962 resultados para DRD2 locus
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus on selvittää millainen suhde käsitteiden ”aktiivinen” ja ”kontemplatiivinen” välillä vallitsee 1200- ja 1300-lukujen taitteessa eläneen saksalaisen teologin Mestari Eckhartin mystiikanteologiassa. Lisäksi on tarkoitus selvittää mitä tuon suhteen kautta on mahdollista paljastaa Eckhartin mystiikanteologiasta laajemmin. Tutkimuksen metodi on systemaattinen analyysi ja päälähteinä käytetään Eckhartin saksankielisiä saarnoja. Erityisesti analysoidaan Eckhartin Martta-Maria -perikooppia (Lk.10:38–42) käsitteleviä saarnoja Pr.86 ja Pr.2. Lisäksi lähteinä käytetään muita Eckhartin saksankielisiä saarnoja ja muuta tuotantoa siinä määrin kuin niiden mukaan ottaminen auttaa paremmin ymmärtämään saarnojen intentioita. Jo ensimmäisistä kristillisistä vuosisadoista lähtien Luukkaan evankeliumin kertomus Martasta ja Mariasta on ollut aktiivisen ja kontemplatiivisen elämän locus classicus. Siksi tutkimuskysymykseen vastaamiseksi on valittu juuri Eckhartin sitä käsittelevät saarnat. Itse tutkimuskysymyksen valintaan on vaikuttanut puolestaan se, että Eckhart tulkitsee perikooppia häntä edeltävästä tulkintatraditiosta selvästi poikkeavalla tavalla ja nostaa Martan sisaruksista edistyneemmäksi. Tutkimus etenee seuraavalla tavalla. Luvussa 2 avataan käsitteiden ”aktiivinen” ja ”kontemplatiivinen” sisältöä sekä käsitellään kysymystä siitä miten niiden välistä suhdetta on kirkon historiassa tulkittu. Se tapahtuu esittelemällä kolme keskeistä tulkintalinjaa: normaalikirkollinen, monastinen ja mendikanttisääntökuntien tulkinta. Luvussa 3 käydään läpi Eckhartin elämää, tuotantoa ja harhaoppisuustuomiota sekä hänen teologiansa keskeisiä jäsentäviä periaatteita. Koska Eckhart on suomalaiselle yleisölle verrattain tuntematon teologi, aihetta käsitellään hieman laajemmin kuin pro gradu -tukielmassa on yleensä tapana. Luvussa 4 perehdytään Martta-Maria -perikooppiin ja sen pitkään tulkintahistoriaan. Luvussa 5 analysoidaan Eckhartin saarna Pr.86, luvussa 6 Pr.2. Luvussa 7 tutkimuksen tulokset kootaan yhteen. Eckhartin saarnoja analysoimalla paljastuu, että hän tulkitsee aktiivisen ja kontemplatiivisen elämän suhteen häntä edeltävästä traditiosta poikkeavalla tavalla. Eckhartia edeltävänä aikana kontemplatiivisia pyrkimyksiä ja Mariaa oli pidetty kristillisessä kirkossa aktiivista elämää ihailtavampana ja ansiollisempana jo tuhat vuotta. Siihen oli vaikuttanut erityisesti se, että 400-luvulta lähtien aina 1200-luvulle asti luostarit olivat Länsi-Euroopan sivistyksen ja teologian keskuksia. Sen vuoksi juuri monastisia ihanteita – erityisesti kontemplatiivisia pyrkimyksiä Jumalan välittömään katselemiseen – pidettiin pitkään kristillisen elämän ihanteina. Eckhart on kuitenkin osa uutta tulkintatraditiota jossa perinteisen klausuurin rajat pyrittiin laajentamaan luostarin muureista koskemaan koko maailmaa. Tämä uusi tulkintatraditio oli ominaista erityisesti mendikanttisääntökunnille (fransiskaanit ja dominikaanit) sekä begiiniyhteisöille, joissa kontemplatiivinen ja aktiivinen elämä pyrittiin yhdistämään yhdeksi kristilliseksi elämäksi. Tutkimuksessa käy ilmi, että suhteessa laajempiin tulkintatradition linjoihin, Eckhart voidaan liittää luontevasti osaksi näiden sääntökuntien uusia orastavia tulkintoja. Niiden mukaan kristillistä täydellisyyttä ei tavoiteta kääntymällä pois päin maailmasta vaan sitä kohti. Sen on kuitenkin