993 resultados para GERM-FREE MICE


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This paper reports reduction on the reproductive capacity of female mice infected with Schistosoma mansoni, either in the acute phase or in the chronic one of the disease. This decrease in the reproductive capacity was highly significant (93.3% and 86.7%, for the acute and chronic phases, respectively)..


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Leishmaniasis is a typical parasite infection whose protective immunity depends on macrophage activation. Susceptibility to Leishmania donovani infection was compared in H (high antibody responder) and L (low antibody responder) mice from selection IV-A. H mice infected intravenously with 10(7) amastigotes of L. donovani were more susceptible to infection than their L counterparts. This higher susceptibility was characterized by a higher splenic and hepatic parasite burden. An increased splenic index was observed in both lines after sixty days of infection. This splenomegaly was caused, at least partially, by an increase in the number of splenic cells as determined by direct counts of cells from spleen. The results show that selection IV-A is susceptible to visceral leishmaniasis, with the H line being more susceptible than the L line.


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Septal fibrosis of the liver regularly develops in rats infected with Capillaria hepatica. To find out whether such fibrosis also occurs in mice, 20 animals were submitted to infection with either 100 or 300 embryonated eggs and histologically examined after several periods of time, from 30 to 110 days afterwards. Results showed that mice developed acute, severe, diffuse and focal hepatic lesions that were soon modulated to focal areas of fibrosis containing eggs and worm remnants, despite the fact that a few worms remained alive, at least up to 110 days after inoculation. Areas of perisinusoidal fibrosis appeared in the proximity and around focal parasitic lesions, but clear-cut septal fibrosis was not observed. Why septal fibrosis forms in rats, but not in mice during C. hepatica infection, only further studies can clarify. Mice seem to show better host/parasite relationship than rats in regard to C. hepatica infection.


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To investigate whether mice immunization with the recombinant form of a 14.7 KDa Schistosoma mansoni protein (rSm14) confers protection against a S. mansoni lethal challenge infection, rSm14-immunized mice were challenged with different cercarial burdens. A significant protection was detected in immunized mice challenged with 100 or 1,000 S. mansoni cercariae when compared with their controls (p< 0.004 and p< 0.01 respectively). Differently from previous report, none of the mice from the control group (not immunized and infected with 1000 cercariae) died before the 30th day post-infection. A direct correlation between the number of challenge cercariae and the precocity of mice death was found. IgM anti-rSm14 antibodies were significantly produced (p< 0.05) mainly in the groups of immunized mice infected with 500 or 1000 cercariae. IgG and IgA anti-rSm14 antibodies were not significantly detected. In Western immunoblots, all mice sera showed a specific antibody response with a 14.7 KDa antigen being reacted with particular intensity in sera from immunized mice. The results show that immunization with rSm14 reduced mice worm burden independently of the cercariae load of challenge infection. No correlation was found between serum antibodies and worm burden reduction. In relation to cercarial load and the rate and precocity of mice mortality a direct correlation was found.


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Antigenic extracts from five Leishmania stocks were used to vaccinate C57BL/10 mice. The Leishvacin® and PH8 monovalent vaccine yielded the highest IFN-gamma levels in the supernatants of spleen cell culture from vaccinated animals. Each single strain immunized group showed evidence of protective immunity six months after the challenge with promastigotes of Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis. No differences were detected between the vaccinated groups. It can be concluded that vaccines composed of single Leishmania stocks can provide protection to C57BL/10 mice against L. (L.) amazonensis infection.


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A morphometric study focusing on some features of the reproductive system of Schistosoma mansoni adult worms was performed, aiming to complete previously reported data concerning the effects of undernourishment of the host on the parasites. Male worms were significantly affected (p<0.05) regarding the testicular lobes.


