906 resultados para GAUCHER DISEASE TYPE-1
OBJECTIVE: Since most centers' experience with Ebstein anomaly is limited, we sought to analyze the collective experience of participating institutions of the European Congenital Heart Surgeons Association with surgery for this rare malformation. METHODS: The records of all 150 patients (median age 6.4 years) who underwent surgery for Ebstein anomaly in the 13 participating Association centers between January 1992 and January 2005 were reviewed retrospectively. Patients with congenitally corrected transposition were excluded. RESULTS: Most patients (81%) had Ebstein disease type B or C and significant functional impairment (61% in New York Heart Association class III or IV) and 16% had prior operations. Surgical procedures (n = 179) included valve replacement (n = 60, 33.5%), valve repair (n = 49, 27.3%), 1(1/2) ventricle repair (n = 46, 25.6%), palliative shunt (n = 13, 7.26%), and other complex procedures (n = 11, 6.14%). There were 20 hospital deaths (operative mortality 13.3%) after valve replacement in 5 patients, valve repair in 3, 1(1/2) ventricle repair in 7, palliative procedures in 3, and miscellaneous procedures in 2. Younger age and palliative procedures were univariate risk factors for operative death, but only age was an independent predictor on multivariable analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Most patients coming to surgery presented in childhood and were significantly symptomatic. More than half underwent valve replacement or repair, but a considerable proportion had severe disease necessitating 1(1/2) ventricle repair or palliative procedures. Operative mortality did not differ significantly among repair, replacement, and 1(1/2) ventricle repair but was associated with palliative procedures for severe disease early in life, young age being the only independent predictor of operative death.
O autor descreve de forma resumida a classificação dos factores de risco cardiovascular e a sua influência na modulação dos estilos de vida ocidentalizados. Os padrões alimentares são também sumariamente referidos, bem como o seu papel na pandemia das doenças do conglomerado. Para terminar, as principais características alimentares e nutricionais da alimentação mediterrânea, como paradigma do padrão alimentar saudável, e o seu papel na prevenção das referidas doenças são também expostas.
Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) ophthalmic disease is the most common cause of corneal blindness in humans world-wide. Current culture techniques for HSV take several days and commercially available HSV laboratory based diagnostic techniques vary in sensitivity. Our study was conducted to evaluate the use of a quicker and simpler method to herpes ophthalmic diagnosis. Corneal smears were made by firm imprints of infected mouse eyes to glass slides, after smears were fixated with cold acetone, and an indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) method was performed using monoclonal antibodies in a murine model of ophthalmic herpes. Eye swabs from infected mice were inoculated in Vero cells for virus isolation. Cytology and histology of the eye were also performed, using hematoxylin-eosin routine. Mouse eyes were examined by slit-lamp biomicroscopy for evidence of herpetic disease at various times postinoculation. We made a comparative evaluation of sensitivity, specificity and speed of methods for laboratory detection of HSV. Our results indicate that this IIF method is quick, sensitive, specific and can be useful in the diagnosis of ophthalmic herpes as demonstrated in an animal model.
In South Brazil the circulation of two HIV-1 subtypes with different characteristics represents an important scenario for the study of the impact of HIV-1 diversity on the evolution of the HIV-1 epidemic and AIDS disease. HIV-1 B, the predominant variant in industrialized countries and HIV-1 C, the most prevalent subtype in areas with rapid epidemic growth, are implicated in most infections. We evaluated blood samples from 128 antiretroviral (ARV) naïve patients recruited at entry to the largest HIV outpatient service in Porto Alegre. Based on partial pol region sequencing, HIV-1 C was observed in 29%, HIV-1 B in 22.6% and, the recently identified CRF31_BC, in 23.4% of 128 volunteers. Other variants were HIV-1 F in 10% and other mosaics in 5.5%. In order to evaluate the association of socio-behavioral characteristics and HIV-1 subtypes, interviews and laboratory evaluation were performed at entry. Our data suggest an established epidemic of the three major variants, without any evidence of partitioning in either of the subgroups analyzed. However, anal sex practices were associated with subtype B, which could indicate a greater transmissibility of non-B variants by vaginal intercourse. This study provides baseline information for epidemiologic surveillance of the changes of the molecular characteristics of HIV-1 epidemics in this region.
