1000 resultados para Luta anticolonial
O texto levanta os perfis epistemológico e socianalítico da questão paradigmática. Mauss evidenciara o moule affectif das noções científicas de força e causa. Posteriormente Baudouin falaria na indução arquetípica das noções e a antropologia do imaginário de Durand concluiria pela indução arquetipal do conceito pela imagem. Chegava-se, assim, ao desvendamento do substrato inconsciente das ideações, de um substrato regido pela catexis vetorializada, traduzindo-se nos valores como cerne das ideações. É o famoso a priori emotivo. Portanto, no texto, questionam-se dois mitos, esteios da ciência clássica: o mito da objetividade científica e o da neutralidade axiológica. Destaca, assim, a falácia da existência de uma ruptura epistemológica entre ciência e ideologia. A partir daí, as ideações tornam-se ideologias, sobretudo nas ciências do homem e nas ciências da educação que, ademais, tornam-se suporte de uma disfarçada luta ideológica, na qual, num colonialismo cognitivo, as estratégias de conhecimento dissimulam as de preconceito. Entretanto, assumir a realidade desse suporte fantasmanalítico e ideológico propicia uma tarefa educativa salutar: os paradigmas tornam-se fantasias e, nessa relativização crítica, podem ser usados como um campo de objetos transicionais coletivos num ludismo cultural e educativo. No policulturalismo da sociedade contemporânea, o politeísmo de valores de Weber transforma-se num politeísmo epistemológico, regido pelo relativismo ontológico de Feyerabend e por uma ética do pragmatismo. Articulando cultura, organização e educação, a antropologia das organizações educativas e a culturanálise de grupos de Paula Carvalho traduzem as heurísticas dessa dialética transicional.
Using Harold Bloom s methodology known as dialectical revisionism we undertake the task of misreading of Vinícius de Moraes (1913- 1980) poems Poética (1950), Operário em construção (1955), Poética II (1960) against Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) and his poem A Song: Men of England, suggesting that the Brazilian poet trammeled a battle with his poetic triad, in which Operário em Construção is Vinicius s main weapon. It is suggested here that each one of Vinícius´poem represents a step of what Bloom calls anxiety of influence . The misreading proposed confronts the themes and the imagery of the poems, arguing that Shelley and Vinícius are similar when they approach exploitation and working class consciousness according to the Dialectic Marxism pattern, and that Vinícius´s poem was not only inspired by Shelley s, but using one of the strategies suggested by Bloom, he corrects the ideological flaws of Shelley s poem. It is also discussed the possibility that both poems are inspired by Plato´s (428-7 a 348-7 a.C.) allegory of the cave, his concept of justice and the moral construction of the polis defended in A República. Thus, considering the process of misreading, these five poems constitute what Bloom calls a family romance , which is characterizes the phenomenon of melancholy of creativity
El estudio de la citación en Lira de los Veinte Años, de Álvares de Azevedo, desde la óptica de Antoine Compagnon e Gerárd Genette, se muestra relevante a los estudios de la Literatura Comparada, en la perspectiva conteporánea, pués el tema provoca la posibilidad de discutir la elaboración de si del(los) otro(s), sucitando imágenes estéticas y de los pensamientos que se aproximan de una noción de tesitura textual muy presente en la modernidad literaria. Este proceso instaura procedimientos de lectura, traducción, autoria y escritura, aún, por ser utilizados, confirman la potencialidad inegable en que se escribi el trabajo poético del escritor. En la primer parte de la obra, se sugieren experiencias com lo bello y lo sublime, advindos del europeu, pero