'bolus impaction' by univariate logistic regression modeling: swallowed topical corticosteroid therapy (OR 0.503, 95%-CI 0.255-0.993, P = 0.048), presence of EoE symptoms (OR 1.150, 95%-CI 0.4668-2.835, P = 0.761), esophageal stricture (OR 2.832, 95%-CI 1.508-5.321, P = 0.001), peak eosinophil count >10 eosinophils/HPF (OR 0.724, 95%-CI 0.324-1.621, P = 0.433), blood eosinophilia (OR 1.532, 95%-CI 0.569-4.118, P = 0.398), and esophageal dilation (OR 1.852, 95%-CI 1.034-3.755, P = 0.017). In the multivariate model, the following factors were significantly associated with bolus impaction: swallowed topical corticosteroid therapy (OR 0.411, 95%-CI 0.203-0.835, P = 0.014) and esophageal stricture (OR 2.666, 95%-CI 1.259-5.645, P = 0.01). Increasing frequency of use of swallowed topical steroids was associated with a lower risk for bolus impactions. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment of EoE with swallowed topical corticosteroids significantly reduces the risk for long-lasting bolus impactions.


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Aquest treball se centra en l'experiència teoricopràctica de l'Escola Europea Bilingüe Espanyol-Alemany Joan Miró Grundschule, en el plantejament de la millora de la competència oral en L2.