988 resultados para Indigenous youth
Background: Over one billion children are exposed worldwide to political violence and armed conflict. Currently, conclusions about bases for adjustment problems are qualified by limited longitudinal research from a process-oriented, social-ecological perspective. In this study, we examined a theoretically-based model for the impact of multiple levels of the social ecology (family, community) on adolescent delinquency. Specifically, this study explored the impact of children’s emotional insecurity about both the family and community on youth delinquency in Northern Ireland. Methods: In the context of a five-wave longitudinal research design, participants included 999 mother-child dyads in Belfast (482 boys, 517 girls), drawn from socially-deprived, ethnically-homogenous areas that had experienced political violence. Youth ranged in age from 10 to 20 and were 12.18 (SD = 1.82) years old on average at Time 1. Findings: The longitudinal analyses were conducted in hierarchical linear modeling (HLM), allowing for the modeling of inter-individual differences in intra-individual change. Intra-individual trajectories of emotional insecurity about the family related to children’s delinquency. Greater insecurity about the community worsened the impact of family conflict on youth’s insecurity about the family, consistent with the notion that youth’s insecurity about the community sensitizes them to exposure to family conflict in the home. Conclusions: The results suggest that ameliorating children’s insecurity about family and community in contexts of political violence is an important goal toward improving adolescents’ well-being, including reduced risk for delinquency.
Reform of the youth justice system, including the wide incorporation of restorative justice approaches, was a central component of the Criminal Justice Review (2000). Following the devolution of policing and justice powers to the Assembly, the Youth Justice Review (2011) made a series of recommendations for further reforms. These included proposals for the introduction of a statutory time limit in youth cases to tackle avoidable delay. Strengthening legitimacy and advancing rights-based approaches are key themes underpinning the recommendations of Youth Justice Review (2011). Young people’s views of justice within the system are critical to our understanding of how such aims can be achieved. This presentation is based on findings from a longitudinal qualitative study exploring young people’s experiences of transitions into and from custody in the Juvenile Justice Centre. Using a life-history approach young people’s experiences of justice at various stages of the criminal justice process and in the wider context of their lives is explored. Key issues such as social contexts, legitimacy and perceptions of fairness are highlighted and the implications of this for system reform are critically examined.
Reflecting developments in the broader penological realm, accounts have been advanced over the last number of decades about a ‘punitive turn’ in the youth justice systems of Western democracies. Against the background of this work, this project seeks to identify convergent and divergent trends in the youth justice systems of England, the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland as well as the rationalities and discourses animating these. The results lend support to research emphasising the continued salience of national, regional and local factors on penal outcomes but also suggest the need to steer an analytical path somewhere between nomothetic (convergent) and idiographic (divergent) accounts.
In Canada, it is young rural based men who are at the greatest risk for suicide. While there is no consensus on the reasons for this, evidence points to contextual social factors including isolation, lack of confidential services and pressure to uphold restrictive norms of rural masculinity. In this article we share findings drawn from an instrumental photo voice case study to distil factors contributing to the suicide of a young Canadian rural based man. Integrating photo voice methods and in-depth qualitative we conducted interviews with 7 family members and close friends of the deceased. The interviews and image data were analyzed using constant comparative methods to discern themes related to participants’ reflections on and perceptions about rural male suicide. Three inductively derived themes, “Missing the signs”, “Living up to his public image” and “Down in Rural Canada ” reflect the challenges that survivors and young rural men can experience in attempting to be comply with restrictive dominant ideals of masculinity. We conclude that community based suicide prevention efforts would benefit from gender-sensitive and place specific approaches to advancing men’s mental health by making tangibly available and affirming an array of masculinities to foster the well-being of young rural based men.
In this research we aimed to find out what types of risk (if any) affected young people and children growing up in places of high religious segregation or what we normally call interface communities. This is important as we know that risk and experiences of harm and violence can have negative impacts upon development, emotional well-being and future prospects. It is important to understand what types of risk affect young people and children so as we can respond to these in terms of aiding better personal and community development with regard to health, work, education and wider opportunities.
