895 resultados para Dance in motion pictures, television, etc.


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We investigate the application of time-reversed electromagnetic wave propagation to transmit energy in a wireless power transmission system. “Time reversal” is a signal focusing method that exploits the time reversal invariance of the lossless wave equation to direct signals onto a single point inside a complex scattering environment. In this work, we explore the properties of time reversed microwave pulses in a low-loss ray-chaotic chamber. We measure the spatial profile of the collapsing wavefront around the target antenna, and demonstrate that time reversal can be used to transfer energy to a receiver in motion. We demonstrate how nonlinear elements can be controlled to selectively focus on one target out of a group. Finally, we discuss the design of a rectenna for use in a time reversal system. We explore the implication of these results, and how they may be applied in future technologies.


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Particle filtering has proven to be an effective localization method for wheeled autonomous vehicles. For a given map, a sensor model, and observations, occasions arise where the vehicle could equally likely be in many locations of the map. Because particle filtering algorithms may generate low confidence pose estimates under these conditions, more robust localization strategies are required to produce reliable pose estimates. This becomes more critical if the state estimate is an integral part of system control. We investigate the use of particle filter estimation techniques on a hovercraft vehicle. The marginally stable dynamics of a hovercraft require reliable state estimates for proper stability and control. We use the Monte Carlo localization method, which implements a particle filter in a recursive state estimate algorithm. An H-infinity controller, designed to accommodate the latency inherent in our state estimation, provides stability and controllability to the hovercraft. In order to eliminate the low confidence estimates produced in certain environments, a multirobot system is designed to introduce mobile environment features. By tracking and controlling the secondary robot, we can position the mobile feature throughout the environment to ensure a high confidence estimate, thus maintaining stability in the system. A laser rangefinder is the sensor the hovercraft uses to track the secondary robot, observe the environment, and facilitate successful localization and stability in motion.


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The impact of end customer quality complaints with direct relationship with automotive components has presented negative trend at European level for the entire automotive industry. Thus, this research proposal is to concentrate efforts on the most important items of Pareto chart and understand the failure type and the mechanism involved, link and impact of the project and parameters on the process, ending it with the development of one of the company’s most desired tool, that hosted this project – European methodology of terminals defects classification, and listing real opportunities for improvement based on measurement and analysis of actual data. Through the development of terminals defects classification methodology, which is considered a valuable asset to the company, all the other companies of the YAZAKI’s group will be able to characterize terminals as brittle or ductile, in order to put in motion, more efficiently, all the other different existing internal procedures for the safeguarding of the components, improving manufacturing efficiency. Based on a brief observation, nothing can be said in absolute sense, concerning the failure causes. Base materials, project, handling during manufacture and storage, as well as the cold work performed by plastic deformation, all play an important role. However, it was expected that this failure has been due to a combination of factors, in detriment of the existence of a single cause. In order to acquire greater knowledge about this problem, unexplored by the company up to the date of commencement of this study, was conducted a thorough review of existing literature on the subject, real production sites were visited and, of course, the actual parts were tested in lab environment. To answer to many of the major issues raised throughout the investigation, were used extensively some theoretical concepts focused on the literature review, with a view to realizing the relationship existing between the different parameters concerned. Should here be stated that finding technical studies on copper and its alloys is really hard, not being given all the desirable information. This investigation has been performed as a YAZAKI Europe Limited Company project and as a Master Thesis for Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, conducted during 9 months between 2012/2013.


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This paper proposes a reflection on the body between/bodies, especially in contemporary dance, in their path that starts from the choreographic construction, permeating the body of the choreographer, the dancer s body and when fulfills themselves as artistic expression, the body of the spectator. Initially discusses the body in dance as a body/space for convergence, connectedness and continuity, from the thought of the Greek philosopher Epicurus of Samos, in dialogue with the thought of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Gilles Deleuze and José Gil. Reflect about the creation of this body/space in the relationship choreographer/dancer using as connecting thread the experiences of the author in his artistic path. Finally describes the process of creating the scenic experiment (h)áporos, which constitutes the practice scene of this dissertation, having as main objective the creation of spaces of convergence and interaction between a proponent and an affluent body that, in this move, transforms itself and the space that now cohabits / is