vuelto para una pesquisa de posibilidad discursivas. En la según parte, esa instancia sublimada es puesta en crise, por el sujeto poético cribado por el deseo de tornarse singular. Se instauran en el campo valorativo de los signos románticos elementos desfavorables de sentido diferentes. Dase, así, la problematización puesta por las citaciones que ora, realizan cambios simbólicos, ora, actuan en las márgenes de los textos primeros, desorganizando el material de autoria, desublimandolo, en la irrupción de nuevos cuerpos discursivos y cuerpúsculos cituacionales. En la tecer parte, ligado a Tánatos, como la dimensión por venir, marcando el presentimiento del poeta de que morirá temprano, como también la despedida de él. En esta tesi, se pretende, así, circunscribir como se figura, elabora esa constituición estética azevediana y su escritura, situando cuestiones recortadas por el actor en su obra, las quales remeten a Hegel, Kant y la otras lecturas filosóficas, ali puestas. Tal procedimiento toma la citación como estrategia poética de inscrición del sujeto y de las alteridades que le atravesan, concebiendo eso proceso autoral en la forma de reconstrución de una ciudadela de libros en este aspecto, considerandose el enfoque de Félix Guatarí, la propósito de los nuevos paradigmas y las espacialidades emergentes de estos -, o la biblioteca subjetiva, que se abre en vias y pasagenes. A través de ellas el discurso captura no solamente los objetos poéticos, pero también trazos autobiográficos rasurados, traduciendo la lucha por la visibilidad del sujeto en la formación de su pensamiento poético y estético
This dissertation, entitled O Auto da Morte e da Vida: A escrita barroca de João Cabral de Melo Neto, has the aim of analising, interpreting, in a baroque perspective, Cabral s writing in the poem/play Morte e vida severina Auto de Natal Pernambucano, taking as basis the theories of Eugênio D´Ors, Severo Sarduy, Omar Calabrase, Lezama Lima, Afonso Ávila, Affonso Romano de Sant´Anna and others cited in the body of this work. During the analisys we feature confluences, relations, similarities, identification between the Baroque of the counter reformation and the modern Baroque or Neobaroque. We seek to comprehend the baroque which is new in the XX century and Cabral s poetry as an element of the contemporaneity, by updating the concept of the Baroque in the 1600s, when it is detected in its purest characteristic in human relation (the life of the Northwestern brazilian) through an intangible reality (the death). The Baroque as a cultural summary of a period of instability and transformation, with the power of dismantling an already established poetry. The fight between words and things, language and reality
El escritor de São Paulo Raduan Nassar, lanza en 1975, su primera novela intitulado Lavoura arcaica. En su narrativa de estreno, el escritor nos trae la historia de un adolescente, André, que intenta destruir la plantación de su padre, Iohána. A través de sus sermones, el patriarca predicaba la moderación, la disciplina y la obediencia a las leyes impuestas por él, construyendo así, un mundo de ilusiones, donde el amor era una máscara para la hipocresía. En esta tensa relación, padre e hijo, representaciones místicas de Apolo y Dionisio, emprenden una contienda discursiva sobre la negación y la afirmación de la existencia. De ese modo, considerando la relación de lucha e integridad entre el impulso apolíneo y dionisiaco existentes en el romanticismo nassariano, la propuesta de este trabajo es presentar una lectura de lo trágico en Lavoura arcaica a partir de la perspectiva nietzscheana sobre el género trágico. Para eso, recorrimos al concepto desarrollado por Nietzsche en su obra, desde su primer libro O nascimento da tragédia (2007a), A visão dionisíaca do mundo (2005 a) y Ecce homo (2008 b).
