979 resultados para Filippo Antonio di Borbone, prince of Sicily, b. 1747.


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Per comprendere le vicende di una famiglia illustre e nobile il cui ruolo politico e sociale in Sicilia si data alle soglie del XIV secolo, non possiamo astenerci dal ricordare i fatti e gli eventi che hanno dominato la storia siciliana e determinato l’ascesa di Castelvetrano come centro signorile per eccellenza. E’ necessario, quindi, collocare geograficamente e storicamente l’isola per inserirla all’interno di un preciso quadro socio-politico. All’origine della sua storia sono sicuramente da individuare sia il legame intercorso nei secoli tra l’Asia e l’Europa, in particolare tra l’Asia Minore bizantina e l’area mediterranea unificata proprio dall’impero di Bisanzio, sia le lotte per l’egemonia tra Chiesa e Impero, (che abbastanza presto sarà impero d’Occidente) lotte che vedono entrambe le parti impegnate a contendersi il ruolo di guida politica, morale e spirituale dell’intera cristianità medievale, ritenendo ogni altro potere subordinato al proprio.


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SUMOylation is a highly dynamic and reversible posttranslational protein modification closely related to ubiquitination. SUMOylation regulates a vast array of different cellular functions, such as cell cycle, nuclear transport, DNA damage response, proliferation and transcriptional activation. Several groups have shown in in vitro studies how important SUMOylation is for early B cell development and survival as well as for later plasma cell differentiation. This thesis focuses on the deSUMOylation protease SENP1 and its in vivo effects on B cell development and differentiation. For this a conditional SENP1 knockout mouse model was crossed to the CD19-Cre mouse strain to generate a B cell specific SENP1 knockout mouse.rnIn our conditional SENP1ff CD19-Cre mouse model we observed normal numbers of all B cell subsets in the bone marrow. However in the spleen we observed an impairment of B cell survival, based on a 50% reduction of the follicular B cell compartment, whereas the marginal zone B cell compartment was unchanged. T cell numbers were comparable to control mice. rnFurther, impairments of B cell survival in SENP1ff CD19-Cre mice were analysed after in vivo blocking of IL7R signalling. The αIL7R treatment in mature mice blocked new B cell formation in the bone marrow and increased apoptosis rates could be observed in splenic SENP1 KO B cells. Additionally, a higher turnover rate of B cells was measured by in vivo BrdU incorporation.rnSince it is known that the majority of transcription factors that are important for the maintenance of the germinal centre reaction or for induction of plasma cell development are SUMOylated, the question arose, how defective deSUMOylation will manifest itself in these processes. The majority of in vitro cultured splenic B cells, stimulated to undergo class switch recombination and plasma cell differentiation underwent activation induced cell death. However, the surviving cells increasingly differentiated into IgM expressing plasma cells. Class switch recombination to IgG1 was reduced. These observations stood in line with observation made in in vivo sheep red blood cell immunization experiments, which showed increased amounts of germinal centres and germinal centre B cells, as well as increased amounts of plasma cells differentiation in combination with decreased class switch to IgG1.rnThese results lead to the conclusion that SENP1 KO B cells increasingly undergo apoptosis, however, B cells that survive SENP1 deficiency are more prone to undergo plasma cell differentiation. Further, the precursors of these plasma cells either are not as capable of undergoing class switch recombination or they do switch to IgG1 and succumb to activation induced cell death. One possible explanation for both scenarios could be a defective DNA damage response mechanisms during class switch recombination, caused by impaired deSUMOylation. rn


