847 resultados para Fatores associados


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This dissertation seeks to recognize the factors, which are relevant to the construction of the processes Government-to-Government (G2G), and how these factors influence the success of those processes. For this research, two existing cases in Banco Central do Brasil (Bacen) were used: i) the Banco Central do Brasil (BACEN) X Senado Federal case; and the Bacen x Poder Judiciário case. The framework of this dissertation is based on the methodology of multiple study cases described by Robert Yin (2001). This work analyzed separately each of the cases and compared the results obtained in each analysis. In this way, this research aimed at analyzing the reasons that led these cases to gain such distinct outcomes, despite the existing potential benefits in each one of them. The obtained results suggest that three factors influence the success of G2G processes in a relevant way: computational safety; the culture of the organizations involved; and the capacitation of people involved. Each of these factors, according to what results showed, bring a set of considerations which should be observed by the public administrator in relation to the strategies of implementation of G2G processes.


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The export of information technology software services, also known as ¿offshore outsourcing¿, has raised debates in the media as well as in the academy. A lot has been written about the success of India, Ireland and Israel, the ¿3Is¿, but empirical data about Brazil is still hard to find. This dissertation proposes to identify success factors for Brazil to be chosen as a preferred location for offshore outsourcing based on a case study of an American multinational corporation, with branches in Brazil, that is systematically choosing Brazil as a preferred location for its offshore outsourcing operations. Concepts of economic globalization, internationalization of services and success factors for offshore outsourcing will be presented in the literature review and based on available literature focused on Brazil, a model of eight success factors is proposed. The empirical research was grounded on multiple data sources but the analysis was focused on a database of 219 deals that were conducted from September 2005 to May 2006, out of which Brazil was selected 57 times. The results confirm the proposed model of eight success factors. The final conclusions suggest that the process of identifying a country to perform the offshore activities is complex and that not all factors will be present at the same time, and more than that, in some cases intangible factors, such as relationship networks and emotional links with the country, have a higher weight in the decision. The results can be used in the future for in depth researches that differentiate Brazil from other countries in the offshore outsourcing market.


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This work analyzes how the cluster of organic production is developed in Petrópolis city, in the Rio de Janeiro state. It describes how agriculture is organized, innovation processes and commercial activities are developed. Cooperation, collective actions, dissemination of knowledge and information are also treated in this work as well as the fundamental actors in production and development as a whole. This study tries to enumerate some policies and strategies that can foment and give more efficiency to the existing processes. For this research i used the case estudy methodology. We observed that organic agriculture can help a better development to the farmers and also a better local development. The low level of education of farmers and the underdevelopment of all variables in social capital are limitant factors. Another aspect raised during the research was the dificulty and the lack of commitment in getting financial support from managers of public banks turning the improvements in organic agriculture limited and underdeveloped. The technical knowlegde production isn¿t the basic problem and, at the moment, the management ability is really the main limitation.


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This work is about the organizations guided to attend the clients/customers in all aspects focusing their characteristics, needs and expectations and that do their best to produce goods or do services which can permanently increase their clients' satisfactions. To reach this aim has been the challenge of their managers and administrators who work to make them be considered as state-of-the-art by other organizations and their clients or customers. Many different strategies have been taken to achieve it; since having the focus on the process , then on the products, and more recently on the clients/customers, meaning that their satisfaction has turned to be their new target; as their are the ones who will rate or evaluate their quality. This work is more especifically about the organizations in the make-up and beauty products retail market which carry out researches with the customers of stores, managers and members of their demonstration and sales teams. This research identifies the attributes the customers/clients appreciate most in the stores and how hard their managers and business owners work to satisfy their needs and expectations, showing how far they follow the principles of the organizations guided to clients/customers. Key words: Attributes, attributes evaluation, beauty products, beauty products retail shops; clietns/customs oriented organizations; process oriented organizations; product oriented organizations.


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O ambiente de uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal (UTIN) é, na maioria das vezes, estressante, tanto para os recém-nascidos (RN) internados, quanto para a equipe multidisciplinar. Conforme a gravidade destes bebês, maiores serão os riscos e seqüelas que poderão sofrer. Dessa forma, este trabalho constitui-se em uma apreciação ergonômica, a qual estudou os fatores físicos e ambientais de uma unidade intensiva e suas eventuais repercussões na saúde do recém-nascido. A metodologia utilizada caracterizou-se por uma abordagem ergonômica, sendo os instrumentos de coleta de dados por meio de observações sistemáticas (onde foram identificadas e analisadas as normas e as rotinas da UTIN, o perfil dos profissionais que constituiem a equipe multidisciplinar, além dos fatores físicos e ambientais). O local de estudo foi a UTIN do Hospital Municipal de Novo Hamburgo, e os resultados indicaram um ambiente muito iluminado, ruidoso e agitado. Além disso, os RN lá internados são bastante manuseados, sendo que a equipe se mostrou não orientada quanto aos riscos destes problemas. Como conclusão é importante reorganizar as formas de manuseio, treinar e orientar todos os profissionais da equipe multidisciplinar e readequar os fatores físicos e ambientais.


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Esta dissertação procura descobrir fatores que sejam relevantes para a construção de treinamentos corporativos a distância via web, e como estes fatores influenciam no sucesso destes processos. Para a realização desta pesquisa, foram analisados dois casos reais. Para este trabalho, utilizou-se a metodologia de estudo de casos múltiplos. Analisou-se separadamente cada um dos dois casos e comparou-se os resultados obtidos em cada análise. Desta forma, esta pesquisa procurou analisar as razões que levaram estes casos a obterem resultados distintos e antagônicos, apesar dos potenciais benefícios existentes em cada um deles. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que alguns fatores influenciam de forma relevante o sucesso de processos de treinamento corporativos a distância via web. Cada um destes fatores, conforme averiguado pelos resultados, trazem um conjunto de considerações que devem ser observadas pelas empresas nas estratégias de implantação deste tipo de treinamento.