tarkoitus tapahtua niin, että aktiivisuus maailmassa nousee kontemplatiivisesta elämänmuodosta käsin. Toisaalta tutkimuksessa paljastuu myös, että Eckhart menee vielä edellä mainittuja uusia tulkintojakin pidemmälle. Mendikanttisääntökunnissa kontemplatiivisuus säilytti yleensä vielä jonkinlaisen ensisijaisuuden aktiivisuuteen nähden, siihen valmistavana ja sen mahdollistavana vaiheena. Eckhart saarnaa kuitenkin niiden täydellisen ykseyden ja samanaikaisuuden puolesta. Hänelle täydellisyyttä edustaa Betanian sisaruksista Martta joka on ”neitsyt-vaimo”, koskematon ja puhdas, mutta joka kuitenkin samalla synnyttää. Neitsyyden ja vaimouden täydellisen samanaikaisuuden korostaminen nousee puolestaan Eckhartin voimakkaasta sitoutumisesta uusplatoniseen metafysiikkaan. Eckhartin ontologia on ”dynaamista ontologiaa”, jossa kaikki ymmärretään Jumalan yliajalliseksi emanaatioksi. Tulkitsemalla mm. Proklosta, Eckhart esittää, että kaikki luotu on olemassa ensisijaisesti ja täydellisenä ikuisuudessa syntyvässä Pojassa ja vain formaalisesti ja vajavaisella tavalla havaittavassa todellisuudessa. Kristillinen täydellisyys on Eckhartille paluuta tuohon varsinaiseen olemiseen ikuisuudessa syntyvässä Pojassa. Paluu tapahtuu irrottautumalla (abegescheiden) kuvista (bilde) eli hyväksymällä, että Jumala ei ole missään käsitteissä, eikä häntä tavoiteta samoin kuin olemassa olevat asiat tavoitetaan. Sikäli kun ihminen riisutaan riippuvuudestaan kuvista, sikäli hän murtautuu (durchbrechen) takaisin siihen perustaan (grunt) jossa Poika ikuisesti syntyy. Perustasta käsin ihmisen on puolestaan mahdollista synnyttää sellaista aktiivisuutta ja toimintaa, joka ei ole itsekkyyden ja egon tahraamaa suorittamista ja kaupankäyntiä. Tutkimuksessa käy ilmi myös se, kuinka keskeinen rooli ymmärryksen (intellectus) kategorialla on kuvista luopumisen prosessissa ja Jumalan kaltaisuuden realisoitumisessa ihmisessä. Juuri ymmärtämisaktin (intelligere) puolesta ihminen on Eckhartin mukaan eniten Jumalan kaltainen ja osa Jumalan ikuisuudessa tapahtuvaa emanaatiota.
Microsatellite markers have demonstrated their value for performing paternity exclusion and hence exploring mating patterns in plants and animals. Methodology is well established for diploid species, and several software packages exist for elucidating paternity in diploids; however, these issues are not so readily addressed in polyploids due to the increased complexity of the exclusion problem and a lack of available software. We introduce polypatex, an r package for paternity exclusion analysis using microsatellite data in autopolyploid, monoecious or dioecious/bisexual species with a ploidy of 4n, 6n or 8n. Given marker data for a set of offspring, their mothers and a set of candidate fathers, polypatex uses allele matching to exclude candidates whose marker alleles are incompatible with the alleles in each offspring–mother pair. polypatex can analyse marker data sets in which allele copy numbers are known (genotype data) or unknown (allelic phenotype data) – for data sets in which allele copy numbers are unknown, comparisons are made taking into account all possible genotypes that could arise from the compared allele sets. polypatex is a software tool that provides population geneticists with the ability to investigate the mating patterns of autopolyploids using paternity exclusion analysis on data from codominant markers having multiple alleles per locus.