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Resistance of cancer cells towards chemotherapy is the major cause of therapy failure. Hence, the evaluation of cellular defense mechanisms is essential in the establishment of new chemotherapeutics. In this study, classical intrinsic and acquired as well as new resistance mechanisms relevant in the cellular response to the novel vacuolar H+-ATPase inhibitor archazolid B were investigated. Archazolid B, originally produced by the myxobacterium Archangium gephyra, displayed cytotoxicity in the low nanomolar range on a panel of cancer cell lines. The drug showed enhanced cytotoxic activity against nearly all cancerous cells compared to their non-cancerous pendants. With regards to ABC transporters, archazolid B was identified as a moderate substrate of ABCB1 (P-glycoprotein) and a weak substrate of ABCG2 (BCRP), whereas hypersensitivity was observed in ABCB5-expressing cells. The cytotoxic effect of archazolid B was shown to be independent of the cellular p53 status. However, cells expressing constitutively active EGFR displayed significantly increased resistance. Acquired drug resistance was studied by establishing an archazolid B-resistant MCF-7 cell line. Experiments showed that this secondary resistance was not conferred by aberrant expression or DNA mutations of the gene encoding vacuolar H+-ATPase subunit c, the direct target of archazolid B. Instead, a slight increase of ABCB1 and a significant overexpression of EGFR as well as reduced proliferation may contribute to acquired archazolid B resistance. For identification of new resistance strategies upon archazolid B treatment, omics data from bladder cancer and glioblastoma cells were analyzed, revealing drastic disturbances in cholesterol homeostasis, affecting cholesterol biosynthesis, uptake and transport. As shown by filipin staining, archazolid B led to accumulation of free cholesterol in lysosomes, which triggered sterol responses, mediated by SREBP-2 and LXR, including up-regulation of HMGCR, the key enzyme of cholesterol biosynthesis. Furthermore, inhibition of LDL uptake as well as impaired LDLR surface expression were observed, indicating newly synthesized cholesterol to be the main source of cholesterol in archazolid B-treated cells. This was proven by the fact that under archazolid B treatment, total free cholesterol levels as well as cell survival were significantly reduced by inhibiting HMGCR with fluvastatin. The combination of archazolid B with statins may therefore be an attractive strategy to circumvent cholesterol-mediated cell survival and in turn potentiate the promising anticancer effects of archazolid B.


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This study focused on the role of oceanographic discontinuities and the presence of transitional areas in shaping the population structure and the phylogeography of the Raja miraletus species complex, coupled with the test of the effective occurrence of past speciation events. The comparisons between the Atlantic African and the North-Eastern Atlantic-Mediterranean geographic populations were unravelled using both Cytochrome Oxidase I and eight microsatellite loci. This approach guaranteed a robust dataset for the identification of a speciation event between the Atlantic African clade, corresponding to the ex Raja ocellifera nominal species, and the NE Atlantic-Mediterranean R. miraletus clade. As a matter of fact, the origin of the Atlantic Africa and the NE Atlantic-Mediterranean deep split dated about 11.74MYA and was likely due to the synergic influence currents and two upwelling areas crossing the Western African Waters. Within the Mediterranean Sea, particular attention was also paid to the transitional area represented by Adventura and Maltese Bank, that might have contributed in sustaining the connectivity of the Western and the Eastern Mediterranean geographical populations. Furthermore, the geology of the easternmost part of Sicily and the geo-morphological depression of the Calabrian Arc could have driven the differentiation of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Although bathymetric and oceanographic discontinuity could represent barriers to dispersal and migration between Eastern and Western Mediterranean samples, a clear and complete genetic separation among them was not detected. Results produced by this work identified a speciation event defining Raja ocellifera and R. miraletus as two different species, and describing the R. miraletus species complex as the most ancient cryptic speciation event in the family Rajidae, representing another example of how strictly connected the environment, the behavioural habits and the evolutionary and ecologic drivers are.


