998 resultados para Local reaction
The diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) generally requires the use of invasive tests for the collection of infected tissue (aspirates of bone marrow, spleen, liver or lymph nodes). This difficulty has led to the search for safer and less painful techniques to confirm the occurrence of the disease in children. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a method that is advantageous in that it allows the use of peripheral blood samples for diagnosis. This paper reports the utilisation of PCR on peripheral blood samples to diagnose VL in 45 children in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. This technique is compared with methods carried out using tissue collected by invasive procedures, including direct microscopy, culture and detection of Leishmania DNA by PCR in bone marrow aspirates. The results show that PCR of peripheral blood provides great sensitivity (95.6%) that is similar to that from the PCR of bone marrow aspirates (91.1%) and higher than that achieved with microscopy (80%) or culture (26.7%) methods. PCR of peripheral blood proved to be a suitable tool for the diagnosis of VL in children because it is highly sensitive and safe, with tissue collection being less invasive than in traditional tests.
Path planning and control strategies applied to autonomous mobile robots should fulfil safety rules as well as achieve final goals. Trajectory planning applications should be fast and flexible to allow real time implementations as well as environment interactions. The methodology presented uses the on robot information as the meaningful data necessary to plan a narrow passage by using a corridor based on attraction potential fields that approaches the mobile robot to the final desired configuration. It employs local and dense occupancy grid perception to avoid collisions. The key goals of this research project are computational simplicity as well as the possibility of integrating this method with other methods reported by the research community. Another important aspect of this work consist in testing the proposed method by using a mobile robot with a perception system composed of a monocular camera and odometers placed on the two wheels of the differential driven motion system. Hence, visual data are used as a local horizon of perception in which trajectories without collisions are computed by satisfying final goal approaches and safety criteria
This article presents recent WMR (wheeled mobile robot) navigation experiences using local perception knowledge provided by monocular and odometer systems. A local narrow perception horizon is used to plan safety trajectories towards the objective. Therefore, monocular data are proposed as a way to obtain real time local information by building two dimensional occupancy grids through a time integration of the frames. The path planning is accomplished by using attraction potential fields, while the trajectory tracking is performed by using model predictive control techniques. The results are faced to indoor situations by using the lab available platform consisting in a differential driven mobile robot
Protection against Fasciola hepatica in goats immunized with a synthetic recombinant antigen from Schistosoma mansoni fatty acid-binding protein 14 (rSm14) was investigated by assessing worm burdens, serum levels of hepatic enzymes, faecal egg count and hepatic damage, which was evaluated using gross and microscopic morphometric observation. The nature of the local immune response was assessed by examining the distribution of CD2+, CD4+, CD8+ and γ´+ T lymphocytes along with IgG+, IL-4+ and IFN-γ+ cells in the liver and hepatic lymph nodes (HLN). The goats used consisted of group 1 (unimmunized and uninfected), group 2 [infected control - immunized with Quillaia A (Quil A)] and group 3 (immunized with rSm14 in Quil A and infected), each containing seven animals. Immunization with rSm14 in Quil A adjuvant induced a reduction in gross hepatic lesions of 56.6% (p < 0.001) and reduced hepatic and HLN infiltration of CD2+, CD4+, CD8+ and γ´+ T lymphocytes as well as IL-4+ and IFN-γ+ cells (p < 0.05). This is the first report of caprine immunization against F. hepatica using a complete rSm14 molecule derived from S. mansoni. Immunization reduced hepatic damage and local inflammatory infiltration into the liver and HLN. However, considering that Quil A is not the preferential/first choice adjuvant for Sm14 immunization, further studies will be undertaken using the monophosphoryl lipid A-based family of adjuvants during clinical trials to facilitate anti-Fasciolavaccine development.