Co-stimulatory signals are essential for the activation of naïve T cells and productive immune response. Naïve T cells receive first, antigen-specific signal through T cell receptor. Co-stimulatory receptors provide the second signal which can be either activating or inhibitory. The balance between signals determines the outcome of an immune response. CD28 is crucial for T cell activation; whereas cytotoxic T lymphocyte associated antigen 4 (CTLA4) mediates critical inhibitory signal. Inducible co-stimulator (ICOS) augments cytokine expression and plays role in immunoglobulin class switching. Programmed cell death 1 (PDCD1) acts as negative regulator of T cell proliferation and cytokine responses. The co-stimulatory receptor pathways are potentially involved in self-tolerance and thus, they provide a promising therapeutic strategy for autoimmune diseases and transplantation. The genes encoding CD28, CTLA4 and ICOS are located adjacently in the chromosome region 2q33. The PDCD1 gene maps further, to the region 2q37. CTLA4 and PDCD1 are associated with the risk of a few autoimmune diseases. There is strong linkage disequilibrium (LD) on the 2q33 region; the whole gene of CD28 exists in its own LD block but CTLA4 and the 5' part of ICOS are within a same LD block. The 3' part of ICOS and PDCD1 are in their own separate LD blocks. Extended haplotypes covering the 2q33 region can be identified. This study focuses on immune related conditions like coeliac disease (CD) which is a chronic inflammatory disease with autoimmune features. Immunoglobulin A deficiency (IgAD) belongs to the group of primary antibody deficiencies characterised by reduced levels of immunoglobulins. IgAD co-occurs often with coeliac disease. Renal transplantation is needed in the end stage kidney diseases. Transplantation causes strong immune response which is tried to suppress with drugs. All these conditions are multifactorial with complex genetic background and multiple environmental factors affecting the outcome. We have screened ICOS for polymorphisms by sequencing the exon regions. We detected 11 new variants and determined their frequencies in Finnish population. We have measured linkage disequilibrium on the 2q33 region in Finnish as well as other European populations and observed conserved haplotypes. We analysed genetic association and linkage of the co-stimulatory receptor gene region aiming to study if it is a common risk locus for immune diseases. The 2q33 region was replicated to be linked to coeliac disease in Finnish population and CTLA4-ICOS haplotypes were found to be associated with CD and IgAD being the first non-HLA risk locus common for CD and immunodeficiencies. We also showed association between ICOS and the outcome of kidney transplantation. Our results suggest new evidence for CTLA4-ICOS gene region to be involved in susceptibility of coeliac disease. The earlier published contradictory association results can be explained by involvement of both CTLA4 and ICOS in disease susceptibility. The pattern of variants acting together rather than a single polymorphism may confer the disease risk. These genes may predispose also to immunodeficiencies as well as decreased graft survival and delayed graft function. Consequently, the present study indicates that like the well established HLA locus, the co-stimulatory receptor genes predispose to variety of immune disorders.
The vacuolating autotransporter (AT) toxin (Vat) contributes to Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) fitness during systemic infection. Here we characterised Vat and investigated its regulation in UPEC. We assessed the prevalence of vat in a collection of 45 UPEC urosepsis strains and showed that it was present in 31 (68%) of the isolates. The isolates containing the vat gene corresponded to three major E. coli sequence types (ST12, 73 and 95) and these strains secreted the Vat protein. Further analysis of the vat genomic locus identified a conserved gene located directly downstream of vat that encodes a putative MarR-like transcriptional regulator, which we termed vatX. The vat-vatX genes were present in the UPEC reference strain CFT073 and RT-PCR revealed both genes are co-transcribed. Over-expression of vatX in CFT073 led to a 3-fold increase in vat gene transcription. The vat promoter region contained three putative nucleation sites for the global transcriptional regulator H-NS; thus the hns gene was mutated in CFT073 (to generate CFT073hns). Western blot analysis using a Vat-specific antibody revealed a significant increase in Vat expression in CFT073hns compared to wild-type CFT073. Direct H-NS binding to the vat promoter region was demonstrated using purified H-NS in combination with electrophoresis mobility shift assays. Finally, Vat-specific antibodies were detected in plasma samples from urosepsis patients infected by vat-containing UPEC strains, demonstrating Vat is expressed during infection. Overall, this study has demonstrated that Vat is a highly prevalent and tightly regulated immunogenic SPATE secreted by UPEC during infection.