BACKGROUND: Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is an autoimmune disease characterized by blistering of the skin and mucosa, which develops due to the interaction between predisposing genetic and environmental factors. Infections caused by members of the Herpesviridae family have been suggested as a possible triggering factor for PV. OBJECTIVE AND METHODS: In this report, we investigate the presence of herpesviruses in refractory lesions on the right upper eyelid. The lesion has persisted despite the treatment with corticosteroids. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and DNA sequence analysis have been used to detect the DNA of HSV 1/2, VZV, EBV, CMV, HHV-6, HHV-7, and HHV-8. RESULTS: The sample collected from the right upper eyelid has tested positive for HSV 1/2. Sequence analysis has confirmed the PCR results and allowed the identification of the HSV strain as belonging to type 1. After treatment with acyclovir, the lesion of the right upper eyelid has cleared and not relapsed. CONCLUSION: When patients present PV lesions which are refractory to corticosteroid therapy, herpetic infection should be considered.
The objective of this study is to identify subtypes of Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV-1) and to analyze the presence of mutations associated to antiretroviral resistance in the protease (PR) and reverse transcriptase (RT) regions from 48 HIV-1 positive treatment naïve patients from an outpatient clinic in Maringá, Paraná, Brazil. Sequencing was conducted using PR, partial RT and group-specific antigen gene (gag) nested PCR products from retrotranscribed RNA. Transmitted resistance was determined according to the Surveillance Drug Resistance Mutation List (SDRM) algorithm. Phylogenetic and SimPlot analysis of concatenated genetic segments classified sequences as subtype B 19/48 (39.6%), subtype C 12/48 (25%), subtype F 4/48 (8.3%), with 13/48 (27.1%) recombinant forms. Most recombinant forms were B mosaics (B/F 12.5%, B/C 10.4%), with one C/F (2.1%) and one complex B/C/F mosaic (2.1%). Low levels of transmitted resistance were found in this study, 2/48 (2.1% to NRTIs and 2.1% for PI). This preliminary data may subsidize the monitoring of the HIV evolution in the region.
Publications are often used as a measure of research work success. Human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV) type 1 and 2 are human retroviruses, which were discovered in the early 1980s, and it is estimated that 15-20 million people are infected worldwide. This article describes a bibliometric review and a coauthorship network analysis of literature on HTLV indexed in PubMed in a 24-year period. A total of 7,564 documents were retrieved, showing a decrease in the number of documents from 1996 to 2007. HTLV manuscripts were published in 1,074 journals. Japan and USA were the countries with the highest contribution in this field (61%) followed by France (8%). Production ranking changed when the number of publications was normalized by population (Dominican Republic and Japan), by gross domestic product (Guinea-Bissau and Gambia), and by gross national income per capita (Brazil and Japan). The present study has shed light on some of the defining features of scientific collaboration performed by HTLV research community, such as the existence of core researchers responsible for articulating the development of research in the area, facilitating wider collaborative relationships and the integration of new authors in the research groups.
The spectrum of neurological complications associated with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection is broad. The most frequent etiologies include primary diseases (caused by HIV itself) or secondary diseases (opportunistic infections or neoplasms). Despite these conditions, HIV-infected patients are susceptible to other infections observed in patients without HIV infection. Here we report a rare case of a brain abscess caused by Staphylococcus aureus in an HIV-infected patient. After drainage of the abscess and treatment with oxacilin, the patient had a favorable outcome. This case reinforces the importance of a timely neurosurgical procedure that supported adequate management of an unusual cause of expansive brain lesions in HIV-1 infected patients.