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Introducción. El presente trabajo analiza la evolución de la familia en las ficciones de la televisión española, con especial atención a la representación del papel y el rol que ocupan las mujeres. Metodología. El análisis se ha realizado sobre los 709 personajes que han participado, con diferentes grados de protagonismo, en la ficción de estreno emitida a lo largo de 2013 y 2014 por las cadenas estatales y autonómicas: series, seriales, miniseries, TVmovies y tiras cómicas. Conclusiones y discusión. El estudio evidencia que la representación de las familias en la ficción se sigue llevando a cabo, en muchos casos, desde el prisma de la familia tradicional, aunque se incorporan cada vez más roles más innovadores más fieles a la realidad social que sustenta dichas ficciones televisivas.


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Changes in the television industry with regards to the development of new media technologies are having a significant impact on audience engagement with television drama. This article explores how the internet is being used to extend audience engagement onto platforms other than the television set to the point where television drama should increasingly be reconsidered as trans-media drama. However audience engagement with the various elements of a trans-media drama text is complex. By exploring audience attitudes towards character in the British television series Spooks and its associated online games, this article argues that in an increasingly converged media landscape audiences transfer values between platforms. Consequently the audience's perception of control in relation to their engagement with a trans-media drama text such as Spooks becomes complicated with values associated with television proving key to their engagement with the same fictional world in the form of games.


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The production and perception of music is a multimodal activity involving auditory, visual and conceptual processing, integrating these with prior knowledge and environmental experience. Musicians utilise expressive physical nuances to highlight salient features of the score. The question arises within the literature as to whether performers’ non-technical, non-sound-producing movements may be communicatively meaningful and convey important structural information to audience members and co-performers. In the light of previous performance research (Vines et al., 2006, Wanderley, 2002, Davidson, 1993), and considering findings within co-speech gestural research and auditory and audio-visual neuroscience, this thesis examines the nature of those movements not directly necessary for the production of sound, and their particular influence on audience perception. Within the current research 3D performance analysis is conducted using the Vicon 12- camera system and Nexus data-processing software. Performance gestures are identified as repeated patterns of motion relating to music structure, which not only express phrasing and structural hierarchy but are consistently and accurately interpreted as such by a perceiving audience. Gestural characteristics are analysed across performers and performance style using two Chopin preludes selected for their diverse yet comparable structures (Opus 28:7 and 6). Effects on perceptual judgements of presentation modes (visual-only, auditory-only, audiovisual, full- and point-light) and viewing conditions are explored. This thesis argues that while performance style is highly idiosyncratic, piano performers reliably generate structural gestures through repeated patterns of upper-body movement. The shapes and locations of phrasing motions are identified particular to the sample of performers investigated. Findings demonstrate that despite the personalised nature of the gestures, performers use increased velocity of movements to emphasise musical structure and that observers accurately and consistently locate phrasing junctures where these patterns and variation in motion magnitude, shape and velocity occur. By viewing performance motions in polar (spherical) rather than cartesian coordinate space it is possible to get mathematically closer to the movement generated by each of the nine performers, revealing distinct patterns of motion relating to phrasing structures, regardless of intended performance style. These patterns are highly individualised both to each performer and performed piece. Instantaneous velocity analysis indicates a right-directed bias of performance motion variation at salient structural features within individual performances. Perceptual analyses demonstrate that audience members are able to accurately and effectively detect phrasing structure from performance motion alone. This ability persists even for degraded point-light performances, where all extraneous environmental information has been removed. The relative contributions of audio, visual and audiovisual judgements demonstrate that the visual component of a performance does positively impact on the over- all accuracy of phrasing judgements, indicating that receivers are most effective in their recognition of structural segmentations when they can both see and hear a performance. Observers appear to make use of a rapid online judgement heuristics, adjusting response processes quickly to adapt and perform accurately across multiple modes of presentation and performance style. In line with existent theories within the literature, it is proposed that this processing ability may be related to cognitive and perceptual interpretation of syntax within gestural communication during social interaction and speech. Findings of this research may have future impact on performance pedagogy, computational analysis and performance research, as well as potentially influencing future investigations of the cognitive aspects of musical and gestural understanding.


