995 resultados para LOCAL STRESSES


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The time reversal of stochastic diffusion processes is revisited with emphasis on the physical meaning of the time-reversed drift and the noise prescription in the case of multiplicative noise. The local kinematics and mechanics of free diffusion are linked to the hydrodynamic description. These properties also provide an interpretation of the Pope-Ching formula for the steady-state probability density function along with a geometric interpretation of the fluctuation-dissipation relation. Finally, the statistics of the local entropy production rate of diffusion are discussed in the light of local diffusion properties, and a stochastic differential equation for entropy production is obtained using the Girsanov theorem for reversed diffusion. The results are illustrated for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process.


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Growth cone guidance and synaptic plasticity involve dynamic local changes in proteins at axons and dendrites. The Dual-Leucine zipper Kinase MAPKKK (DLK) has been previously implicated in synaptogenesis and axon outgrowth in C. elegans and other animals. Here we show that in C. elegans DLK-1 regulates not only proper synapse formation and axon morphology but also axon regeneration by influencing mRNA stability. DLK-1 kinase signals via a MAPKAP kinase, MAK-2, to stabilize the mRNA encoding CEBP-1, a bZip protein related to CCAAT/enhancer-binding proteins, via its 3'UTR. Inappropriate upregulation of cebp-1 in adult neurons disrupts synapses and axon morphology. CEBP-1 and the DLK-1 pathway are essential for axon regeneration after laser axotomy in adult neurons, and axotomy induces translation of CEBP-1 in axons. Our findings identify the DLK-1 pathway as a regulator of mRNA stability in synapse formation and maintenance and also in adult axon regeneration.


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Cellular stresses activate the tumor suppressor p53 protein leading to selective binding to DNA response elements (REs) and gene transactivation from a large pool of potential p53 REs (p53REs). To elucidate how p53RE sequences and local chromatin context interact to affect p53 binding and gene transactivation, we mapped genome-wide binding localizations of p53 and H3K4me3 in untreated and doxorubicin (DXR)-treated human lymphoblastoid cells. We examined the relationships among p53 occupancy, gene expression, H3K4me3, chromatin accessibility (DNase 1 hypersensitivity, DHS), ENCODE chromatin states, p53RE sequence, and evolutionary conservation. We observed that the inducible expression of p53-regulated genes was associated with the steady-state chromatin status of the cell. Most highly inducible p53-regulated genes were suppressed at baseline and marked by repressive histone modifications or displayed CTCF binding. Comparison of p53RE sequences residing in different chromatin contexts demonstrated that weaker p53REs resided in open promoters, while stronger p53REs were located within enhancers and repressed chromatin. p53 occupancy was strongly correlated with similarity of the target DNA sequences to the p53RE consensus, but surprisingly, inversely correlated with pre-existing nucleosome accessibility (DHS) and evolutionary conservation at the p53RE. Occupancy by p53 of REs that overlapped transposable element (TE) repeats was significantly higher (p<10-7) and correlated with stronger p53RE sequences (p<10-110) relative to nonTE-associated p53REs, particularly for MLT1H, LTR10B, and Mer61 TEs. However, binding at these elements was generally not associated with transactivation of adjacent genes. Occupied p53REs located in L2-like TEs were unique in displaying highly negative PhyloP scores (predicted fast-evolving) and being associated with altered H3K4me3 and DHS levels. These results underscore the systematic interaction between chromatin status and p53RE context in the induced transactivation response. This p53 regulated response appears to have been tuned via evolutionary processes that may have led to repression and/or utilization of p53REs originating from primate-specific transposon elements.


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Associating genetic variation with quantitative measures of gene regulation offers a way to bridge the gap between genotype and complex phenotypes. In order to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that influence the binding of a transcription factor in humans, we measured binding of the multifunctional transcription and chromatin factor CTCF in 51 HapMap cell lines. We identified thousands of QTLs in which genotype differences were associated with differences in CTCF binding strength, hundreds of them confirmed by directly observable allele-specific binding bias. The majority of QTLs were either within 1 kb of the CTCF binding motif, or in linkage disequilibrium with a variant within 1 kb of the motif. On the X chromosome we observed three classes of binding sites: a minority class bound only to the active copy of the X chromosome, the majority class bound to both the active and inactive X, and a small set of female-specific CTCF sites associated with two non-coding RNA genes. In sum, our data reveal extensive genetic effects on CTCF binding, both direct and indirect, and identify a diversity of patterns of CTCF binding on the X chromosome.