A porfíria cutânea tarda (PCT) é uma doença do metabolismo das porfirinas caracterizada por fotossensibilidade intensa, associada a lesões bolhosas cobertas por crosta de difícil cicatrização, cicatrizes atróficas e hipertricose em áreas fotoexpostas assim como alterações da função hepática. A hemocromatose hereditária (HH) é a doença genética autossómica recessiva mais frequente na população. Apresentamos o caso de um doente saudável de 38 anos, referenciado por vesículas na face, superfícies extensoras dos braços e dorso das mãos, associadas com hipertricose na região zigomática e quistos de mília no dorso das mãos. Análises laboratoriais mostraram um aumento dos níveis séricos e urinários das porfirinas, do ferro sérico e ferritina elevada. Um diagnóstico de porfíria cutânea tarda foi inferido com base na apresentação clínica, exame histopatológico e resultados laboratoriais. O estudo genético para as mutações do gene da hemocromatose hereditária revelou um doente heterozigoto composto para as mutações mais comuns: C282Y, H63D. A porfíria cutânea tarda pode ser um importante marcador cutâneo para pacientes com mutações do gene HH. A hemocromatose hereditária, se não tratada pode levar à cirrose hepática e carcinoma hepatocelular. Os sinais cutâneos podem ter um papel fundamental no diagnóstico precoce, evitando complicações futuras e possibilitando o aconselhamento genético e teste genético aos filhos dos doentes afectados.
Thyroid-stimulating hormone-receptor autoantibodies normally causes hyperthyroidism. However, they might have blocking activity causing hypothyroidism. A 11-year-old girl followed due to type 1 diabetes mellitus, celiac disease and euthyroid lymphocytic thyroiditis at diagnosis. Two years after the initial evaluation, thyroid-stimulating hormone was suppressed with normal free T4; nine months later, a biochemical evolution to hypothyroidism with thyroid-stimulating hormone-receptor autoantibodies elevation was seen; the patient remained always asymptomatic. Chinese hamster ovary cells were transfected with the recombinant human thyroid-stimulating hormone -receptor, and then exposed to the patient's serum; it was estimated a 'moderate' blocking activity of these thyroid-stimulating hormone-receptor autoantibodies, and concomitantly excluded stimulating action. In this case, the acknowledgment of the blocking activity of the serum thyroid-stimulating hormone-receptor autoantibodies, supported the hypothesis of a multifactorial aetiology of the hypothyroidism, which in the absence of the in vitro tests, we would consider only as a consequence of the destructive process associated to lymphocytic thyroiditis.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) mutations and their predicted functional consequences in patients with idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (IHH). DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: Multicentric. PATIENT(S): Fifty unrelated patients with IHH (21 with Kallmann syndrome and 29 with normosmic IHH). INTERVENTION(S): None. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Patients were screened for mutations in FGFR1. The functional consequences of mutations were predicted by in silico structural and conservation analysis. RESULT(S): Heterozygous FGFR1 mutations were identified in six (12%) kindreds. These consisted of frameshift mutations (p.Pro33-Alafs*17 and p.Tyr654*) and missense mutations in the signal peptide (p.Trp4Cys), in the D1 extracellular domain (p.Ser96Cys) and in the cytoplasmic tyrosine kinase domain (p.Met719Val). A missense mutation was identified in the alternatively spliced exon 8A (p.Ala353Thr) that exclusively affects the D3 extracellular domain of FGFR1 isoform IIIb. Structure-based and sequence-based prediction methods and the absence of these variants in 200 normal controls were all consistent with a critical role for the mutations in the activity of the receptor. Oligogenic inheritance (FGFR1/CHD7/PROKR2) was found in one patient. CONCLUSION(S): Two FGFR1 isoforms, IIIb and IIIc, result from alternative splicing of exons 8A and 8B, respectively. Loss-of-function of isoform IIIc is a cause of IHH, whereas isoform IIIb is thought to be redundant. Ours is the first report of normosmic IHH associated with a mutation in the alternatively spliced exon 8A and suggests that this disorder can be caused by defects in either of the two alternatively spliced FGFR1 isoforms.
