998 resultados para FIR systems
Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Biomédica
Tese de Doutoramento em Biologia Ambiental e Molecular
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy of Structural/Civil Engineering
Undergraduate medical education is moving from traditional disciplinary basic science courses into more integrated curricula. Integration models based on organ systems originated in the 1950s, but few longitudinal studies have evaluated their effectiveness. This article outlines the development and implementation of the Organic and Functional Systems (OFS) courses at the University of Minho in Portugal, using evidence collected over 10 years. It describes the organization of content, student academic performance and acceptability of the courses, the evaluation of preparedness for future courses and the retention of knowledge on basic sciences. Students consistently rated the OFS courses highly. Physician tutors in subsequent clinical attachments considered that students were appropriately prepared. Performance in the International Foundations of Medicine examination of a self-selected sample of students revealed similar performances in basic science items after the last OFS course and 4 years later, at the moment of graduation. In conclusion, the organizational and pedagogical approaches of the OFS courses achieve high acceptability by students and result in positive outcomes in terms of preparedness for subsequent training and long-term retention of basic science knowledge.
Oceans are a vast source of natural substances. In them, we find various compounds with wide biotechnological and biomedical applicabilities. The exploitation of the sea as a renewable source of biocompounds can have a positive impact on the development of new systems and devices for biomedical applications. Marine polysaccharides are among the most abundant materials in the seas, which contributes to a decrease of the extraction costs, besides their solubility behavior in aqueous solvents and extraction media, and their interaction with other biocompounds. Polysaccharides such as alginate, carrageenan and fucoidan can be extracted from algae, whereas chitosan and hyaluronan can be obtained from animal sources. Most marine polysaccharides have important biological properties such as biocompatibility, biodegradability, and anti-inflammatory activity, as well as adhesive and antimicrobial actions. Moreover, they can be modified in order to allow processing them into various shapes and sizes and may exhibit response dependence to external stimuli, such as pH and temperature. Due to these properties, these biomaterials have been studied as raw material for the construction of carrier devices for drugs, including particles, capsules and hydrogels. The devices are designed to achieve a controlled release of therapeutic agents in an attempt to fight against serious diseases, and to be used in advanced therapies, such as gene delivery or regenerative medicine.
"Series title: Springerbriefs in applied sciences and technology, ISSN 2191-530X"
Partition behavior of eight small organic compounds and six proteins was examined in poly(ethylene glycol)-8000sodium sulfate aqueous two-phase systems containing 0.215 M NaCl and 0.5 M osmolyte (sorbitol, sucrose, TMAO) and poly(ethylene glycol)-10000sodium sulfate0.215 M NaCl system, all in 0.01 M sodium phosphate buffer, pH 6.8. The differences between the solvent properties of the coexisting phases (solvent dipolarity/polarizability, hydrogen bond donor acidity, and hydrogen bond acceptor basicity) were characterized with solvatochromic dyes using the solvatochromic comparison method. Differences between the electrostatic properties of the phases were determined by analysis of partitioning of sodium salts of dinitrophenylated (DNP-) amino acids with aliphatic alkyl side-chain. The partition coefficients of all compounds examined (including proteins) were described in terms of solutesolvent interactions. The results obtained in the study show that solutesolvent interactions of nonionic organic compounds and proteins in polyethylene glycolsodium sulfate aqueous two-phase system change in the presence of NaCl additive.
Partition behavior of adenosine and guanine mononucleotides was examined in aqueous dextran-polyethylene glycol (PEG) and PEG-sodium sulfate two-phase systems. The partition coefficients for each series of mononucleotides were analyzed as a functions of the number of phosphate groups and found to be dependent on the nature of nucleic base and on the type of \ATPS\ utilized. It was concluded that an average contribution of a phosphate group into logarithm of partition coefficient of a mononucleotide cannot be used to estimate the difference between the electrostatic properties of the coexisting phases of ATPS. The data obtained in this study were considered together with those for other organic compounds and proteins reported previously, and the linear interrelationship between logarithms of partition coefficients in dextran-PEG, PEG-Na2SO4 and PEG-Na2SO4-0.215 M NaCl (all in 0.01 M Na- or K/Na-phosphate buffer, pH 7.4 or 6.8) was established. Similar relationship was found for the previously reported data for proteins in Dex-PEG, PEG-600-Na2SO4, and PEG-8000-Na2SO4 ATPS. It is suggested that the linear relationships of the kind established in \ATPS\ may be observed for biological properties of compounds as well.
[Excert] Biocatalysis and biotransformations are environmentally friendly, and allow the development of sustainable production processes on a large scale. Thus, these processes are becoming important alternatives to conventional chemistry in the drug, biochemical, and emerging biorenewable energy industries. Biocatalysts are required to function under non-conventional conditions, such as in organic solvents, being competitive in terms of cost and efficiency. In fact, the technological utility of enzymes can be enhanced greatly by using them in the presence of organic solvents, rather than in their natural aqueous reaction media. Multiphase systems are more complex but offer a new field of possibilities. The presence of hydrophobic solvents in biocatalysis allows the conversion of poorly water soluble substrates more efficiently. The accessibility of hydrophobic substrates to enzymes or whole cells presents an interesting challenge for researchers and technologists. In this context, microemulsions are a promising tool in enzyme technology. This chapter presents an overview of the characterization of biphasic and microemulsion systems and their applications in biotransformation processes (...).
Molecular mass distribution of materials solubilized by xylanase treatment of Douglas-Fir kraft pulp
Irgazyme, a commercial xylanase preparation from Trichoderma longibrachiatum, and xylanase D a purified enzyme from Trichoderma harzianum E58 were tested for their ability to enhance peroxide bleaching of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) kraft pulp. A treatment with Irgazyme caused a much larger increase in brightness than did xylanase D. A double xylanase treatment with Irgazyme, before and after peroxide bleaching, resulted in the highest final brightness. Alkaline extraction increased the brightness of Douglas-fir brownstock. Treatment with Irgazyme released more lignin and carbohydrates than did xylanase D. The molecular mass of the lignin extracted from Irgazyme-treated brownstock was much larger than that from the control pulp. The lignin-like macromolecules directly solubilized from peroxide bleached pulps were substantially larger than those solubilized from the brownstock, irrespective of whether they were produced during xylanase or control treatments. This indicates that different kinds of materials were solubilized when a xylanase treatment was applied at different points in the bleaching sequence and raises concerns about the role of lignin entrapment in the mechanism by which xylanase enhances peroxide bleaching.
"Available online 22 March 2016"
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07900627.2015.1070091. It includes an easy-to-use spreadsheet that calculates the efficiencies used in this paper, that is Sefficiency with energy considerations.
"Series: Solid mechanics and its applications, vol. 226"
"Series Title: IFIP - The International Federation for Information Processing, ISSN 1868-4238"