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O presente estudo tem como objectivo investigar o reconhecimento e a relevância do papel do Director de Turma enquanto gestor intermédio para os alunos, os encarregados de educação e para os próprios, tendo em conta a interface inter-relacionai em que a função se desenvolve. Este trabalho teve como pressupostos de base a convicção de que a Educação é um fenómeno complexo que, para além de outras, mobiliza dimensões sociológicas, psicológicas e epistemológicas, além de necessitar, constantemente, de reflexão sobre as suas práticas. Assim, conscientes de que o papel do Director de Turma é de grande importância nas organizações escolares, foi nosso objectivo estudá-lo sob o ponto de vista teórico a partir de uma reflexão na prática e efectuar um estudo empírico do modo como a função é percepcionada como elo de ligação entre os Alunos, os Encarregados de Educação e a Escola. Aborda-se a figura do Director de Turma, enquanto gestor pedagógico intermédio da organização escolar, tendo em conta as atribuições que lhe são consagradas na lei e a forma como os demais parceiros vêm a sua função, em especial numa Escola do 2º e 3° ciclos do Ensino Básico, de acordo com as perspectivas/representações dos próprios actores educativos. O estudo visou em concreto, proporcionar uma análise sustentada do reconhecimento e valorização da figura do Director de Turma enquanto mediador entre o aluno, os encarregados de educação e a Escola. Pretendeu-se, nomeadamente, questionar teórica e empiricamente, a interacção e a articulação entre a formação pessoal, a actuação e as representações dos Directores de Turma. Assim, investigou-se de que modo o Director de Turma, considerado como um agente de mediação, é ou não reconhecido e valorizado enquanto figura responsável pela ligação do aluno e do seu encarregado de educação à Escola. Como opção metodológica optou-se por um estudo de caso, recorrendo à complementaridade entre os procedimentos quantitativos e qualitativos, de acordo com os objectivos visados. Assim, as técnicas de recolha de dados utilizados neste estudo foram o inquérito, por questionário, e a entrevista. Estes instrumentos foram sendo sucessivamente aperfeiçoados. Participaram, a nível do inquérito por questionário, duas turmas, uma do 2° ciclo e outra do 3° ciclo (num total de 45 alunos e respectivos encarregados de educação) e a nível da entrevista, os dois Directores de Turma das turmas envolvidas. Procurou-se, deste modo, contribuir para elucidar em que medida a figura do Director de Turma é reconhecida e valorizada como elo de ligação entre os Alunos, os Encarregados de Educação e a Escola enquanto gestor intermédio. Nas Conclusões após o confronto entre as questões de partida, o quadro teórico e os resultados do estudo empírico, discutem-se as dificuldades e limitações que um estudo desta natureza envolve. Avança-se, por fim, com algumas sugestões que a investigação realizada permite, no sentido de utilizar o conhecimento produzido para melhorar o relacionamento entre o Aluno, os Encarregados de Educação e a Escola e, consequentemente, o processo ensino-aprendizagem. ABSTRACT; The purpose of this study is to investigate the recognition and relevance of the role of the classroom director as an intermediate supervisor to the students, the parents and the classroom director himself, having in mind the inner- relation interface the function takes place. This work was conceived on the basic notion that Education is a complex-phenomenon, setting in motion, among other things, sociological, psychological and epistemological dimensions, as well as requiring, frequently, reflection about its practices. Therefore, conscious of the fact that the role of the class director is of enormous importance within a school environment, our aim was to study it from the theoretical point of view by a reflection in practice and performing an empirical analysis on the way it is understood as a link among the students, parents and the school. The role of classroom director is thus analysed as a pedagogical director in a school setting. Taking into consideration the rights conferred to him/her by law and the way all the other partners assign to the class director, particularly in a 2nd and 3rd cycle of the Elementary School system, in accordance with the perspectives/representations of the education actors. More specifically, this study is an in-depth analysis of the recognition and the valuation of the class director figure as a mediator among the pupils, the parents and the school. ln other words, the interaction between theory and practice in the daily performance of the classroom director were questioned and studied for further analysis. Hence, questioned the way in which the classroom director, seen as a mediation agent, could be considered as a coordinator, recognized and valorized as the responsible figure by the linking among the pupil and his/her parents to the school. The case was realized in the 2nd and 3rd cycle of an elementary school in the Alentejo. As a methodological option, quantitative and qualitative processes were both employed, thus keeping in line with the main objective of this work. Therefore, the data collected and herein utilized were the result of queries, i.e., questionnaires and personal interviews. The former were addressed at the pupils of two classes, one of the 2nd cycle and another of the 3rd cycle of the school and their parents (45 pupils and the same number of parents in total), and the two classroom directors of the classes implicated in the study. ln the Conclusion, a balance of the study is presented, comparing the initial research questions, the theoretical framework, and the results of the empirical analysis developed. A few suggestions are presented from the experience gained in this investigation, i.e., using the knowledge acquired in order to improve and enrich the relationship among the pupils, the parents, the school, and the teaching learning process.