RESUMO: A Diabetes Mellitus é uma doença metabólica crónica, com deficiência a nível do metabolismo dos hidratos de carbono, lípidos e proteínas, resultante de deficiências na secreção ou ação da insulina, ou de ambas, que quando não tratada antecipadamente e de modo conveniente, pode ter consequências muito graves. Dado a incidência a nível mundial da Diabetes Mellitus, torna-se de elevada importância avaliar toda a sua envolvência e estudar bem quais os critérios a ter em consideração. Este trabalho propõe-se estudar para além dos parâmetros bioquímicos relacionados com a doença - Glicose e Hemoglobina Glicada A1c (HbA1c), analisar os resultados dos últimos cinco anos (2008-2012) dos ensaios interlaboratoriais do PNAEQ, do Departamento de Epidemiologia, do Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr. Ricardo Jorge. Foram também analisadas as metodologias utilizadas e as variações interlaboratoriais, de forma a entender qual ou quais são os parâmetros mais adequados para o seu diagnóstico e controlo. Este estudo utilizou a população de laboratórios portugueses, públicos e privados, de Portugal Continental e Ilhas, um laboratório de Angola e outro de Macau que se inscreveram no PNAEQ nestes cinco anos, sendo a amostra composta pelo n.º de participações. No programa de Química Clinica foram distribuídas 38 amostras e no programa de HbA1c foram distribuídas 22 amostras. Para a glicose, o nível de desempenho nos ensaios é na globalidade das amostras de Excelente, no entanto verifica-se que sempre que a concentração da amostra é de nível patológico, que a maioria dos ensaios o desempenho foi inferior – Bom. O método de eleição e com CV% mais baixos foi o método da hexoquinase. Para a HbA1c, o nível de desempenho nos ensaios é na globalidade das amostras de Excelente. O método de eleição e com CV% mais baixos foi o método de HPLC. O CV% para a glicose ronda desde 2010 a 2012, os 3% e para a HbA1c foi de aproximadamente 4,0% em 2012. A HbA1c tem mostrado ser uma ferramenta muito útil, importante e robusta na monitorização da Diabetes, sendo hoje em dia quase sempre requisitada em análises de rotina a diabéticos de modo a prevenir complicações que possam vir a acorrer. No futuro poderá ser um importante, senão o parâmetro de futuro, para o diagnóstico da Diabetes, no entanto, mesmo já tendo sido muito trabalhada a sua padronização, ainda existem questões por responder como quais são na realidade todos os seus interferentes, qual a verdadeira relação da HbA1c com a glicose média estimada, em todas as populações e com estudos epidemiológicos. Também a própria educação do diabético e clínico deve ser aprimorada, pelo que neste momento as PTGO e os doseamentos de glicose em jejum devem ser utilizados e encontrando-se a Norma da DGS N.º 033/2011 de acordo com as necessidades e com o estado da arte deste parâmetro. A implementação da glicose média estimada será uma mais-valia na monitorização dos diabéticos pelo que deverá ser uma das prioridades a ter em conta no futuro desta padronização, uniformizando a decisão clinica baseada nela e minimizando a dificuldade de interpretação de resultados de laboratório para laboratório. --------------ABSTRACT: Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease, with a deficit in the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins, resulting from deficiencies in insulin secretion or action, or both, which if, when not early treated in a proper way, may result in very serious consequences. Given the worldwide incidence of diabetes mellitus, it is highly important to evaluate all its background and study specifically all the criteria to take into consideration. The aim of this thesis is to study and evaluate beyond the biochemical parameters related to the disease - Glucose and Glycated Haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), analyze the results of the last five years (2008-2012) of the PNAEQ interlaboratorial tests, in the Department of Epidemiology of National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge. It is also intended to analyze the methodologies used and the interlaboratorial variations, in order to understand the most suitable parameters for the diagnosis and control. This study was based in a population of Portuguese laboratories, public and private, of Portugal mainland and islands, a laboratory of Angola and other from Macau, who enrolled in PNAEQ in these five years, and the sample was composed by the n. º of holdings. In the Clinical Chemistry Program there were distributed 38 samples and in the program HbA1c were distributed 22 samples. For glucose, the level of performance in the total nº of the samples was Excellent; however, it was found that when the concentration level of the sample was pathological, in most of the tests the performance was Good. The most preferred method with the lowest CV% is the hexokinase method. For the HbA1c, as a whole, the samples’ tests were Excellent, at the level of performance. The method of election with the lower CV% was the HPLC. The CV% for glucose was around 3%, from 2010 to 2012 and the HbA1c was approximately 4.0% in 2012. The HbA1c method has demonstrated to be a very useful tool, important and robust for monitoring diabetes, being nowadays, almost always required in routine analysis to prevent future complications. In the future it may be an important parameter, if not the most important, for the diagnosis of diabetes. However, despite it has already been standardized, there are still some questions that need to be answered, such as, which are in fact all their interferences, which is the true connection of HbA1c, when compared with the estimated average glucose, in all populations and epidemiological studies. Moreover, the education of the patient and the doctor concerning diabetes should be improved. Nowadays, the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) and fasting glucose determinations should be used and, the needs and the state of the art of this parameter, should be in accordance with the Standard DGS N. º 033/2011. The Implementation of the estimated average glucose will be an added value in monitoring diabetics and, therefore, should be a priority to consider in its future standardization and clinical decision based on it, will be uniform and the difficulty of interpreting results from laboratory to laboratory will be minimal.
Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma is a lymphoproliferative disorder of mature T lymphocytes associated with infection with human T-cell lymphotrophic virus type I (HTLV-I). Adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma is characterized by clinical and laboratory polymorphism that allows it to be classified into four distinct subgroups: smoldering, chronic, acute and lymphomatous types. We present here two cases of adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma, respectively in the acute and lymphomatous forms of the disease. Case 1 was a 35-year-old woman who presented abdominal distension accompanied by hepatosplenomegaly, adenomegaly, skin lesions, positivity for anti-HTLV-I antibodies and leukocytosis with the presence of flower cells. Case 2 was a 38-year-old man who was admitted with generalized lymphadenomegaly, positivity for anti-HTLV-I antibodies, hypercalcemia and osteolytic lesions. In this paper, we correlate the clinical-laboratory findings of these two cases with data in the literature.
Leprosy and human T cell lymphotropic virus type 1 infection are prevalent in Brazil. Coinfection by Mycobacterium leprae and HTLV-1 is reviewed and a case is reported. A 59 year-old woman was followed and HTLV-1 associated myelopathy was diagnosed during leprosy treatment. The clinical and neurological aspects of this unusual association were initially reviewed. Immunological markers and the possible prognoses due to the association of the diseases were discussed. The unexpected association of leprosy and HTLV-1 associated myelopathy may occur in endemic areas and causes difficulties in determining the correct diagnosis and adequate management of the neurological manifestations.
RESUMO - Enquadramento: A Brucelose é uma antropozoonose prevalente no Mundo e é uma das mais negligenciadas. A sua transmissão ao ser humano é directa e indirecta, e acontece por via de contacto com animal infectado, o consumo de leite e seus derivados não pasteurizados e a não observância de uso de equipamentos de protecção individual e colectiva, entre outros factores. O conhecimento da prevalência e incidência da brucelose animal e humana no Namibe, uma província de Angola, é muito escasso sendo poucos os estudos que evidenciam esta doença no seio dos profissionais da pecuária expostos: trabalhadores de matadouros, veterinários e criadores de gado. É assim pertinente, com base em estudos científicos específicos, caracterizar esta situação. Objectivos: Caracterizar os ambientes dos profissionais (matadouro, talhos e salas municipais de abate e explorações); estimar a seroprevalência da brucelose humana em profissionais da pecuária (trabalhadores de matadouros e criadores de gado bovino) na província do Namibe, Angola em 2012; determinar a associação da presença da brucelose humana com variáveis sócio-demográficas, de conhecimento, de práticas e de características das explorações; determinar a prevalência da Brucelose em animais e em explorações; caracterizar os factores associados à presença da Brucelose em explorações bovinas; caracterizar o conhecimento e práticas sobre a Brucelose dos profissionais da pecuária e analisar a relação entre as prevalências nas explorações (infectadas versus não infectadas) e nos criadores (infectados versus não infectados). Métodos e materiais: estudos observacional e transversal seroepidemiológico em 131 trabalhadores de talhos, salas de abate e matadouro e 192 criadores amostrados aleatoriamente em toda província do Namibe. Os dados foram obtidos através da colheita de sangue e da aplicação de um questionário. Os testes laboratoriais utilizados foram o Rosa de Bengala (RBT) e a Aglutinação Lenta em Tubos (SAT). O estudo de conhecimento foi principalmente centrado na pergunta “Já ouviu falar de Brucelose” e nas questões relativas ao nível de conhecimento e práticas (indicadores