928 resultados para Jobs Creation
Através de uma pesquisa de 1990 até 2004, a (JUCESP) - Junta Comercial do Estado de São Paulo - registrou mais de 2,1 milhões de novas empresas e encerrou o registro de 1,3 milhões. Isso significa extinção de aproximadamente 281 mil empregos diretos e a retirada da economia de 15,6 bilhões de reais de faturamento e capital investidos. As pequenas e médias empresas são fundamentais para absorção dos impactos causados pela volatilidade da economia, na mesma proporção que vulneráveis a essas oscilações. Devido sua importância econômica, a qual é verificada através dos números apresentados pelos órgãos responsáveis pela divulgação do controle e índices econômicos, como o (IBGE) - Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - (BNDES) Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social, (SEBRAE) Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas e Ministérios do Trabalho e do Desenvolvimento Social, esse trabalho tem como proposta verificar se no desenvolvimento de seus processos gerenciais, as transportadoras de cargas do Grande ABC, contemplam o planejamento estratégico e quais as etapas mais utilizadas. Para coleta de dados foram enviados 150 questionários direcionados aos executivos e proprietários das transportadoras de cargas do ABC. Foram respondidos através de e-mails 14 questionários. Como o número de respondentes era muito pequeno, foram realizados alguns contatos diretamente com os proprietários, visando o agendamento de entrevistas.
O presente trabalho, busca compreender como ocorre este processo, denominado Desenvolvimento Comunitário (SOUZA, 1991), percebendo-se seu processo histórico, bem como, sua contemporalidade, nas quais contemplam atributos sociais e coletivos, favoráveis à compreensão e aplicabilidade dos conceitos de solidariedade, no qual fazem parte desta categoria social econômica. Para tanto, propõe um diálogo, entre o referencial teórico abordado no presente trabalho, com os relatos das Histórias de Vidas , desenvolvidos na pesquisa de campo, propiciando uma leitura das práticas solidárias, que possam despertar um novo sentido a comunidade, por meios culturais e da participação coletiva. O método de Pesquisa, utilizado foi a Qualitativa , de caráter Exploratório , e a análise dos dados levantados, se procedeu com inspiração Fenomenológica . A técnica de pesquisa utilizada foi a vivencial, por meio da abordagem de histórias de vida , visando compreender como os sujeitos da pesquisa, representados pela Olho Vivo Cooperativa de Confecções e Costura, da cidade de Santo André e da Associação de Promoção Humana e Resgate da Cidadania Padre Léo Comissari, na cidade de São Bernardo do Campo, em São Paulo, percebem o conceito sobre economia solidária, e qual a existência prática da solidariedade, que facilitam, interferem ou propiciam a geração de trabalho e renda, dentro destas comunidades. A análise dos relatos de vida, destes sujeitos da pesquisa, mostrou que a prática da solidariedade ocorre somente entre moradores em situações de extrema necessidade de sobrevivência, mas precisamente na comunidade da Sacadura Cabral. Percebe-se que esta ajuda mútua, dentro desta comunidade, ocorre de forma voluntária, desagregada da compreensão do termo solidariedade. A responsabilidade social das instituições de ensino Superior da região do ABC Paulista incentivou a criação do Corredor Cultural da Economia Solidária do ABC Paulista, cujo comprometimento com a pesquisa, a responsabilidade social e as práticas pedagógicas de ensino superior, apontam para a necessidade de apoio às comunidades locai, visando principalmente o seu desenvolvimento, por meio de instrumentos de capacitação, que visam à geração de trabalho e renda.(AU)
Em virtude da necessidade de inovação das empresas, gerada pelas transformações tecnológicas e pela velocidade da globalização, uma tendência mundial começa a surgir: o enfraquecimento de mão de obra no setor industrial e um considerável aumento no setor de serviços. Essa realidade pressupõe a criação de várias empresas, na sua maioria, de pequeno porte, o que dá especial importância a esse estudo, pois aliado à criação de novas empresas, o seu índice de mortalidade extremamente alto indica um problema a ser investigado. Portanto, a presente pesquisa procura sugerir estratégias de marketing eficientes como fatores amenizadores desse problema, e um caminho possível para a manutenção e o desenvolvimento das pequenas empresas. Criou-se, então, um modelo para a aplicação de estratégias de marketing, específico para empresas de pequeno porte. O modelo desenvolvido neste trabalho parte de uma revisão crítica da bibliografia referente às peculiaridades das pequenas empresas, como também das práticas de marketing, e busca correlacioná -las, através de uma pesquisa descritiva no formato de estudo de caso e determinando quais as condições para o uso do marketing nas pequenas empresas, quais as estratégias compatíveis e quais as mudanças necessárias à sua prática.
