991 resultados para Earth temperature
Many of the veins enclosed within the Paleozoic basement of the Catalonian Coastal Ranges show severa1 common characteristics: low temperature of formation (between 75 and 200C), the presence of complex polisaline fluids and a certain relationship to the pretriassic paleosurface. Mineralogical composition and age are variable, ranging from Pb-Zn veins with carbonate gangue of late Hercynian age through metal poor fluorite rich veins to barite rich veins of Triasssic age. Mineralizing fluids are not related to late Hercynianmagmatism and deposition took place in active fractures developed either in extensional as in compressive regimes.
We have studied the effects of rapid thermal annealing at 1300¿°C on GaN epilayers grown on AlN buffered Si(111) and on sapphire substrates. After annealing, the epilayers grown on Si display visible alterations with craterlike morphology scattered over the surface. The annealed GaN/Si layers were characterized by a range of experimental techniques: scanning electron microscopy, optical confocal imaging, energy dispersive x-ray microanalysis, Raman scattering, and cathodoluminescence. A substantial Si migration to the GaN epilayer was observed in the crater regions, where decomposition of GaN and formation of Si3N4 crystallites as well as metallic Ga droplets and Si nanocrystals have occurred. The average diameter of the Si nanocrystals was estimated from Raman scattering to be around 3¿nm. Such annealing effects, which are not observed in GaN grown on sapphire, are a significant issue for applications of GaN grown on Si(111) substrates when subsequent high-temperature processing is required.
This paper reports the microstructural analysis of S-rich CuIn(S,Se)2 layers produced by electrodeposition of CuInSe2 precursors and annealing under sulfurizing conditions as a function of the temperature of sulfurization. The characterization of the layers by Raman scattering, scanning electron microscopy, Auger electron spectroscopy, and XRD techniques has allowed observation of the strong dependence of the crystalline quality of these layers on the sulfurization temperature: Higher sulfurization temperatures lead to films with improved crystallinity, larger average grain size, and lower density of structural defects. However, it also favors the formation of a thicker MoS2 interphase layer between the CuInS2 absorber layer and the Mo back contact. Decreasing the temperature of sulfurization leads to a significant decrease in the thickness of this intermediate layer and is also accompanied by significant changes in the composition of the interface region between the absorber and the MoS2 layer, which becomes Cu rich. The characterization of devices fabricated with these absorbers corroborates the significant impact of all these features on device parameters as the open circuit voltage and fill factor that determine the efficiency of the solar cells.
The microstructure of CuInS2-(CIS2) polycrystalline films deposited onto Mo-coated glass has been analyzed by Raman scattering, Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), transmission electron microscopy, and x-ray diffraction techniques. Samples were obtained by a coevaporation procedure that allows different Cu-to-In composition ratios (from Cu-rich to Cu-poor films). Films were grown at different temperatures between 370 and 520-°C. The combination of micro-Raman and AES techniques onto Ar+-sputtered samples has allowed us to identify the main secondary phases from Cu-poor films such as CuIn5S8 (at the central region of the layer) and MoS2 (at the CIS2/Mo interface). For Cu-rich films, secondary phases are CuS at the surface of as-grown layers and MoS2 at the CIS2/Mo interface. The lower intensity of the MoS2 modes from the Raman spectra measured at these samples suggests excess Cu to inhibit MoS2 interface formation. Decreasing the temperature of deposition to 420-°C leads to an inhibition in observing these secondary phases. This inhibition is also accompanied by a significant broadening and blueshift of the main A1 Raman mode from CIS2, as well as by an increase in the contribution of an additional mode at about 305 cm-1. The experimental data suggest that these effects are related to a decrease in structural quality of the CIS2 films obtained under low-temperature deposition conditions, which are likely connected to the inhibition in the measured spectra of secondary-phase vibrational modes.
This work is focused on the study of the fine speckle contrast present in planar view observations of matched and mismatched InGaAs layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy on InP substrates. Our results provide experimental evidence of the evolution of this fine structure with the mismatch, layer thickness, and growth temperature. The correlation of the influence of all these parameters on the appearance of the contrast modulation points to the development of the fine structure during the growth. Moreover, as growth proceeds, this structure shows a dynamic behavior which depends on the intrinsic layer substrate stress.
Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are neuronal H(+)-gated cation channels, and the transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 channel (TRPV1) is a multimodal cation channel activated by low pH, noxious heat, capsaicin, and voltage. ASICs and TRPV1 are present in sensory neurons. It has been shown that raising the temperature increases TRPV1 and decreases ASIC H(+)-gated current amplitudes. To understand the underlying mechanisms, we have analyzed ASIC and TRPV1 function in a recombinant expression system and in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons at room and physiological temperature. We show that temperature in the range studied does not affect the pH dependence of ASIC and TRPV1 activation. A temperature increase induces, however, a small alkaline shift of the pH dependence of steady-state inactivation of ASIC1a, ASIC1b, and ASIC2a. The decrease in ASIC peak current amplitudes at higher temperatures is likely in part due to the observed accelerated open channel inactivation kinetics and for some ASIC types to the changed pH dependence of steady-state inactivation. The increase in H(+)-activated TRPV1 current at the higher temperature is at least in part due to a hyperpolarizing shift in its voltage dependence. The contribution of TRPV1 relative to ASICs to H(+)-gated currents in DRG neurons increases with higher temperature and acidity. Still, ASICs remain the principal pH sensors of DRG neurons at 35°C in the pH range ≥6.