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To evaluate the sensitivity of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to reveal known number of trypomastigote in the blood of mice, three separate experiments were done. First: To eight samples of 500mul of normal mice blood, one aliquot of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, and 50 trypomastigotes respectively, were added. Second and third: 10 aliquots with 1 and 10 with 2 trypomastigotes were added to samples of 500mul of normal mice blood. Positive control: 500mul of blood containing 100,000 trypomastigotes. For kDNA minicircles amplification by PCR the primers:S35 and S36 were used. PCR revealed products of 330 b.p in the positive controls. When only one sample with the aliquots of 1 or 2 trypomastigotes was examined, results were negative; results were positive with aliquots of 3 to 50 trypomastigotes. In the 2nd and 3rd experiments, 9/10 aliquots with one parasite and 9/10 with 2 trypomastigotes were positive revealing a high sensitivity of this reaction. In conclusion, the presence of one single parasite in 500mul of blood, is enough for a positive PCR. This method could be used as a complement to the various parasitological cure tests in treated mice, when low volumes of blood are individually examined.


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Patients residing in endemic areas for schistosomiasis in Brazil are usually undernourished and when they develop the hepatosplenic clinical form of the disease should usually receive hospital care, many of them being in need of nutritional rehabilitation before specific treatment can be undertaken. In the mouse model, investigations carried out in our laboratory detected a reduced aminoacid uptake in undernourished animals which is aggravated by a superimposed infection with Schistosoma mansoni. However, in well-nourished infected mice no dysfunction occurs. In this study, we tried to improve the absorptive intestinal performance of undernourished mice infected with S. mansoni by feeding them with hydrolysed casein instead of whole casein. The values obtained for the coefficient of protein intestinal absorption (cpia) among well-nourished mice were above 90% (either hydrolysed or whole protein). In undernourished infected mice, however, the cpia improved significantly after feeding them with hydrolysed casein, animals reaching values close to those obtained in well-nourished infected mice.


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The effects of high and low-protein diets on the structure of the jejunal mucosa were studied in Schistosoma mansoni infected mice (morphology and histomorphometry). Weaning male albino mice were infected with 80 cercariae, fed with high (20%) or low-protein (5%) diets and compared to uninfected controls under the same conditions. Mice were sacrificed 12 weeks after infection. Animals submitted to a low-protein diet showed lower weight curves, mainly when infected. In the jejunal mucosa, finger-like villi were the predominant pattern among uninfected high-protein fed animals, while the infected ones showed leaf-shaped and flattened villi in most cases. Undernourished infected mice had 65.7% leaf-shaped villi. A significant increase in the number of goblet cells was seen in infected mice. A decrease in the number of absorptive cells was detected in undernourished mice, particularly in infected ones.


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The sensitivity of the larval stages of Schistosoma mansoni to chemotherapy with praziquantel and oxamniquine was tested in mice during primary and secondary infections and after different intervals from cercarial exposure. Worm recovery by perfusion of the porto-mesenteric system, followed by counting and a morphometric study of the parasite, allowed the conclusion that the relative resistance of the larval stages of S. mansoni to schistosomicide drugs, demonstrated in primary infections, also persists when the host is already infected. This indicates that a therapeutic failure may result when an infected host is treated some time after being re-infected, because of the presence of migrating, drug-resistant, immature forms of the parasite.


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Humoral and cellular immune responses were evaluated in 44 C57BL/6 mice immunized with the Trypanosoma cruzi recombinant antigens CRA and FRA. Both antigens induced cutaneous immediate-type hypersensitivity response. The levels of IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b and IgG3 were high in CRA immunized mice. IgG3 was the predominant isotype. Although no difference in antibody levels was observed in FRA-immunized mice when compared to control mice, both antigens were able to induce lymphoproliferation in immunized mice. Significant differences were observed between incorporation of [³H]- thymidine by spleen cell stimulated in vitro with CRA or FRA and the control group. These results suggest that CRA and FRA could be involved in mechanisms of resistance to Trypanosoma cruzi infection.


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Benznidazole is recommended in Brazil for the treatment of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in acute and early chronic phases of Chagas' disease. Observations by others have indicated a higher incidence of neoplasias in immunosuppressed patients, presenting Chagas' disease reactivation, submitted to treatment with benznidazole. In the present study, we investigated whether there is a potentiation in the generation of lymphomas in chronically infected mice, treated with immunosuppressive drugs and benznidazole. For this, 142 Swiss mice chronically infected with the 21 SF strain of T. cruzi and 72 normal Swiss mice were used. Both infected and normal mice were divided into experimental groups and submitted to one of the following treatment regimens: benznidazole alone; immunosuppressive drugs (azathioprine, betamethasone and cyclosporin); a combination of immunosuppressive drugs and benznidazole; and untreated controls. In the infected group treated with benznidazole, one mouse developed a non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. This finding has been interpreted as a spontaneous tumor of mice. The study of the chronically infected mice treated with the combination of immunosuppressive drugs and benznidazole demonstrated an absence of lymphomas or other neoplasias. These findings support the indication of benznidazole, as the drug of choice, for immunosuppressed patients that develop a reactivation of Chagas' disease.


