943 resultados para Historiography.


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O presente trabalho teve como objeto de estudo a historiografia protestante brasileira, especialmente presbiteriana, das décadas de 1950 até o início de 1990. A visualização da disputa em torno das representações nessa historiografia mostrou um lugar de produção dinâmico, no qual uma simples clivagem dualista (entre perseguidos e perseguidores) não foi suficiente para a compreensão dos muitos interesses e agentes ali envolvidos. As grandes transformações ocorridas nas instituições religiosas brasileiras durante esse período afetaram de maneira diferenciada a historiografia e os sujeitos concretamente protestantes. A partir de uma crítica baseada em alguns pressupostos da Nova História Cultural, visualizamos que a historiografia construiu o protestantismo a partir de determinados problemas, relações e personagens os quais, invariavelmente, excluem outros sujeitos e assuntos. Foi consolidado um esquema interpretativo de pouca problematização dos documentos da máquina institucional; negligenciou aspectos da cultura religiosa brasileira, da operacionalidade do poder capilar e da capacidade dos sujeitos resignificarem discursos e práticas impostas.


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Sarah Poulton Kalley é conhecida, em quase todos os segmentos do protestantismo do Brasil, devido à organização e compilação d e Salmos e Hinos, o mais antigo hinário protestante editado no vernáculo em nosso país. Seus hinos, ainda em uso em muitas igrejas, marcaram por mais de um século a teologia do protestantismo no Brasil. Apesar desta notoriedade, sua influência na gênese do protestantismo brasileiro nunca foi objeto de estudo. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa é resgatar e visibilizar áreas e estratégias de atuação que conferem a esta mulher um perfil de atuação relativamente autônomo. Contudo, centrada no estudo da trajetória intelectual e biográfica de um sujeito histórico, a investigação se defronta com um universo de personagens anônimos, envoltos numa complexa teia de relações, através das quais o protestantismo se insere no Brasil em um contexto especifico: huguenotes, puritanos, luddistas, famílias não-conformistas inglesas, líderes políticos e eclesiásticos, exilados madeirenses, brasileiros, portugueses, imigrantes alemães e, principalmente, a mulher protestante brasileira. A busca por informações sobre este universo relegado ao anonimato pela historiografia do protestantismo no Brasil, reve lou alguns documentos inéditos, inclusive um livro escrito por Sarah Poulton Kalley, em 1866: o A Alegria da Casa. Muito além do papel de esposa de um missionário e médico, Sarah Poulton Kalley emerge de uma rede de relações e práticas como professora, missionária e poetisa. Nestes três campos de atuação e através do desenvolvimento de múltiplos contatos e relacionamentos, procurava transformar e influenciar atitudes e crenças de seus interlocutores. Junto com a nova fé divulgava uma cosmovisão própria da cultura anglo-saxã, protestante e puritana, adaptando-a seletivamente ao universo cultural e social de seus interlocutores.(AU)


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Esta pesquisa abrange mulheres atuantes no chamado protestantismo histórico, principalmente vinculadas à Igreja Metodista do Brasil. O trabalho pretende visibilizar especialmente mulheres leigas e suas redes, geralmente informais, de articulação e chamar a atenção para seu papel na constituição destas comunidades de fé. Trata-se de um aspecto pouco explorado nas investigações sobre o protestantismo no Brasil que, quando abordado, se restringe a alguns ícones femininos. O foco principal do trabalho se restringe ao período de 1930, ano em que a Igreja Metodista do Brasil se constituiu como instituição autônoma, desvinculando-se formalmente de sua congênere nos EUA, até 1970/71, quando mulheres metodistas passam a ser admitidas no presbiterato, ou seja, podem solicitar a ordenação ao pastorado. Além de discutir a produção bibliográfica principalmente no âmbito da história do protestantismo, a pesquisa se baseia em fontes primárias, como boletins e jornais denominacionais, relatórios de eventos, correspondências e informações dispersas em diferentes materiais. Como referencial teórico a pesquisa se valeu da micro-história, procurando assim dar vida a personagens esquecidos e desvelar enredos ocultados pela história oficial. Portanto, além de demonstrar aspectos da atuação de mulheres no protestantismo brasileiro, silenciados tanto na memória institucional como na historiografia em suas diferentes matizes, a pesquisa pretende contribuir para uma avaliação crítica da mentalidade de mulheres sobre sua atuação no campo religioso, entre a adequação aos padrões culturais dominantes e os indícios de autonomia de pensamento diante de demandas específicas.(AU)