This chapter provides an overview of some of the key findings from a large mixed methods study regarding disabled children in care in Northern Ireland
Much of the recent literature on youth justice has focused on administrative aspects of the system and the socio-political contexts that have led to the ‘production’ of the youthful offender as a subject and locus of intervention. This has largely been driven by the extent to which youth justice has been crafted as a distinct penal sphere, evident in its unyoking from universal children’s services (Muncie and Goldson, 2013) and the establishment of separate agencies to administer and govern this ‘system’ (Souhami, 2014). Driven by policy hyperactivity and a plethora of legislation expanding the reach of the system, for much of the 1990s and 2000s increasing numbers of young people were brought under its gaze.
Particular attention has been paid to the impact of neo-liberal governance on the discourses, rationales and philosophies underpinning contemporary youth justice policy and practice. Writing specifically in the English and Welsh context, several authors have identified that the resulting ‘system’ embodies multiple, contradictory and competing discourses (Muncie, 2006; Fergusson, 2007; Gray, 2013). Within this ‘melting pot’ Fergusson (2007) notes the disjuncture between policy rhetoric, implementation and lived experience and Phoenix (2015) argues that systems-based analyses, much in favour amongst academics, foreclose a wider consideration of questions of what ‘justice’ actually means.
Recent attention towards the perspectives of practitioners working in this sphere has pointed to greater nuances than broader penal narratives suggest (see: Field, 2007; Briggs, 2013; Gray, 2013; Kelly and Armitage, 2015). Yet similar attention has not been given to experiences of youth justice (for an exception see – Phoenix and Kelly, 2013). However, it is precisely young people’s experiences, which would add significantly to current knowledge and potentially bridge the gap between discussions about penal philosophies, how youth justice policies are framed, how they are enacted and how they are experienced.
This chapter provides an overview of recent developments in the field of youth justice and penality in the United Kingdom. The chapter argues that a theoretical focus on macro-level trends (Hannah-Moffat and Lynch, 2012), alongside a narrowly defined research agenda, have largely excluded young people’s experiences of justice and punishment from contemporary analysis. Drawing on young people experiences of different aspects of youth justice in Northern Ireland and beyond, the chapter illuminates what a close understanding of lived experience can add to knowledge. In particular it demonstrates that the effects of interventions can be different to their aims and intentions; and that re-instating the youth experience can add support to calls for greater attention to wider issues of social justice.
O conhecimento sobre famílias envelhecidas é ainda escasso. Neste âmbito, a pesquisa tem incidido nos cuidados familiares a idosos dependentes, focando os problemas de saúde, dependência funcional e declínio cognitivo. Esta investigação pretende contribuir para aprofundar o conhecimento sobre as famílias envelhecidas, assumindo uma perspetiva normativa e desenvolvimental, e contemplando a diversidade de contextos de vida e envelhecimento. O capítulo 1 centra casais compostos por pessoas idosas, e tem por objetivos: caracterizar a estrutura, dinâmica e valores do agregado familiar dos casais idosos; evidenciar valores e dinâmica relacional dos casais idosos. A amostra compreende 136 participantes, a quem foi administrado um questionário sobre a fase última do ciclo de vida familiar (Cerveny,1997). A análise de dados efetuou-se com recurso ao programa de análise de dados estatística SPSS 17.1. Os resultados indicam que os casais vivem predominantemente em casal, com uma dinâmica relacional do agregado caracterizada pelo respeito, diálogo e carinho; dinâmica relacional do casal caracterizada por clima afetuoso, amizade e diálogo, e valores assentes no amor, diálogo e convívio familiar. A dinâmica relacional do casal é pautada por atividades de lazer realizadas em conjunto e vida sexual tão boa como antes; os valores dão ao casamento significados de realização pessoal e perpetuação através dos filhos na juventude, e adaptação e descoberta na velhice. O capítulo 2 foca a construção da integridade familiar considerando a diversidade de contextos socioeconómicos (pessoas idosas que viveram em contexto de pobreza ao longo da vida), socioculturais (ex-emigrantes portugueses) e novas formas de famílias (homens homossexuais). Foi aplicada uma entrevista semiestruturada (King & Wynne, 2004) a uma amostra de 12, 20 e 10 pessoas, respetivamente. A análise de dados foi efetuada com base na análise de conteúdo com recurso a juízes independentes baseada na grounded theory, contudo no caso do contexto socioeconómico recorreu-se ao programa de análise de dados qualitativa N-Vivo 7. Os resultados