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Reinfections with Trypanosoma cruzi in patients from endemic areas have been claimed to be an aggravation factor of cardiac manifestations in Chagas' disease. In the present study, the influence of triple infections with strains of different biodemes, on cardiac and skeletal muscle lesions was experimentally tested. Fifty eight mice chronically infected with the Colombian strain (Biodeme Type III) were successively reinfected as follows: 1st group - reinfected with 21 SF strain (Type II) followed by Y strain (Type I ); 2nd - group reinfections with Y strain followed by 21SF strain. Isoenzyme analysis of parasites from hemocultures obtained from triple infected mice, revealed the patterns of three distinct zymodemes in the same animal. Each Trypanosoma cruzi strain was reisolated after four passages in mice on either the 7th, 14th or 30th day after inoculation with the blood of triple infected mice. Histopathology results demonstrated a significant exacerbation of cardiac and skeletal muscle inflammatory lesions, confirmed by morphometric evaluation, in mice with triple infection. No aggravation of parasitism was detected. The possibility of an enhancement of cellular response in the triple infected mice is suggested.


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Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease characterized by the pro-gressive loss of motoneurons (MN). Increasing evidence points glial cells as key players for ALS onset and progression. Indeed, MN-glia signalling pathways involving either neuroprotection or inflammation are likely to be altered in ALS. We aimed to study the molecules related with glial function and/or reactivity by evaluating glial markers and hemichannels, mainly present in astrocytes. We also studied molecules involved in mi-croglia-MN dialogue (CXCR3/CCL21; CX3CR1/CX3CL1; MFG-E8), as well as proliferation (Ki-67) and inflammatory-related molecules (TLR2/4, NLRP3; IL-18) and alarming/calming signals (HMGB1/autotaxin). We used lumbar spinal cord (SC) homogenates from mice expressing a mutant human-SOD1 protein (mSOD1) at presymptomatic and late-symptomatic ALS stages. SJL (WT) mice at same ages were used as controls. We observed decreased expression of genes associated with astrocytic (GFAP and S100B) and microglial (CD11b) markers in mSOD1 at the presymptomatic phase, as well as diminished levels of gap junction components pannexin1 and connexin43 and expression of Ki-67 and decreased autotax-in. In addition, microglial-MN communication was negatively affected in mSOD1 mice as well as in-flammatory response. Interestingly, we observed astrocytic (S100B) and microglial (CD11b) reactivity, increased proliferation (Ki-67) and increased autotaxin expression in symptomatic mSOD1 mice. In-creased MN-microglial dialogue (CXCR3/CCL21; CX3CR1/CX3CL1; MFG-E8) and hemichannel activ-ity, namely connexin43 and pannexin1, were also observed in mSOD1 at the symptomatic phase, along with an elevated inflammatory response as indicated by increased levels of HMGB1 and NLRP3. Our results suggest that decreased autotaxin expression is a feature of the presymptomatic stage, and precede the network of pro-inflammatory-related symptomatic determinants, including HMGB1, CCL21, CX3CL1, and NLRP3. The identification of the molecules and signaling pathways that are dif-ferentially activated along ALS progression will contribute for a better design of therapeutic strategies for disease onset and progression.


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Lagochilascaris minor is the causative agent of lagochilascariosis, a disease that affects the neck region and causes festering abscesses, with eggs, adult parasites and L3/L4 larvae within the purulent exudates. Today, mice are considered to be intermediate hosts for the parasite. C57BL/6 mice produce immunoglobulin IgM, IgA and IgG against the crude extract of the parasite; on the other hand, antibodies produced against the secreted/excreted antigens of Lagochilascaris minor present lower levels of IgM, IgA and IgG. This is the first description of antibody detection against different antigens of Lagochilascaris minor.