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Cardiac surgery involving cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) induces activation of inflammation and coagulation systems and is associated with ischemia-reperfusion injury (I/R injury)in various organs including the myocardium, lungs, and intestine. I/R injury is manifested as organ dysfunction. Thrombin, the key enzyme of coagulation , plays a cenral role also in inflammation and contributes to regulation of apoptosis as well. The general aim of this thesis was to evaluate the potential of thrombin inhibition in reducing the adverse effects of I/R injury in myocardium, lungs, and intestine associated with the use of CPB and cardiac surgery. Forty five pigs were used for the studies. Two randomized blinded studies were performed. Animals underwent 75 min of normothermic CPB, 60 min of aortic clamping, and 120 min of reperfusion period. Twenty animals received iv. recombinant hirudin, a selective and effective inbitor of thrombin, or placebo. In a similar setting, twenty animals received an iv-bolus (250 IU/kg) of antithrombin (AT) or placebo. An additional group of 5 animals received 500 IU/kg in an open label setting to test dose response. Generation of thrombin (TAT), coagulation status (ACT), and hemodynamics were measured. Intramucosal pH and pCO2 were measured from the luminal surface of ileum using tonometry simultaneusly with arterial gas analysis. In addition, myocardial, lung, and intestinal biopsies were taken to quantitate leukocyte infiltration (MPO), for histological evaluation, and detection of apoptosis (TUNEL, caspase 3). In conclusion, our data suggest that r-hirudin may be an effective inhibitor of reperfusion induced thrombin generation in addition to being a direct inhibitor of preformed thrombin. Overall, the results suggest that inhibition of thrombin, beyond what is needed for efficient anticoagulation by heparin, has beneficial effects on myocardial I/R injury and hemodynamics during cardiac surgery and CPB. We showed that infusion of the thrombin inhibitor r-hirudin during reperfusion was associated with attenuated post ischemia left ventricular dysfunction and decreased systemic vascular resistance. Consequently microvascular flow was improved during ischemia-reperfusion injury. Improved recovery of myocardium during the post-ischemic reperfusion period was associated with significantly less cardiomyocyte apoptosis and with a trend in anti-inflammatory effects. Thus, inhibition of reperfusion induced thrombin may offer beneficial effects by mechanisms other than direct anticoagulant effects. AT, in doses with a significant anticoagulant effect, did not alleviate myocardial I/R injury in terms of myocardial recovery, histological inflammatory changes or post-ischemic troponin T release. Instead, AT attenuated reperfusion induced increase in pulmonary pressure after CPB. Taken the clinical significance of postoperative pulmonary hemodynamics in patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass, the potential positive regulatory role of AT and clinical implications needs to be studied further. Inflammatory response in the gut wall proved to be poorly associated with perturbed mucosal perfusion and the animals with the least neutrophil tissue sequestration and I/R related histological alterations tended to have the most progressive mucosal hypoperfusion. Thus, mechanisms of low-flow reperfusion injury during CPB can differ from the mechanisms seen in total ischemia reperfusion injury.


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The effect of the addition of glassy phases on the microstructure and dielectric properties of CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) ceramics was investigated. Both single-component (B2O3) and multi-cornponent (30wt% BaO-60wt% B2O3-10wt% SiO2 (BBS)) glass systems were chosen to study their effect on the density, microstructure and dielectric properties of CCTO. Addition of an optimum amount of B2O3 glass facilitated grain growth and an increase in dielectric constant. However, further increase in the B2O3 content resulted in its segregation at the grain boundaries associated with a reduction in the grain size. In contrast, BBS glass addition resulted in well-faceted grains and increase in the dielectric constant and decrease in the dielectric loss. An internal barrier layer capacitance (IBLC) model was invoked to correlate the dielectric constant with the grain size in these samples. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Heart failure is a common and highly challenging medical disorder. The progressive increase of elderly population is expected to further reflect in heart failure incidence. Recent progress in cell transplantation therapy has provided a conceptual alternative for treatment of heart failure. Despite improved medical treatment and operative possibilities, end-stage coronary artery disease present a great medical challenge. It has been estimated that therapeutic angiogenesis would be the next major advance in the treatment of ischaemic heart disease. Gene transfer to augment neovascularization could be beneficial for such patients. We employed a porcine model to evaluate the angiogenic effect of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-C gene transfer. Ameroid-generated myocardial ischemia was produced and adenovirus encoding (ad)VEGF-C or β-galactosidase (LacZ) gene therapy was given intramyocardially during progressive coronary stenosis. Angiography, positron emission tomography (PET), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and histology evidenced beneficial affects of the adVEGF-C gene transfer compared to adLacZ. The myocardial deterioration during progressive coronary stenosis seen in the control group was restrained in the treatment group. We observed an uneven occlusion rate of the coronary vessels with Ameroid constrictor. We developed a simple methodological improvement of Ameroid model by ligating of the Ameroid–stenosed coronary vessel. Improvement of the model was seen by a more reliable occlusion rate of the vessel concerned and a formation of a rather constant myocardial infarction. We assessed the spontaneous healing of the left ventricle (LV) in this new model by SPECT, PET, MRI, and angiography. Significant spontaneous improvement of myocardial perfusion and function was seen as well as diminishment of scar volume. Histologically more microvessels were seen in the border area of the lesion. Double staining of the myocytes in mitosis indicated more cardiomyocyte regeneration at the remote area of the lesion. The potential of autologous myoblast transplantation after ischaemia and infarction of porcine heart was evaluated. After ligation of stenosed coronary artery, autologous myoblast transplantation or control medium was directly injected into the myocardium at the lesion area. Assessed by MRI, improvement of diastolic function was seen in the myoblast-transplanted animals, but not in the control animals. Systolic function remained unchanged in both groups.


