883 resultados para Interlibrary loans -- Congresses


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For more than two-thirds of the life of the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW), Katherine Kendall has been among its leaders. She began her involvement in 1950, served as the first paid Secretary General of the Association in the 1970's and, now in her late 90's, continues to share her wisdom as Honorary President. Beginning in 1950, she attended all the IASSW congresses except 2 (1990 and 1998) until 2004, when health issues prevented long international trips. She personally knew and worked with every President except the first. Thus, although the IASSW began with sustained involvement and contributions of two remarkable founders, Alice Salomon and René Sand, Kendall has surpassed all in terms of her enduring commitment to international social work education and its professional organization. Kendall's remarkable professional career spans 7 decades. Her international involvements began even earlier.


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For more than two-thirds of the life of the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW), Katherine Kendall has been among its leaders. She began her involvement in 1950, served as the first paid Secretary General of the Association in the 1970's and, now in her late 90's, continues to share her wisdom as Honorary President. Beginning in 1950, she attended all the IASSW congresses except 2 (1990 and 1998) until 2004, when health issues prevented long international trips. She personally knew and worked with every President except the first. Thus, although the IASSW began with sustained involvement and contributions of two remarkable founders, Alice Salomon and René Sand, Kendall has surpassed all in terms of her enduring commitment to international social work education and its professional organization. Kendall's remarkable professional career spans 7 decades. Her international involvements began even earlier. This article will focus on highlights of her international career, especially her IASSW service. It will also discuss her formative years and mention other aspects of contributions. Materials for the article are drawn from published and unpublished interviews conducted by other scholars, Kendall's own writings, and a personal interview conducted by the author in 2007.


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We analyze the role of intermediaries in electronic markets using detailed data of more than 14,000 originated loans on an electronic P2P (peer-to-peer) lending platform. In such an electronic credit market, lenders bid to supply a private loan. Screening of potential borrowers and the monitoring of loan repayment can be delegated to designated group leaders. We find that these market participants act as financial intermediaries and significantly improve borrowers' credit conditions by reducing information asymmetries, predominantly for borrowers with less attractive risk characteristics. Our findings may be surprising given the replacement of a bank by an electronic marketplace.


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Appell an die Teilnehmer des 'Deutschen Handwerker- und Gewerbe-Congresses' in Frankfurt zur Ausarbeitung einer gesamtdeutschen Gewerbeordnung als Bollwerk gegen Gewerbefreiheit und Freizügigkeit


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Aufstellung einer Vielzahl von - teilweise sehr ins Detail gehenden - Vorschlägen zur Verbesserung der Lage des Handwerks, u.a.: Forderung an den zu schaffenden Nationalstaat, das Handwerk vor industrieller und ausländischer Konkurrenz zu schützen, Vorschlag der Schaffung von Gewerbebezirken (pro 250.000 Einwohnern) sowie von geregelten Ausbildungs- und Prüfungsbedingungen. Von sechs Abgeordneten des 'Deutschen Handwerker- und Gewerbe-Congresses' in Frankfurt


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The study compares a measure of income inequality with polarization scores of U.S. Representatives from the 104th to the 109th Congresses. It attempts to explain the link, on the abstract level, between high inequality and high polarization. The end findings indicate that inequality increases a Representative's likelihood to act liberally.


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Despite the extensive work on currency mismatches, research on the determinants and effects of maturity mismatches is scarce. In this paper I show that emerging market maturity mismatches are negatively affected by capital inflows and price volatilities. Furthermore, I find that banks with low maturity mismatches are more profitable during crisis periods but less profitable otherwise. The later result implies that banks face a tradeoff between higher returns and risk, hence channeling short term capital into long term loans is caused by cronyism and implicit guarantees rather than the depth of the financial market. The positive relationship between maturity mismatches and price volatility, on the other hand, shows that the banks of countries with high exchange rate and interest rate volatilities can not, or choose not to hedge themselves. These results follow from a panel regression on a data set I constructed by merging bank level data with aggregate data. This is advantageous over traditional studies which focus only on aggregate data.


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This paper examines the magnitude and timing of the effects of changes in the monetary base on the aggregate and regional changes in bank loans within the United States. We consider both Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) regions, and individual states and the District of Columbia for our regional analysis. The empirical analysis provides some insight on the bank-lending channel of monetary policy. We find strong evidence of a 4-quarter lag in the effect of changes in the monetary base on bank loans. That finding proves robust across all regions and nearly all states.


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A longitudinal study of three discrete online public access catalog (OPAC) design enhancements examined the possible effects such changes may have on circulation and resource sharing within the automated library consortium environment. Statistical comparisons were made of both circulation and interlibrary loan (ILL) figures from the year before enhancement to the year after implementation. Data from sixteen libraries covering a seven-year period were studied in order to determine the degree to which patrons may or may not utilize increasingly broader OPAC ILL options over time. Results indicated that while ILL totals increased significantly after each OPAC enhancement, such gains did not result in significant corresponding changes in total circulation.


