910 resultados para FT-IR spectrum


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Traditional transportation fuel, petroleum, is limited and nonrenewable, and it also causes pollutions. Hydrogen is considered one of the best alternative fuels for transportation. The key issue for using hydrogen as fuel for transportation is hydrogen storage. Lithium nitride (Li3N) is an important material which can be used for hydrogen storage. The decompositions of lithium amide (LiNH2) and lithium imide (Li2NH) are important steps for hydrogen storage in Li3N. The effect of anions (e.g. Cl-) on the decomposition of LiNH2 has never been studied. Li3N can react with LiBr to form lithium nitride bromide Li13N4Br which has been proposed as solid electrolyte for batteries. The decompositions of LiNH2 and Li2NH with and without promoter were investigated by using temperature programmed decomposition (TPD) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. It was found that the decomposition of LiNH2 produced Li2NH and NH3 via two steps: LiNH2 into a stable intermediate species (Li1.5NH1.5) and then into Li2NH. The decomposition of Li2NH produced Li, N2 and H2 via two steps: Li2NH into an intermediate species --- Li4NH and then into Li. The kinetic analysis of Li2NH decomposition showed that the activation energies are 533.6 kJ/mol for the first step and 754.2 kJ/mol for the second step. Furthermore, XRD demonstrated that the Li4NH, which was generated in the decomposition of Li2NH, formed a solid solution with Li2NH. In the solid solution, Li4NH possesses a similar cubic structure as Li2NH. The lattice parameter of the cubic Li4NH is 0.5033nm. The decompositions of LiNH2 and Li2NH can be promoted by chloride ion (Cl-). The introduction of Cl- into LiNH2 resulted in the generation of a new NH3 peak at low temperature of 250 °C besides the original NH3 peak at 330 °C in TPD profiles. Furthermore, Cl- can decrease the decomposition temperature of Li2NH by about 110 °C. The degradation of Li3N was systematically investigated with techniques of XRD, Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, and UV-visible spectroscopy. It was found that O2 could not affect Li3N at room temperature. However, H2O in air can cause the degradation of Li3N due to the reaction between H2O and Li3N to LiOH. The produced LiOH can further react with CO2 in air to Li2CO3 at room temperature. Furthermore, it was revealed that Alfa-Li3N is more stable in air than Beta-Li3N. The chemical stability of Li13N4Br in air has been investigated by XRD, TPD-MS, and UV-vis absorption as a function of time. The aging process finally leads to the degradation of the Li13N4Br into Li2CO3, lithium bromite (LiBrO2) and the release of gaseous NH3. The reaction order n = 2.43 is the best fitting for the Li13N4Br degradation in air reaction. Li13N4Br energy gap was calculated to be 2.61 eV.


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As a consequence of anthropogenic CO2-driven ocean acidification (OA), coastal waters are becoming increasingly challenging for calcifiers due to reductions in saturation states of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) minerals. The response of calcification rate is one of the most frequently investigated symptoms of OA. However, OA may also result in poor quality calcareous products through impaired calcification processes despite there being no observed change in calcification rate. The mineralogy and ultrastructure of the calcareous products under OA conditions may be altered, resulting in changes to the mechanical properties of calcified structures. Here, the warm water biofouling tubeworm, Hydroides elegans, was reared from larva to early juvenile stage at the aragonite saturation state (Omega A) for the current pCO2 level (ambient) and those predicted for the years 2050, 2100 and 2300. Composition, ultrastructure and mechanical strength of the calcareous tubes produced by those early juvenile tubeworms were examined using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and nanoindentation. Juvenile tubes were composed primarily of the highly soluble CaCO3 mineral form, aragonite. Tubes produced in seawater with aragonite saturation states near or below one had significantly higher proportions of the crystalline precursor, amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) and the calcite/aragonite ratio dramatically increased. These alterations in tube mineralogy resulted in a holistic deterioration of the tube hardness and elasticity. Thus, in conditions where Omega A is near or below one, the aragonite-producing juvenile tubeworms may no longer be able to maintain the integrity of their calcification products, and may result in reduced survivorship due to the weakened tube protection.


