928 resultados para Cursos de Educação Formação
This research presents an analysis of the profile of participants in the second edition of the Extension Course “Libras by distance: a proposal for continuing education of teachers in inclusive educational settings”, funded by the Program for Continuing Education of Teachers in Special Education, the SEESP / MEC and the support of the UAB, whose goal was to promote a theoretical-practical-discourse on the importance of Libras in deaf education. The course was developed by the School of Philosophy and Science of UNESP / Marília, in distance mode. practicing teachers in public schools, linked to 19 Departments and / or Directors of Education in several regions of Brazil took the course. The information was collected from the questionnaire responses of the diagnostic evaluation performed in the pre-registration course. In general, the information was about place of residence, marital status, family constitution, educational training and professional experience in special education. We performed quantitative analysis and descriptive statistics on the data. The information presented refers to a summary of results for the total sample investigated. With the release of the profile of participants we expect to contribute towards the organization of new extension courses in the area of deafness, in distance mode, aimed at the in-service training of teachers with a view to Inclusive Education.
This paper analyzes recent policies of teacher eduation in Brazil related to the employment and professional dimmensions of the teaching career. It analyzes teacher education policies, and the guidelines established by the World Bank in the 1990s, to reform higher education in the so-called developing countries, focusing on th implementation of neolibera educational policies. These policies have produced a "new" value for educational insititutions: they are emptying schools of education; “defertilization” of schools; “deintellectualization” of the teacher profession; pauperization, fragmentation and emptying the contents teacher education programs and recontextualization of the nexus theory-practice. The reforms after the Directives and Bases of Education - Law No. 9394/1996, with respect to the education of teachers, are analyzed in relation to the process of productive restructuring. We analyze the relation between theory and practice, given the National Curriculum Guidelines for the Education Course (DCNCP, 2006), focusing on the Course of Pedagogy for the Faculty of Philosophy and Science, at the Paulista State University, Campus of Marilia. This course offers an extensive practical training, but restricted as to the academic content offered, limiting the possibilities of an in-depth training for the future teachers. Discussing these relations, this article presents the assessment of the students in the course and concludes offering perspectives for a humanizing and critical training.
To contribute to formation of Childhood Education teachers for the Inclusive Education, this article had as its central objective describe how it was addressed the issue of learning difficulties and the impact of misdiagnosis assigned to a child in the initial phase formal learning of writing, in one of the theoretical-reflective meetings undertaken with 43 teachers for Pre II, of the ten schools of Childhood Education of the state of São Paulo. Such a description was guided through the of the collaborative approach taken subproject “understanding about the clinical diagnosis of dyslexia and its impact on the educational future of children enrolled in classes II Pre Childhood education”, developed as one of the phases and as part of larger project called “depathologization of the learning of the writing and Inclusive Education: Reflections and actions of the professor of Childhood Education”. At the and, was possible the identification by the reports arising from the participation of teachers mentioned, the need to resignification their didactical experiences for the systematization of new actions aimed at coping with learning difficulties that pervade the process of appropriation writing of the students, which may contribute to depathologization of the school environment to the extent that teachers can assist students in building a more positive relationship with writing, rather than adopting rigid and restricted procedures that do not consider the relationship of each subject with writing and the singularities present in this relationship.
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Esta pesquisa pretende contribuir para a compreensão das relações estabelecidas entre estagiários de cursos de licenciatura e professores da Educação Básica, que os recebem em suas salas de aula. Mais especificamente, tem-se o objetivo de investigar os processos de aprendizagem que ocorrem no encontro entre duas gerações profissionais docentes. Nesse sentido, questiona-se: de que maneira são estruturadas as relações estabelecidas entre professor titular e estagiário na escola, como ocorrem os primeiros contatos entre as duas partes, que vínculos são então estabelecidos e que relações formativas se desenvolvem no cotidiano do estágio. Tais percepções foram propiciadas pelas entrevistas e observações realizadas e analisadas sob ótica das “relações intergeracionais na docência” (SARTI, 2009), que pressupõem atenção especial a algumas categorias, tais como: geração (MANNHEIN, 1982), identidade e ciclo de vida profissional docente (HUMBERMAN, 1992; TARDIF, 2010). A pesquisa possibilitou análises que sugerem que o fator geração profissional deva ser sempre balizado com informações sobre a história de vida profissional dos sujeitos, já que, de acordo com os dados reunidos,tais experiências pessoais exercem influências em suas relações com as novas gerações profissionais. A partir desta investigação, foi possível perceber que as relações intergeracionais na formação docente envolvem fatores sutis e importantes, que dizem respeito a aspectos relativos à geração profissional dos sujeitos, mas também a sua geração social (MANNHEIN, 1982) e ao ciclo de vida profissional docente (HUBERMAN, 1992). Esse conjunto de fatores exercem influências significativas para os contatos formativos entre estagiários e professores experientes no magistério
Estudos comprovam que os fetos desde o útero já respondem a estímulos sonoros e que a música, por sua vez, pode influenciar no desenvolvimento cognitivo, afetivo e social do individuo. É a partir de tais considerações que o presente trabalho identifica, através de levantamento bibliográfico mais aprofundado, quais os fatores que a linguagem musical pode desenvolver nas crianças e como tal linguagem se constitui num “treinamento” para o cérebro, visando, primordialmente, a busca de novas práticas de aprendizagem. Analisamos, ainda, o currículo de formação dos professores do curso de Licenciatura Plena em Pedagogia das universidades federais e estaduais brasileiras, observando a ênfase dada à modalidade do ensino de música nos cursos de formação de professores unidocentes. Por fim buscamos oferecer subsídios metodológicos, dos quais os professores unidocentes possam lançar mão para o desenvolvimento de atividades destinadas ao trabalho com musicalização infantil
