867 resultados para Formation Centered in School


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INTRODUCTION: The current study aimed to describe the relational and reproductive trajectories leading to adolescent pregnancy in Portugal, and to explore whether there were differences in this process according to adolescents' place of residence. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Data were collected between 2008 and 2013 in 42 public health services using a self-report questionnaire developed by the researchers. The sample consisted of a nationally representative group of pregnant adolescents (n = 459). RESULTS: Regardless of having had one (59.91%) or multiple sexual partners (40.09%), the majority of adolescents became pregnant in a romantic relationship, using contraception at the time of the conception and knowing the contraceptive failure which led to pregnancy (39.22%). In some regions other trajectories were highly prevalent, reflecting options such as planning the pregnancy (Alentejo Region/ Azores Islands), not using contraception (Centro Region/Madeira Islands) or using it incorrectly, without identifying the contraceptive failure (Madeira Islands). On average, romantic relationships were longer than 19 months and adolescents' partners were older than themselves (> 4 years) and no longer in school (75.16%); these results were particularly significant when the pregnancy was planned. DISCUSSION: The knowledge gained in this study shows that prevention efforts must be targeted according to the adolescents' needs in each region and should include high-risk male groups. CONCLUSION: Our results may enable more efficient health policies to prevent adolescent pregnancy in different country regions and support educators and health care providers on sexual education and family planning efforts.


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Capacity analysis using simulation is not a new thing in literature. Most of the development process of UMTS standardization have used simulation tools; however, we thing that the use of GIS planning tools and matrix manipulation capacity of MATLAB can show us different scenarios and make a more realistic analysis. Some work is been doing in COST 273 in order to have more realistic scenarios for UMTS planning. Our work initially was centered in uplink analysis, but we are now working in downlink analysis, specifically in two areas: capacity in number of users for RT and NRT services, and Node B power. In this work we will show results for up-link capacity and some results for downlink capacity and BS power consumption.


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Relatório EPE - Relatório de estágio em Educação Pré-Escolar: O presente relatório de estágio tem como propósito principal refletir, criticamente, acerca de todo o percurso realizado no contexto educativo de Educação Pré-Escolar, no âmbito da Unidade Curricular (UC) de Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada (PPS), inserida no Mestrado em Educação Pré-escolar (PE) e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (1ºCEB). O trabalho desenvolvido teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de competências profissionais associadas ao saber agir em ação, exigindo um quadro concetual rigoroso, adaptado às características do nível educativo e do contexto. Para tal, foi necessária uma atitude profissional indagadora e investigativa, critica e reflexiva, que permitisse agir com intencionalidade pedagógica. Neste sentido, os processos educativos e formativos desenvolvidos ao longo de todo o semestre, centraram-se numa metodologia de investigação-ação, caracterizada por uma espiral de ciclos de observação, planificação, ação, avaliação e reflexão, tendo em conta diferentes dimensões pedagógicas. Todos estes processos foram devidamente articulados com referentes teóricos e legais, sendo feito um enquadramento a esse nível, com vista a compreender a base de sustentação das práticas da mestranda. Evidencia-se a conceção de criança e o papel fundamental, não só do educador, mas também de todos os intervenientes do processo educativo, no sentido de estimular e motivar a criança para a construção das suas próprias aprendizagens, destacando-se, assim, uma visão socio construtivista da aprendizagem, transversal a todos os processos referidos. Todas as ações desenvolvidas permitiram analisar o percurso da formanda e o desenvolvimento das suas competências profissionais, não só relacionadas com a prática, mas também direcionadas para quadros concetuais mais alargados.


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State law requires that for school years 2014-15 and 2015-16 the EOC will not rate schools or districts but will instead report on student academic performance. The Education Oversight Committee must use the results of these assessments in school years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 to report on student academic performance in each school and district pursuant to Section 59-18-900. The state report card for school year 2015-16 will include assessment information and measurements that address the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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The prevalence of overweight and obesity among children is increasing; hence, it was aimed to assess the Body Mass Index (BMI) in school children aged from 10 to 18 years for girls and to 17 for boys, as well as to identify the factors influencing BMI. This study included 742 students who answered a questionnaire previously approved for application in schools. The results showed some sociodemographic factors associated with BMI classes: age, school year, practicing high competition sport, being federate in a sport or having a vegetarian diet. The educational factors associated with BMI classes included only seminars given at school by a nutritionist. Behavioural factors significantly associated with BMI included: learning in classes, playing in the open air, reading books or use of internet. As conclusion, the results demonstrated that several factors affect BMI, and hence some actions could be taken in order to change them so as to reduce the prevalence of overweight, namely reinforcing the role of school and a more active participation of nutritionists in the education of the adolescents.