Transposable elements, transposons, are discrete DNA segments that are able to move or copy themselves from one locus to another within or between their host genome(s) without a requirement for DNA homology. They are abundant residents in virtually all the genomes studied, for instance, the genomic portion of TEs is approximately 3% in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 45% in humans, and apparently more than 70% in some plant genomes such as maize and barley. Transposons plays essential role in genome evolution, in lateral transfer of antibiotic resistance genes among bacteria and in life cycle of certain viruses such as HIV-1 and bacteriophage Mu. Despite the diversity of transposable elements they all use a fundamentally similar mechanism called transpositional DNA recombination (transposition) for the movement within and between the genomes of their host organisms. The DNA breakage and joining reactions that underlie their transposition are chemically similar in virtually all known transposition systems. The similarity of the reactions is also reflected in the structure and function of the catalyzing enzymes, transposases and integrases. The transposition reactions take place within the context of a transposition machinery, which can be particularly complex, as in the case of the VLP (virus like particle) machinery of retroelements, which in vivo contains RNA or cDNA and a number of element encoded structural and catalytic proteins. Yet, the minimal core machinery required for transposition comprises a multimer of transposase or integrase proteins and their binding sites at the element DNA ends only. Although the chemistry of DNA transposition is fairly well characterized, the components and function of the transposition machinery have been investigated in detail for only a small group of elements. This work focuses on the identification, characterization, and functional studies of the molecular components of the transposition machineries of BARE-1, Hin-Mu and Mu. For BARE-1 and Hin-Mu transpositional activity has not been shown previously, whereas bacteriophage Mu is a general model of transposition. For BARE-1, which is a retroelement of barley (Hordeum vulgare), the protein and DNA components of the functional VLP machinery were identified from cell extracts. In the case of Hin-Mu, which is a Mu-like prophage in Haemophilus influenzae Rd genome, the components of the core machinery (transposase and its binding sites) were characterized and their functionality was studied by using an in vitro methodology developed for Mu. The function of Mu core machinery was studied for its ability to use various DNA substrates: Hin-Mu end specific DNA substrates and Mu end specific hairpin substrates. The hairpin processing reaction by MuA was characterized in detail. New information was gained of all three machineries. The components or their activity required for functional BARE-1 VLP machinery and retrotransposon life cycle were present in vivo and VLP-like structures could be detected. The Hin-Mu core machinery components were identified and shown to be functional. The components of the Mu and Hin-Mu core machineries were partially interchangeable, reflecting both evolutionary conservation and flexibility within the core machineries. The Mu core machinery displayed surprising flexibility in substrate usage, as it was able to utilize Hin-Mu end specific DNA substrates and to process Mu end DNA hairpin substrates. This flexibility may be evolutionarily and mechanistically important.
The work covered in this thesis is focused on the development of technology for bioconversion of glucose into D-erythorbic acid (D-EA) and 5-ketogluconic acid (5-KGA). The task was to show on proof-of-concept level the functionality of the enzymatic conversion or one-step bioconversion of glucose to these acids. The feasibility of both studies to be further developed for production processes was also evaluated. The glucose - D-EA bioconversion study was based on the use of a cloned gene encoding a D-EA forming soluble flavoprotein, D-gluconolactone oxidase (GLO). GLO was purified from Penicillium cyaneo-fulvum and partially sequenced. The peptide sequences obtained were used to isolate a cDNA clone encoding the enzyme. The cloned gene (GenBank accession no. AY576053) is homologous to the other known eukaryotic lactone oxidases and also to some putative prokaryotic lactone oxidases. Analysis of the deduced protein sequence of GLO indicated the presence of a typical secretion signal sequence at the N-terminus of the enzyme. No other targeting/anchoring signals were found, suggesting that GLO is the first known lactone oxidase that is secreted rather than targeted to the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum or mitochondria. Experimental evidence supports this analysis, as near complete secretion of GLO was observed in two different yeast expression systems. Highest expression levels of GLO were obtained using Pichia pastoris as an expression host. Recombinant GLO was characterised and the suitability of purified GLO for the production of D-EA was studied. Immobilised GLO was found to be rapidly inactivated during D-EA production. The feasibility of in vivo glucose - D-EA conversion using a P. pastoris strain co-expressing the genes of GLO and glucose oxidase (GOD, E.C. of A. niger was demonstrated. The glucose - 5-KGA bioconversion study followed a similar strategy to that used in the D-EA production research. The rationale was based on the use of a cloned gene encoding a membrane-bound pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ)-dependent gluconate 5-dehydrogenase (GA 5-DH). GA 5-DH was purified to homogeneity from the only source of this enzyme known in literature, Gluconobacter suboxydans, and partially sequenced. Using the amino acid sequence information, the GA 5-DH gene was cloned from a genomic library of G. suboxydans. The cloned gene was sequenced (GenBank accession no. AJ577472) and found to be an operon of two adjacent genes encoding two subunits of GA 5-DH. It turned out that GA 5-DH is a rather close homologue of a sorbitol dehydrogenase from another G. suboxydans strain. It was also found that GA 5-DH has significant polyol dehydrogenase activity. The G. suboxydans GA 5-DH gene was poorly expressed in E. coli. Under optimised conditions maximum expression levels of GA 5-DH did not exceed the levels found in wild-type G. suboxydans. Attempts to increase expression levels resulted in repression of growth and extensive cell lysis. However, the expression levels were sufficient to demonstrate the possibility of bioconversion of glucose and gluconate into 5-KGA using recombinant strains of E. coli. An uncharacterised homologue of GA 5-DH was identified in Xanthomonas campestris using in silico screening. This enzyme encoded by chromosomal locus NP_636946 was found by a sequencing project of X. campestris and named as a hypothetical glucose dehydrogenase. The gene encoding this uncharacterised enzyme was cloned, expressed in E. coli and found to encode a gluconate/polyol dehydrogenase without glucose dehydrogenase activity. Moreover, the X. campestris GA 5-DH gene was expressed in E. coli at nearly 30 times higher levels than the G. suboxydans GA 5-DH gene. Good expressability of the X. campestris GA-5DH gene makes it a valuable tool not only for 5-KGA production in the tartaric acid (TA) bioprocess, but possibly also for other bioprocesses (e.g. oxidation of sorbitol into L-sorbose). In addition to glucose - 5-KGA bioconversion, a preliminary study of the feasibility of enzymatic conversion of 5-KGA into TA was carried out. Here, the efficacy of the first step of a prospective two-step conversion route including a transketolase and a dehydrogenase was confirmed. It was found that transketolase convert 5-KGA into TA semialdehyde. A candidate for the second step was suggested to be succinic dehydrogenase, but this was not tested. The analysis of the two subprojects indicated that bioconversion of glucose to TA using X. campestris GA 5-DH should be prioritised first and the process development efforts in future should be focused on development of more efficient GA 5-DH production strains by screening a more suitable production host and by protein engineering.
Congenital missing of teeth, tooth agenesis or hypodontia, is one of the most common developmental anomalies in man. The common forms in which one or a few teeth are absent, may cause occlusal or cosmetic harm, while severe forms which are relatively rare always require clinical attention to support and maintain the dental function. Observation of tooth agenesis is also important for diagnosis of malformation syndromes. Some external factors may cause developmental defects and agenesis in dentition. However, the role of inheritance in the etiology of tooth agenesis is well established by twin and family studies. Studies on familial tooth agenesis as well as mouse null mutants have also identified several genetic factors. However, these explain syndromic or rare dominant forms of tooth agenesis, whereas the genes and defects responsible for the majority of cases of tooth agenesis, especially the common and less severe forms, are largely unknown. In this study it was shown, that a dominant nonsense mutation in PAX9 was responsible for severe tooth agenesis (oligodontia) in a Finnish family. In a study of tooth agenesis associated with Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome, it was shown that severe tooth agenesis was present if the causative deletion in 4p spanned the MSX1 locus. It was concluded that severe tooth agenesis was caused by haploinsufficiency of these transcription factors. A summary of the phenotypes associated with known defects in MSX1 and PAX9 showed that, despite similarities, they were significantly different, suggesting that the genes, in addition to known interactions, also have independent roles during the development of human dentition. The original aim of this work was to identify gene defects that underlie the common incisor and premolar hypodontia. After excluding several candidate genes, a genome-wide search was conducted in seven Finnish families in which this phenotype was inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. A promising locus for second premolar agenesis was identified in chromosome 18 in one family and this finding was supported by results from other families. The results also implied the existence of other loci both for second premolar agenesis and for incisor agenesis. On the other hand the results did not lend support for comprehensive involvement of the most obvious candidate genes in the etiology of incisor and premolar hypodontia. Rather, they suggest remarkable genetic heterogeneity of tooth agenesis. The available evidence suggests that quantitative defects during tooth development predispose to a failure to overcome a developmental threshold and to agenesis. The results of the study increase the understanding of the etiology and heredity of tooth agenesis. Further studies may lead to identification of novel genes that affect the development of teeth.