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En los últimos años el interés en los recubrimientos obtenidos por sol-gel ha aumentado mucho en aplicaciones de protección y refuerzo de superficies contra la corrosión. Asimismo, el uso de polimorfos de carbono (nanofibras de carbono, grafeno, grafito...) para mejorar las propiedades mecánicas y conferirle propiedades conductoras a algunos materiales, también se ha desarrollado mucho en los últimos años. En trabajos previos se prepararon y estudiaron recubrimientos híbridos de sílice-CB obtenidos por el método sol-gel. Mediante el estudio de la microestructura y composición de estos recubrimientos (SEM, Raman, ATD-TG, y FT-IR) y de las propiedades eléctricas se obtuvo que en función la temperatura de sinterización de los recubrimientos, se podía controlar la respuesta eléctrica de los composites. Esto permite abrir enormemente el campo de aplicaciones, ya que para temperaturas de sinterización por debajo de 400ºC se consiguen resistividades del orden de 10-4Ωm, apropiadas para aplicaciones en dispositivos electrónicos, electrodos, apantallamiento de interferencias electromagnéticas y radiofreciencia, etc; mientras que para temperaturas de sinterización por encima de 400ºC, obtenemos recubrimientos más resistivos que pueden aplicarse como dispositivos calefactores, anticongelantes. Por tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar más profundamente estas aplicaciones, así como diseñar experimentos que demuestren las múltiples posibilidades que estos recubrimientos conductores obtenidos por sol-gel pueden aportar.


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Quatro novos complexos mononucleares e um dinuclear de vanádio(IV) contendo ligantes do tipo imínico e carboxilato foram sintetizados e caracterizados através de diferentes técnicas espectroscópicas, UVNis, FT/IR e EPR, além de análise elementar, medidas de condutividade molar e, para alguns deles, análise termogravimétrica. Alguns deles foram obtidos como espécies neutras e outros, contendo grupos carboxilatos, foram isolados como espécies aniônicas, com contra-íons Na+ ou NH4+. Os complexos clássicos da literatura, largamente estudados e caracterizados, [VIVO(acac)2] e [VIvO(salen)], também foram sintetizados e caracterizados, a fim de comparar suas propriedades com aquelas dos novos complexos de vanádio(IV) sintetizados. Através das técnicas espectroscópicas, as principais bandas de transição e os principais grupos funcionais existentes nos complexos puderam ser verificados, bem como a simetria da estrutura geométrica e a confirmação do estado de oxidação do metal nos complexos. Além disso, através de medidas de condutividade molar e análise térmica foram confirmadas as razões estequiométricas ligante: metal em cada complexo, verificando-se, por exemplo, a natureza dimérica proposta para o complexo [VIVO(dbhab)] 2.


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A administração de princípios ativos pela mucosa oral é uma forma eficiente para a distribuição de fármacos e nutrientes, oferecendo diversas vantagens como uma fácil aplicação, evitando o metabolismo de primeira passagem hepática e potencialmente melhorando a biodisponibilidade dessas substâncias. A acerola e o camu-camu apresentam uma alta concentração de vitamina C e são consideradas fontes de diferentes compostos ativos, porém a vitamina C presente nas frutas é facilmente oxidada pelos fatores ambientais, e essas frutas são pouco acessíveis ao consumo populacional. Filmes de desintegração oral (FDO) podem apresentar rápido tempo de desintegração e fácil administração, o que os torna um material interessante para a veiculação de compostos com atividades farmacêuticas ou nutricionais. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento e caracterização de filmes de desintegração oral à base de amido e gelatina com adição de extrato seco de acerola e camu-camu produzidos por \"spray dryer\" como uma alternativa para a administração de vitamina C. Os FDOs foram produzidos pela técnica de casting, variando-se a proporção de amido e gelatina. Como plastificante foi utilizado o sorbitol (20 g / 100 g de polímero), mantendo-se constante a concentração de polímeros (2 g /100 g de solução filmogênica) e de extrato seco de acerola (4 g /100 g de solução filmogênica) e camu-camu (4 g / 100 g de solução filmogênica). Os extratos secos de acerola e camu-camu foram caracterizados com relação à concentração da vitamina C e da estabilidade desses extratos nessas condições (30 °C, UR 75 % e 40 °C, UR 75%). Os FDOs foram caracterizados em relação a espessura, propriedades mecânicas, ângulo de contato, FT-IR, microscopia electrônica de varredura, concentração de vitamina C, atividade antioxidante, atividade antimicrobiana, estabilidade da vitamina C, tempo de desintegração, estabilidade da atividade de eliminação de radicais de DPPH•, avaliação sensorial. Os extratos secos apresentaram uma boa estabilidade em relação à vitamina C e aos compostos antioxidantes (sequestro do radical DPPH•). Os FDOs sem adição de extrato, independente da formulação, mostraram-se homogêneos, com ausência de partículas insolúveis e alta capacidade de formação de filme. Para os FDOs com maior concentração de amido foi observado reduzido tempo de desintegração e pH próximo ao bucal. Após a adição dos extratos, os FDOs apresentaram redução do tempo de desintegração, boa aceitação sensorial, propriedades antioxidantes e estabilidade pelo sequestro do radical DPPH•. O pH de superfície dos filmes com adição de extrato seco de acerola foi mais próximo ao bucal quando comparado com os filmes com camu-camu. No entanto, os FDOs com acerola apresentaram reduzida estabilidade da vitamina C em relação ao tempo de armazenamento, enquanto que os filmes com camu-camu apresentaram melhor estabilidade. De modo geral, na formulação produzida apenas com amido (100 g de amido / 100 g de polímeros) observou-se uma maior concentração da vitamina C no final da estabilidade realizada à 30 °C e umidade relativa de 75 %, elevada estabilidade dos compostos ativos (DPPH) e alta taxa de uniformidade na distribuição da vitamina C no filme de desintegração oral. Dessa forma, os FDOs podem ser considerados uma boa alternativa para a suplementação de vitamina C.