Una de les finalitats principals del tren d’alta velocitat és la d’aportar desenvolupament local en aquelles ciutats i territoris on se’n construeixi una estació. Per aquesta raó, calen reflexions teòriques que ajudin els agents i les institucions a planificar correctament l’arribada de la nova gran infraestructura de transport, especialment en els aspectes relacionats amb la capacitat d’organització dels actors territorials. La teoria reticular pot ser una base teòrica útil per evitar concepcions deterministes de la relació entre infraestructura i territori, per explicar com es produeix el procés de desenvolupament local i per demostrar la importància dels agents territorials en aquest procés
Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease caused by the pathogenic Leptospira spp. The clinical presentations are diverse, ranging from undifferentiated fever to fulminant disease including meningeal forms. The neurological leptospirosis forms are usually neglected. The aim of this study was to investigate leptospirosis as the cause of aseptic meningitis using different diagnostic techniques including the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Thirty-nine cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples from patients presenting with meningeal abnormalities, predominance of lymphocytes and negative results by traditional microbiological tests were processed by leptospiral culture, anti-leptospiral antibody response and PCR. Leptospira spp DNA was detected in 23 (58.97%) of the CSF samples. Anti-leptospiral antibodies were found in 13 (33.33%) CSF samples. Twelve CSF samples were positive by PCR assay and negative by microscopic agglutination test (MAT) assay. Two CSF samples were positive by MAT and negative by PCR. The positive and negative agreement between both tests was 11 and 14, respectively. CSF samples from six cases of unknown diagnosis were positive by PCR assay. Eight cases showed positive results using PCR and MAT. Leptospirosis could be detected by PCR assay from the 3rd-26th day after illness onset. The sensitivity of the PCR was assessed with confirmed cases of leptospirosis (by MAT) and found to be 89.5%. All CSFs were negative by culture. PCR was found to be a powerful tool for diagnosing meningitis cases of leptospirosis. We recommend that it may be used as a supplementary diagnostic tool, especially in the early stages of the disease, when other diagnostic techniques such as serology are not sensitive.
In America, there are two species of Trypanosoma that can infect humans: Trypanosoma cruzi, which is responsible for Chagas disease and Trypanosoma rangeli, which is not pathogenic. We have developed a model of vaccination in mice with T. rangeli epimastigotes that protects against T. cruzi infection. The goal of this work was to study the pattern of specific immunoglobulins in the peritoneum (the site of infection) and in the sera of mice immunized with T. rangeli before and after challenge with T. cruzi. Additionally, we studied the effects triggered by antigen-antibodies binding and the levels of key cytokines involved in the humoral response, such as IL-4, IL-5 and IL-6. The immunization triggered the production of antibodies reactive with T. cruzi in peritoneal fluid (PF) and in serum, mainly IgG1 and, to a lesser magnitude, IgG2. Only immunized mice developed specific IgG3 antibodies in their peritoneal cavities. Antibodies were able to bind to the surface of the parasites and agglutinate them. Among the cytokines studied, IL-6 was elevated in PF during early infection, with higher levels in non-immunized-infected mice. The results indicate that T. rangeli vaccination against T. cruzi infection triggers a high production of specific IgG isotypes in PF and sera before infection and modulates the levels of IL-6 in PF in the early periods of infection.
Màster tesi què pretén determinar quins atributs han de ser considerats per a mesurar la qualitat del servei en establiments rurals amb autenticitat local. Proposa un nou instrument de medició, que l’autor ha anomenat RURALSERV. Se segueix el model SERVQUAL, però amb un format de mesura basat exclusivament en la percepció del visitant
This work reports a survey of Leptospira spp in pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) in the Pantanal wetlands of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil by serology and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Seventy pampas deer were captured in the dry season and surveyed using PCR, microscopic agglutination test (MAT) (n = 51) and by both techniques (n = 47). PCR detected infections in two pampas deer and MAT detected infections in three. Through sequencing and phylogenetic analyses, the PCR-amplified fragment detected in deer was identified as Leptospira interrogans. Serovars Pomona and Butembo were detected using MAT and the highest titre was 200 for serovar Pomona. Epidemiological aspects of the findings are discussed.