In the context of late modernity, the socio-cultural transformations established new social practices which corroborate discursive changes in dialectic movements, contributing to the order of the educational discourses to be more and more affected by typical market discourses and values which are covered by ideologies, hegemonic struggles and power relations. In this sense, this research study, which is based on the theoretical tenets of the Critical Discourse Analysis in its interdisciplinary branch (FAIRCLOUGH, 2006; ORMUNDO, 2010; PEDROSA, 2010; RAMALHO E RESENDE, 2011), aims at discussing how the sociocultural changes in the context of private education interact with the market proposal of neoliberal and economical policies. The research was methodologically based on the qualitative approach (CHIZZOTTI, 1991; BOGDAN e BIKLEN, 1994; MINAYO, 1994), especially on the principles of contemporary Applied Linguistics (SIGNORINI, 1998; MOITA-LOPES, 2006; MENEZES, SILVA, GOMES, 2009). Data were gathered from advertisements used in campaigns by private educational institutions and agencies in Natal/RN; the advertisements were collected in primary and secondary levels and in language courses from October to December, 2010. The data analysis indicate that education, in the context of globalization and late modernity, has become a market agency and that the new face of the educational discourse of private institutions is interwoven with a social representation of education as a site of struggle and hegemonic dispute. Therefore, the research leads us to infer that, as the educational public policies based on hegemonic economy and on ideological assumptions of international agents (Global Bank, FMI, etc.) have become widespread, education has become an arena of dispute and a powerful economic product to the market of cultural and commercial industry, thus emphasizing a society in which everything is economically based
Quand on se plonge sur l‟oeuvre de Caio Fernando Abreu, on est forcement mené à faire une profonde analyse social qui résulte dans une grande bataille entre l‟amour, la société et la politique. Cette Memoire de Master, Politique, chanson et théâtre : Le conte « Ces deux-là » de Caio Fernando Abreu répercute au quotidien brésilien, montre que la plongé faite ici cherche à analyser, à partir d‟une perspective comparative, les angles observés par l‟auteur dans son oeuvre écrite pendant les années de la Dictature Militaire brésilienne, l‟influence des Beatles et du musicien/poète Caetano Veloso avec le mouvement du Tropicalismo. Dans ce travail, on observe le rôle du narrateur au sein du développement du conte comme représentation de la société irrémédiable et comme cette narrative s‟ajuste en mode théâtral. La lecture de cette memoire est basée sur l‟analyse du conte « Ces deux-là », du livre Fraises Moisies, et l‟influence de la musique Strawberry Fields Forever, des Beatles chez l‟écriture de l‟auteur, ainsi que les discussions sur les images présentent dans la narrative comme la structure essentielle pour le processus du montage du spectacle homonyme par la Cia. Luna Lunera, Minas Gerais, à partir du mécanisme de la traduction, du littéraire au scénique, appuyée sur les idées de Patrice Pavis
Samba e negritude: práticas discursivas identitárias negras em sambas de enredo de temática africana
The study object of this thesis is the process of affirmation, (re)construction and (re)signification of the black identities in the discourses which cross the samba-enredo of African theme of the samba schools belonging to the elite group from the carioca carnival, in the period from 1960 and 2007. The main question which guides this research is the following: How does this discursive process occur and which are the possible effects resulting from it? This research aims to understand, through interpretation gestures of such discourses and from those which undergo the interview statements and the answers given to the questionnaires applied to spectators and parade exhibiters of these samba schools, in what way the negritude conception and the citizenship practice of the black Brazilian people, especially those from Rio de Janeiro, can be affected by the meaning production circulating in the discursive practices of these sambas. The research was theoretically related to the Applied Linguistics, however it articulates theories originated from Cultural Studies and Ethnic-racial Studies as well as it presents some theoretical and methodological fundamentals from the Discourse Analysis of French line. As concerns the methodology, it is of interpretative, qualitative basis with procedures of discursive character. The interview analysis did not reveal, as consequence of the discourses circulating in the sambas, a direct involvement of the black people who were interviewed in struggle for their citizenship practice, but it pointed out sliding of meaning in regard to the negritude emergence
Le présent texte vise à analiser la apropriation de l'espace par le pouvoir publique. Entre les années 1956 et 1964, la ville brésilien de Natal a été administré par le maire Djalma Maranhao, dirigeants politiques marquées par des idées nationalistes, comme la lutte contre l'impérialisme et l'émancipation du peuple a travers de ce que l'on appelle « culture populaire ». Le terme a acquis une connotation politique, en même temps dans ce qui était considéré comme la plus pure manifestation du peuple brésilien. La dynamique politique signifie aussi un nouveau regard sur la ville, enquant que le désir de progrès, de industrialisation et de réformes sociales propagée dans la politique nationale brésilienne, directement traduit par des changements dans son espace physique. Dans cette orientation nationaliste, la ville a entrepris des actions systématiques à l'encontre des nouveaux besoins urbains qui se posent en même temps que tourné certains places de la ville à espaces culturelles, appelée « places de la culture ». Ces espaces sont destinés à la promotion de la culture populaire en même temps il a été un domaine stratégique de la production et la réception des valeurs défendues par Djalma Maranhao. En ce sens, nous avons demandé répondre quelle a été la position du maire face à la besoins urbaines qu'ils se posaient et comme les places de la culture sont intégré à la vie quotidienne de la ville de Natal, donnant une nouvelle signification à la place publique. Pour la construction de ce travail, nous utilisons les sources orales et de revues, de journaux et de A República et Folha da Tarde, comme le principal ressources méthodologiques