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A total of 37 beneficiaries under the Philippine National Aquasilviculture Program (PNAP) was interviewed using the structured survey questionnaire of Socioeconomic Monitoring Guidelines for Coastal Managers in Southeast Asia (SocMon SEA). Most of the members of the households are young and in-school. Household heads’ primary occupation is fishing, a shift from mussel farming- the town’s major industry in the past decades. Perceived threat by the beneficiaries is related to the environment specifically typhoon and the problems on waste disposal. It also identified law enforcement as weak leading to dwindling fish catch, mass mortality of mussel, red tide and other problems affecting their primary sources of income. However, they could not relate these phenomena to the most likely causes. The current occupation does not provide sufficient income for the family as they seek for alternative jobs. Garbage and poor implementation of laws are among the identified problems of the beneficiaries.


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The shift from decentralized to centralized A-level examinations (Abitur) was implemented in the German school system as a measure of Educational Governance in the last decade. This reform was mainly introduced with the intention of providing higher comparability of school examinations and student achievement as well as increasing fairness in school examinations. It is not known yet if these ambitious aims and functions of the new centralized examination format have been achieved and if fairer assessment can be guaranteed in terms of providing all students with the same opportunities to pass the examinations by allocating fair tests to different student subpopulations e.g., students of different background or gender. The research presented in this article deals with these questions and focuses on gender differences. It investigates gender-specific fairness of the test items in centralized Abitur examinations as high school exit examinations in Germany. The data are drawn from Abitur examinations in English (as a foreign language). Differential item functioning (DIF) analysis reveals that at least some parts of the examinations indicate gender inequality. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Teacher education plays a central role in education and relates to various stakeholders of education. Currently, teacher education is not perceived as the sole responsibility of higher education institutions, and they are expected to work closely together with other partners. In this paper, the concept of ‘partnership’ is defined and mutual benefits and challenges in partnerships with disciplines and institutions beyond teacher education programs are briefly discussed. Issues related to partnerships with students are addressed, and the last part of the paper discusses the partnership between teacher education and the practice field with examples from Norway. Three models illustrating such partnerships are described. The central argument of the paper is that partnerships in teacher education need to go beyond rhetoric. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Adolescence’s changes may become more pronounced when living with a chronic condition (CC). This study aims to examined the differences in satisfaction with family life, perception of school competence and “pressure with homework” of Portuguese adolescents’ 1) living with CC; 2) how living with CC affects school participation; taking into account age, gender and family socioeconomic status (SES). Five thousand fifty Portuguese adolescents (mean age 14 ± 1.85) of the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC/WHO) were included. Results showed increased vulnerability in adolescents living with CC, presenting a lower satisfaction with family life and poor school outcomes. Younger boys, having a higher SES and not having CC are significantly associated with satisfaction with family life. Older girls, having a lower SES and living with CC were associated with more stress related to school work. Future interventions should include these features combined with ‘listening’ to adolescents and their needs, allowing their participation in the promotion of personal health.


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The relation between weight status (Body Mass Index - BMI), weight perception and subjective wellbeing remains unclear. Several studies conclude that discrepancies can be found between weight status and weight perception, among children and adolescents. The present study aims at investigating the associations between subjective wellbeing and individual characteristics, among children and adolescents. The sample included 1200 children and adolescents (51.7 % girls, aged 9 to 17). Their mean age was 12.55 years (SD = 1.61). The questionnaire was completed in school context, asking about the subjective wellbeing, use of self-regulation, eating behavior awareness/care, weight perception and sociodemographic questions such as age, gender and BMI. The study found a strong association between BMI and weight perception, although subjective wellbeing was better explained by weight perception than by BMI. Eating awareness and self-regulation also played an important role in subjective controlling for age and gender. Age and gender interfere in the relation between subjective wellbeing and other variables. The multiple regression model is more robust and explicative for girls and older children. Psychological factors related to weight, such as weight perception, self-regulation and eating awareness have a stronger explicative impact in subjective wellbeing compared to physical aspects, such as Body Mass Index. The relation between subjective wellbeing and weight is influence by age and gender.