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Ao longo dos últimos anos, o crescimento ao acesso a esse tipo de tecnologia pelos consumidores brasileiros tem intensificado o aumento no interesse ambiental e econômico dos LCDs. Os displays de cristal líquido são utilizados em televisores, calculadoras, telefones celulares, computadores (portáteis e tablets), vídeo games entre outros equipamentos eletrônicos. O avanço tecnológico neste campo tem tornado estes aparelhos obsoletos cada vez mais rápido, aumentando o volume de resíduos de LCDs a ser dispostos em aterros o que contribui para a redução da sua vida útil. Neste contexto, os LCDs provenientes de televisores de LED LCD tem se tornado uma fonte importante de resíduos de equipamentos eletroeletrônicos (REEE). Assim, torna-se essencial o desenvolvimento de métodos e processos para tratamento e reciclagem de LCDs. Deste modo, o objetivo do presente trabalho é a caracterização física e química de telas de cristal líquido provenientes de displays de televisores de LED LCDs e o estudo de uma rota hidrometalúrgica para recuperação de índio. Para tanto se utilizou técnicas de tratamento de minérios e análises físicas e químicas (separação granulométrica, perda ao fogo, visualização em lupa binocular, TGA, FRX, FT-IR) para caracterização do material e quantificação do índio antes e, após, a rota hidrometalúrgica que, por sua vez, foi realizada em reatores de bancada utilizando três agentes lixiviantes (ácido nítrico, sulfúrico e clorídrico), três temperaturas (25ºC, 40ºC e 60ºC) e quatro tempos (0,5h; 1h; 2h e 4h). Encontrou-se que a tela de cristal líquido representa cerca de 20% da massa total do display de televisores de LCD e que é composta por aproximadamente 11% em massa de polímeros e 90% de vidro + cristal líquido. Verificou-se também que há seis camadas poliméricas nas telas de cristal líquido, onde: um conjunto com 3 polímeros compõe o analisador e o polarizador, sendo que o polímero da primeira e da terceira camada de cada conjunto é triacetato de celulose e corresponde a 64% da massa de polímeros das telas. Já o polímero da segunda camada é polivinilalcool e representa 36% da massa de polímeros. Os melhores resultados obtidos nos processos de lixiviação foram com o ácido sulfúrico, nas condições de 60°C por 4h, relação sólido-líquido 1/5. Nessas condições, foi extraído em torno de 61% do índio contido tela de LCD.