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La presencia y actuación en territorio de una institución educativa rural para adultos propicio la formulación de un proyecto de apoyo al desarrollo en la Comunidad La Hortensia, distrito Tacuarendi, provincia de Santa Fe. Esta comunidad se sitúa en la cuenca cañera santafesina, economía regional que fue afectada por políticas económicas liberales y cambios estructurales a ellas asociadas de la década de los 90, encontrándose hoy su población en situación de riesgo social, pobreza estructural y marginalidad. La comunidad comprende alrededor de 40 familias, integradas por pequeños productores y obrero del surco. En este trabajo se presenta la trayectoria seguida en la formulación de un Proyecto de Desarrollo Local que pueda dar respuesta a la problemática mencionada así como el proyecto propuesto. Se inicio mediante un diagnostico participativo, generando junto a la comunidad una hipótesis futurible. Se definieron estrategias empleando el Análisis FODA potenciando fortalezas y disminuyendo debilidades. Se observó en el territorio características que definieron la viabilidad del proyecto. El proyecto propone diversos ejes (productivo, cultural /educativo, organizacional). Se promueve conformar grupos productivos, que con asistencia de un equipo técnico realizaran experiencias productivas asociativas. Se propone la recreación de espacios sociales comunitarios. Se complementaran estas actividades con las acciones de la propuesta educativa de la Escuela para jóvenes y adultos Nª205, que promueve la alfabetización de sus alumnos y su formación como emprendedores. Las expectativas de la intervención propuesta se concentran en lograr el Consejo Local de la comunidad, como factor movilizador de los demás aspectos del proyecto. Las acciones en lo productivo y culturas son medios para lograr y concientizar la importancia de generar nueva institucionalidad en la comunidad. Este trabajo final tiene como objetivo analizar la importancia de una herramienta de intervención, el proyecto de desarrollo local, en una comunidad perteneciente a una economía regional en crisis.


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El presente reporte articula el modelo educativo de van Hiele en su aspecto prescriptivo con la enseñanza de uno de los conceptos fundamentales del Análisis Matemático, continuidad local, a través de la implementación y el desarrollo de un Módulo de Aprendizaje que permite procesos de razonamiento en los estudiantes con el fin de promoverlos de un Nivel II a un Nivel III, el módulo es construido en correspondencia con los descriptores de fases para de dar cuenta de las estructuras mentales elaboradas. Posteriormente, en el análisis de cada uno de los tres casos, se describe en categorías en correspondencia los descriptores y donde se hace explícito como razonan los estudiantes en su paso del Nivel II al Nivel III respecto al concepto de continuidad local.


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Este trabajo pretende dar a conocer el avance, que hasta el momento se ha logrado, en la línea de investigación: “Visualización y pensamiento global en Matemáticas”, la cual persigue, a partir de la Teoría de Representaciones Semióticas de Duval, la caracterización del estilo de pensamiento global y local, de estudiantes de nivel medio superior y superior y de sus profesores. En particular reporto los resultados preliminares encontrados hasta el momento con estudiantes de primeros semestres de licenciatura al abordar un problema de precálculo, contrastado con desempeños en ajedrez para interpretar aspectos semejantes en cuanto a la forma local o global de pensar un problema viendo sus registros que lleven a resultados que pudieran servir en la mejora de la enseñanza de algunos temas de matemáticas.


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En el contexto del modelo de Van Hiele, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio comparativo de dos colecciones de descriptores para el mismo concepto: El de aproximación local en su manifestación de la recta tangente a la gráfica de una curva en un punto. A partir de las visualizaciones que se obtienen de los mecanismos llamados "haz de secantes" y del "zoom", se concluye que, en efecto, el nivel de razonamiento es independiente de la forma de abordar el concepto, de ese mecanismo particular usado para acercarse al mismo.


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It is widely accepted that volumetric contraction and solidification during the polymerization process of restorative composites in combination with bonding to the hard tissue result in stress transfer and inward deformation of the cavity walls of the restored tooth. Deformation of the walls decreases the size of the cavity during the filling process. This fact has a profound influence on the assumption-raised and discussed in this paper-that an incremental filling technique reduces the stress effect of composite shrinkage on the tooth. Developing stress fields for different incremental filling techniques are simulated in a numerical analysis. The analysis shows that, in a restoration with a well-established bond to the tooth-as is generally desired-incremental filling techniques increase the deformation of the restored tooth. The increase is caused by the incremental deformation of the preparation, which effectively decreases the total amount of composite needed to fill the cavity. This leads to a higher-stressed tooth-composite structure. The study also shows that the assessment of intercuspal distance measurements as well as simplifications based on generalization of the shrinkage stress state cannot be sufficient to characterize the effect of polymerization shrinkage in a tooth-restoration complex. Incremental filling methods may need to be retained for reasons such as densification, adaptation, thoroughness of cure, and bond formation. However, it is very difficult to prove that incrementalization needs to be retained because of the abatement of shrinkage effects.


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This paper presents a genetic algorithm for finding a constrained minimum spanning tree. The problem is of relevance in the design of minimum cost communication networks, where there is a need to connect all the terminals at a user site to a terminal concentrator in a multipoint (tree) configuration, while ensuring that link capacity constraints are not violated. The approach used maintains a distinction between genotype and phenotype, which produces superior results to those found using a direct representation in a previous study.


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Trends in sample extremes are of interest in many contexts, an example being environmental statistics. Parametric models are often used to model trends in such data, but they may not be suitable for exploratory data analysis. This paper outlines a semiparametric approach to smoothing example extremes, based on local polynomial fitting of the generalized extreme value distribution and related models. The uncertainty of fits is assessed by using resampling methods. The methods are applied to data on extreme temperatures and on record times for the womens 3000m race.