989 resultados para Hospital centre


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OBJECTIVES: To determine 1) rates of needlestick and sharps injuries (NSSIs) not reported to occupational health services, 2) reasons for underreporting and 3) awareness of reporting procedures in a Swiss university hospital. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We surveyed 6,367 employees having close clinical contact with patients or patient specimens. The questionnaire covered age, sex, occupation, years spent in occupation, history of NSSI during the preceding twelve months, NSSI reporting, barriers to reporting and knowledge of reporting procedures. RESULTS: 2,778 questionnaires were returned (43.6%) of which 2,691 were suitable for analysis. 260/2,691 employees (9.7%) had sustained at least one NSSI during the preceding twelve months. NSSIs were more frequent among nurses (49.2%) and doctors performing invasive procedures (IPs) (36.9%). NSSI rate by occupation was 8.6% for nurses, 19% for doctors and 1.3% for domestic staff. Of the injured respondents, 73.1% reported all events, 12.3% some and 14.6% none. 42.7% of doctors performing invasive procedures (IPs) underreported NSSIs and represented 58.6% of underreported events. Estimation that transmission risk was low (87.1%) and perceived lack of time (34.3%) were the most common reasons for non-reporting. Regarding reporting procedures, 80.1% of respondents knew to contact occupational health services. CONCLUSION: Doctors performing IPs have high rates of NSSI and, through self-assessment that infection transmission risk is low or perceived lack of time, high rates of underreporting. If individual risk analyses underestimate the real risk, such underreporting represents a missed opportunity for post-exposure prophylaxis and identification of hazardous procedures. Doctors' training in NSSI reporting merits re-evaluation.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: To compare the efficacy and longevity of nonpenetrating glaucoma surgery with and without the use of a nonabsorbable hydrophilic implant at the Oxford Eye Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa, and the Glaucoma Unit, Jules Gonin Ophthalmic Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In a nonrandomized, prospective study between March 1997 and December 2001, 48 eyes of 32 patients aged 18 to 86 years with primary open-angle glaucoma underwent nonpenetrating glaucoma surgery; 25 eyes with the implant and 23 eyes without it. Intraocular pressure (IOP) was recorded preoperatively and postoperatively at 1, 7, and 14 days, at 1, 3, and 6 months, and thereafter every 6 months. RESULTS: The mean preoperative IOP was 27.5 +/- 11.8 mm Hg (range, 20 to 64 mm Hg) in the implant group and 24.8 +/- 7.1 mm Hg (range, 16 to 38 mm Hg) in the control group. During the first 18 months of follow-up, both groups showed identical IOP progression and the mean IOP remained less than 14 mm Hg. After 2 years of follow-up, the IOP started to rise in the control group but remained stable in the implant group. After 30 months, the mean IOP was 12.4 +/- 2 mm Hg and the IOP decrease in percentage was 62% +/- 6% in the implant group (n = 13) versus 16.1 +/- 3 mm Hg and 34% +/- 13% in the control group (n = 15) (mean IOP, P = .0022; mean IOP decrease in percentage, P = .01). CONCLUSIONS: During the first 18 months, there was no difference in the outcomes between the two groups. After 2 years of follow-up, the mean IOP was lower and the IOP decrease in percentage was greater in the implant group compared with the control group.


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Els tumors parotidis constitueixen un motiu de consulta freqüent en el medi hospitalari. Per conèixer l’origen cel•lular dels mateixos disposem de l’anàlisi citològic pre-quirúrgic. No existeix una correlació exacta entre la citologia pre-quirúrgica i l’anatomia patològica definitiva segons la literatura. S’ha realitzat un estudi retrospectiu de sèries de casos dels pacients atesos per tumors parotidis al servei de Cirurgia Maxil•lofacial de l’Hospital Vall d’Hebron en el qual s’ha avaluat la distribució demogràfica d’aquests tumors i la correlació cito-histològica comparant-la amb altres sèries.


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IPH conducted a rapid HIA appraisal in response to the consultation on DSD Draft Regeneration Framework. The Department for Social Development (DSD) has developed a Draft Regeneration Framework for the North West Quarter Part 2 area of Belfast City Centre, to be known as the Northside Urban Village. The Framework, which outlines the vision for the redevelopment of an inner city area of Belfast was released for public consultation in April 2008. In responding to this consultation, the Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) conducted a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) in order to assess how the proposed Framework might impact on the health of those living in or close to the area as well as the wider Belfast population. The key recommendations which resulted from this process have been presented to the Department. This paper presents an overview of the HIA conducted.


