959 resultados para Denver Air Route Traffic Control Center.


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This report describes the development and simulation of a variable rate controller for a 6-degree of freedom nonlinear model. The variable rate simulation model represents an off the shelf autopilot. Flight experiment involves risks and can be expensive. Therefore a dynamic model to understand the performance characteristics of the UAS in mission simulation before actual flight test or to obtain parameters needed for the flight is important. The control and guidance is implemented in Simulink. The report tests the use of the model for air search and air sampling path planning. A GUI in which a set of mission scenarios, in which two experts (mission expert, i.e. air sampling or air search and an UAV expert) interact, is presented showing the benefits of the method.


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Road traffic emissions are often considered the main source of ultrafine particles (UFP, diameter smaller than 100 nm) in urban environments. However, recent studies worldwide have shown that - in high-insolation urban regions at least - new particle formation events can also contribute to UFP. In order to quantify such events we systematically studied three cities located in predominantly sunny environments: Barcelona (Spain), Madrid (Spain) and Brisbane (Australia). Three long term datasets (1-2 years) of fine and ultrafine particle number size distributions (measured by SMPS, Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer) were analysed. Compared to total particle number concentrations, aerosol size distributions offer far more information on the type, origin and atmospheric evolution of the particles. By applying k-Means clustering analysis, we categorized the collected aerosol size distributions in three main categories: “Traffic” (prevailing 44-63% of the time), “Nucleation” (14-19%) and “Background pollution and Specific cases” (7-22%). Measurements from Rome (Italy) and Los Angeles (California) were also included to complement the study. The daily variation of the average UFP concentrations for a typical nucleation day at each site revealed a similar pattern for all cities, with three distinct particle bursts. A morning and an evening spike reflected traffic rush hours, whereas a third one at midday showed nucleation events. The photochemically nucleated particles burst lasted 1-4 hours, reaching sizes of 30-40 nm. On average, the occurrence of particle size spectra dominated by nucleation events was 16% of the time, showing the importance of this process as a source of UFP in urban environments exposed to high solar radiation. On average, nucleation events lasting for 2 hours or more occurred on 55% of the days, this extending to >4hrs in 28% of the days, demonstrating that atmospheric conditions in urban environments are not favourable to the growth of photochemically nucleated particles. In summary, although traffic remains the main source of UFP in urban areas, in developed countries with high insolation urban nucleation events are also a main source of UFP. If traffic-related particle concentrations are reduced in the future, nucleation events will likely increase in urban areas, due to the reduced urban condensation sinks.


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Characterization of indoor air quality in school classrooms is crucial to children’s health and performance. The present study was undertaken to characterize the indoor air quality in six naturally ventilated classrooms of three schools in Cassino (Italy). Indoor particle number, mass, black carbon, CO2 and radon concentrations, as well as outdoor particle number were measured within school hours during the winter and spring season. The study found the concentrations of indoor particle number were influenced by the concentrations in the outdoors; highest BC values were detected in classrooms during peak traffic time. The effect of different seasons’ airing mode on the indoor air quality was also detected. The ratio between indoor and outdoor particles was of 0.85 ± 0.10 in winter, under airing conditions of short opening window periods, and 1.00 ± 0.15 in spring when the windows were opened for longer periods. This was associated to a higher degree of penetration of outdoor particles due to longer period of window opening. Lower CO2 levels were found in classrooms in spring (908 ppm) than in winter (2206 ppm). Additionally, a greater reduction in radon concentrations was found in spring. In addition, high PM10 levels were found in classrooms during break time due to re-suspension of coarse particles. Keywords: classroom; Ni/Nout ratio; airing by opening windows; particle number


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Layered LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2, which is isostructural to LiCoO2, is considered as a potential cathode material. A layer of carbon coated on the particles improves the electrode performance, Which is attributed to an increase of the grain connectivity and also to protection of metal oxide from chemical reaction. The present work involves in situ synthesis of carbon-coated submicrometer-sized particles of LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 in an inverse microemulsion medium in the presence of glucose. The precursor obtained from the reaction is heated in air at 900 degrees C for 6 h to get crystalline LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2. The carbon coating is found to impart porosity as well as higher surface area in relation to bare samples of the compound. The electrochemical characterization studies provide that carbon-coated LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 samples exhibit improved rate capability and cycling performance. The carbon coatings are shown to suppress the capacity fade, which is normally observed for the bare compound. Impedance spectroscopy data provide additional evidence for the beneficial effect of a carbon coating on LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 particles.