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Esta dissertação propõe-se apresentar alguns aspectos que favoreceram a chegada do cristianismo batista em Belém do Pará, nos idos do século XIX e XX. Além disso, se fará uma descrição da urbe, apontando alguns fatores que possibilitaram a imigração de Eurico Nelson. Trata-se de um sueco batista que veio viver pela fé numa cidade visivelmente adensada pelo processo de exploração da borracha e que permitia em seu cenário a movimentação de várias pessoas de diferentes nacionalidades, além do próprio homem procedente da Amazônia, que guarda forte herança indígena. Far-se-á um recorte dos seis primeiros anos da atuação de Eurico Nelson na cidade, analisando suas atividades religiosas nesse contexto cultural tão diferente do seu, como ponto de partida para entender as tessituras do cotidiano batista emergente no Pará. Ou seja, há uma suspeita de que os batistas de Belém do Pará, na história da implantação desta igreja, possuem características pouco contempladas por sua historiografia tradicional, que provavelmente decorrem da dinâmica de inserção neste contexto urbano específico.


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The purpose of the study was to provide a historical record of the Bureau of Jewish Education/Central Agency for Jewish Education and its role in Jewish education in Miami since its inception in 1944 as well as to provide a sociological context within which to view the growth and development of the community. During the past 50 years of the Agency's existence, Dade County's Jewish population has undergone many changes including a huge population increase in the 1960s and 1970s and then a decrease in the 1980s and 1990s, and a shift from postwar business class of store owners to turn of the century professional class.^ The methodology used in this study was threefold. First, document analysis of formal and informal documents dating from 1944 to the present was conducted. Second, personal interviews were conducted with the Executive Directors of the B.J.E./C.A.J.E., long-time B.J.E./C.A.J.E. staff, present staff, Greater Miami Jewish Federation leaders, and lay leadership of C.A.J.E. Third, national trends in Jewish education were cited as a basis for the comparison and contrast of the achievements of C.A.J.E.^ The historiography concluded that the Agency had come full circle in its programs. Analysis of the services provided to religious and day schools, early childhood education, the High Schools, teacher services, adult education, and the library indicated that in some areas C.A.J.E. was an innovator, in other areas it followed national trends, and in others it was deficient. Recommendations included a reeducative process for the community with Jewish education made top priority, more visibility and publicity for the work of C.A.J.E. that would enhance its prestige and improve support, and holistic planning of programs for the future. ^


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Since her discovery in Cuban waters in 1611, La Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre (The Virgin of Charity) has become the leading transnational religious symbol for Cubans. The oldest stories about the appearance of La Virgen in Cuba suggest the presence of Cuban Taino in the early years of her cult. Yet historians have minimized Taino influence when examining Cuba's sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, pivotal years in the cult's development. This thesis demonstrated the significant role of the Taino in the formation of the early cult of La Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre, by employing revisionist historiography to the years between 1492 and 1687, to better understand the demographics and religious culture of Eastern Cuba, where the cult originated. It also found specific contributions from Taino religious culture in the myths, beliefs, and material culture associated with the early cult of La Virgen. ^


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The purpose of this dissertation was to analyze the narrative works of Alejo Carpentier and Abel Posse within the context of the new Latin American historical novel that revises the Old World-New World Encounter. Focusing on El arpa y la sombra and Los perros del paraíso , the dissertation studied the particular manner in which Latin American novelists, and particularly Alejo Carpentier and Abel Posse, approach and question traditional historiography. The research also compared different novels to identify various trends within the new historical novel that rewrites the foundational period of Latin American literature. ^ This study considered the theories of the new historical novel as proposed by critics such as Seymour Menton, Fernando de Aínsa, Linda Hutcheon, and Brian MacHale. The new novel was examined within the frameworks of postmodern literary and historiographic theories. The study also contemplated the philosophical views that have influenced postmodern thought, and, especially, the ideas of Nietzsche, Heidegger, Lyotard, Harbermas, and Foucault. ^ Research showed two major trends within the new Latin American historical novel. In the case of the first trend, initiated by Alejo Carpentier in 1949 with El reino de este mundo, the novelist's approach is founded on historicism and factual rigor. The second trend, initiated by Reinaldo Arenas with El mundo alucinante in 1969, is marked by irreverence, parody, irony, and carnavalization. Characterized by intertextuality, dialogism, and anachronism, novels such as Carpentier's El arpa y la sombra and Posse's Los perros del paraíso, undermine the values and beliefs instituted by the traditional historiographic paradigm and the discourse of power. ^


