1000 resultados para Histórias em quadrinhos História e crítica
Adoption establishes a filiation status, resulting from a legal act, which attributes to the child and parents the rights and obligations associated with such condition, being legally irrevocable. Nevertheless, in practice there are adoptions that do not concretize and the child returns to justice during or even after the legal process is closed. Late adoption is the denomination of the adoption of children over two years and it is still permeated by myths and stigmas, leading to a frequent return of the child to justice in these cases. The late adoption involves a process of building a unique relationship with a child whose backstory is commonly marked by the dissolution of the relationship with the family of origin, due to violation of rights and, in some cases, the experience of institutional care. Given such a scenario, this research, based on the Existential Analytic proposed by Martin Heidegger, seeks to understand the experience of mothers and children in the process of late adoption, in order to obtain subsidies to psychological attention in this context. This is a qualitative, phenomenological study with a comprehensive focus. The participants were two mothers and two children who have gone through late adoption for about two years. The procedures of data generation contemplated narrative interviews with mothers and individual meetings with children, in which ludic resources were used as mediators of expression (free drawings, unfinished children's story and "Story-Drawings" on late adoption). The procedures were audiotaped and transcribed. Data analysis was grounded in Heidegger's hermeneutics. The late adoption process, permeated by historical, social and cultural determinants and the web of meanings that create the historical singularity of each person involved have proved to be complex as seen in the narratives. The construction of the meanings of parenthood and filiation has been developing in the families in the study, from the experience of being-with-the-other, caring and dwelling in their peculiar modes of expression. The family of origin and the adoptive family mingle and differentiate by means of the experience of children, especially because of the existence of biological siblings. Data point to the importance of psychological care to family core in late adoption processes
The present study aimed to understand the experience of being a family caregiver of a patient with Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA). The relevance of the study is to prove existence of a large number of caregivers of incapacitated patients, due to the CVA and it is not an academic research object, according to the literature. It is a qualitative research, which the guiding principle is the oral history of life, according to the theoretical foundation and operating of Meihy. Therefore, the following steps were highlighted: the target community, composed of all family caregivers of CVA patients; the colony, composed by family caregivers of CVA patients assisted by Home Care Service (HCS) of the Hospital Jos Pedro Bezerra (HJPB), in the city of Natal/RN; the network was composed of six caregivers who met the criteria for inclusion, and as zero point the first volunteer group. The population was composed of all family caregivers of patients attended by the HCS, of the HJPB having been addressed through interviews. For the empirical research there was the consent of that institution and approval by the Ethics Committee in Research of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte as CAAE 24569413.0.0000.5537 and, above all, with the acquiescence of employees in participating in the investigation, signing an informed consent. Of the empirical material, five categories of analysis were identified: the sense of being a caregiver; what has changed in the life of the caregiver; the feelings emerge in the relationship of care; the distance from family and friends; difficulties faced by the caregiver. The results show that the caregiver's life goes through profound transformations within the family as well as in all spheres of life. For the caregivers, assuming the care of a relative with CVA means renunciation and donation, compromising sometimes the individual projects and the family as a whole. In addition, they point out the confrontation of difficulties within the the assistance and humanization in healthcare, information, physical and emotional overload, as well as financial problems. Despite all the adversities that compromise the caregiver's life, it was possible to identify attitudes of resilience among caregivers, making them their daily life less strenuous and with more lightness. It is expected, therefore, that this research can contribute to a better orientation of professionals with the caregivers
The Chronic Venous insufficiency is characterized as a set of physical changes including how most serious complication of venous ulcers, characterized by irregular and progressive loss of continuity of the skin. The occurrence of venous ulcers in people with chronic venous insufficiency generates dependence on them with health services, with long-term treatments that cause limitations and high-impact changes, affecting their quality of life, affecting the physical, psychological, social, cultural and spiritual as an important public health problem. This study aimed to describe the experience of having a venous ulcer, in the scenario of primary health care services to Health, which includes Primary Care Units and Family Health Strategy in the city of Natal / RN, based on the life histories of users. This is a qualitative study, exploratory and descriptive, with the Oral History of Life as a methodological framework. From the ponto zero was the recruitment of participants who formed the network, totaling six employees, of both sexes and aged between 57 and 79 years. After approval by the Research Ethics Committee - UFRN under the Protocol 653 788/2014 and CAAE 30408014.0.0000.5537 was held data collection, between the months of July and August, through interviews, using identification and characterization of the instrument employees and open questions. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, transcriadas and returned to employees for a conference. The narratives were subjected to Content thematic analysis technique, according to Bardin, allowing the construction of three themes that encompass categories, namely: Axis I - Perspectives on the changes: the impact wound in social relations (changes with ulcer venous, venous ulcer and social and family relationships); Axis II - Brands in body and soul: the story of being hurt (conceptions of the body injured; therapeutic itinerary in primary care services); and Axis III - Reconstruction of being hurt: coping mechanisms (redefinition of the wounded body, resilience to chronic wound). The impact of having a chronic venous ulcer generates impact of physical, psychological and social order. As aspects related to changes after the appearance of venous ulcers, survey participants reported the presence of pain, physical limitations, psychological distress, social and emotional isolation, incapacity, aesthetic discomfort and dependency on health services; the family was the aspect thatshowed no significant change after the occurrence of wound for most participants, an ally in the therapeutic process as a support network. The redefinition of the body and the wound are the main coping mechanism of chronic condition. The services in the Primary Care Network play a fundamental role in the rehabilitation of patients with venous ulcers, although there are difficulties in accessing appropriate treatment and need for expanded services, with permanent professional training of health teams and providing the resources managers to strengthen the comprehensive care of people with venous ulcers in Health Primary Care.