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This study aims at solidifying the theoretical bases to provide, above all, an explanation for this phenomenon which currently happens, with a scenario of social, political, economic and cultural transformations worldwide in medium cities. Nevertheless, because it has different dimensions from its transformation axes, gentrification comes with change, but also with the introduction of a new purpose in the space using and occupation, outlining in this context the identity of places from the formation of centralities with the presence of flows with social and economic dynamicsThe current forms of geographic space appropriation show the directions of the senses and ideological profile which recreates the meanings and uses of content and materials from descriptions of a historical past. However, today there is an economic context in the urban space which refers to a search of strategies for change, i.e., the acquisition of parameter aimed at meeting the demands of the relationship between capital and labor, which ends up overriding some actions for the specification of the transformation methods within the urban space to be explained by new needs and also by the agents from the value adding to their interests and investments. Thus, we assume that the appreciation/gentrification of urban spaces may or may not result from the building of a public space, since the dialogic structure as a place of political interaction externalize conflicts and disagreements in general; it keeps segregating spaces. As new spaces are transformed, the access to them tends to happen with particular restriction, whereas some places like parks, shopping malls, high-rise and horizontal condos are the scene for major professional and family events. In this context, the gentrification process is used to designate interventions in the urban environment, in certain city spaces which are considered central to public and private investments. A historical place is permitted to be presented as a scenario, a stage full of attractions, through the transformation process. Studying gentrification consists of an analysis of the underlying interests in the transformation of these areas, and especially of the assessment of the interest level in the private sector to partner in order to modify the landscape. Gentrification results from the transformation processes of capital, which influences the efforts and investments application in order to establish and achieve optimal economic growth, focusing on a location socio-culturally centered in the urban space. Thus, the urban social structure develops in the light of some questions that relate not only the cities growth but also environmental conditions it provides in cities like Mossoro, State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil 2005 a 2011.


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Este relatório pretende analisar o processo de Estágio Pedagógico, desenvolvido no ano letivo 2014/2015, integrado no Mestrado em Ensino da Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário. O Estágio foi realizado na Escola Secundária Fernando Namora, na Brandoa, Concelho da Amadora. Na dissertação descrevo, fundamento e reflito sobre o trabalho desenvolvido em quatro áreas de intervenção: Organização e Gestão do Ensino e da Aprendizagem (Área 1), Inovação e Investigação Pedagógica (Área 2), Participação na Escola (Área 3) e Relação com a Comunidade (Área 4). Tais atividades visaram a aquisição e desenvolvimento de um perfil de competências que me possibilitem, no ano vindouro, um reconhecimento profissional e integração sustentada no mercado de trabalho, particularmente como professor de Educação Física. Iniciei com uma caraterização do meio em que estava inserida a escola, bem como a uma caracterização da turma que tive o privilegio de acompanhar e onde desenvolvi competências ao nível do planeamento, condução e avaliação. É descrito também o acompanhamento ao trabalho realizado com a diretora de turma, bem como, o desenvolvimento de competências associadas ao papel de professor enquanto investigador, onde elaborei um artigo de investigação denominado “Acompanhamento parental percebido pelos alunos e relação com o sucesso académico”. Numa vertente direcionada à função de professor treinador, acompanhei a modalidade de Basquetebol inserida no Desporto Escolar e realizei uma ação de intervenção relacionada com estratégias metodológicas para o treino da condição física. Posto isto, posso afirmar que as competências desenvolvidas, no âmbito do estágio pedagógico, incentivaram o meu desenvolvimento profissional e pessoal, potenciando a qualidade da minha futura intervenção em qualquer contexto escolar e o compromisso com a formação ao longo da vida.


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O presente relatório assume-se como uma reflexão relativa ao processo de estágio pedagógico, inserido no mestrado em ensino da educação física nos ensinos básico e secundário, da Faculdade de Motricidade Humana e desenvolvido no ano letivo de 2014/2015. O relatório tem por base as competências enunciadas no Guia de Estágio Pedagógico de 2014/2015 no qual estão explícitos os objetivos gerais e específicos relativos a quatro áreas de intervenção: Área 1 - Organização e Gestão do Ensino e da Aprendizagem, Área 2 - Inovação e Investigação Pedagógica, Área 3 - Participação na escola e Área 4 - Relação com a comunidade. Para cada uma das áreas é apresentada uma reflexão sobre o trabalho desenvolvido nas mesmas ao longo do ano letivo, assim como as dificuldades encontradas e as estratégias desenvolvidas para as superar e a análise crítica sobre todo o processo de formação, de forma mais ampla. Por fim, efetuei uma conclusão sobre a contribuição que o presente processo de estágio teve na minha formação enquanto futura docente da disciplina de Educação Física.


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Aim: To compare the alveolar bone repair process using biomaterial in dogs with and without the incorporation of platelet-rich plasma. Methods: Six beagles were used. Bilateral extractions of the three mandibular premolars were performed. Bio-Gen® was applied in the first alveolus, the clot was maintained in the second alveolus and Genox® was applied to the third alveolus. PRP was added to all alveoli on the left side only. The dogs were submitted to euthanasia after 30, 60 and 90 days and submitted to histological analysis for the determination of mean area of new bone formation. Tukey’s post test was used in the statistical analysis. Results: Significant increase in bone formation occurred in Bio-Gen® + PRP when compared with the other groups at 30 and 90 days. In the evaluation at 60 days, no statistically significant differences among the groups were found. Conclusions: The Bio-Gen® biomaterial led to the best bone repair and the combination of platelet-rich plasma accelerated the repair process.