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Seismic assessment and seismic strengthening are the key issues need to be figured out during the process of protection and reusing of historical buildings. In this thesis the seismic behaviors of the hinged steel structure, a typical structure of historical buildings, i.e. hinged steel frames in Shanghai, China, were studied based on experimental investigations and theoretic analysis. How the non-structural members worked with the steel frames was analyzed thoroughly. Firstly, two 1/4 scale hinged steel frames were constructed based on the structural system of Bund 18, a historical building in Shanghai: M1 model without infill walls, M2 model with infill walls, and tested under the horizontal cyclic loads to investigate their seismic behavior. The Shaking Table Test and its results indicated that the seismic behavior of the hinged steel frames could be improved significantly with the help of non-structural members, i.e., surrounding elements outside the hinged steel frames and infilled walls. To specify, the columns are covered with bricks, they consist of I shape formed steel sections and steel plates, which are clenched together. The steel beams are connected to the steel column by steel angle, thus the structure should be considered as a hinged frame. And the infilled wall acted as a compression diagonal strut to withstand the horizontal load, therefore, the seismic capacity and stiffness of the hinged steel frames with infilled walls could be estimated by using the equivalent compression diagonal strut model. A SAP model has been constructed with the objective to perform a dynamic nonlinear analysis. The obtained results were compared with the results obtained from Shaking Table Test. The Test Results have validated that the influence of infill walls on seismic behavior can be estimated by using the equivalent diagonal strut model.


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In this study, we evaluated the in vivo characteristics of a new monoamine oxidase type B (MAO-B) radioligand, [¹⁸F]fluorodeprenyl, by positron emission tomography (PET) in two cynomolgus monkeys. The brain uptake of [¹⁸F]fluorodeprenyl was more than 7% (600% SUV) of the total injected radioactivity and similar to that of [¹¹C]deprenyl, an established MAO-B radioligand. The highest uptake was observed in the striatum, one of the MAO-B-rich regions, with a peak at approximately 2-3 min after injection, followed by lower uptake in the thalamus and the cortex and lowest uptake in the cerebellum. Brain uptake of [¹⁸F]fluorodeprenyl was largely inhibited by preadministration of the MAO-B inhibitor, L-deprenyl, whereas clorgyline, a MAO Type A blocker, had no significant inhibitory effect, thus demonstrating selectivity for MAO-B. [¹⁸F]Fluorodeprenyl showed relatively slow metabolism with the presence of two radiometabolite peaks with similar retention time as the labeled metabolites of [¹¹C]deprenyl. These results suggest that [¹⁸F]fluorodeprenyl is a potential PET radioligand for visualization of MAO-B activity.


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By analyzing human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) pol sequences from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS), we explored whether the prevalence of non-B subtypes reflects domestic transmission or migration patterns.


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The association between the contagious Staphylococcus aureus genotype B (GTB) and the presence of coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) and Streptococcus spp. (non-agalactiae streptococci), was investigated, and the identification of problem herds without genotyping was evaluated. Milk samples from 10 herds with Staph. aureus GTB herd problems (PH cases) were compared with samples from 19 herds with at least one Staph. aureus isolate of non-B genotype (CH cases). All samples were bacteriologically analysed and Staph. aureus genotyping carried out using a ribosomal spacer-PCR. Cow and quarter prevalences of Staph. aureus, CNS and Streptococcus spp. differed significantly between PH and CH groups. PH cases were highly associated with decreased cow prevalences of CNS and Streptococcus spp. These altered prevalences also contributed significantly to the identification of problem herds without resorting to genotyping. Common herd-level risk factors did not explain the difference between the prevalences in PH and CH cases.


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This project attempts to contribute to the various discourses within the black womanist tradition. In 1983, Alice Walker published her landmark collection of essays entitled In Search of Our Mother Gardens: Womanist Prose. At the outset of the volume, Walker defines the core concept of womanism. After a poetic four-part definition of the term womanist, Walker concludes by stating, 'womanist is to feminist as purple to lavender' (Phillips 19). Although this analogy is critically engaged, the scholarly discourse that emerged in response to Walker's proposition shapes the intellectual inner workings of this project. Certain established concepts (such as ancestral mediation or the laying on of hands) work in conjunction with my own concepts of 'wom(b)anism' and 'the communal womb' to frame the interpretive discussions throughout these pages. Wom(b)anism and the communal womb both emerge from the black feminist and womanist traditions, especially via the role of ancestral mediation but also within the contested discourses on womanism itself. I apply the two concepts (wom(b)anism and the communal womb) to my readings of Haile Gerima's Sankofa, Gloria Naylor's The Women of Brewster Place, and Gayl Jones' Corregidora. The relationship between the community and women's wombs across each of these texts construct a narrative that features ancestral mediation (or intervention), various acts of violence committed against women's bodies, and the complicated circumstances through which women heal themselves andtheir communities.


