982 resultados para LITHOSPHERIC MANTLE
Sr and Nd isotopic composition of 23 basalts from Sites 556-559 and 561-564. are reported. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios in fresh glasses and leached whole rocks range from 0.7025 to 0.7034 and are negatively correlated with the initial 143Nd/ 144Nd compositions, which range from 0.51315 to 0.51289. The Sr and Nd isotopic compositions (in glasses or leached samples) lie within the fields of mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) and ocean island basalts (OIB) from the Azores on the Nd-Sr mantle array/fan plot. In general, there is a correlation between the trace element characteristics and the 143Nd/144Nd composition (i.e., samples with Hf/Ta>7 and (Ce/Sm)N<1 [normal-MORB] have initial 143Nd/144Nd>0.51307, whereas samples with Hf/Ta<7 and (Ce/Sm)N>1 (enriched-MORB) have initial 143Nd/144Nd compositions <0.51300). A significant deviation from this general rule is found in Hole 558, where the N-MORB can have, within experimental limits, identical isotopic compositions to those found in associated E-MORB. The plume-depleted asthenosphere mixing hypothesis of Schilling (1975), White and Schilling (1978) and Schilling et al. (1977) provides a framework within which the present data can be evaluated. Given the distribution and possible origins of the chemical and isotopic heterogeneity observed in Leg 82 basalts, and some other basalts in the area, it would appear that the Schilling et al. model is not entirely satisfactory. In particular, it can be shown that trace element data may incorrectly estimate the plume component and more localized mantle heterogeneity (both chemical and isotopic) may be important.
The study was inspired by information on Paleozoic andesites, dacites, and diabases on the Belkovsky Island in the 1974 geological survey reports used to reconstruct tectonic evolution of the continental block comprising the New Siberian Islands and the bordering shelf. We did not find felsic volcanics or Middle Paleozoic intrusions in the studied area of the island. Igneous rocks are mafic subvolcanic intrusions including dikes, randomly shaped bodies, explosion breccias, and peperites. They belong to the tholeiitic series and are similar to Siberian traps in petrography and trace-element compositions, with high LREE and LILE and prominent Nb negative anomalies. The island arc affinity is due to continental crust contamination of mantle magma and its long evolution in chambers at different depths. K-Ar biotite age (252+/-5 Ma) of magmatism indicates that it was coeval to the main stage of trap magmatism in the Siberian craton at the Permian-Triassic boundary. The terrane including the New Siberian Islands occurred on the periphery of the Siberian trap province where magmatism acted in rifting environment. Magma intruded into semiliquid wet sediments at shallow depths shortly after their deposition. Therefore, the exposed Paleozoic section in Belkovsky Island may include Permian or possibly Lower Triassic sediments of younger ages than it was believed earlier.
New results on the petrochemistry and geochemistry of dolerites from the Schirmacher Oasis shed light on the development of the Karoo-Maud plume in Antarctica. The basalts and dolerites are petrologically identical to the rocks of western Dronning Maud Land (DML), which were previously studied and interpreted as a manifestation of the Karoo-Maud plume in Antarctica. The spatial distribution of the dikes suggests eastward spreading of the plume material, up to the Schirmacher Oasis for at least 10 Ma. The geochemical characteristics of magmas from the Schirmacher Oasis reflect the influence of crustal contamination, which accompanied both the ascent and spreading of the plume. The magmas of the initial stage of plume activity (western DML) appeared to be the most contaminated in crustal components. It was found that the geochemical characteristics of Mesozoic magmas from the Schirmacher Oasis are identical to those of enriched tholeiites from the Afanasy Nikitin Rise and the central Kerguelen Plateau (Hole 749), which indicates that their enrichment was related to the ancient material of the Gondwana continent. This was caused by the opening of the Indian Ocean under the influence of the Karoo-Maud plume. This process was peculiar in that it occurred in the presence of nonspreading blocks of varying thickness, for instance, Elan Bank in the central Kerguelen Plateau, and was accompanied by the formation of intraplate volcanic rises, which are documented in the seafloor relief of basins around Antarctica. The geochemical characteristics of igneous rocks from the resulting rises (Afanasy Nikitin, Kerguelen, Naturaliste, and Ninetyeast Ridge) indicate the influence of processes related to crustal assimilation. The magmatism that occurred 40 Ma after the main phase of the Karoo-Maud volcanism at the margins of the adjacent continents of Australia (Bunbury basalts) and India (Rajmahal trapps) could be generated by the Karoo-Maud plume flowing along the developing spreading zone. The plume moved subsequently and was localized at the Kerguelen Plateau, where it occurs at present as an active hotspot.
The Galicia margin lies northwest of the Iberian Peninsula and is a passive ocean margin with thin sedimentary cover. Altered peridotite was recovered from ODP Site 637, on the north-trending ridge at the western edge of the margin, near the oceanic/continental crust boundary. The altered ultramafics were originally clinopyroxene-rich upper mantle harzburgites and are now extensively serpentinized (>85%) and cut by very late-stage carbonate veins. Despite pervasive late, low-temperature alteration, evidence of early, high-temperature alteration remains. Alteration is apparent as (1) amphibole rims on clinopyroxene (>800°C), (2) hornblende + tremolite (450° to 800°C), (3) breakdown of hornblende to form tremolite + chlorite (<450°C), (4) zoned Cr-spinels, (5) hydration of orthopyroxene and olivine to serpentine, (6) serpentine veins, (7) replacement of pyroxene and olivine by calcite, and (8) calcite veins and vugs. Both the relict igneous and the high-temperature alteration minerals (amphiboles) show evidence of brittle deformation. Subsequent low-temperature alteration veins and minerals are deformed only in faulted and brecciated zones. This textural evidence suggests that the low-temperature alteration occurred after emplacement of the ultramafics at the surface. Serpentine fills tension fractures in orthopyroxene, and both serpentine and calcite fill tension cracks in olivine. The high-temperature alterations in these samples are similar to those found in oceanic fracture zone and ophiolite ultramafics. This widespread occurrence of high-temperature alteration suggests that hot fluids were pervasive in these ultramafic blocks. Localization of high-temperature alteration close to large carbonate veins suggests channelization of the late, low-temperature fluids. Earlier hydrations (e.g., high-temperature alterations and serpentinization) were pervasive.
Major element chemistry of basalt from the southern East Pacific Rise (EPR) is different from that of the EPR at the time of the formation of the Pacific Plate at 170 Ma.Glass recovered from Jurassic age (170 Ma) Pacific ocean crust (Bartolini and Larson, 2001, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(2001)029<0735:PMATPS>2.0.CO;2) at Ocean Drilling Program Hole 801C records higher Fe8 (10.77 wt%) and marginally lower Na8 (2.21 wt%) compared to the modern EPR, suggesting deeper melting and a temperature of initial melting that was 60°C hotter than today.Trace element ratios such as La/Sm and Zr/Y, on the other hand, show remarkable similarities to the modern southern EPR, indicating that Site 801 was not generated on a hotspot-influenced ridge and that mantle composition has changed little in the Pacific over the past 170 Ma. Our results are consistent with the observation that mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) older than 80 Ma were derived by higher temperature melting than are modern MORBs (Humler et al., 1999, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(99)00218-6), which may have been a consequence of the Cretaceous superplume event in the Pacific.Site 801 predates the formation of Pacific oceanic plateaus and 801C basalt chemistry indicates that higher temperatures of mantle melting beneath Pacific ridges preceded the initiation of the superplume.