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Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) represent a major class of toxic pollutants because of their carcinogenic and mutagenic characteristics. People living in urban areas are regularly exposed to PAHs because of abundance of their emission sources. Within this context, this study aimed to: (i) identify and quantify the levels of ambient PAHs in an urban environment; (ii) evaluate their toxicity; and (iii) identify their sources as well as the contribution of specific sources to measured concentrations. Sixteen PAHs were identified and quantified in air samples collected from Brisbane. Principal Component Analysis – Absolute Principal Component Scores (PCA- APCS) was used in order to conduct source apportionment of the measured PAHs. Vehicular emissions, natural gas combustion, petrol emissions and evaporative/unburned fuel were the sources identified; contributing 56%, 21%, 15% and 8% of the total PAHs emissions, respectively, all of which need to be considered for any pollution control measures implemented in urban areas.


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Of the 70 cases of classical biological control for the protection of nature found in our review, there were fewer projects against insect targets (21) than against invasive plants (49), in part, because many insect biological control projects were carried out against agricultural pests, while nearly all projects against plants targeted invasive plants in natural ecosystems. Of 21 insect projects, 81% (17) provided benefits to protection of biodiversity, while 48% (10) protected products harvested from natural systems, and 5% (1) preserved ecosystem services, with many projects contributing to more than one goal. In contrast, of the 49 projects against invasive plants, 98% (48) provided benefits to protection of biodiversity, while 47% (23) protected products, and 25% (12) preserved ecosystem services, again with many projects contributing to several goals. We classified projects into complete control (pest generally no longer important), partial control (control in some areas but not others), and "in progress," for projects in development for which outcomes do not yet exist. For insects, of the 21 projects discussed, 59% (13) achieved complete control of the target pest, 18% (4) provided partial control, and 41% (9) are still in progress. By comparison, of the 49 invasive plant projects considered, 27% (13) achieved complete control, while 33% (16) provided partial control, and 47% (24) are still in progress. For both categories of pests, some projects' success ratings were scored twice when results varied by region. We found approximately twice as many projects directed against invasive plants than insects and that protection of biodiversity was the most frequent benefit of both insect and plant projects. Ecosystem service protection was provided in the fewest cases by either insect or plant biological control agents, but was more likely to be provided by projects directed against invasive plants, likely because of the strong effects plants exert on landscapes. Rates of complete success appeared to be higher for insect than plant targets (59% vs 27%), perhaps because most often herbivores gradually weaken, rather than outright kill, their hosts, which is not the case for natural enemies directed against pest insects. For both insect and plant biological control, nearly half of all projects reviewed were listed as currently in progress, suggesting that the use of biological control for the protection of wildlands is currently very active.


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This paper develops theory that quantifies transit route passenger-relative load factor and distinguishes it from occupancy load factor. The ratio between these measures is defined as the load diversity coefficient, which as a single measure characterizes the diversity of passenger load factor between route segments according to the origin-destination profile. The relationship between load diversity coefficient and route coefficient of variation in occupancy load factor is quantified. Two tables are provided that enhance passenger capacity and quality of service (QoS) assessment regarding onboard passenger load. The first expresses the transit operator’s perspective of load diversity and the passengers’ perspective of load factor relative to the operator’s, across six service levels corresponding to ranges of coefficient of variation in occupancy load factor. The second interprets the relationships between passenger average travel time and each of passenger-relative load factor and occupancy load factor. The application of this methodology is illustrated using a case study of a premium radial bus route in Brisbane, Australia. The methodology can assist in benchmarking and decision making regarding route and schedule design. Future research will apply value of time to QoS measurement, reflecting perceived passenger comfort through crowding and average time spent aboard. This would also assist in transit service quality econometric modeling.