baseados nas percentagens de respostas correctas ou práticas adequadas) dos factores de risco da Brucelose. Também foram investigados 1344 animais (em 192 explorações) com recurso ao método de diagnóstico laboratorial RBT para análise de soro sanguíneo e, complementarmente, foi aplicado um questionário aos respectivos criadores. Em termos de análise estatística, para além da abordagem descritiva, foram utilizados os testes de Independência do Quiquadrado, Fisher, Teste não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney, Teste de correlação de Spearman. Adicionalmente, com base em modelos de regressão logística, foram determinados odds ratio e os respectivos intervalos de confiança utilizando um nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: os ambientes dos profissionais (matadouro, talhos e salas municipais de abate e explorações) não reuniram as condições higio-sanitárias definidas internacionalmente como adequadas. Nos profissionais a infecção geral ponderada da Brucelose foi de 15.56% (IC95% : 13.61-17.50), sendo 5.34% em trabalhadores e 16.66% (IC95% : 11.39-21.93) em criadores. A significância estatística foi observada entre a seroprevalência humana e a categoria (trabalhador e criador) (p< 0.001) e o nível de instrução (p= 0.032), início de actividade (p= 0.079) e local de serviço (p= 0.055). Num contexto multivariado o factor positivamente associado à brucelose em profissionais foi a categoria profissional (OR = 3.54, IC95%: 1.57-8.30, relativo aos criadores em relação a trabalhadores). As taxas gerais aparentes de prevalência em animais e explorações foram respectivamente de 14.96% (IC 95%, 12.97-17.19) e de 40.10% (IC 95%, 32.75-47.93). Encontrou-se uma correlação positiva moderada entre o número de animais infectados por exploração com a média do número de abortos na exploração = 0.531, p< 0.001). Em média os profissionais tiveram um conhecimento global muito insuficiente (16.1%), tendo os trabalhadores apresentado valores mais elevados que os criadores (20.2% e 13.8%), diferença não estatisticamente significativa (p= 0.170). As perguntas “o leite in natura é fervido antes do consumo humano?”, “contacto com materiais fetais animais?”, “contacto com aerossóis no local de trabalho?” e “já fez alguma vez o teste de Brucelose humana?” (relacionadas com práticas) e as perguntas “já ouviu falar da Brucelose?”, “Brucelose é doença zoonótica/só animal/só humana? e “como a Brucelose se transmite aos humanos?” apresentaram níveis médios de práticas adequadas e conhecimentos correctos inferiores a 20%. Nas explorações infectadas, 39% dos criadores foram positivos (infectados) e nas não infectadas apenas 1.7%. O risco de um criador ser infectado estando numa exploração infectada foi significativamente mais elevado (OR= 36, IC95%: 8.28-157.04). Conclusões: os ambientes dos profissionais (matadouros, salas municipais de abate e talhos e explorações) propiciam o risco à brucelose. O estudo permite aferir que a Brucelose humana em profissionais da pecuária e a Brucelose animal são prevalentes na província do Namibe. Os níveis de seroprevalência detectados são elevados comparandoos com outros encontrados em algumas localidades africanas que possuem condições similares às do Namibe. Perto de duas em cada cinco (40.10%) explorações estão infectadas por esta doença. O número de abortos (média) está claramente relacionado com as explorações infectadas. O conhecimento geral dos profissionais da pecuária sobre a Brucelose é muito insuficiente, tendo os trabalhadores mostrado um maior conhecimento em relação aos criadores, mas ambos com níveis alarmantes. Os criadores infectados estão relacionados com as explorações infectadas. Há necessidade de controlar a doença e de informar e educar os profissionais sobre a brucelose, sendo fundamental que os serviços provinciais de veterinária reforcem acções de divulgação e de fiscalização.