We intend with this research to contribute to the contemporary debate pertinent to the history of Brazilian cinema, its historiography and its writing procedures. Thereunto, we sustain the view that the historical interpretation composed by the essays Panorama do Cinema Brasileiro: 1896/1966 (1966) and Cinema: trajetria no subdesenvolvimento (1973) arranged by the critic and historian Paulo Emilio Salles Gomes, due to their epistemological postulates and narrative strategies, constitutes a version about the history of national cinema of expressive discursive efficacy.
In this study, we join up in the theoretical assumptions of the French Discourse Analysis in order to analyze effects of the demand of objectification of language in the context of vestibular essays. More specifically, we analyze the operation of said objectification via discourses constructed by the traditional vestibular exam due to the requirement to have, in the students essays, paraphrases of statements from the motivating texts (TM) of the test in question. From our perspective, the objectification mechanism of language, the paraphrase, in the vestibular, its logic of clarity and non-contradiction of ideas, is made by (in)determination of senses in the order of its speech and, also, in its practice: the correction of the vestibular essay. Therefore, in spite of what is assumed as guarantee to language in the moment of the vestibular essay, we suggest there are regularization-recognition conflicts of same senses the constitutive senses of TM in the evaluative speech of two vestibular-essay correctors(CA and CB). These correctors, with their history of reading (grammar and Linguistic Textual), stress the concept of paraphrase taken by the vestibular instance for the correction of students essays. Such stress creates a dispute of speeches: the speech of knowledge (university policy) versus the speech of produce (neoliberal policy); the latter as reading policy that favors literal meanings, consensus. Because of all this, we question: what are the effects of senses produced in (and about) vestibular essays by the demand of determining of the saying there instituted? To answer this question, we build analysis from clippings of documents that regulate the vestibular exam (institutional texts) in our country and, also, analysis of two vestibular essays in which at times appear, at times not, according to the judgment of CA and CB of essays, paraphrases of TM statements of the essay. The analysis, in theory, punctuates effects of sense of the objectification process of the saying in vestibular, and primarily the rarefaction of legal-position subject-of-knowing by the current institution of the subject-of-making. Moreover, our work comprises affiliations of sense that relates to the subject-speech relationship in evaluative exercise of vestibular essays, on the question of authorship.
We seek, through this work, to understand the construction of the pirates images from the Golden Age of Piracy (late seventeenth through early eighteenth century) through the observation of the circulation of these images, which are not limited to one field of knowledge. We take into account the importance of the book A General History of the robberies and murders of the most notorious pirates... written by Charles Johnson for these constructions, not only literary, but also historiographical provided that the stories of pirates and piracy gained ground in historiography from the twentieth century on. We also seek to show that this historiographical space arises opposed to an apparent historiographical silence about these stories that lasts for about two centuries, related to a new way of writing history in the aesthetic regime, where it arises as a science through a poetics of knowledge, of which the philosopher Jacques Rancire helps us reflect. Lastly, reflecting upon how these images of pirates circulate nowadays, we seek to understand the historicity of the pirates images within that aesthetic regime based on some scenes of the film series Pirates of the Caribbean by Disney.