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This poster introduces Passenger Relative Load Factor for a route or individual bus service as a capacity and quality of service measure, distinguishing it from Occupancy Load Factor. It introduces Load Diversity Coefficient as the ratio of Passenger Relative Load Factor to Occupancy Load Factor, and relates Load Diversity Coefficient to Coefficient of Variation in Occupancy Load Factor. It qualifies the operator’s and passengers’ perspectives of load factor based on Coefficient of Variation in Occupancy Load Factor along a route. A case study using weekday Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) data on a premium bus line in Brisbane, Australia illustrates the methodology. The compendium paper also qualifies the operator’s and passengers’ perspectives of these load factors along with Passengers’ Average Travel Time for capacity and quality of service assessment.


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Sticky florestina (Florestina tripteris DC.) is an annual exotic weed that has become naturalised near the townships of Tambo and Barcaldine in central western Queensland, Australia. Three experiments conducted near Barcaldine identified foliar herbicides effective in killing sticky florestina plants and in providing residual activity to reduce recruitment from the soil seed bank. An initial chemical screening experiment evaluated the efficacy of 28 herbicide treatments. The most promising herbicides were then further evaluated in two response-rate experiments. Overall, 2,4-D/picloram, aminopyralid/fluroxypyr, clopyralid, metsulfuron-methyl and triclopyr/picloram proved to be the most effective selective herbicides. Two of these, metsulfuron-methyl at 18 g active ingredient (a.i) ha–1 and 2,4-D + picloram at 900 g a.i. ha–1 + 225 g a.i. ha–1 have now been included in a minor use permit (PER11920) with the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) for the control of sticky florestina in pasture, stock route, roadside and non-crop situations using both spot and boom-spray applications (APVMA 2010). The permit also allows the use of 2,4-D amine for the control of seedlings only.


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Recent epidemiological studies have shown a consistent association of the mass concentration of urban air thoracic (PM10) and fine (PM2.5) particles with mortality and morbidity among cardiorespiratory patients. However, the chemical characteristics of different particulate size ranges and the biological mechanisms responsible for these adverse health effects are not well known. The principal aims of this thesis were to validate a high volume cascade impactor (HVCI) for the collection of particulate matter for physicochemical and toxicological studies, and to make an in-depth chemical and source characterisation of samples collected during different pollution situations. The particulate samples were collected with the HVCI, virtual impactors and a Berner low pressure impactor in six European cities: Helsinki, Duisburg, Prague, Amsterdam, Barcelona and Athens. The samples were analysed for particle mass, common ions, total and water-soluble elements as well as elemental and organic carbon. Laboratory calibration and field comparisons indicated that the HVCI can provide a unique large capacity, high efficiency sampling of size-segregated aerosol particles. The cutoff sizes of the recommended HVCI configuration were 2.4, 0.9 and 0.2 μm. The HVCI mass concentrations were in a good agreement with the reference methods, but the chemical composition of especially the fine particulate samples showed some differences. This implies that the chemical characterization of the exposure variable in toxicological studies needs to be done from the same HVCI samples as used in cell and animal studies. The data from parallel, low volume reference samplers provide valuable additional information for chemical mass closure and source assessment. The major components of PM2.5 in the virtual impactor samples were carbonaceous compounds, secondary inorganic ions and sea salt, whereas those of coarse particles (PM2.5-10) were soil-derived compounds, carbonaceous compounds, sea salt and nitrate. The major and minor components together accounted for 77-106% and 77-96% of the gravimetrically-measured masses of fine and coarse particles, respectively. Relatively large differences between sampling campaigns were observed in the organic carbon content of the PM2.5 samples as well as the mineral composition of the PM2.5-10 samples. A source assessment based on chemical tracers suggested clear differences in the dominant sources (e.g. traffic, residential heating with solid fuels, metal industry plants, regional or long-range transport) between the sampling campaigns. In summary, the field campaigns exhibited different profiles with regard to particulate sources, size distribution and chemical composition, thus, providing a highly useful setup for toxicological studies on the size-segregated HVCI samples.