Genetic studies on phylogeography and adaptive divergence in Northern Hemisphere fish species such as three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) provide an excellent opportunity to investigate genetic mechanisms underlying population differentiation. According to the theory, the process of population differentiation results from a complex interplay between random and deterministic processes as well historical factors. The main scope in this thesis was to study how historical factors like the Pleistocene ice ages have shaped the patterns molecular diversity in three-spined stickleback populations in Europe and how this information could be utilized in the conservation genetic context. Furthermore, identifying footprints of natural selection at the DNA level might be used in identifying genes involved in evolutionary change. Overall, the results from phylogeographic studies indicate that the three-spined stickleback has colonized the Atlantic basin relatively recently but constitutes three major evolutionary lineages in Europe. In addition, the colonization of freshwater appears to result from multiple and independent invasions by the marine conspecifics. Molecular data together with morphology suggest that the most divergent freshwater populations are located in the Balkan Peninsula and these populations deserve a special conservation genetic status without warranting further taxonomical classification. In order to investigate the adaptive divergence in Fennoscandian three-spined stickleback populations several approaches were used. First, sequence variability in the Eda-gene, coding for the number of lateral plates, was concordant with the previously observed global pattern. Full plated allele is in high frequencies among marine populations whereas low plated allele dominates in the freshwater populations. Second, a microsatellite based genome scan identified both indications of balancing and directional selection in the three-spined stickleback genome, i.e. loci with unusually similar or unusually different allele frequencies over populations. The directionally selected loci were mainly associated with the adaptation to freshwater. A follow up study conducting a more detailed analysis in a chromosome region containing a putatively selected gene locus identified a fairly large genomic region affected by natural selection. However, this region contained several gene predictions, all of which might be the actual target of natural selection. All in all, the phylogeographic and adaptive divergence studies indicate that most of the genetic divergence has occurred in the freshwater populations whereas the marine populations have remained relatively uniform.
This is a continuation of earlier studies on the evolution of infinite populations of haploid genotypes within a genetic algorithm framework. We had previously explored the evolutionary consequences of the existence of indeterminate—“plastic”—loci, where a plastic locus had a finite probability in each generation of functioning (being switched “on”) or not functioning (being switched “off”). The relative probabilities of the two outcomes were assigned on a stochastic basis. The present paper examines what happens when the transition probabilities are biased by the presence of regulatory genes. We find that under certain conditions regulatory genes can improve the adaptation of the population and speed up the rate of evolution (on occasion at the cost of lowering the degree of adaptation). Also, the existence of regulatory loci potentiates selection in favour of plasticity. There is a synergistic effect of regulatory genes on plastic alleles: the frequency of such alleles increases when regulatory loci are present. Thus, phenotypic selection alone can be a potentiating factor in a favour of better adaptation.
Dispersal is a highly important life history trait. In fragmented landscapes the long-term persistence of populations depends on dispersal. Evolution of dispersal is affected by costs and benefits and these may differ between different landscapes. This results in differences in the strength and direction of natural selection on dispersal in fragmented landscapes. Dispersal has been shown to be a nonrandom process that is associated with traits such as flight ability in insects. This thesis examines genetic and physiological traits affecting dispersal in the Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia). Flight metabolic rate is a repeatable trait representing flight ability. Unlike in many vertebrates, resting metabolic rate cannot be used as a surrogate of maximum metabolic rate as no strong correlation between the two was found in the Glanville fritillary. Resting and flight metabolic rate are affected by environmental variables, most notably temperature. However, only flight metabolic rate has a strong genetic component. Molecular variation in the much-studied candidate locus phosphoglucose isomerase (Pgi), which encodes the glycolytic enzyme PGI, has an effect on carbohydrate metabolism in flight. This effect is temperature dependent: in low to moderate temperatures individuals with the heterozygous genotype at the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) AA111 have higher flight metabolic rate than the common homozygous