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La preeclàmpsia greu és una malaltia multisistemàtica que es caracteritza per tenir presents alguns dels següents símptomes: PA ≥160 / 110, proteïnúria & 5 g/ 24 h, creatinina plasmàtica elevada, oligúria & 500 cc / 24 h, plaquetes & 100.000 /L, elevació de las transaminases, hemòlisis, dolor epigàstric o hipocondri dret, cefalea, alteracions visuals, mentals, edema agut de pulmó., Sd. Hellp, RCIU o oligoamnis; que apareixen durant l’embaràs. Els factors de risc més comuns entre les pacients estudiades a l’àrea matern infantil de l’ Hospital La Vall d´Hebron de Barcelona són la nuliparidat , l’obesitat i l’ edat &35 anys. Hi ha també uns altres factors menys freqüents com la HTA crònica i la gestació múltiple. En la majoria de les gestants es va seguir el protocol de l’ hipertensió arterial d’aquesta àrea. Totes van ser tractades amb sulfato de magnesi per a prevenir les convulsions i antihipertensiu. Sobre el 70% de les pacients va rebre també un tractament per a l’hipertensió amb labetalol e.v. i hidralacina e.v. Aquests fàrmacs són eficaços per al tractament de l’hipertensió en la preeclàmpsia severa. Es va comprovar que les pacients que van rebre el tractament amb hidralacina van presentar un major nombre de manifestacions clíniques i complicacions. L’anestèsia regional és el tipus d’anestèsia escollida. L’anestèsia intradural produeix el major descens de la TA en les pacients amb preeclàmpsia greu tractades amb anestèsia peridural Per altra banda, la cefalea és més freqüent desprès de l’anestèsia intradural que de l’epidural.


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IPH welcome the opportunity to comment on the Department for Social Development, Draft Regeneration Framework for the North West Quarter Part 2 area of Belfast City Centre, the ‘Northside Urban Village’. The Framework outlines the vision for the redevelopment of an inner city area of Belfast.    It is recognized that a number of social, economic and environmental factors influence health. Urban regeneration has major implications for health as it includes not only physical redevelopment but also issues such as education, employment, environmental conditions, housing, welfare and healthcare.   Urban regeneration can also help to address health inequalities at a local level, as the areas where regeneration is undertaken are usually marked by poor economic and social conditions. The North West Quarter Part 2 area of Belfast is a historic part of the city. The identified area is one of the most socio-economically deprived areas of not only Belfast but Northern Ireland. The area is characterised by the large number of people who receive income and housing benefits, have low levels of educational qualifications, high rates of long-term illnesses and it is also an area of high long-term unemployment.


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Number of hospital discharges and age-standardised discharge rates for emergency hospital admissions for injury by sex and type of injury for the following regions and year:Republic of Ireland 2006Northern Ireland 2006England 2006/07Scotland 2006/07Wales 2006 Numbers and rates are based on official hospital statistics from each region. All regions use International Classification of Disease (ICD) version 10 for hospital discharges in these years. Only emergency inpatient hospital spells with an ICD 10 code in the range S000-T739, T750-T759, T780-T789 (in any diagnostic position) and an ICD10 external cause code in the range V01-Y36 (in any diagnostic position) were included. A hospital spell is an unbroken period of time that a person spends as an inpatient in a hospital. The person may change consultant and/or specialty during a spell but is counted only once. See http://www.injuryobservatory.net/analysis-of-inpatient-admissions-data-f... for more details.


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Trypanosome infections were sought in 46 non-human primates captured principally in Amazonian Brazil. Twenty-two (47.8%) were infected with four Trypanosoma species: T. cruzi, T. minasense, T. devei and T. rangeli. These preliminary results confirmed the high prevalence and diversity of natural infections with trypanosomes in primates from Brazilian Amazon and were the first formal record of simian infections with trypanosomes in the State of Acre. The presence of T. cruzi-like and T. rangeli-like parasites are recorded in four new hosts.


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El objetivo principal del Proyecto es la elaboración de un Portal Web para la mejora en la atención sanitaria prestada por un centro hospitalario infantil. El uso del portal desarrollado se espera que lleve asociada una mejora en la percepción de proximidad, y mayor calidad de los servicios prestados por el mismo para los usuarios del centro gestionado. El portal web será desarrollado para dar servicio tanto a los usuarios actuales del centro (pacientes del centro), como a usuarios no registrados que pudieran ser futuros clientes de los servicios prestados por el mismo.


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El treball de recerca consta d’un estudi descriptiu retrospectiu on es determina la incidència de luxació en les artroplàsties de maluc implantades i la distribució de les diferents variables que influeixen en la luxació de pròtesi del maluc en la població atesa en la nostra àrea sanitària del 2000 al 2010.