Isotopic and trace element composition of basalts from DSDP Leg 82 Holes

Autoria(s): Jenner, GA; Hertogen, J; Sachtleben, T; Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 36.151460 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -38.628740 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 33.141500 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -43.767300 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 38.939700 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -32.559700 * DATE/TIME START: 1981-09-22T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1981-10-28T00:00:00




Sr and Nd isotopic composition of 23 basalts from Sites 556-559 and 561-564. are reported. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios in fresh glasses and leached whole rocks range from 0.7025 to 0.7034 and are negatively correlated with the initial 143Nd/ 144Nd compositions, which range from 0.51315 to 0.51289. The Sr and Nd isotopic compositions (in glasses or leached samples) lie within the fields of mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) and ocean island basalts (OIB) from the Azores on the Nd-Sr mantle array/fan plot. In general, there is a correlation between the trace element characteristics and the 143Nd/144Nd composition (i.e., samples with Hf/Ta>7 and (Ce/Sm)N<1 [normal-MORB] have initial 143Nd/144Nd>0.51307, whereas samples with Hf/Ta<7 and (Ce/Sm)N>1 (enriched-MORB) have initial 143Nd/144Nd compositions <0.51300). A significant deviation from this general rule is found in Hole 558, where the N-MORB can have, within experimental limits, identical isotopic compositions to those found in associated E-MORB. The plume-depleted asthenosphere mixing hypothesis of Schilling (1975), White and Schilling (1978) and Schilling et al. (1977) provides a framework within which the present data can be evaluated. Given the distribution and possible origins of the chemical and isotopic heterogeneity observed in Leg 82 basalts, and some other basalts in the area, it would appear that the Schilling et al. model is not entirely satisfactory. In particular, it can be shown that trace element data may incorrectly estimate the plume component and more localized mantle heterogeneity (both chemical and isotopic) may be important.


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Supplement to: Jenner, GA; Hertogen, J; Sachtleben, T; Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich (1985): Isotopic and trace element composition of basalts from Sites 556-559 and 561-564: Constraints on some processes affecting their composition. In: Bougault, H; Cande, SC; et al. (eds.), Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, Washington (U.S. Govt. Printing Office), 82, 501-507, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.82.126.1985

Palavras-Chave ##1; #2; 143Nd/144Nd; 143Nd/144Nd e; 147Sm/144Nd; 87Sr/86Sr; 87Sr/86Sr e; Calculated; Calculated from Sm and Nd concentrations on same sample; Calculated initial ratio using: (1) ages of 17 Ma for Holes 557, 561, and 562; 35 Ma for Holes 556, 558, 559, 563. and 564; (2) lambda-Sm = 6.54*10**-12 y**-1; Ce; Ce/Sm; Cerium; Cerium/Samarium ratio; Chemical; Deep Sea Drilling Project; Description; DSDP; Dy; Dysprosium; e-Nd(T); epsilon-Neodymium (T); Er; Erbium; Eu; Europium; Event; Gadolinium; Gd; Glasses or leached whole rocks; Group; ID; Identification; Lu; Lutetium; Mass spectrometer Finnigan MAT 261; Measured; Nd; Neodymium; Neodymium 143/Neodymium 144; Neodymium 143/Neodymium 144, error; Normalized to chondritic; ODP sample designation; Piece; Samarium; Samarium 147/Neodymium 144 ratio; Sample code/label; see reference(s); Sm; Strontium 87/Strontium 86; Strontium 87/Strontium 86, error; Yb; Ytterbium