genotype. At high temperatures the situation is reversed. This finding suggests that variation in enzyme properties is indeed translated to organismal performance. High-resolution data on individual female Glanville fritillaries moving freely in the field were recorded using harmonic radar. There was a strong positive correlation between flight metabolic rate and dispersal rate. Flight metabolic rate explained one third of the observed variation in the one-hour movement distance. A fine-scaled analysis of mobility showed that mobility peaked at intermediate ambient temperatures but the two common Pgi genotypes differed in their reaction norms to temperature. As with flight metabolic rate, heterozygotes at SNP AA111 were the most active genotype in low to moderate temperatures. The results show that molecular variation is associated with variation in dispersal rate through the link of flight physiology under the influence of environmental conditions. The evolutionary pressures for dispersal differ between males and females. The effect of flight metabolic rate on dispersal was examined in both sexes in field and laboratory conditions. The relationship between flight metabolic rate and dispersal rate in the field and flight duration in the laboratory were found to differ between the two sexes. In females the relationship was positive, but in males the longest distances and flight durations were recorded for individuals with low flight metabolic rate. These findings may reflect male investment in mate locating. Instead of dispersing, males with high flight metabolic rate may establish territories and follow a perching strategy when locating females and hence move less on the landscape level. Males with low metabolic rate may be forced to disperse due to low competitive success or may show adaptations to an alternative strategy: patrolling. In the light of life history trade-offs and the rate of living theory having high metabolic rate may carry a cost in the form of shortened lifespan. Experiments relating flight metabolic rate to longevity showed a clear correlation in the opposite direction: high flight metabolic rate was associated with long lifespan. This suggests that individuals with high metabolic rate do not pay an extra physiological cost for their high flight capacity, rather there are positive correlations between different measures of fitness. These results highlight the importance of condition.
Mental retardation due to fragile X syndrome is one of the genetic disorders caused by tripler repeat expansion, CGG repeat involved in this disease is known to exhibit polymorphism even among normal individuals. Here we describe the development of suitable probes for detection of polymorphism in CGG repeat at FMR1 locus as well as the diagnosis of fragile X syndrome. Using these methods polymorphism at the FMR1 locus has been examined in 161 individuals. Ninety eight patients with unclassified mental retardation were examined, of whom 7 were found to have the expanded (CGG) allele at the FMR1 locus, The hybridization pattern for two patients has been presented as representative data.
CONTEXT: Polyalanine tract variations in transcription factors have been identified for a wide spectrum of developmental disorders. The thyroid transcription factor forkhead factor E1 (FOXE1) contains a polymorphic polyalanine tract with 12-22 alanines. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) close to this locus are associated with papillary thyroid cancer (PTC), and a strong linkage disequilibrium block extends across this region. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to assess whether the FOXE1 polyalanine repeat region was associated with PTC and to assess the effect of polyalanine repeat region variants on protein expression, DNA binding, and transcriptional function on FOXE1-responsive promoters. DESIGN: This was a case-control study. SETTING: The study was conducted at a tertiary referral hospital. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The FOXE1 polyalanine repeat region and tag SNP were genotyped in 70 PTC, with a replication in a further 92 PTC, and compared with genotypes in 5767 healthy controls (including 5667 samples from the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium). In vitro studies were performed to examine the protein expression, DNA binding, and transcriptional function for FOXE1 variants of different polyalanine tract lengths. RESULTS: All the genotyped SNP were in tight linkage disequilibrium, including the FOXE1 polyalanine repeat region. We confirmed the strong association of rs1867277 with PTC (overall P = 1 × 10(-7), odds ratio 1.84, confidence interval 1.31-2.57). rs1867277 was in tight linkage disequilibrium with the FOXE1 polyalanine repeat region (r(2) = 0.95). FOXE1(16Ala) was associated with PTC with an odds ratio of 2.23 (confidence interval 1.42-3.50; P = 0.0005). Functional studies in vitro showed that FOXE1(16Ala) was transcriptionally impaired compared with FOXE1(14Ala), which was not due to differences in protein expression or DNA binding. CONCLUSIONS: We have confirmed the previous association of FOXE1 with PTC. Our data suggest that the coding polyalanine expansion in FOXE1 may be responsible for the observed association between FOXE1 and PTC.