No presente estudo sobre o tema: Desenvolvimento e Justia na Misso Integral: Uma anlise crítica da presena da Teologia e Prxis da Misso Integral no Solo Paulistano procura-se analisar a presena do conceito de desenvolvimento e justia da Misso Integral no solo paulistano. Para tal anlise tomou-se como sujeito de pesquisa a Primeira Igreja Batista de So Paulo. Esta dissertao foi desenvolvida no Programa de Ps- Graduao em Cincias da Religio, e pertence linha de pesquisa Religio, Sociedade e Cultura. A metodologia adotada na coleta de dados foi de uma reviso bibliogrfica e pesquisa de campo por meio de um roteiro de entrevista. Os questionamentos que nortearam a pesquisa foram: O que desenvolvimento e Justia na Misso Integral? possvel notar a presena desses conceitos na prxis e na teologia da Primeira Igreja Batista de So Paulo? Aps uma anlise da Misso Integral e da Igreja pesquisada, foi possvel verificar as aproximaes e distanciamentos, assim como hipteses que justificassem esses fatos. No primeiro captulo foi apresentada a Misso Integral, sua história, teologia e mtodo. No segundo captulo os conceitos de desenvolvimento e justia foram trabalhados. O ltimo captulo apresentou a Primeira Igreja Batista de So Paulo; buscou estabelecer dilogo entre o conceito de Desenvolvimento e Justia da Misso Integral e a teologia e prxis da Primeira Igreja Batista de So Paulo.
Relatrio de estgio para a obteno do grau de mestre em Ensino de pr-escolar e de 1 ciclo do ensino bsico
A tese trata de dois construtos scio-histricos Administrao e Administrador em face do capitalismo em sua fase flexvel. Considerando as mudanas do capitalismo, o texto estabelece como objeto de estudo as concepes de Administrao e Administrador, para o campo administrativo, na contemporaneidade. A tese suportada por uma pesquisa de campo cujo objetivo foi compreender criticamente as concepes do campo administrativo sobre a Administrao e o Administrador, em tempos de capitalismo flexvel. Epistemologicamente, a pesquisa foi conduzida a partir da perspectiva crítica frankfurtiana, fundamentada em trs pares categricos dialticos: (i) história versus naturalizao; (ii) prxis social versus sistema; e (iii) alienao versus emancipao; privilegiando o pensamento crtico vinculado primeira gerao da Escola de Frankfurt. A literatura prevalente da rea de Administrao foi revisada mediada pelas duas questes ontolgicas que suportam a tese: O que Administrao? e O que Administrador? para autores como Taylor, Fayol, Drucker, Ohno, Deming, Champy e Mintzberg. Metodologicamente, foi realizada uma pesquisa integralmente qualitativa, com uso de trs tipos de entrevistas: (i) entrevista narrativa com história de vida; (ii) entrevista com uso de elementos-estmulo; e (iii) entrevista narrativa ficcional. Para compreenso das narrativas, foi utilizada a tcnica de anlise hermenutico-dialtica. Os resultados indicam o predomnio da concepo pragmtica-instrumental, no tocante Administrao, pela qual ela continua a ser pensada e discursada como uma ao tecnolgica e teleolgica, que utiliza saberes mltiplos e aprendizagens cambiantes como meios para alcance das finalidades do contexto organizacional mutante. Com relao ao Administrador, h a emergncia da concepo esttica para apresent-lo, quando vinculado s organizaes. Por esta concepo, h a migrao do histrico esteretipo do Administrador controlador e vigilante para a representao do Administrador como um profissional performtico. O segundo resultado, que se apresenta como o mais relevante em relao ao Administrador, o da fuga da profisso. A partir dos pares categricos dialticos, esta tese prope algumas snteses provisrias críticas: (i) história-naturalizao: os sujeitos tomam como naturais a organizao empresarial e suas demandas, naturalizando as recentes mudanas que, entre outras coisas, reduzem os postos gerenciais; (ii) prxis social-sistema: pela concepo pragmtica-instrumental, as experincias dos Administradores so concebidas a partir do confinamento funcionalista em uma organizao-sistema; (iii) emancipao-alienao: tanto a forma naturalizada com que especificam as organizaes e sua Administrao quanto a prxis interrompida velada em uma experincia reificada mostram-se como fenmenos intrinsecamente e subjetivamente alienantes e contraemancipatrios. Por outro lado, atravs do movimento de fuga da profisso, os entrevistados parecem (re)significar o silncio fundador da alienao associada condio de Administrador: a de pensar como capital, e no se pensar como trabalho. Finalmente, o texto prope que as possibilidades de emancipao deste profissional residem na tomada de conscincia de sua condio como integrante da classe trabalhadora, mesmo em tempos de riscos e incertezas. Assumindo-se como trabalhador, o Administrador poder lutar pelo seu trabalho, repensando-o em novos termos, em que as dimenses pragmticas-instrumentais que envolvem sua profisso possam ser dosadas e sempre mediadas por contedos substantivos e emancipatrios