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The subject of this dissertation is the nature of the environmental transformations, both symbolic and physical, that took place in Colombia between 1850 and 1930. This period begins with the attempt by the Colombian elite to leave behind colonial ties, overcome economic disorganization, and link Colombia to the international market. These efforts were part of a general project to “civilize” this tropical country. The period closes with the transition toward an industrialization and urbanization process led by the Colombian state during the 1930s. ^ Frequently, environmental studies as an academic field are dominated by biological concerns. However, most environmental thinking accepts their interdisciplinary nature. Under this framework not only spatial but also symbolic concerns are key elements in understanding environmental transformations. ^ This study finds that despite several attempts to transform the Colombian landscape physically, most of the substantive changes were localized and circumscribed to the Andean region. Other changes were mainly symbolic. This dissertation thus uses the Amazon as one of several regions that did not experience significant changes in the forest canopy. While highlanders originally dreamed of the Amazon as an untapped El Dorado, their failed attempts to exploit the region caused them to imagine it as a nightmarish “green hell”. ^ This dissertation concentrates on three pairs of concepts: tropicality/civilization, landscape/territory, and symbolic/material changes. It presents both a general vision of Colombia and case studies of three regions: Cundinamarca, and Cauca Valley are used to compare with the Amazon region that is developed at length. Whereas mainstream Colombian histories have either fixated on the Andean highlands or, in a relegated second place, on the Caribbean region, this dissertation attempts to significantly contribute to the historiography of Colombia by focusing on the largely neglected Amazonian region. ^ To understand imageries about Colombia's landscape, the dissertation relies on travel writings, chorographic descriptions and maps. It also makes uses legal documents and other published primary sources, including literary pieces and memoirs. ^


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The purpose of this dissertation was to analyze the works of Federico García Lorca within the mystic context that dominates their very genesis. The problematic definition of mysticism was explored lest it be confused with traditional mysticism, which implies union with the divine. The historiography of literature speaks of the Mystic Genre, yet it does not address the mystic mode of artistic creation due to its inability to adhere to rational measure. This mode of conception was explored through Lorca's poetic discourse: ‘Lorquian mysticism’ is the result of the poet's cultivation of an innate spiritual potential enhanced by external influences and technical mastery. ^ There is visible influence of Fray Luis of León in Lorca's early Libro de poemas and El maleficio de la mariposa, as well as of Saint John of the Cross in the later Diván del Tamarit, Sonetos de amor and Yerma. However, definitive echoes of poets from the Sufi and other Eastern mystic traditions were also illustrated in these late works. A persistent longing to elide the physical condition, the greatest obstacle of the transcendental quest, is the essence of Lorca's poetic voice. ^ The object of this analysis was Lorca's language, which reaches levels removed from conventional thought. His dazzling metaphors and his particular use of symbols and of paradox compare equitably with those of great mystic poets. Like them, Lorca was faced with the same limitations of language to describe an ineffable experience; he embraced what Octavio Paz describes as ‘sacred language’: there is a linguistic frugality as well as an ambiguity in Lorca's poetic art that result from his realization of supercognitive states. Yet such an interpretation is rejected by the rationalist approach, invoking the age-old debate between faith and reason and signaling the application of psychoanalytical theory. This limited approach was disputed on the basis of reader-response theory. Lorca was truly an eclectic and a modification of the conventional reader's preestablished horizon of expectations is essential in order to seal the gaps in his late works. This innovative perspective placed Lorca within the framework of a new mysticism in the modern world. ^