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Este artículo contiene el estudio inicial de un modelo de predicción de tráfico, que intenta mostrar cómo puede complementarse la toma de decisiones que afecten a la ciudad a través de una buena planificación vial. Esto permitirá dar alternativas posibles de solución mediante la predicción de flujos de tráfico y determinando las intersecciones de mayor influencia dentro de la red vial, lo que por consecuencia reduciría costes en tiempo, combustible, contaminación, etc., obteniendo así una herramienta de ayuda en la toma de decisiones respecto del tráfico. Específicamente, se utiliza modelos dinámicos lineales para predecir el tráfico en distintos puntos de una ciudad y, en consecuencia, pronosticar su eventual saturación. Se puede así predecir puntos de la ciudad en la que es necesario actuar para aliviar los problemas de tráfico antes de que éstos lleguen a manifestarse.


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With over 30 years of tradition, breaking in Germany provides fascinating insights into the learning of dance in Hip Hop culture, reaching from informal street learning to the introduction of courses in educational institutions. This article draws information from a qualitative empirical study based on the Grounded Theory Methodology. The study asked subjects ranging from first-generation German B-Boys and B-Girls to teenage students about how they have learned and currently learn to break. The interview material reveals a rich and self-regulated learning culture with strong impact on protagonists. A synergy of social, aesthetic, and ethical principles seems to be characteristic, creating a gravitational field of learning with a unique and complex form of imitation at its core. (DIPF/Orig.)


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The ability to sensitively care for others’ wellbeing develops early in ontogeny and is an important developmental milestone for healthy social, emotional, and moral development. One facet of care for others, prosocial comforting, has been linked with important social outcomes such as peer acceptance and friendship quality, underscoring the importance of determining factors involved in the ability to comfort. Although social support has been linked with a number of important social outcomes, no study has directly examined whether felt social support can foster children’s positive behavior toward others. The purpose of the current investigation was to use an experimental priming paradigm to demonstrate that felt social support a) enhances children’s ability to respond prosocially to the distress of others and b) decreases children’s expressions of personal distress when faced with the distress of another person. Participants were 94 4-year-old children (M = 53.56 months, SD = 3.38 months; 52 girls). Children were randomly assigned to either view pictures of mothers and children in close, personal interactions (supportive social interaction condition), happy women and children in separate pictures, presented side-by-side (happy control condition), or pictures of colorful overlapping shapes (neutral control condition). Each set of 20 pictures was presented in the context of a categorization computer game that participants played 4 times throughout the course of the study. Immediately following the first three computer games, children were given the opportunity to comfort someone who was distressed; twice it was the adult experimenter working with the child, and once it was an unseen infant crying over a monitor that participants had been trained to use. Comforting behaviors and distress/arousal were coded in 10-second time segments and yielded a global comforting score and a distress proportion score for each task. Results indicated that priming condition had no effect on either prosocial comforting behavior or expressions of personal distress. I discuss these null findings in light of the available literatures on priming mental representations in children and on prosocial comforting, and suggest some future directions for continued investigation in both fields.