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To evaluate the association of apolipoprotein B (apo B) with mortality due to all causes, to cardiac disease and to ischaemic heart disease (IHD) in subjects with type 1 diabetes mellitus.


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Histamine, leukotriene C4, IL-4, and IL-13 are major mediators of allergy and asthma. They are all formed by basophils and are released in particularly large quantities after stimulation with IL-3. Here we show that supernatants of activated mast cells or IL-3 qualitatively change the makeup of granules of human basophils by inducing de novo synthesis of granzyme B (GzmB), without induction of other granule proteins expressed by cytotoxic lymphocytes (granzyme A, perforin). This bioactivity of IL-3 is not shared by other cytokines known to regulate the function of basophils or lymphocytes. The IL-3 effect is restricted to basophil granulocytes as no constitutive or inducible expression of GzmB is detected in eosinophils or neutrophils. GzmB is induced within 6 to 24 hours, sorted into the granule compartment, and released by exocytosis upon IgE-dependent and -independent activation. In vitro, there is a close parallelism between GzmB, IL-13, and leukotriene C4 production. In vivo, granzyme B, but not the lymphoid granule marker granzyme A, is released 18 hours after allergen challenge of asthmatic patients in strong correlation with interleukin-13. Our study demonstrates an unexpected plasticity of the granule composition of mature basophils and suggests a role of granzyme B as a novel mediator of allergic diseases.


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BACKGROUND: Mycograb (NeuTec Pharma) is a human recombinant monoclonal antibody against heat shock protein 90 that, in laboratory studies, was revealed to have synergy with amphotericin B against a broad spectrum of Candida species. METHODS: A double-blind, randomized study was conducted to determine whether lipid-associated amphotericin B plus Mycograb was superior to amphotericin B plus placebo in patients with culture-confirmed invasive candidiasis. Patients received a lipid-associated formulation of amphotericin B plus a 5-day course of Mycograb or placebo, having been stratified on the basis of Candida species (Candida albicans vs. non-albicans species of Candida). Inclusion criteria included clinical evidence of active infection at trial entry plus growth of Candida species on culture of a specimen from a clinically significant site within 3 days after initiation of study treatment. The primary efficacy variable was overall response to treatment (clinical and mycological resolution) by day 10. RESULTS: Of the 139 patients enrolled from Europe and the United States, 117 were included in the modified intention-to-treat population. A complete overall response by day 10 was obtained for 29 (48%) of 61 patients in the amphotericin B group, compared with 47 (84%) of 56 patients in the Mycograb combination therapy group (odds ratio [OR], 5.8; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.41-13.79; P<.001). The following efficacy criteria were also met: clinical response (52% vs. 86%; OR, 5.4; 95% CI, 2.21-13.39; P<.001), mycological response (54% vs. 89%; OR, 7.1; 95% CI, 2.64-18.94; P<.001), Candida-attributable mortality (18% vs. 4%; OR, 0.2; 95% CI, 0.04-0.80; P = .025), and rate of culture-confirmed clearance of the infection (hazard ratio, 2.3; 95% CI, 1.4-3.8; P = .001). Mycograb was well tolerated. CONCLUSIONS: Mycograb plus lipid-associated amphotericin B produced significant clinical and culture-confirmed improvement in outcome for patients with invasive candidiasis.