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This dissertation aims to recover the lives and careers of those Amerindians and Europeans who voluntarily or involuntarily took on the role of intercultural interpreters in the contact, conquest, and early colonial period in the Americas between 1492 and 1675. It intends to prove that these so-called “marginal” figures assumed roles that went far beyond those of linguistic and cultural translators, and often had a decisive impact on early Indian-colonial relations. ^ In the course of my research, I consulted hundreds of published sixteenth- and seventeenth-century chronicles, narratives, and memoirs in my search for references to interpreters. I augmented these accounts with information derived from unpublished archival documents, drawn primarily from the Archivo General de Indias, in Seville, Spain. ^ I organized my findings in theme-driven chapters that begin with a consideration of the historiography of that subject. Each chapter is further subdivided into chronologically-arranged historical vignettes that focus on the interpreters who mediated between the Spanish, Portuguese, French, English and Dutch and the various Native American polities and cultures. ^ I found that colonial authorities and Amerindian communities alike recognized the absolute necessity of recruiting competent and loyal interpreters and go-betweens, and that both sides tried to secure their loyal service by means both fair and foul. Although pressured, pushed, and pulled in contrary directions, most interpreters recognized the pivotal position they held in cross-cultural negotiations and rarely remained passive pawns in the contests between the forces of domination and defense. ^ All across the Americas, interpreters used their linguistic and diplomatic skills, and their intimate knowledge of the “other” not simply to facilitate conquest or spearhead the opposition, but to transform themselves from “culture brokers” into “power brokers.” Many of the decisive events that shaped colonial-Indian relations turned on the actions of these culturally-ambiguous individuals, a fact bemoaned and begrudgingly acknowledged by most of the contemporary conquistadors, chroniclers, and colonial founders, and recognized by this author. ^


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The links created between Florida and the Bahamas from 1780 to 1900 constituted a major influence in the evolution of a unique society. This dissertation adds to the understanding of this topic by using primary sources and architecture to follow the odyssey of the people who shaped this region. Building on the historiography which examined each area separately, this work focused on the ties forged in the interactions between Florida and the Bahamas. Following the immigrants who shaped Florida and the Bahamas, this work examines cultural holdovers which influenced this region during times of demographic flux. Aesthetic preferences stood out as one way that people maintained connections to their past. The use of architecture as a lens to view this process provides a concrete example of this phenomenon. The societies of Florida and the Bahamas remained intertwined during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Forced migrations shaped the trajectory of the evolution of a distinctive culture in these areas bordered by the Gulfstream. This dissertation proves that the links forged between these societies reinforced the patterns which endured throughout the maturation of this area.


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The purpose of this dissertation was to analyze the narrative works of Alejo Carpentier and Abel Posse within the context of the new Latin American historical novel that revises the Old World-New World Encounter. Focusing on El arpa y la sombra and Los perros del paraíso, the dissertation studied the particular manner in which Latin American novelists, and particularly Alejo Carpentier and Abel Posse, approach and question traditional historiography. The research also compared different novels to identify various trends within the new historical novel that rewrites the foundational period of Latin American literature. This study considered the theories of the new historical novel as proposed by critics such as Seymour Menton, Fernando de Aínsa, Linda Hutcheon, and Brian MacHale. The new novel was examined within the frameworks of postmodern literary and historiographic theories. The study also contemplated the philosophical views that have influenced postmodern thought, and, especially, the ideas of Nietzsche, Heidegger, Lyotard, Harbermas, and Foucault. Research showed two major trends within the new Latin American historical novel. In the case of the first trend, initiated by Alejo Carpentier in 1949 with El reino de este mundo, the novelist’s approach is founded on historicism and factual rigor. The second trend, initiated by Reinaldo Arenas with El mundo alucinante in 1969, is marked by irreverence, parody, irony, and carnavalization. Characterized by intertextuality, dialogism, and anachronism, novels such as Carpentier´s El arpa y la sombra and Posse´s Los perros del paraíso, undermine the values and beliefs instituted by the traditional historiographic paradigm and the discourse of power.