On Ile de Groix, Variscan metamorphic former tholeiitic and alkaline basalts occur as glaucophane-eclogites, blueschists and greenschists in isolated lenses and layers within metapelites. Whole-rock delta O-18(SMOW) values of the metabasites show limited variations (10.4-12.0 parts per thousand) and no systematic differences among rock types and metamorphic grades. This provides no argument for large-scale blueschist-to-greenschist transformation driven by infiltration of externally derived fluids. Metamorphic mineralogical changes should have been triggered by internal fluids. Element variations in interlayered blue- and greenschists can be attributed to magmatic fractionation. Assemblages with garnet, clinopyroxene and glaucophane of a high-pressure/low-temperature (HP-LT) metamorphism M1, and NaCa-amphiboles (barroisite, magnesiohornblende, actinolite) of a medium-pressure/medium-temperature metamorphism M2 crystallized during deformation Dl. Detailed core-rim zonation profiles display increasing and then decreasing Al-IV in glaucophane of M1. NaCa-amphiboles of M2, mantling glaucophane and crystallized in porphyroblasts, show first increasing, then decreasing, Al-IV and Al-IV. Empirically calibrated thermobarometers allowed P-T path reconstructions. In glaucophane-eclogites of a metamorphic zone I, a prograde evolution to M1 peak conditions at 400-500 degreesC/10-12 kbar was followed by a retrograde P-T path within the glaucophane stability field. The subsequent M2 evolution was again prograde up to > 600 degreesC at 8 kbar and then retrograde. Similarly, in metamorphic zones II and III, prograde and retrograde paths of MI and M2 at lower maximal temperatures and pressures exist. The almost complete metamorphic cycle during M2 signalizes that the HP-LT rocks escaped from an early erosion by a moderate second burial event and explains the longlasting slow uplift with low average cooling rates.
While developing a high-pressure liquid chromatography assay for cefepime in plasma, we observed significant drug degradation at 20 and 37 degrees C but not at 4 degrees C. This plasma-related degradation persisted after protein removal. This warrants caution regarding cefepime assays for pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies of cefepime in vitro and in vivo.
Despite the agricultural importance of Indian Black Earth (IBE) in the Amazon region, there are few studies that report on the relation between soil texture and chemical fertility of IBE. These soils of pre-Colombian origin, with high contents of P, Ca and other nutrients are found across the Amazon valley. IBE profiles were studied to evaluate the total contents of P, its primary chemical forms and the P transformation phases in areas with IBE soils of variable texture and in adjacent reference soils. The soil texture strongly influenced soil fertility, changing in terms of transformation of the primary P forms and, consequently, predominant P forms in IBE. Soils with texture varying between clay and heavy clay had higher total P contents and primary Ca-P forms. Highest P-Al and lowest total P amounts were observed at the site Rio Preto da Eva, where texture varies from sandy loam to sandy clay loam. In the IBE with clay texture the amounts of soluble P, extracted with NH4Cl were highest, although different from Mehlich 1-extractable amounts.
We present numerical results of the deterministic Ginzburg-Landau equation with a concentration-dependent diffusion coefficient, for different values of the volume fraction phi of the minority component. The morphology of the domains affects the dynamics of phase separation. The effective growth exponents, but not the scaled functions, are found to be temperature dependent.
Tillage affects soil physical properties, e.g., porosity, and leads to different amounts of mulch on the soil surface. Consequently, tillage is related to the soil temperature and moisture regime. Soil cover, temperature and moisture were measured under corn (Zea mays) in the tenth year of five tillage systems (NT = no-tillage; CP = chisel plow and single secondary disking; CT = primary and double secondary disking; CTb = CT with crop residues burned; and CTr = CT with crop residues removed). The tillage systems were combined with five nutrient sources (C = control; MF = mineral fertilizer; PL = poultry litter; CS = cattle slurry; and SS = swine slurry). Soil cover after sowing was greatest in NT (88 %), medium in CP (38 %) and lowest in CT treatments (< 10 %), but differences decreased after corn emergence. Soil temperature was related with soil cover, and significant differences among tillage were observed at the beginning of the growing season and at corn maturity. Differences in soil temperature and moisture in the surface layer of the tilled treatments were greater during the corn cycle than in untilled treatments, due to differences in intensity of soil mobilization and mulch remaining after soil management. Nutrient sources affected soil temperature and moisture in the most intense part of the corn growth period, and were related to the variation of the corn leaf area index among treatments