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A importância da encenação de uma transição entre o mundo secular e a vida em clausura, no contexto da arquitectura cartusiana, é amplamente demonstrada através dos percursos de entrada dos conjuntos mais relevantes, bem como em muitos daqueles representados nas gravuras presentes no livro Maisons de l’Ordre des Chartreux – Vues et Notices, uma obra do início do século XX que inclui gravuras da quase totalidade dos 282 mosteiros cartusianos distribuídos por quase toda a Europa. Na maioria das cartuxas podem observarse transições indirectas e prolongadas, capazes de tardar o passo e dar significado à passagem para a clausura – características espaciais que São Bruno, fundador da casa cartusiana, considerava primordiais para a implantação do seu eremitério. A partir de uma cuidada análise dessa transição, nas cartuxas em geral, e da sua evolução morfológica, na cartuxa de Évora em particular – estimulada pela descoberta de dados aqui analisados e interpretados pela primeira vez – apresenta-se, em continuidade com a sua história e tendo como premissa a consolidação do processo de entrada, uma proposta de redefinição da estrutura monacal de Santa Maria Scala Coeli. Esta estrutura originária do século XVI encontra-se incompleta e degradada, em particular na ala sul onde se encontra o seu principal acesso, sendo fundamental o completamento desta área para o cabal reconhecimento da unidade do conjunto e da intenção na qual se traduz a sua génese. De resto, a estratégia de investigação e de projecto descrita nesta dissertação pode ser encarada como um processo plausível de ser utilizado no caso de futuras intervenções noutras estruturas cartusianas, contribuindo assim para a recuperação e preservação do conceito fundador da identidade da arquitectura cartusiana que, no decorrer da expansão da ordem, se foi perdendo; The Architecture of the Carthusian Monastery of Santa Maria Scala Coeli: About the process of entrance. ABSTRACT: The importance of staging a transition between the secular world and life cloistered in the context of Carthusian architecture is amply demonstrated through the input paths of the most important collections, as well as many of those represented in the pictures in the book Maisons de l’Ordre des Chartreux – Vues et Notices, one of the early twentieth century work that includes prints of almost all of the 282 Carthusians monasteries spread across almost all of Europe. In most of Carthusian the transitions that can be observed are indirect and long, able to delay the step and give meaning to the passage to the life cloistered - spatial characteristics that St. Bruno, founder of the Carthusian Order, considered essential for the implementation of his hermitage. From a careful analysis of this transition, looking through the Carthusian in general, and its morphological evolution, in the Charterhouse of Évora in particular, encouraged by the data discovery here analyzed and interpreted for the first time - it is presented in continuity with its history and having premised on the consolidation of the entry process, a proposal for a redefinition of the monastic structure of Santa Maria Scala Coeli. This original structure of the sixteenth century is incomplete and degraded, particularly in the south wing where it is the main access, and where is fundamental the completion of this area to the full recognition of the unity of the whole and to understand the intent in which translates its genesis. Moreover, the research strategy and project described in this paper can be seen as a plausible case to be used in case of future interventions in other cartusianas structures, thus contributing to the recovery and preservation of the founder of the identity concept of the Carthusian architecture that, during the expansion of the order, was missing.


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El cine español desde las primeras décadas del siglo XX ha dejado constancia de valiosas interpretaciones dancísticas por parte de los bailaores y bailarines más relevantes de aquellos años. A la pantalla cinematográfica se han asomado figuras sobresalientes como Pastora Imperio, Carmen Amaya, Vicente Escudero, Antonio El bailarín, Rafael de Córdova, Güito, Maria Rosa o Antonio Gades; todos ellos han ofrecido reveladores fragmentos coreográficos dejando para la historia de la danza española la impronta de su creación. Fueron los años sesenta uno de los periodos más fructíferos en la representación fílmica del baile español, este hecho logró acercar la danza española a la cultura de masas, dando a conocer al público las propuestas coreográficas de los artistas en auge. El objetivo de este artículo pretende constatar en qué medida los estilos de la danza española se han representado en el cine español. Para ello se ha llevado a cabo el visionado y selección de cuarenta y seis películas con pasajes de danza que fueron filmadas entre los años 1960-1969. Tras la observación y análisis del contenido, y recogida de los datos de la representación visual, obtenemos como resultado que en una gran mayoría de films la danza española se manifiesta en el estilo flamenco puro y en la danza estilizada con un alto registro de las formas del flamenco. Como conclusión, se constata que la revalorización de esta manifestación artística, de forma muy intensa desde los años sesenta, fue un hecho con poderosa influencia posterior tanto en el ámbito dancístico como en el cinematográfico.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Geografia, Programa de Pós Graduação em Geografia, 2015.