912 resultados para Jews, Christians, and Muslims in medieval and early modern times


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The visual technique of fashion photography is examined which taught Australian women to look modern. Especially fashion photography intervenes ambivalently into the story of Australian modernism and modernity. During 1920s and 1930s within the fashion press there were synergies and differences between commercial fashion photography, celebrity and cinematic portraiture, and social set endorsement. However, modernism was widely acknowledged in Australia during the 1920s through women's spaces, their fashions and culture of department stores.


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One dominant feature of the modern manufacturing chains is the movement of goods. Manufacturing companies would remain an unprofitable investment if the supplies/logistics of raw materials, semi-finished products or final goods are not handled in an effective way. Both levels of a modern manufacturing chain-actual production and logistics-are characterized by continuous data creation at a much faster rate than they can be meaningfully analyzed and acted upon manually. Often, instant and reliable decisions need to be taken based on huge, previously inconceivable amounts of heterogeneous, contradictory or incomplete data. The paper will highlight aspects of information flows related to business process data visibility and observability in modern manufacturing networks. An information management platform developed in the framework of the EU FP7 project ADVANCE will be presented.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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La Artificiosa memoria siue Phoenix de Pedro de Rávena tuvo una amplia difusión en la Europa del siglo XVI. Dos son las claves de su éxito: la fama de ilustre memorioso que consiguió forjarse con sus exhibiciones de memoria y el uso de las emociones en la formulación de reglas mnemotécnicas basadas en el humor y el erotismo. Sin embargo, poco antes de morir, en 1508, publicó unas breves Additiones quaedam ad artificiosam memoriam en las que añade algunas reglas nuevas y, sobre todo, renuncia a la norma que aconseja usar la imagen de jóvenes hermosas para elaborar escenas mnemotécnicas. Esta suerte de retractatio se explica en el contexto de la polémica mantenida con algunos teólogos de Colonia


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The headquarters and park of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon represent the first modern Portuguese environment with an outstanding relation between exterior and interior as a spatial continuum . As such, the project refused the more common conceptual attitude of interior plus exterior. This unitary view revealed a clear understanding of the proposed site for the project and what could have been Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkian (1869-1955) expectations, while concretizing Modern Movement ideals regarding landscape architecture and architecture. Through its design the park mediates the relation between the buildings’ super-structures, the urban context, and the human scale, while generating a unifying system established by the complicity between natural and synthetic materials. From the first moment of the project’s design process, this complicity resulted in a set of strategies that met programmatic


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The structural and sedimentary evolution of the portuguese continental margin South of Setúbal Canyon is outlined from the study of many seismic reflection profiles and rocks samples. During Triassic and Early Liassic time, a distension affects the Algarve margin that belongs to the Mesogean area. Off Baixo Alentejo rifting phases at Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous times induced opening or widening of the adjacent part of the Atlantic ocean. Alpine orogeny is inferred to explain the Eocene and Miocene deformation of the margin specially along the main NE-SW fractures.


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Ce mémoire portera sur le problème de la signification, dans la pensée de Heidegger, de la métaphysique moderne, à partir de la conception de l’histoire de l’être qu’il développe dans les années 1930. Plus précisément, nous nous baserons sur l’écrit Die Zeit des Weltbildes, que l’on retrouve dans le recueil nommé Holzwege, mais également, dans une moindre mesure, sur l’écrit Niezsches Wort « Gott ist tot » du même recueil. Nous commencerons par introduire le lecteur à l’idée qu’il se fait de la métaphysique en général dans son rapport à l’homme, et du nihilisme que constitue son histoire, lequel s’accentue à l’époque moderne. Nous rentournerons alors brièvement aux premiers commencements de la métaphysique, chez Parménide et Platon principalement, dans le but de dégager les aspects de la métaphysique moderne qui y ont trouvé leur source. C’est alors que nous entrerons dans le vif du sujet, en expliquant en quoi consiste l’inauguration de la métaphysique moderne chez Descartes qui, face à l’obligation religieuse, pose la confirmation autonome de la vérité qui trouve son lieu propre dans la conscience de soi. Il sera dès lors question de montrer précisément comment se fait cette confirmation par soi-même du vrai, au travers de certaines notions centrales de l’analyse heideggerienne : la pro-position, la présentation et la représentation, l’instauration, la production, l’obtention, la préhension et la compréhension, notamment. Nous analyserons ensuite le mouvement de la volonté du sujet qui sous-tend cette confirmation autonome du savoir jusqu’à son aboutissement chez des penseurs tels que Schopenhauer. Nous mettrons par le fait même en évidence le rapport fondamental, souligné par Heidegger, entre le sujet et son objet, l’homme moderne se soulèvant et se donnant lui-même le statut éminent de centre de référence de toute chose, rapportant à lui-même tout chose. Ce mémoire se terminera par l’analyse que fait Heidegger d’un phénomène propre à la modernité, et donc émanent de la métaphysique qui aura été examinée au préalable, soit la science moderne. Celle-ci constitue la voie privilégiée où l’homme moderne, après avoir sciemment pris position au centre du monde, peut « procéder » dans le monde comme dans son royaume, un monde qui se révèle alors comme étant essentiellement à sa disposition. La science, émanant selon Heidegger de la conception moderne de la vérité et de l’étant, se révèle alors non seulement comme une réalisation de la métaphysique qui aura été analysée dans les chapitres précédents, mais peut-être même comme le phénomène duquel Heidegger semble s’être inspiré pour développer son idée de la métaphysique moderne.


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This research deals with Applied Linguistics and its structure as a scientific field, in compliance with knowledge produced within the range of the Brazilian Congresses of Applied Linguistics (CBLA). The purpose of this research is to understand the meanings disclosed by the voices that make up the scientific discourse on this field, pointing toward its course of development, the ethical position that is peculiar to it and how this position is represented in its scientific practice. The scientific discourse typical of the production of knowledge of Applied Linguistics is now construed as leading to practices that define the production of this field of learning whose object is to study man and man s relationship to language. Theoretical groundwork is anchored on the work the Social Sciences have developed on the paradigmatic crises of science and the social changes resulting from modern and post-modern times, on Applied Linguistics researches on the identity of the field of study, its courses and ethics, and on the bakhtinian theory that supports a view of language as a social practice built under the aegis of the subject s ethics and responsibility. The corpus of this work comprises qualitative and quantitative data made into articles presented at the CBLA. The research methodology conforms to the interpretive paradigm and has the concept of social voices as its category of analysis. Results point towards the progress of Applied Linguistics that, from its role as a mediator discipline between linguistic theory and practical applications, is assuming a position in a field of study of its own, independent, with transdisciplinary characteristics, pursuing through its quests and redefinitions to get closer to the dimension of life and assuming the ethical position of taking on responsibility for its doings and sayings