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Introduction Patients post sepsis syndromes have a poor quality of life and a high rate of recurring illness or mortality. Follow-up clinics have been instituted for patients postgeneral intensive care but evidence is sparse, and there has been no clinic specifically for survivors of sepsis. The aim of this trial is to investigate if targeted screening and appropriate intervention to these patients can result in an improved quality of life (Short Form 36 health survey (SF36V.2)), decreased mortality in the first 12 months, decreased readmission to hospital and/or decreased use of health resources. Methods and analysis 204 patients postsepsis syndromes will be randomised to one of the two groups. The intervention group will attend an outpatient clinic two monthly for 6 months and receive screening and targeted intervention. The usual care group will remain under the care of their physician. To analyse the results, a baseline comparison will be carried out between each group. Generalised estimating equations will compare the SF36 domain scores between groups and across time points. Mortality will be compared between groups using a Cox proportional hazards (time until death) analysis. Time to first readmission will be compared between groups by a survival analysis. Healthcare costs will be compared between groups using a generalised linear model. Economic (health resource) evaluation will be a within-trial incremental cost utility analysis with a societal perspective. Ethics and dissemination Ethical approval has been granted by the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC; HREC/13/QRBW/17), The University of Queensland HREC (2013000543), Griffith University (RHS/08/14/HREC) and the Australian Government Department of Health (26/2013). The results of this study will be submitted to peer-reviewed intensive care journals and presented at national and international intensive care and/or rehabilitation conferences.


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Purpose: To examine the effects of gaze position and optical blur, similar to that used in multifocal corrections, on stepping accuracy for a precision stepping task among older adults. Methods: Nineteen healthy older adults (mean age, 71.6 +/- 8.8 years) with normal vision performed a series of precision stepping tasks onto a fixed target. The stepping tasks were performed using a repeated-measures design for three gaze positions (fixating on the stepping target as well as 30 and 60 cm farther forward of the stepping target) and two visual conditions (best-corrected vision and with +2.50DS blur). Participants' gaze position was tracked using a head-mounted eye tracker. Absolute, anteroposterior, and mediolateral foot placement errors and within-subject foot placement variability were calculated from the locations of foot and floor-mounted retroreflective markers captured by flash photography of the final foot position. Results: Participants made significantly larger absolute and anteroposterior foot placement errors and exhibited greater foot placement variability when their gaze was directed farther forward of the stepping target. Blur led to significantly increased absolute and anteroposterior foot placement errors and increased foot placement variability. Furthermore, blur differentially increased the absolute and anteroposterior foot placement errors and variability when gaze was directed 60 cm farther forward of the stepping target. Conclusions: Increasing gaze position farther ahead from stepping locations and the presence of blur negatively impact the stepping accuracy of older adults. These findings indicate that blur, similar to that used in multifocal corrections, has the potential to increase the risk of trips and falls among older populations when negotiating challenging environments where precision stepping is required, particularly as gaze is directed farther ahead from stepping locations when walking.