sugerem que a diversidade de contextos analisada coloca desafios à rutura familiar o que pode potenciar o caminho da desconexão e alienação. Contudo, o contexto das significações exerce um papel fundamental na construção da integridade familiar. A redefinição da identidade associada a uma filosofia de vida que enfatize as forças em vez dos fracassos parece determinar a construção da integridade familiar, contudo existem especificidades. Relativamente ao contexto socioeconómico: as pessoas idosas no caminho da integridade revelam um sentido de autovalorização (ter vivido uma vida significativa) apesar da pobreza; as pessoas idosas no caminho da desconexão/alienação alimentam sentimentos de insignificância devido à escassez de recursos económicos. Ainda neste contexto, os valores (princípios de conduta) reinterpretam a identidade ao longo da vida e permitem compreender que a integridade familiar ocorre quando ser pobre é encarado pelas conquistas; a desconexão/alienação emerge quando ser pobre incorpora sentimentos de desvalorização e inferioridade. No contexto sociocultural, as pessoas idosas ex-emigrantes cujo processo de emigração se desenvolveu em família (a família está envolvida no processo de emigração e funciona como um pilar desde a fase de decisão até ao regresso) desenvolveram uma filosofia de vida assente numa atitude ativa e solidária e estão em integridade familiar; as pessoas em desconexão relatam episódios de conflito familiar que marcam a trajetória de emigração, e uma atitude passiva na resolução desses conflitos até à atualidade; as pessoas em alienação familiar, cujo processo de emigração se desenrolou de forma solitária, desenvolvem uma filosofia de vida assente na luta solitária: a sua força e identidade estão em enfrentar tudo sem precisar de ninguém. Relativamente às novas formas de família, a integridade familiar evolui desde a revelação da homossexualidade (em idade jovem) e conclui-se na velhice quando a homossexualidade se torna um legado. A desconexão parece evoluir da luta constante da falha da aceitação da homossexualidade pela família e outras pessoas significativas. O capítulo 3 analisa as trajetórias de vida de homens homossexuais atualmente idosos, para compreender melhor a influência da homossexualidade e os principais eventos. Adotou-se a técnica da linha de acontecimentos de vida (Acquaviva et al., 2007), aplicada a 10 participantes com 60 anos ou mais. Os resultados sugerem que vários eventos de vida influenciam o curso de vida: i) o autoconhecimento da homossexualidade; ii) tentar passar por heterossexual; iii) assumir a homossexualidade (explicita ou implicitamente); iv) sentir limitações e desafios relacionados com o ser idoso e homossexual. O capítulo 4 procurou alargar a perspetiva do envelhecimento considerando uma abordagem transcultural. Assim, realizou-se um estudo numa comunidade indígena (Guarani Mbya, Brasil). Neste estudo analisase o modo de viver e ser idoso nessa comunidade. A amostra compreende 6 participantes a quem foi administrada uma entrevista aberta. Este estudo contemplou ainda a observação com registo etnográfico e realização de um diário de bordo. A análise de conteúdo efetuou-se com apoio do software de dados qualitativa WebQDA 1.4.3. Os resultados sugerem o papel das pessoas idosas na preservação de uma cultura ágrafa, garantindo que as tradições estejam presentes nas gerações atuais através da oralidade. A adoção de lentes normativas no estudo e compreensão das famílias envelhecidas permite compreender as tarefas desenvolvimentais e normativas no fim da vida.
This article examines how new legal strategies need to be adopted by indigenous peoples to react to the increasing phenomenon of ‘land grabbing’ taking place across the globe. In examining the specificity of the ‘land grab’ and how it particularly affects indigenous peoples, it analyses how new legal strategies targeting the investors need to be adopted by communities to mitigate some of the negative aspects of land grabbing. It argues that since the current ‘land grab’ is driven by investors it is important that indigenous peoples, and their supportive organisations, target investors and lending institutions which are behind the massive investments in land acquisitions.
Dissertação mest., Gestão da Água e da Costa, Universidade do Algarve, 2008
This paper analyses youth attitudes toward difference and cultural diversity. Firstly, we analyse data from 65 countries showing that youths are more tolerant than older people toward both stigmatised groups and groups perceived as racially or ethnically different. Findings also show that political conservatism is a very stable predictor of intolerance to difference. Secondly, we study the appraisals of cultural diversity in 21 European countries, showing that youths express greater openness to cultural diversity than older people. In this new study, while values of conservation correlate negatively with openness to cultural diversity, values of self-transcendence correlate positively.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2015