This work is about a search that takes the Comitê pela Anistia no Rio Grande do Norte and the Associação Norte-Rio-Grandense de Anistiados Políticos as Political Spaces capable of expressing History, Memory and Politic. And has as main objective analyzing the amnesty process in the State from these Spaces of political struggle and of resistance, from the 1970s until the early 2000s. The discussion of amnesty and struggle for rights and remedies are still present today on the political agenda of the country, which demonstrates the importance and the incompleteness of the amnesty. Beyond the oral sources, which are essential for understanding periods of oppression, we also used written sources, such as digital and printed newspapers, laws, meeting minutes, pamphlets of political parties, magazines, theses, dissertations, among others. We made the crossing of oral sources with written guides us as Paul Thompson, highlighting the importance of Memory, especially of Collective Memory in line with the perception of Maurice Halbwachs. Work the concept of history approached by Jacques Le Goff and Politic from the perspective of Hannah Arendt. And consider the space from the approach taken by Doreen Massey
The aim of this work is to analyze the spatial frames of reference of the Seridó a region Iocated in the hinterlands of Rio Grande do Norte state from the following texts: Homens de Outrora (1941), by Manuel Dantas; Seridó (1954), by José Augusto Bezerra de Medeiros; Velhos Costumes do Meu Sertão (1965), by Juvenal Lamartine de Faria; and Sertões do Seridó (1980), by Oswaldo Lamartine de Faria. The historiographical discourse will be investigated as to representations of space and the frames of reference that demarcate it. We highlight the space of 1 as delimited by the subjectivity and significances expressed by each author, considering closely the relation between author, writing and body, either in historiography or in the subjects that give shape to the Seridó region in their writings. The Seridó is particularly framed in the relevant historiography as the hinterland (sertão) space, where the drought is a representation referred to recurrently, and as a space of fight , in which man and nature would be in constant struggle, challenging each other. Spatial frames of reference are then situated between the 1 and notions of hinterland and fight with nature
The Health Family Program (HFP) was founded in the 1990s with the objective of changing the health care model through a restructuring of primary care. Oral health was officially incorporated into HFP mainly through the efforts of dental professionals, and was seen as a way to break from oral health care models based on curative, technical biological and inequity methods. Despite the fast expansion of HFP oral health teams, it is essential to ask if changes are really occurring in the oral health model of municipalities. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the incorporation of oral health teams into the Health Family Program by analyzing the factors that may interfere positively or negatively in the implementation of this strategy and consequently in the process of changing oral health care models in the National Health System in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. This evaluation involves three dimensions: access, work organization and strategies of planning. For this purpose,19 municipalities, geographically distributed according to Regional Public Health Units (RPHU), were randomly selected. The data collection instruments used were: structured interview of supervisors and dentists, structured observation, documental research and data from national health data banks. It was possible to identify critical points that may be impeding the implementation of oral health into HFP, such as, low incomes, no legal employment contract, difficulty in referring patients for high-complexity procedures, in developing intersectoral actions and program strategies such as epidemiologic diagnosis and evaluation of the new actions. The majority of municipalities showed little or no improvement in oral health care after incorporating the new model into HFP. All of them had failures in most of the aspects mentioned above. Furthermore, these municipalities are similar in other areas, such as low educational levels in children from 7 to 14 years of age, high child mortality rates and wide social inequalities. On the other hand, the five municipalities that had improved oral health, according to the categories analyzed, offered better living conditions to the population, with higher life expectancy, low infant mortality rates, per capita income among the highest in the state as well as high Human Development Index (HDI) means. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that public policies that include aspects beyond the health sector are decisive for a real change in health care models
