999 resultados para Droplet digital PCR
El debat sobiranista català està a l‟ordre del dia i actualment no passa desapercebut en cap mitjà de comunicació ni tampoc en el món polític, econòmic i empresarial. El fet d‟estar tan viva una temàtica així de delicada està ocasionant controvèrsies dins l‟empresariat català o que té la seva empresa ubicada a Catalunya perquè tot plegat provoca moltes incerteses, que són el pitjor enemic dels empresaris i dels negocis. Tanmateix, però, les informacions publicades o emeses venen marcades per les opinions polítiques i periodístiques, que es troben censurades en certa mesura perquè segueixen una determinada línia política i/o editorial. Per això s‟ha elaborat un reportatge digital focalitzat en l‟empresariat català i l‟encaix Catalunya-Espanya que pretén aportar noves valoracions entorn a aquest debat donant veu a empresaris i professionals, entre altres. La part teòrica de la memòria defineix els conceptes bàsics que són de forçat coneixement per realitzar una part pràctica que ha de ser entesa per qualsevol persona i que s‟ha de tractar amb la major objectivitat possible. Per això, el web http://laquestiocatalana.cat aporta un llenguatge planer i les eines bàsiques per donar a conèixer una matèria molt criticada per alguns sectors. A través d‟entrevistes a personatges rellevants, el web introdueix nous punts de vista sobre una qüestió marcada, a simple vista, per la preocupació d‟un possible boicot per part d‟Espanya. Però aquesta no sembla ser la principal inquietud dels entesos, i és que hi ha altres aspectes encara més alarmants que poden influir en l‟empresariat i que no són tractats per cap mitjà de comunicació convencional.
Waddlia chondrophila is a strict intracellular microorganism belonging to the order Chlamydiales that has been isolated twice from aborted bovine fetuses, once in USA and once in Germany. This bacterium is now considered as an abortigenic agent in cattle. However, no information is available regarding the presence of this bacterium in Africa. Given the low sensitivity of cell culture to recover such an obligate intracellular bacterium, molecular-based diagnostic approaches are warranted. This report describes the development of a quantitative SYBR Green real-time PCR assay targeting the recA gene of W. chondrophila. Analytical sensitivity was 10 copies of control plasmid DNA per reaction. No cross-amplification was observed when testing pathogens that can cause abortion in cattle. The PCR exhibited a good intra-run and inter-run reproducibility. This real-time PCR was then applied to 150 vaginal swabs taken from Tunisian cows that have aborted. Twelve samples revealed to be Waddlia positive, suggesting a possible role of this bacterium in this setting. This new real-time PCR assay represents a diagnostic tool that may be used to further study the prevalence of Waddlia infection.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a comunidade bacteriana endofítica de plantas assintomáticas (escapes) e afetadas pela clorose variegada dos citros (CVC) por meio de isolamento em meio de cultura, técnica de gradiente desnaturante em gel de eletroforese (DGGE) e detecção de Methylobacterium mesophilicum e Xyllela fastidiosa por meio de PCR específico, para estudar esta comunidade e sua relação com a ocorrência da CVC. A análise da comunidade bacteriana via DGGE permitiu a detecção de X. fastidiosa, bem como Klebsiella sp. e Acinetobacter sp. como endófitos de citros. Foram observados também Curtobacterium sp., Pseudomonas sp., Enterobacter sp. e Bacillus spp. Utilizando primers específicos, Methylobacterium mesophilicum e X. fastidiosa também foram observadas, reforçando hipóteses de que estas bactérias podem estar interagindo no interior da planta hospedeira.
La preservació digital (PD) s'ha convertit en un problema persistent per a tots els que vulguin conservar la seva informació digital, garantir el seu estat i consultar aquest informació en el transcurs del temps. Fins ara només grans institucions amb coneixement expert i eines especialitzades han pogut fer front a aquest problema, però la preservació digital no pot ser abordada per una sola institució o nació. Les biblioteques, arxius i altres institucions de conservació de la memòria comparteixen aquest repte de la mateixa manera que els col•leccionistes i creadors, que ho fan a títol individual.L’objectiu del projecte és crear l'aplicació Pyramid que està concebuda com una eina de suport orientada a l'usuari domèstic (sense coneixements tècnics ni de preservació) per a la preservació a mig i llarg termini de col•leccions digitals, texts i vídeos, tal que funcioni com un antivirus (en BackGround) i preservi la informació sense requerir un cost addicional a l'ordinador i que l'usuari no noti cap molèstia a l'hora de fer les seves tasques diàries
Este artículo analiza las obras de algunos artistas digitales que utilizan los recursos propios del medio digital como mensaje central. Nuestra intención será exponer las múltiples formas de utilizar, desarrollar y manipular el metalenguaje. Primeramente, con la intención de comprender estas obras, se elabora un contexto en que se plantearán unos precedentes, para ver, en una segunda parte, cómo el metalenguaje en nuestra actualidad artística y digital vuelve a ser muy utilizado, de manera que llega a convertirse en una metodología característica del arte contemporáneo y de los medios digitales. Palabras clave aleatoriedad, simulación, glitch, net art, interfaz, reactividad, interactividad
Las prácticas lectoras están cambiando a causa de factores múltiples: leemos otro tipo de textos, con objetivos también más ambiciosos, en contextos nuevos, que nunca antes habían existido. Analizamos algunos de los matices que ha adoptado la práctica de la lectura en este inicio del siglo XXI, desde esta perspectiva sociocultural.
Partiendo de un enfoque sobre las relaciones entre las tecnologías digitales como herramientas de mediación, se analiza el papel de un caso concreto, los portafolios electrónicos, para la mejora de competencias transversales en el ámbito universitario. Los resultados indican que se obtienen mejoras, como mínimo desde la percepción de los propios estudiantes, en algunas dimensiones ligadas a la capacidad para seleccionar y organizar información, así como a la planificación del aprendizaje.