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One way to measure the lower steady state equilibrium outcome in human capital development is the incidence of child labor in most of the developing countries. With the help of Indian household level data in an overlapping generation framework, we show that production loans under credit rationing are not optimally extended towards firms because of issues with adverse selection. More stringent rationing in the credit market creates a distortion in the labor market by increasing adult wage rate and the demand for child labor. Lower availability of funds under stringent rationing coupled with increased demand for loans induces the high risk firms to replace adult labor by child labor. A switch of regime from credit rationing to revelation regime can clear such imperfections in the labor market. The equilibrium higher wage rate elevates the household consumption to a significantly higher level than the subsistence under credit rationing and therefore higher level of human capital development is assured leading to no supply of child labor.


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El programa de cooperación entre SECYT, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina, y la oficina Internacional de la DLR de Bonn/Alemania permitió la elaboración de numerosos proyectos bilaterales desde el año 1994 y por un lapso de seis años. El objetivo de este artículo es dar a conocer las actividades realizadas en dicho marco, como proyectos de cooperación científico- tecnológica, publicaciones, congresos y seminarios, talleres, intercambio de científicos, doctorados y pasantías. Por otra parte, se subraya el apoyo financiero en equipamiento, amoblamientos y becas para estudiantes, proveniente de las entidades alemanas que se destinan al CIFOT. Se concluye que el programa de cooperación internacional de CIFOT con Alemania permitió el perfeccionamiento de recursos humanos, la obtención de equipamiento para este Centro y, lo más importante, estrechar vínculos entre ambos países.


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Este trabajo representa el estudio sistemático del desarrollo cerámico en Mendoza a partir de 1970, con el objetivo de producir un escrito útil a la comunicad y abrir el intercambio cultural con Latinoamérica. La cerámica en Mendoza presenta similitudes con la europea, sin embargo, tienen características surgidas del contexto y de herencias culturales: a partir de 1970, comenzaron a transitar con las vanguardias, pero con rasgos particulares como forma de “resistencia cultural", asumiendo la heterogeneidad de nuestras sociedades Latinoamericanas. La metodología tuvo dos etapas: búsqueda de literatura teórica y entrevistas y los resultados obtenidos fueron excelentes ya que se efectuaron transferencias en congresos y cursos.


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En este artículo, que es parte de una investigación mayor dedicada al estudio del desarrollo eléctrico de la provincia de Córdoba entre 1958 y 1966(1), se analiza el papel jugado por el cooperativismo en el proceso de electrificación y los resultados de la política estatal de fomento de ese tipo de instituciones. La encargada de implementar esa política, por expresa delegación del Estado local, fue la Empresa Provincial de Energía de Córdoba (EPEC); es por ello que la misma, ocupa un lugar destacado en la instalación y desarrollo de estas entidades. En las fuentes consultadas, especialmente las memorias y balances de la organización pública, anteriormente nombrada, hemos encontrado información detallada sobre la ayuda financiera y los préstamos de equipos realizados a las cooperativas, tendientes a favorecer la expansión del servicio a las zonas rurales adyacentes a las localidades en las que estaban radicadas; como así también respecto del desarrollo de la infraestructura eléctrica provincial a través de la cual, las asociaciones distribuirían el fluido.


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En el campo de la historia de la educación, el artículo presenta el análisis de la biografía de la educadora Anunciada Mastelli. El trabajo se complementa con el archivo personal de Mastelli, en el que se conserva una importante cantidad de folletos, recortes periodísticos, discursos manuscritos, publicaciones gremiales, estatutos de gremios del magisterio, actas de reuniones y congresos y notas a las autoridades nacionales. Este artículo expone cómo el archivo testimonia la continua experiencia política de la educadora, desarrollada a la par de una constante labor pedagógica que no ha quedado documentada del mismo modo. Bajo la inspiración de las ideas de la escuela nueva, genera una práctica propia que encarna en las condiciones existentes en la escuela de su tiempo y se vincula así con otros docentes que comparten similares preocupaciones pedagógicas y políticas. Mastelli comparte con Cossettini, Jesualdo e Iglesias la oposición al "modelo normalizador"; sin embargo, lo que de ella heredamos fundamentalmente es un archivo que da cuenta de su actividad política y gremial. Los documentos atestiguan la activa participación gremial de esta educadora, sus acciones por la unidad de la lucha del magisterio y una preocupación sostenida por el "afianzamiento de la nacionalidad y espíritu de argentinidad en la escuela y la docencia".