Relatrio de estgio para a obteno do grau de mestre em Ensino de pr-escolar e de 1 ciclo do ensino bsico
A tese trata de dois construtos scio-histricos Administrao e Administrador em face do capitalismo em sua fase flexvel. Considerando as mudanas do capitalismo, o texto estabelece como objeto de estudo as concepes de Administrao e Administrador, para o campo administrativo, na contemporaneidade. A tese suportada por uma pesquisa de campo cujo objetivo foi compreender criticamente as concepes do campo administrativo sobre a Administrao e o Administrador, em tempos de capitalismo flexvel. Epistemologicamente, a pesquisa foi conduzida a partir da perspectiva crítica frankfurtiana, fundamentada em trs pares categricos dialticos: (i) história versus naturalizao; (ii) prxis social versus sistema; e (iii) alienao versus emancipao; privilegiando o pensamento crtico vinculado primeira gerao da Escola de Frankfurt. A literatura prevalente da rea de Administrao foi revisada mediada pelas duas questes ontolgicas que suportam a tese: O que Administrao? e O que Administrador? para autores como Taylor, Fayol, Drucker, Ohno, Deming, Champy e Mintzberg. Metodologicamente, foi realizada uma pesquisa integralmente qualitativa, com uso de trs tipos de entrevistas: (i) entrevista narrativa com história de vida; (ii) entrevista com uso de elementos-estmulo; e (iii) entrevista narrativa ficcional. Para compreenso das narrativas, foi utilizada a tcnica de anlise hermenutico-dialtica. Os resultados indicam o predomnio da concepo pragmtica-instrumental, no tocante Administrao, pela qual ela continua a ser pensada e discursada como uma ao tecnolgica e teleolgica, que utiliza saberes mltiplos e aprendizagens cambiantes como meios para alcance das finalidades do contexto organizacional mutante. Com relao ao Administrador, h a emergncia da concepo esttica para apresent-lo, quando vinculado s organizaes. Por esta concepo, h a migrao do histrico esteretipo do Administrador controlador e vigilante para a representao do Administrador como um profissional performtico. O segundo resultado, que se apresenta como o mais relevante em relao ao Administrador, o da fuga da profisso. A partir dos pares categricos dialticos, esta tese prope algumas snteses provisrias críticas: (i) história-naturalizao: os sujeitos tomam como naturais a organizao empresarial e suas demandas, naturalizando as recentes mudanas que, entre outras coisas, reduzem os postos gerenciais; (ii) prxis social-sistema: pela concepo pragmtica-instrumental, as experincias dos Administradores so concebidas a partir do confinamento funcionalista em uma organizao-sistema; (iii) emancipao-alienao: tanto a forma naturalizada com que especificam as organizaes e sua Administrao quanto a prxis interrompida velada em uma experincia reificada mostram-se como fenmenos intrinsecamente e subjetivamente alienantes e contraemancipatrios. Por outro lado, atravs do movimento de fuga da profisso, os entrevistados parecem (re)significar o silncio fundador da alienao associada condio de Administrador: a de pensar como capital, e no se pensar como trabalho. Finalmente, o texto prope que as possibilidades de emancipao deste profissional residem na tomada de conscincia de sua condio como integrante da classe trabalhadora, mesmo em tempos de riscos e incertezas. Assumindo-se como trabalhador, o Administrador poder lutar pelo seu trabalho, repensando-o em novos termos, em que as dimenses pragmticas-instrumentais que envolvem sua profisso possam ser dosadas e sempre mediadas por contedos substantivos e emancipatrios
Dissertao (mestrado)Universidade de Braslia, Faculdade UnB Planaltina, Programa de Ps-Graduao em Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Rural, 2016.
Dissertao de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obteno de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clnica.
Dissertao de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obteno de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clnica.