Este artículo analiza las obras de algunos artistas digitales que utilizan los recursos propios del medio digital como mensaje central. Nuestra intención será exponer las múltiples formas de utilizar, desarrollar y manipular el metalenguaje. Primeramente, con la intención de comprender estas obras, se elabora un contexto en que se plantearán unos precedentes, para ver, en una segunda parte, cómo el metalenguaje en nuestra actualidad artística y digital vuelve a ser muy utilizado, de manera que llega a convertirse en una metodología característica del arte contemporáneo y de los medios digitales. Palabras clave aleatoriedad, simulación, glitch, net art, interfaz, reactividad, interactividad
Partiendo de un enfoque sobre las relaciones entre las tecnologías digitales como herramientas de mediación, se analiza el papel de un caso concreto, los portafolios electrónicos, para la mejora de competencias transversales en el ámbito universitario. Los resultados indican que se obtienen mejoras, como mínimo desde la percepción de los propios estudiantes, en algunas dimensiones ligadas a la capacidad para seleccionar y organizar información, así como a la planificación del aprendizaje.
In this review, we summarize how the new concept of digital optics applied to the field of holographic microscopy has allowed the development of a reliable and flexible digital holographic quantitative phase microscopy (DH-QPM) technique at the nanoscale particularly suitable for cell imaging. Particular emphasis is placed on the original biological information provided by the quantitative phase signal. We present the most relevant DH-QPM applications in the field of cell biology, including automated cell counts, recognition, classification, three-dimensional tracking, discrimination between physiological and pathophysiological states, and the study of cell membrane fluctuations at the nanoscale. In the last part, original results show how DH-QPM can address two important issues in the field of neurobiology, namely, multiple-site optical recording of neuronal activity and noninvasive visualization of dendritic spine dynamics resulting from a full digital holographic microscopy tomographic approach.
The SHRP Modified Georgia Digital Faultmeter was loaned to the Iowa Department of Transportation in January 1993 for evaluation. A study was undertaken comparing the faultmeter to Iowa's current method of fault measurement. The following conclusions were made after comparing the faultmeter to Iowa's gauge: The faultmeter was lighter and easier to maneuver and position. The faultmeter's direct readout was quicker to read. The faultmeter has increased precision. The faultmeter gave consistently lower fault readings than the Iowa gauge.
Postprint (published version)
The microbiological diagnosis of periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) is crucial for successful antimicrobial treatment. Cultures have limited sensitivity, especially in patients receiving antibiotics. We evaluated the value of multiplex PCR for detection of microbial DNA in sonication fluid from removed orthopedic prostheses. Cases of PJI in which the prosthesis (or part of it) was removed were prospectively included. The removed implant was sonicated, and the resulting sonication fluid was cultured and subjected to multiplex PCR. Of 37 PJI cases (17 hip prostheses, 14 knee prostheses, 4 shoulder prostheses, 1 elbow prosthesis, and 1 ankle prosthesis), pathogens were identified in periprosthetic tissue in 24 (65%) cases, in sonication fluid in 23 (62%) cases, and by multiplex PCR in 29 (78%) cases. The pathogen was detected in 5 cases in sonication fluid only (Propionibacterium acnes in all cases; none of these patients had previously received antibiotics) and in 11 cases by multiplex PCR only (all of these patients had previously received antibiotics). After exclusion of 8 cases caused by P. acnes or Corynebacterium species, which cannot be detected due to the absence of specific primers in the PCR kit, sonication cultures were positive in 17 cases and multiplex PCR sonication cultures were positive in 29 cases (59% versus 100%, respectively; P < 0.01). Among 19 cases (51%) receiving antibiotics, multiplex PCR was positive in all 19 (100%), whereas sonication cultures grew the organism in 8 (42%) (P < 0.01). Multiplex PCR of sonication fluid is a promising test for diagnosis of PJI, particularly in patients who previously received antibiotics. With modified primer sets, multiplex PCR has the potential for further improvement of the diagnosis of PJI.
Within the ENCODE Consortium, GENCODE aimed to accurately annotate all protein-coding genes, pseudogenes, and noncoding transcribed loci in the human genome through manual curation and computational methods. Annotated transcript structures were assessed, and less well-supported loci were systematically, experimentally validated. Predicted exon-exon junctions were evaluated by RT-PCR amplification followed by highly multiplexed sequencing readout, a method we called RT-PCR-seq. Seventy-nine percent of all assessed junctions are confirmed by this evaluation procedure, demonstrating the high quality of the GENCODE gene set. RT-PCR-seq was also efficient to screen gene models predicted using the Human Body Map (HBM) RNA-seq data. We validated 73% of these predictions, thus confirming 1168 novel genes, mostly noncoding, which will further complement the GENCODE annotation. Our novel experimental validation pipeline is extremely sensitive, far more than unbiased transcriptome profiling through RNA sequencing, which is becoming the norm. For example, exon-exon junctions unique to GENCODE annotated transcripts are five times more likely to be corroborated with our targeted approach than with extensive large human transcriptome profiling. Data sets such as the HBM and ENCODE RNA-seq data fail sampling of low-expressed transcripts. Our RT-PCR-seq targeted approach also has the advantage of identifying novel exons of known genes, as we discovered unannotated exons in ~11% of assessed introns. We thus estimate that at least 18% of known loci have yet-unannotated exons. Our work demonstrates that the cataloging of all of the genic elements encoded in the human genome will necessitate a coordinated effort between unbiased and targeted approaches, like RNA-seq and RT-PCR-seq.