Projecte de construcció d'un edifici social per a activitats socials, de relació, culturals i esbarjo al municipi de Vilaür (Alt Empordà)
BACKGROUND: Dermatophyte identification in tinea capitis is essential for choosing the appropriate treatment and in tinea infections to identify the possible source. The failure of fungi to grow in cultures frequently occurs, especially in cases of previous antifungal therapy. OBJECTIVES: To develop a rapid polymerase chain reaction (PCR) sequencing assay for dermatophyte identification in tinea capitis and tinea corporis. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Fungal DNA was extracted from hair and skin samples that were confirmed to be positive by direct mycological examination. Dermatophytes were identified by the sequence of a 28S ribosomal DNA subunit amplicon generated by nested PCR. RESULTS: Nested PCR was found to be necessary to obtain amplicons in substantial amounts for dermatophyte identification by sequencing. The results agreed with those of classical mycological identification in 14 of 23, 6 of 10, and 20 of 23 cases of tinea capitis, tinea corporis and tinea pedis, respectively, from which a dermatophyte was obtained in culture. In seven of the 56 cases, another dermatophyte was identified, revealing previous misidentification. A dermatophyte was identified in 12 of 18, three of five, and four of nine cases of tinea capitis, tinea corporis and tinea pedis, respectively, in cases in which no dermatophyte grew in culture. CONCLUSIONS: Although the gold standard dermatophyte identification from clinical samples remains fungal cultures, the assay developed in the present study is especially suitable for tinea capitis. Improved sensitivity for the identification of dermatophyte species was obtained as it is possible to identify the dermatophyte when the fungus fails to grow in cultures.
Risk factor surveillance is a complementary tool of morbidity and mortality surveillance that improves the likelihood that public health interventions are implemented in a timely fashion. The aim of this study was to identify population predictors of malaria outbreaks in endemic municipalities of Colombia with the goal of developing an early warning system for malaria outbreaks. We conducted a multiple-group, exploratory, ecological study at the municipal level. Each of the 290 municipalities with endemic malaria that we studied was classified according to the presence or absence of outbreaks. The measurement of variables was based on historic registries and logistic regression was performed to analyse the data. Altitude above sea level [odds ratio (OR) 3.65, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.34-9.98], variability in rainfall (OR 1.85, 95% CI 1.40-2.44) and the proportion of inhabitants over 45 years of age (OR 0.17, 95% CI 0.08-0.38) were factors associated with malaria outbreaks in Colombian municipalities. The results suggest that environmental and demographic factors could have a significant ability to predict malaria outbreaks on the municipal level in Colombia. To advance the development of an early warning system, it will be necessary to adjust and standardise the collection of required data and to evaluate the accuracy of the forecast models.
Degut a la gran demanda tecnològica, actualment hi ha un gran interès en desenvolupar medis magnètics amb entitats ferromagnètiques de dimensions nanomètriques. Aquesta demanda promou la investigació i el desenvolupament de nous materials i processos de fabricació que permetin controlar d’una manera més precisa les propietats magnètiques i estructurals. Entre els mètodes de litografia convencionals (per exemple deposició física a través de màscares, deposició química en fase vapor i electrodeposició), recentment s’ha demostrat que la irradiació amb ions a través de màscares pre‐litografiades, sembla ser un bon mètode per a la fabricació d’estructures ferromagnètiques de l’ordre dels nanòmetres. Aquesta tècnica pot ser aplicada per aprofitar la transició paramagnètica‐ferromagnètica que presenten alguns materials al ser desordenats estructuralment (per exemple FeAl, FePt3, Ni3Sn2). En el treball que es presenta a continuació s’utilitza l’aliatge Fe60Al40 per a fabricar estructures ferromagnètiques embegudes en una matriu paramagnètica mitjançant irradiació amb ions d’argó a través d’una membrana de polimetil metacrilat (PMMA) prèviament litografiada amb feixos d’electrons (EBL). La fabricació d’aquest sistema té com a objectiu d’estudiar l’evolució de la morfologia i el gruix de PMMA (a partir de SEM i AFM) i del comportament magnètic de les estructures fabricades (MFM i MOKE), quan és irradiat consecutivament a diferents energies. Per a completar l’estudi s’han utilitzat simulacions per a determinar les condicions d’irradiació (TRIM), com per a una millor comprensió dels resultats (simulacions micromagnètiques). El contingut de la memòria inclou una breu introducció històrica i conceptual sobre el magnetisme. A continuació s’exposen les tècniques necessàries per a la fabricació, preparació i caracterització de la mostra. Finalment es presenta una discussió dels resultats obtinguts i les conclusions.
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública, Inclusión y Calidad de Vida de la Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social