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The purpose of this research is to develop a broader understanding of the system in Florida. Specifically, I am looking at the privatization of convict labor programs by the Prison Rehabilitative Industries and Diversified Enterprises Corporation (PRIDE) in the 1980s and 1990s in state correctional institutions. This research will contribute to historiography of prisons in Florida in the context of the developing research about the Prison-Industrial Complex. Many scholars studying the Prison-Industrial Complex have drawn comparisons to today’s prison industries and the convict lease system of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, seeing the prison system go full circle drawing attention to the exploitative and institutionally racist nature of the modern prison system. This researched showed that the trend other scholars have studied also exist in Florida and Florida was actually a pioneer in the Prison-Industrial Complex. It was the first state to privatize its convict labor programs, becoming a model for other states. This research also shows that political and economic motivations were the primary forces governing prison policies, rather than education, rehabilitation, and safety. To complete this project, I analyzed articles from South Florida newspapers, such as the Sun-Sentinel and the Miami Herald, published during this period as well as literature published by the Department of Corrections. The United States has the highest rate of incarceration in the world and spends more money on prisons than education. Being such a large part of country, prisons warrant more critical study. This research will shed light on the nature of prisons, specifically here in Florida, in the hopes of seeking alternatives.


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The purpose of this research is to develop a broader understanding of the system in Florida. Specifically, I am looking at the privatization of convict labor programs by the Prison Rehabilitative Industries and Diversified Enterprises Corporation (PRIDE) in the 1980s and 1990s in state correctional institutions. This research will contribute to historiography of prisons in Florida in the context of the developing research about the Prison-Industrial Complex. Many scholars studying the Prison-Industrial Complex have drawn comparisons to today’s prison industries and the convict lease system of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, seeing the prison system go full circle drawing attention to the exploitative and institutionally racist nature of the modern prison system. This researched showed that the trend other scholars have studied also exist in Florida and Florida was actually a pioneer in the Prison-Industrial Complex. It was the first state to privatize its convict labor programs, becoming a model for other states. This research also shows that political and economic motivations were the primary forces governing prison policies, rather than education, rehabilitation, and safety. To complete this project, I analyzed articles from South Florida newspapers, such as the Sun-Sentinel and the Miami Herald, published during this period as well as literature published by the Department of Corrections. The United States has the highest rate of incarceration in the world and spends more money on prisons than education. Being such a large part of country, prisons warrant more critical study. This research will shed light on the nature of prisons, specifically here in Florida, in the hopes of seeking alternatives.


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The discussion about explanation in knowledge has been made for decades. Through this course, we present different ways of understanding about what is to explain the history: the primitive ethnographic description, the chronicler, the positivist construction of a historical science and historiography of the second half of twentieth century. Nowadays this discussion needs to be continued both in the general framework of scientific practice as within educational institutions as cognitive - linguistic ability. The focus of our research is by the second approach, which is the explanation as cognitive - linguistic ability. The formation of skills, among them, the explaining one, has been studied by the authors as: (NÚÑEZ 2012; JORBA et al, 2000; SANMARTÍ and IZQUIERDO 2000). This research had as general purpose: to study the processes of formation of the ability to explain social revolution in history classes in high school, by teachers opinion and by content as this theme among history books, in order to support the continuing education of history teachers for high school. Th e qualitative based research used instruments of data collection and analysis protocol for the books prepared for this study, and interviews with teachers. For this, the techniques of content analysis and discourse referenced in Bardin and Orlandi , respec tively were used. At first, the instruments for data collection were developed and validated, while in the second, the data were collected, organized and analyzed. From the answers to the questions of the study results shows that: a) in the analyzed books - do not express the work with the definition of Social Revolution, considering the processes for the formation of this definition, the predominant type of explanation has characteristics of multicausality; proposals for teaching are characterized as eclec tic; b) while teachers speech - it is important the students know the definition of Social Revolution, the ability to explain is more linked to didactic explanation in the classroom than the explanation through epistemological sense. These results indicate that the formation of the ability to explain Social Revolution based in Cultural History approach, are not expressed in the analyzed books, but they can serve as an important resource for this purpose. The discourse of teachers has a potential pointing to the possibility of teaching organization and learning process, based on training or upgrading the explanation skill from the theory of stepwise formation of mental actions and concepts by P.Ya. Galperin. For this purpose, the research constitutes a contri bution to support the continued education of history teachers in high school.