Measuring Job Openings: Evidence from Swedish Plant Level Data. In modern macroeconomic models “job openings'' are a key component. Thus, when taking these models to the data we need an empirical counterpart to the theoretical concept of job openings. To achieve this, the literature relies on job vacancies measured either in survey or register data. Insofar as this concept captures the concept of job openings well we should see a tight relationship between vacancies and subsequent hires on the micro level. To investigate this, I analyze a new data set of Swedish hires and job vacancies on the plant level covering the period 2001-2012. I find that vacancies contain little power in predicting hires over and above (i) whether the number of vacancies is positive and (ii) plant size. Building on this, I propose an alternative measure of job openings in the economy. This measure (i) better predicts hiring at the plant level and (ii) provides a better fitting aggregate matching function vis-à-vis the traditional vacancy measure. Firm Level Evidence from Two Vacancy Measures. Using firm level survey and register data for both Sweden and Denmark we show systematic mis-measurement in both vacancy measures. While the register-based measure on the aggregate constitutes a quarter of the survey-based measure, the latter is not a super-set of the former. To obtain the full set of unique vacancies in these two databases, the number of survey vacancies should be multiplied by approximately 1.2. Importantly, this adjustment factor varies over time and across firm characteristics. Our findings have implications for both the search-matching literature and policy analysis based on vacancy measures: observed changes in vacancies can be an outcome of changes in mis-measurement, and are not necessarily changes in the actual number of vacancies. Swedish Unemployment Dynamics. We study the contribution of different labor market flows to business cycle variations in unemployment in the context of a dual labor market. To this end, we develop a decomposition method that allows for a distinction between permanent and temporary employment. We also allow for slow convergence to steady state which is characteristic of European labor markets. We apply the method to a new Swedish data set covering the period 1987-2012 and show that the relative contributions of inflows and outflows to/from unemployment are roughly 60/30. The remaining 10\% are due to flows not involving unemployment. Even though temporary contracts only cover 9-11\% of the working age population, variations in flows involving temporary contracts account for 44\% of the variation in unemployment. We also show that the importance of flows involving temporary contracts is likely to be understated if one does not account for non-steady state dynamics. The New Keynesian Transmission Mechanism: A Heterogeneous-Agent Perspective. We argue that a 2-agent version of the standard New Keynesian model---where a ``worker'' receives only labor income and a “capitalist'' only profit income---offers insights about how income inequality affects the monetary transmission mechanism. Under rigid prices, monetary policy affects the distribution of consumption, but it has no effect on output as workers choose not to change their hours worked in response to wage movements. In the corresponding representative-agent model, in contrast, hours do rise after a monetary policy loosening due to a wealth effect on labor supply: profits fall, thus reducing the representative worker's income. If wages are rigid too, however, the monetary transmission mechanism is active and resembles that in the corresponding representative-agent model. Here, workers are not on their labor supply curve and hence respond passively to demand, and profits are procyclical.
Although much has been written about Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, the part played by Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802) has been almost entirely neglected. This is odd as, apart from some ghost stories, Dr Darwin is the one influence mentioned in both the 1816 and 1831 prefaces to the book. The present contribution aims to redress that omission. It aims to show that Darwin's ideas about spontaneous generation, his anti-establishment ideas, and his literary genius played a significant role in forming the 'dark and shapeless substance' surging in Mary Shelley's mind during the summer of 1816 and from which her tale of Gothic horror emerged. It is, however, ultimately ironic that Frankenstein, which warns against a too enthusiastic use of scientific knowledge, should have been partly inspired by one of the most optimistically forward-looking of all late eighteenth-century thinkers. © 2007 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.
SMEs with a weak internal R&D capacity show the tendency to shy away from using external sources of technical expertise. The tendency deters providers of industrial modernization services from supporting such structurally weak SMEs. This paper examines how Japan's local technology centres - kosetsushi - remove the bottleneck and reach out to a significant proportion of SMEs with a weak R&D capacity in their localities. Kosetsushi centres sustain habitual interactions with client firms through 'low information gap' services solving immediate needs and lead the clients to a riskier and longer path toward innovation capacity building. This gives kosetsushi centres a position distinct from universities and consultancies in the regional innovation system. While long-term relationships between kosetsushi centres and their client firms can increase switching costs and produce lock-in effects, a case study of two kosetsushi centres illustrates the importance of 'low-information gap' services and relational assets created thereby to the modernization of SMEs with a weak internal R&D capacity. The paper calls for long-term commitment by the public sector if it addresses the issue through modernization services.
Markets exist within a world of constant exchanges which form the basis for changes and the creation of new markets. Therefore, it is important to research these exchanges. One of the areas in which market creation can be observed is interorganisational collaborations, as firms increasingly collaborate to create markets. In market creation practice, however, interorganisational tension and conflict can form from divergent approaches and vested interests of the partners. Interorganisational tension represents the opposing intentions of interorganisational forces, and conflict is generated through disagreements. The aim of this research is to investigate interorganisational tension and conflict on market creation practice. Specifically, it attempts to: (i) expand interorganisational tension and conflict and provide insights to these concepts, as well as establishing a two-dimensional interorganisational tension (productive and unproductive) understanding, (ii) explore the interactions between interorganisational tension and conflict, (iii) develop a conceptual framework that explains the level of market creation depending on the effects of interorganisational tension and conflict, (iv) develop a typology of partnering firms based on interorganisational tension and conflict practice. To achieve this aim, and to respond to the research calls, this study follows a grounded theory approach which intends to expand the understanding of interorganisational tension and conflict. According to the findings, a major characteristic of interorganisational tension is its two dimensions: productive and unproductive. However, it is the intertwined nature of tension and conflict that influences market creation. Fundamental to these are the six interorganisational tension and three conflict types revealed by the findings of this study. The core theoretical contributions of the study are a dynamic framework that portrays the dynamic interactions between interorganisational tension and conflict on market creation practice, and a typology of market-creating partnering firms. Collectively, they explicate the development of market creation practice, and firms’ reactions to interorganisational tension and conflict.
Small business start-ups create most of the new jobs in our economy. It is an attractive argument to those who want governments to support small businesses. But is it true? Or are large firms the ones that generate most jobs? Michael Anyadike-Danes, Mark Hart and Karen Bonner examine a long-running and acrimonious dispute.