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Context. Historically, supergiant (sg)B[e] stars have been difficult to include in theoretical schemes for the evolution of massive OB stars. Aims. The location of Wd1-9 within the coeval starburst cluster Westerlund 1 means that it may be placed into a proper evolutionary context and we therefore aim to utilise a comprehensive multiwavelength dataset to determine its physical properties and consequently its relation to other sgB[e] stars and the global population of massive evolved stars within Wd1. Methods. Multi-epoch R- and I-band VLT/UVES and VLT/FORS2 spectra are used to constrain the properties of the circumstellar gas, while an ISO-SWS spectrum covering 2.45−45μm is used to investigate the distribution, geometry and composition of the dust via a semi-analytic irradiated disk model. Radio emission enables a long term mass-loss history to be determined, while X-ray observations reveal the physical nature of high energy processes within the system. Results. Wd1-9 exhibits the rich optical emission line spectrum that is characteristic of sgB[e] stars. Likewise its mid-IR spectrum resembles those of the LMC sgB[e] stars R66 and 126, revealing the presence of equatorially concentrated silicate dust, with a mass of ~10−4M⊙. Extreme historical and ongoing mass loss (≳ 10−4M⊙yr−1) is inferred from the radio observations. The X-ray properties of Wd1-9 imply the presence of high temperature plasma within the system and are directly comparable to a number of confirmed short-period colliding wind binaries within Wd1. Conclusions. The most complete explanation for the observational properties of Wd1-9 is that it is a massive interacting binary currently undergoing, or recently exited from, rapid Roche-lobe overflow, supporting the hypothesis that binarity mediates the formation of (a subset of) sgB[e] stars. The mass loss rate of Wd1-9 is consistent with such an assertion, while viable progenitor and descendent systems are present within Wd1 and comparable sgB[e] binaries have been identified in the Galaxy. Moreover, the rarity of sgB[e] stars - only two examples are identified from a census of ~ 68 young massive Galactic clusters and associations containing ~ 600 post-Main Sequence stars - is explicable given the rapidity (~ 104yr) expected for this phase of massive binary evolution.


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Sodium montmorillonite (Na-M), acidic montmorillonite (H-M), and organo-acidic montmorillonite (Org-H-M) were applied to remove the herbicide 8-quinolinecarboxylic acid (8-QCA). The montmorillonites containing adsorbed 8-QCA were investigated by transmission electron microscopy, FT-IR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, X-ray fluorescence thermogravimetric analysis, and physical adsorption of gases. Experiments showed that the amount of adsorbed 8-QCA increased at lower pH, reaching a maximum at pH 2. The adsorption kinetics was found to follow the pseudo-second-order kinetic model. The Langmuir model provided the best correlation of experimental data for adsorption equilibria. The adsorption of 8-QCA decreased in the order Org-H-M > H-M > Na-M. Isotherms were also used to obtain the thermodynamic parameters. The negative values of ΔG indicated the spontaneous nature of the adsorption process.


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A method for quantitative mineralogical analysis by ATR-FTIR has been developed. The method relies on the use of the main band of calcite as a reference for the normalization of the IR spectrum of a mineral sample. In this way, the molar absorptivity coefficient in the Lambert–Beer law and the components of a mixture in mole percentage can be calculated. The GAMS equation modeling environment and the NLP solver CONOPT (©ARKI Consulting and Development) were used to correlate the experimental data in the samples considered. Mixtures of different minerals and gypsum were used in order to measure the minimum band intensity that must be considered for calculations and the detection limit. Accordingly, bands of intensity lower than 0.01 were discarded. The detection limit for gypsum was about 7% (mol/total mole). Good agreement was obtained when this FTIR method was applied to ceramic tiles previously analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) or mineral mixtures prepared in the lab.


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H– and Na–saponite supports have been prepared by several synthesis approaches. 5% Cu/saponite catalysts have been prepared and tested for soot combustion in a NOx + O2 + N2 gas flow and with soot and catalyst mixed in loose contact mode. XRD, FT-IR, N2 adsorption and TEM characterization results revealed that the use of either surfactant or microwaves during the synthesis led to delamination of the saponite support, yielding high surface area and small crystallite size materials. The degree of delamination affected further copper oxide dispersion and soot combustion capacity of the Cu/saponite catalysts. All Cu/saponite catalysts were active for soot combustion, and the NO2-assisted mechanism seemed to prevail. The best activity was achieved with copper oxide supported on a Na–saponite prepared at pH 13 and with surfactant. This best activity was attributed to the efficient copper oxide dispersion on the high surface area delaminated saponite (603 m2 g−1) and to the presence of Na. Copper oxide reduction in H2-TPR experiments occurred at lower temperature for the Na-containing catalysts than for the H-containing counterparts, and all Cu/Na–saponite catalysts were more active for soot combustion than the corresponding Cu/H–saponite catalysts.