Alguns estudiosos e pesquisadores nos últimos anos têm voltado atenção para a formação de professores, no que se refere sobretudo as questões dos saberes docentes, tentando, assim, compreender que saberes estão presentes na prática pedagógica. No âmbito desse processo e com o ingresso no PIBID (Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência), tive um contato mais próximo com a escola, especificamente com os professores em exercício. Assim algumas indagações surgiram sobre o fato dos estudantes apresentarem um tipo de saber (discursivo) e os professores outros (pragmático). Embora ambos possam compartilhar algumas experiências comuns vinculadas ao processo de escolarização, cada um fala de um lugar diferente. Isto aponta para outro questionamento: qual é o lugar que o estudante, os professores da escola e da universidade ocupam no campo da formação. A partir deste contexto, o presente trabalho abrange a formação dos professores, a prática docente e os saberes docentes. Dessa forma objetiva-se compreender como os estudantes da disciplina de estágio supervisionado na escola e os professores da escola constroem/constituem/apontam os saberes que são mobilizados na prática de ensino. Especificadamente se busca (a) identificar os saberes que são mobilizados por estudantes de Educação Física na construção dos Projetos de Ensino e da Prática de Ensino no estágio;(b) analisar a origem desses saberes, tomando como referência a elaboração do Projeto de Ensino, a Prática de Ensino na escola e as Experiências no processo de escolarização;(c) estabelecer relações, se possível entre a aquisição desses saberes e a identidade docente;(d) apontar a compreensão que os professores da escola que recebem estagiários têm sobre os saberes docentes.Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva, que utiliza como técnicas para a coleta, a entrevista e a fonte documental, tendo na análise do conteúdo a...
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The study focuses on the training of the pedagogue and working with dance in kindergarten. We conducted a brief study on corporal expression, Art Education and Dance History. We observed during this study the difficulties in working with the Dance School. So we conducted a search of the literature on teacher training, and a documentary research studying the Bachelor of Education, Faculty of Sciences, State University Julio de Mesquita Filho - FC/UNESP by analyzing its Educational Policy Project, its goals, its disciplines and whether any or some of them encouraged the study of dance as a method of teaching Art education. We seek the input of authors who study dance as well as others that investigate the training of teachers. We achieved some of the intended objectives and the analysis of the Educational Policy Project of the Education Course noting that two disciplines open space to work with movement, you can insert your content and practices related to dance. But we must emphasize that long for the lack of teacher training addressing the real needs of body language in kindergarten
The Projects of Extension in dance of the State University of São Paulo- Campus Rio Claro in 1994 and 1995 with the Dance Companies: Éxciton and Contratempo respectively. From this moment, the dance has always been present on the campus of Rio Claro, is participating actively in group or even as spectators of the many presentations. This research aims to understand and analyze the influence at the participants professional formation of the two companies, already graduated and working since the Dance Companies from the beginning until today. For the development of this study will be conducted qualitative research involving literature and area of study research. The technique used for the collection is a questionnaire with open and closed questions. The research subjects students trained by Physical Education Department of the State University of São Paulo - Campus Rio Claro, active in this area of academic formation, with one participant from each Dance Company in each year of existence. Data analysis will be based on the technique of content analysis proposed by Bardin (2010). The results found that the extension projects contribute to the professional acting, because they enable exchange of experience, acquisition and incorporation of new knowledge, different from previously built on a broad vision of dance. This new framework allows the development of education/ teaching/ methodology, enabling the contact since graduating with professional practice and obtaining safety and confidence to act in the labor maker
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The goal of this study was to identify some of the new responsibilities that have been assigned to the elementary school teachers , under the mediation of continuing education courses . We start from the idea that these courses , especially those offered by the SECADI, are proposed teachers and aims to train them for a performance at school that exceeds the activity of teaching in the classroom . The teacher has been summoned to attend these courses in which is prepared to act on school performing tasks rather related to the care of students than teaching , assisting them in their basic needs such as health, protection, inclusion and human rights. Asked ourselves if there was a reconfiguration of the responsibilities of education professionals in order to make use of oneself given by the State. We chose as sources of research documents the SECADI such as legislation , manuals and instructional materials that will proceed to the analysis , in each course , the target populations privileged , purpose, remuneration and certification , pre - requirements to participate in the courses and duration ; partnerships involved if the courses are face , semi-distance or distance ; activities that teacher should develop in school after completion of the courses ; loads hourly . We will seek to analyze the documents and materials of School programs that Protects, School Health Program , Network Education for Diversity. The theoretical and methodological framework is dialectical and historical materialism, from assumptions which we choose as the class character of society in capitalism and alienation as a phenomenon that affects the work in all its manifestations . Thus , our general hypothesis is that the enrichment tasks of teachers in public schools can contribute to basic disposition Teacher education