It is intended to problematize forms of participation and political action of psychologists toward mental health policy in Piauí. The study was motivated through challenges faced by the local Psychiatric Reform movement, and the one underway in the country, which needs support technical-assistence and sociopolitical to guarantee accomplishments and to move on with the complete reversion of the asylum to psychosocial model. The method was based on institutional analysis and counted with three insertion moments for the field research: a) to identify historical and political events that configure the local Psychiatric Reform (documental research/oral memory) and to identify psychologists that act in Mental Health; b) to realize participant observation and semi-structured interview with 33 psychologists which act in Mental Health in Teresina; c) to follow the sociopolitical contexts/events of the local Psychiatric Reform (participant observation and conversation circles). The data were analyzed considering four discussion axes, achieved through categorization of the collected material: 1) ways of professional insertion of psychologists in mental health; 2) knowledge and practices used to act in this work context of the profession; 3) political professional movements of workers of the reformist local process; 4) political action of psychologists toward the course of Piauí mental health policy. We concluded identifying that the participation of psychologists in Piauí mental health finds strength by the conduction of its macro and micropolitical professional action. The first one follows oriented by the lemma of social commitment, despite this movement doesn t have equivalence in the transformation of practices and political-professional postures of psychologists in the daily of services. The second is constituted in the every day of work, standing to the political action of the profession implicated with the preservation of the classic modus operandi of being psychologist. Therefore, it is about the actions that give little sustainability technicalassistance to the Psychiatric Reform underway in the State, and why not say in the country
This research aimed to understand how children mean the right to play. For that, assumes that the children composed a social category generational, with children experiencing their own skills, the result of the mediated relationship with the social and its transformative capacity. Adding to that, they are subject of duties with competence to means your own condition. After a long history of repression and an intense political struggle, the Doctrine of Integral Protection is inaugurated in Brazil and the Citizen (1889), which regulates the fundamental rights of all children and adolescents. Among these rights is the right to play. However, it is sufficient to provide by law, it is necessary to break with the diminishment of the play activity, still present in our society, watching it as a structuring activity of the subject and ensuring the enforcement of this right. Considering the child as the central focus of research, the research was conducted in a public school education. The subjects were six children of six years old, enrolled in 1st year of elementary school. The procedures employed for constituting the corpus of the research were: observation of children at school meetings and dialogue, monitoring of play resources such as drawings, cartoons and representative images of child rights. Also, the parents were interviewed with the goal to enlarge the understanding the context of the child. With the thematic content analysis, we raise two areas: play and children's rights. The results showed that children, however don‟t have a systematized knowledge about child rights , they understand that any elements are important for the children and your development, being the play the most recurrent, followed by education and family. The right to play configure as a necessity of the child, that even if she does not understand conceptually as a right, she feels the importance of living of the play activity
The struggle against AIDS is a kind of action in favor of life and the organized Brazilian civil society incorporated it in a meaningful dimension. This struggle matured the creation of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and advanced with the discoveries about the disease. Since the very early 90 s, the consolidation of the partnership involving the movement anti-aids with State came up with a dilemma for the entities of civil society: are they just executors of governmental policies or do they take up the role of effective demands concerning public policies? Since then, activism against aids started to stand for execution of projects and one considers that the institutional way of anti-aids work has problems because it constructs a basic strategy to take off the political aspect of the third sector. The NGOs/aids consolidate the reconfiguration of capital and get far from street activities. This is important to be studied because the relationship between society and aids, contemporarily, can prevent them from accomplishing their agenda referring to political mobilization and collective resistance. This research started to be carried after some visits, previously arranged, to an institutional life support group called Grupo de Apoio à Vida-GAV, in Campina Grande. A semi-structured interview was applied to 31 users and to 6 technicians of the entity mentioned. One aimed at investigating the activist anti-aids practice, identifying the conceptions of activism and knowing how social actors assess those practices. Preliminary results indicate that one of the conceptions on activism among the interviewees refers to the execution of projects through partnership of NGOs and supporting institutions, governmental or non-governmental. Although this new conception on activism consolidates a non-political aspect, there are other ways of executing projects and participating actively, according to some users, such as: meetings, lectures and other sorts of events promoted by the group, which are also legitimate actions representing anti-aids activism at the present context