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An Ocean General Circulation Model of the Indian Ocean with high horizontal (0.25 degrees x 0.25 degrees) and vertical (40 levels) resolutions is used to study the dynamics and thermodynamics of the Arabian Sea mini warm pool (ASMWP), the warmest region in the northern Indian Ocean during January-April. The model simulates the seasonal cycle of temperature, salinity and currents as well as the winter time temperature inversions in the southeastern Arabian Sea (SEAS) quite realistically with climatological forcing. An experiment which maintained uniform salinity of 35 psu over the entire model domain reproduces the ASMWP similar to the control run with realistic salinity and this is contrary to the existing theories that stratification caused by the intrusion of low-salinity water from the Bay of Bengal into the SEAS is crucial for the formation of ASMWP. The contribution from temperature inversions to the warming of the SEAS is found to be negligible. Experiments with modified atmospheric forcing over the SEAS show that the low latent heat loss over the SEAS compared to the surroundings, resulting from the low winds due to the orographic effect of Western Ghats, plays an important role in setting up the sea surface temperature (SST) distribution over the SEAS during November March. During March-May, the SEAS responds quickly to the air-sea fluxes and the peak SST during April-May is independent of the SST evolution during previous months. The SEAS behaves as a low wind, heat-dominated regime during November-May and, therefore, the formation and maintenance of the ASMWP is not dependent on the near surface stratification.


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We study a fixed-point formalization of the well-known analysis of Bianchi. We provide a significant simplification and generalization of the analysis. In this more general framework, the fixed-point solution and performance measures resulting from it are studied. Uniqueness of the fixed point is established. Simple and general throughput formulas are provided. It is shown that the throughput of any flow will be bounded by the one with the smallest transmission rate. The aggregate throughput is bounded by the reciprocal of the harmonic mean of the transmission rates. In an asymptotic regime with a large number of nodes, explicit formulas for the collision probability, the aggregate attempt rate, and the aggregate throughput are provided. The results from the analysis are compared with ns2 simulations and also with an exact Markov model of the backoff process. It is shown how the saturated network analysis can be used to obtain TCP transfer throughputs in some cases.


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We investigate the events near the fusion interfaces of dissimilar welds using a phase-field model developed for single-phase solidification of binary alloys. The parameters used here correspond to the dissimilar welding of a Ni/Cu couple. The events at the Ni and the Cu interface are very different, which illustrate the importance of the phase diagram through the slope of the liquidus curves. In the Ni side, where the liquidus temperature decreases with increasing alloying, solutal melting of the base metal takes place; the resolidification, with continuously increasing solid composition, is very sluggish until the interface encounters a homogeneous melt composition. The growth difficulty of the base metal increases with increasing initial melt composition, which is equivalent to a steeper slope of the liquidus curve. In the Cu side, the initial conditions result in a deeply undercooled melt and contributions from both constrained and unconstrained modes of growth are observed. The simulations bring out the possibility of nucleation of a concentrated solid phase from the melt, and a secondary melting of the substrate due to the associated recalescence event. The results for the Ni and Cu interfaces can be used to understand more complex dissimilar weld interfaces involving multiphase solidification.


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Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy has been carried out on a metallic film of polypyrrole (PPy doped by PF6). The sample was exposed to air to investigate how the conductivity of the film varies as a function of time. The absorption and dispersion of the film decrease during initial days, and then tend to saturate. The conductivity of unaged sample follows the Drude model, and upon aging the data fit to the localization-modified Drude model. The fitting parameters show that the number of charge carriers decreases during the aging process. The initial rapid decrease in conductivity suggests that some of the delocalized carriers are localized due to aging. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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The cosmological observations of light from type Ia supernovae, the cosmic microwave background and the galaxy distribution seem to indicate that the expansion of the universe has accelerated during the latter half of its age. Within standard cosmology, this is ascribed to dark energy, a uniform fluid with large negative pressure that gives rise to repulsive gravity but also entails serious theoretical problems. Understanding the physical origin of the perceived accelerated expansion has been described as one of the greatest challenges in theoretical physics today. In this thesis, we discuss the possibility that, instead of dark energy, the acceleration would be caused by an effect of the nonlinear structure formation on light, ignored in the standard cosmology. A physical interpretation of the effect goes as follows: due to the clustering of the initially smooth matter with time as filaments of opaque galaxies, the regions where the detectable light travels get emptier and emptier relative to the average. As the developing voids begin to expand the faster the lower their matter density becomes, the expansion can then accelerate along our line of sight without local acceleration, potentially obviating the need for the mysterious dark energy. In addition to offering a natural physical interpretation to the acceleration, we have further shown that an inhomogeneous model is able to match the main cosmological observations without dark energy, resulting in a concordant picture of the universe with 90% dark matter, 10% baryonic matter and 15 billion years as the age of the universe. The model also provides a smart solution to the coincidence problem: if induced by the voids, the onset of the perceived acceleration naturally coincides with the formation of the voids. Additional future tests include quantitative predictions for angular deviations and a theoretical derivation of the model to reduce the required phenomenology. A spin-off of the research is a physical classification of the cosmic inhomogeneities according to how they could induce accelerated expansion along our line of sight. We have identified three physically distinct mechanisms: global acceleration due to spatial variations in the expansion rate, faster local expansion rate due to a large local void and biased light propagation through voids that expand faster than the average. A general conclusion is that the physical properties crucial to account for the perceived acceleration are the growth of the inhomogeneities and the inhomogeneities in the expansion rate. The existence of these properties in the real universe is supported by both observational data and theoretical calculations. However, better data and more sophisticated theoretical models are required to vindicate or disprove the conjecture that the inhomogeneities are responsible for the acceleration.