Introduction: Osteoporosis is the commonest metabolic bone disease worldwide. The clinical hallmark of osteoporosis is low trauma fracture, with the most devastating being hip fracture, resulting in significant effects on both morbidity and mortality. Sources of data: Data for this review have been gathered from the published literature and from a range of web resources. Areas of agreement: Genome-wide association studies in the field of osteoporosis have led to the identification of a number of loci associated with both bone mineral density and fracture risk and further increased our understanding of disease. Areas of controversy: The early strategies for mapping osteoporosis disease genes reported only isolated associations, with replication in independent cohorts proving difficult. Neither candidate gene or linkage studies showed association at genome-wide level of significance. Growing points: The advent of massive parallel sequencing technologies has proved extremely successful in mapping monogenic diseases and thus leading to the utilization of this new technology in complex disease genetics. Areas timely for developing research: The identification of novel genes and pathways will potentially lead to the identification of novel therapeutic options for patients with osteoporosis. © 2014 The Author.
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are critical post-transcriptional regulators. Based on a previous genome-wide association (GWA) scan, we conducted a polymorphism in microRNAs' Target Sites (poly-miRTS)-centric multistage meta-analysis for lumbar spine (LS)-, total hip (HIP)-, and femoral neck (FN)-bone mineral density (BMD). In stage I, 41,102 poly-miRTSs were meta-analyzed in 7 cohorts with a genome-wide significance (GWS) α=0.05/41,102=1.22×10-6. By applying α=5×10-5 (suggestive significance), 11 poly-miRTSs were selected, with FGFRL1 rs4647940 and PRR5 rs3213550 as top signals for FN-BMD (P-value=7.67×10-6 and 1.58×10-5) in gender-combined sample. In stage II in silico replication (two cohorts), FGFRL1 rs4647940 was the only signal marginally replicated for FN-BMD (P-value=5.08×10-3) at α=0.10/11=9.09×10-3. PRR5 rs3213550 was also selected based on biological significance. In stage III de novo genotyping replication (two cohorts), FGFRL1 rs4647940 was the only signal significantly replicated for FN-BMD (P-value=7.55×10-6) at α=0.05/2=0.025 in gender-combined sample. Aggregating three stages, FGFRL1 rs4647940 was the single stage I-discovered and stages II- and III-replicated signal attaining GWS for FN-BMD (P-value=8.87×10-12). Dual-luciferase reporter assays demonstrated that FGFRL1 3' untranslated region harboring rs4647940 appears to be hsa-miR-140-5p's target site. In a zebrafish microinjection experiment, dre-miR-140-5p is shown to exert a dramatic impact on craniofacial skeleton formation. Taken together, we provided functional evidence for a novel FGFRL1 poly-miRTS rs4647940 in a previously known 4p16.3 locus, and experimental and clinical genetics studies have shown both FGFRL1 and hsa-miR-140-5p are important for bone formation. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.
Aiming to identify novel genetic variants and to confirm previously identified genetic variants associated with bone mineral density (BMD), we conducted a three-stage genome-wide association (GWA) meta-analysis in 27 061 study subjects. Stage 1 meta-analyzed seven GWA samples and 11 140 subjects for BMDs at the lumbar spine, hip and femoral neck, followed by a Stage 2 in silico replication of 33 SNPs in 9258 subjects, and by a Stage 3 de novo validation of three SNPs in 6663 subjects. Combining evidence from all the stages, we have identified two novel loci that have not been reported previously at the genome-wide significance (GWS; 5.0 × 10-8) level: 14q24.2 (rs227425, P-value 3.98 × 10-13, SMOC1) in the combined sample of males and females and 21q22.13 (rs170183, P-value 4.15 × 10-9, CLDN14) in the female-specific sample. The two newly identified SNPs were also significant in the GEnetic Factors for OSteoporosis consortium (GEFOS, n 5 32 960) summary results. We have also independently confirmed 13 previously reported loci at the GWS level: 1p36.12 (ZBTB40), 1p31.3 (GPR177), 4p16.3 (FGFRL1), 4q22.1 (MEPE), 5q14.3 (MEF2C), 6q25.1 (C6orf97, ESR1), 7q21.3 (FLJ42280, SHFM1), 7q31.31 (FAM3C, WNT16), 8q24.12 (TNFRSF11B), 11p15.3 (SOX6), 11q13.4 (LRP5), 13q14.11 (AKAP11) and 16q24 (FOXL1). Gene expression analysis in osteogenic cells implied potential functional association of the two candidate genes (SMOC1 and CLDN14) in bone metabolism. Our findings independently confirm previously identified biological pathways underlying bone metabolism and contribute to the discovery of novel pathways, thus providing valuable insights into the intervention and treatment of osteoporosis. © The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press.