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Surface patterning that occurs spontaneously during the formation of a thin film is a powerful tool for controlling film morphology at the nanoscale level because it avoids the need for further processing. However, one must first learn under which conditions these patterning phenomena occur or not, and how to achieve control over the surface morphologies that are generated. Mexylaminotriazine-based molecular glasses are small molecules that can readily form amorphous thin films. It was discovered that this class of materials can either form smooth films, or films exhibiting either dome or pore patterns. Depending on the conditions, these patterns can be selectively obtained during film deposition by spin-coating. It was determined that this behavior is controlled by the presence of water or, more generally, of a solvent in which the compounds are insoluble, and that the relative amount and volatility of this poor solvent determines which type of surface relief is obtained. Moreover, AFM and FT-IR spectroscopy have revealed that the thin films are amorphous independently of surface morphology, and no difference was observed at the molecular or supramolecular level. These findings make this class of materials and this patterning approach in general extremely appealing for the control of surface morphology with organic nanostructures.


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FVT of pyrroledione 10 affords the NH-imidoylketene 11, which is characterized by its matrix isolation IR spectrum ( 2117 cm 1). On warming above 170 K, 11 dimerizes to the oxazinone 13, the X-ray crystal structure of which is reported. Imidoylketene 11 also undergoes a (reversible) 1,3-phenyl shift to afford the detectable alpha-oxoketenimine 16 (2062 cm(-1)) which at FVT temperatures above 400degreesC, isomerizes to 2-cyano-2-phenylacetophenone 18 (optimally at 700degreesC). Moreover, imidoylketene 11 can cyclize to azetinone 19, detectable at FVT temperatures up to 570degreesC, which undergoes cycloreversion to diphenylacetylene 20 and isocyanic acid (HNCO) 21. Energy profiles calculated at the B3LYP/6-31G** level for the unsubstituted imidoylketene, the diphenylimidoylketene 11 and the N-tert-butylimidoylketene are also reported.


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The influence of experimental cure parameters on the diffusion of reactive species in polyester-melamine thermoset coatings during curing has been investigated with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared. The diffusion of melamine plays a vital role in the curing process and, therefore, in the ultimate properties of coatings. At a low (


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Polybenzoxazine (PBA-a)/poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) blends were prepared by an in situ curing reaction of benzoxazine (BA-a) in the presence of PCL. Before curing, the benzoxazine (BA-a)/PCL blends are miscible, which was evidenced by the behaviors of single and composition-dependant glass transition temperature and equilibrium melting point depression. However, the phase separation induced by polymerization was observed after curing at elevated temperature. It was expected that after curing, the PBA-a/PCL blends would be miscible since the phenolic hydroxyls in the PBA-a molecular backbone have the potential to form inter- molecular hydrogen-bonding interactions with the carbonyls of PCL and thus would fulfil the miscibility of the blends. The resulting morphology of the blends prompted an investigation of the status of association between PBA-a and PCL under the curing conditions. Although Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) showed that there were intermolecular hydrogen-bonding interactions between PBA-a and PCL at room temperature, especially for the PCL-rich blends, the results of variable temperature FT-IR spectroscopy by the model compound indicate that the phenolic hydroxyl groups could not form efficient intermolecular hydrogen-bonding interactions at elevated temperatures, i.e., the phenolic hydroxyl groups existed mainly in the non-associated form in the system during curing. The results are valuable to understand the effect of curing temperature on the resulting morphology of the thermosetting blends. SEM micrograph of the dichloromethane-etched fracture surface of a 90:10 PBA-a PCL blend showing a heterogeneous morphology.


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Reaction of 1,1-dichloro-2,5-diphenylcyclopropabenzene 6 with Meldrum's acid 8 in the presence of pyridine leads to coupling of the cycloproparenyl cation 7 with the stabilized diketo anion 9. Subsequent, spontaneous, base-induced dehydrochlorination gives the alkylidenecyclopropabenzene 11 in a one-pot reaction. Flash vacuum thermolysis of 11 at 650 degreesC ejects acetone and carbon dioxide, giving cyclopropabenzenylldenethenone 12 that is isolated in an Ar matrix at 20 K and characterized by a strong ketene band at 2107 cm(-1) in the IR spectrum.