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In the present work, a numerical study is performed to predict the effect of process parameters on transport phenomena during solidification of aluminium alloy A356 in the presence of electromagnetic stirring. A set of single-phase governing equations of mass, momentum, energy and species conservation is used to represent the solidification process and the associated fluid flow, heat and mass transfer. In the model, the electromagnetic forces are incorporated using an analytical solution of Maxwell equation in the momentum conservation equations and the slurry rheology during solidification is represented using an experimentally determined variable viscosity function. Finally, the set of governing equations is solved for various process conditions using a pressure based finite volume technique, along with an enthalpy based phase change algorithm. In present work, the effect of stirring intensity and cooling rate are considered. It is found that increasing stirring intensity results in increase of slurry velocity and corresponding increase in the fraction of solid in the slurry. In addition, the increasing stirring intensity results uniform distribution of species and fraction of solid in the slurry. It is also found from the simulation that the distribution of solid fraction and species is dependent on cooling rate conditions. At low cooling rate, the fragmentation of dendrites from the solid/liquid interface is more.


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The esterification of propionic acid was investigated using three different alcohols, namely, isopropyl alcohol, isobutyl alcohol, and isoamyl alcohol. The variation of conversion with time for the synthesis of isoamyl propionate was investigated in the presence of five enzymes. Novozym 435 showed the highest activity, and this was used as the enzyme for investigating the various parameters that influence the esterification reaction. The Ping-Pong Bi-Bi model with inhibition by both acid and alcohol was used to model the experimental data and determine the kinetics of the esterification reaction.


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We show that the extended Ananthakrishna's model exhibits all the features of the Portevin - Le Chatelier effect including the three types of bands. The model reproduces the recently observed crossover from a low dimensional chaotic state at low and medium strain rates to a high dimensional power law state of stress drops at high strain rates. The dynamics of crossover is elucidated through a study of the Lyapunov spectrum.


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Three model dipeptides containing a dehydroalanine residue (Ala) at the C-terminal, Boc-X-Ala-NHCH3 [X = Ala, Val, and Phe,] have been synthesized and their solution conformations investigated by 1H-NMR, IR, and CD spectroscopy. NMR studies on these peptides in CDCl3 clearly indicate that the NH group of dehydroalanine is involved in an intramolecular hydrogen bond. This conclusion is supported by IR studies also. Nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) studies are also accommodative of an inverse -turn-type of conformation that is characterised by conformational angles of -70° and +70° around the X residue, and a C[stack i+1 ]H-Ni+2H interproton distance of 2.5 Å. It appears that unlike dehydrophenylalanine or dehydroleucine, which tend to stabilize -turn type of structures occupying the i + 2 position of the turn, dehydroalanine favors the formation of an inverse -turn, centered at the proceeding L-residue in such solvents as CDCl3 and (CD3)2SO. A comparison of solution conformation of Boc Val-Ala-NHCH3 with the corresponding saturated analogue, Boc-Val-Ala-NHCH3, is also presented and shows that dehydroalanine is responsible for inducing the turn structure. It may be possible to design peptides with different preferred conformations using the suitable dehydroamino acid.


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This paper presents the effect of nonlocal scaling parameter on the terahertz wave propagation in fluid filled single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). The SWCNT is modeled as a Timoshenko beam,including rotary inertia and transverse shear deformation by considering the nonlocal scale effects. A uniform fluid velocity of 1000 m/s is assumed. The analysis shows that, for a fluid filled SWCNT, the wavenumbers of flexural and shear waves will increase and the corresponding wave speeds will decrease as compared to an empty SWCNT. The nonlocal scale parameter introduces certain band gap region in both flexural and shear wave mode where no wave propagation occurs. This is manifested in the wavenumber plots as the region where the wavenumber tends to infinite (or wave speed tends to zero). The frequency at which this phenomenon occurs is called the ``escape frequency''. The effect of fluid density on the terahertz wave propagation in SWCNT is also studied and the analysis shows that as the fluid becomes denser, the wave speeds will decrease. The escape frequency decreases with increase in nonlocal scaling parameter, for both wave modes. We also show that the effect of fluid density and velocity are negligible on the escape frequencies of flexural and shear wave modes. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.