996 resultados para Correntes de curto-circuito (CC)
Queiroz, ACC, Gagliardi, JFL, Forjaz, CLM, and Rezk, CC. Clinic and ambulatory blood pressure responses after resistance exercise. J Strength Cond Res 23(2): 571-578, 2009-This study investigated clinic and ambulatory blood pressure (BP) responses after a single bout of low-intensity resistance exercise in normotensive subjects. Fifteen healthy subjects underwent 2 experimental sessions: control-40 minutes of seated rest, and exercise-6 resistance exercises, with 3 sets of as many repetitions as possible until moderate fatigue, with an intensity of 50% of 1-repetition maximum (1RM). Before and for 60 minutes after interventions, clinic BP was measured by auscultatory and oscillometric methods. Postintervention ambulatory BP levels were also measured for 24 hours. In comparison with preintervention values, clinic systolic BP, as measured by the auscultatory method, did not change in the control group, but it decreased after exercise (-3.7 +/- 1.6 mm Hg, p < 0.05). Diastolic and mean BP levels increased after intervention in the control group (+3.4 +/- 1.0 and +3.0 +/- 0.8 mm Hg, respectively, p, 0.05) and decreased in the exercise group (-3.6 +/- 1.7 and -3.4 +/- 1.4 mm Hg, respectively, p < 0.05). Systolic and mean oscillometric BP levels did not change after interventions either in the control or exercise sessions, whereas diastolic BP increased after intervention in the control group (+5.0 +/- 1.7 mm Hg, p < 0.05) but not change after exercise. Ambulatory BP behaviors after interventions were similar in the control and exercise sessions. Significant and positive correlations were observed between preexercise values and postexercise clinic and ambulatory BP decreases. In conclusion, in the whole sample, a single bout of low-intensity resistance exercise decreased postexercise BP under clinic, but not ambulatory, conditions. However, considering individual responses, postexercise clinic and ambulatory hypotensive effects were greater in subjects with higher preexercise BP levels.
SILVA, B. M., F. J. NEVES, M. V. NEGRÃO, C. R. ALVES, R. G. DIAS, G. B. ALVES, A. C. PEREIRA, M. Urbana A. RONDON, J. E. KRIEGER, C. E. NEGRÃO, and A. C. DA NOBREGA. Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Polymorphisms and Adaptation of Parasympathetic Modulation to Exercise Training. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 43, No. 9, pp. 1611-1618, 2011. Purpose: There is a large interindividual variation in the parasympathetic adaptation induced by aerobic exercise training, which may be partially attributed to genetic polymorphisms. Therefore, we investigated the association among three polymorphisms in the endothelial nitric oxide gene (-786T>C, 4b4a, and 894G>T), analyzed individually and as haplotypes, and the parasympathetic adaptation induced by exercise training. Methods: Eighty healthy males, age 20-35 yr, were genotyped by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, and haplotypes were inferred using the software PHASE 2.1. Autonomic modulation (i.e., HR variability and spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity) and peak oxygen consumption ((V) over dotO(2peak)) were measured before and after training (running, moderate to severe intensity, three times per week, 60 min.day(-1), during 18 wk). Results: Training increased (V) over dotO(2peak) (P < 0.05) and decreased mean arterial pressure (P < 0.05) in the whole sample. Subjects with the -786C polymorphic allele had a significant reduction in baroreflex sensitivity after training (change: wild type (-786TT) = 2% +/- 89% vs polymorphic (-786TC/CC) = -28% +/- 60%, median +/- quartile range, P = 0.03), and parasympathetic modulation was marginally reduced in subjects with the 894T polymorphic allele (change: wild type (894GG) = 8% +/- 67% vs polymorphic (894GT/TT) = -18% +/- 59%, median +/- quartile range, P = 0.06). Furthermore, parasympathetic modulation percent change was different between the haplotypes containing wild-type alleles(-786T/4b/894G) and polymorphic alleles at positions -786 and 894 (-786C/4b/894T) (-6% +/- 56% vs -41% +/- 50%, median T quartile range, P = 0.04). Conclusions: The polymorphic allele at position -786 and the haplotype containing polymorphic alleles at positions -786 and 894 in the endothelial nitric oxide gene were associated with decreased parasympathetic modulation after exercise training.
Negrão M.V, Alves CR, Alves G.B, Pereira A.C, Dias R.G, Laterza M.C, Mota G.F, Oliveira E.M, Bassaneze V, Krieger J.E, Negrão C.E, Rondon M.U.P. Exercise training improves muscle vasodilatation in individuals with T786C polymorphism of endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene. Physiol Genomics 42A: 71-77, 2010. First published July 6, 2010; doi:10.1152/physiolgenomics.00145.2009.-Allele T at promoter region of the eNOS gene has been associated with an increase in coronary disease mortality, suggesting that this allele increases susceptibility for endothelial dysfunction. In contrast, exercise training improves endothelial function. Thus, we hypothesized that: 1) Muscle vasodilatation during exercise is attenuated in individuals homozygous for allele T, and 2) Exercise training improves muscle vasodilatation in response to exercise for TT genotype individuals. From 133 preselected healthy individuals genotyped for the T786C polymorphism, 72 participated in the study: TT (n = 37; age 27 +/- 1 yr) and CT + CC (n = 35; age 26 +/- 1 yr). Forearm blood flow (venous occlusion plethysmography) and blood pressure (oscillometric automatic cuff) were evaluated at rest and during 30% handgrip exercise. Exercise training consisted of three sessions per week for 18 wk, with intensity between anaerobic threshold and respiratory compensation point. Resting forearm vascular conductance (FVC, P = 0.17) and mean blood pressure (P = 0.70) were similar between groups. However, FVC responses during handgrip exercise were significantly lower in TT individuals compared with CT + CC individuals (0.39 +/- 0.12 vs. 1.08 +/- 0.27 units, P = 0.01). Exercise training significantly increased peak VO(2) in both groups, but resting FVC remained unchanged. This intervention significantly increased FVC response to handgrip exercise in TT individuals (P = 0.03), but not in CT + CC individuals (P = 0.49), leading to an equivalent FVC response between TT and CT + CC individuals (1.05 +/- 0.18 vs. 1.59 +/- 0.27 units, P = 0.27). In conclusion, exercise training improves muscle vasodilatation in response to exercise in TT genotype individuals, demonstrating that genetic variants influence the effects of interventions such as exercise training.
Ticks are blood-feeding arthropods that secrete immunomodulatory molecules through their saliva to antagonize host inflammatory and immune responses. As dendritic cells (DCs) play a major role in host immune responses, we studied the effects of Rhipicephalus sanguineus tick saliva on DC migration and function. Bone marrow-derived immature DCs pre-exposed to tick saliva showed reduced migration towards macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1 alpha, MIP-1 beta and regulated upon activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted (RANTES) chemokines in a Boyden microchamber assay. This inhibition was mediated by saliva which significantly reduced the percentage and the average cell-surface expression of CC chemokine receptor CCR5. In contrast, saliva did not alter migration of DCs towards MIP-3 beta, not even if the cells were induced for maturation. Next, we evaluated the effect of tick saliva on the activity of chemokines related to DC migration and showed that tick saliva per se inhibits the chemotactic function of MIP-1 alpha, while it did not affect RANTES, MIP-1 beta and MIP-3 beta. These data suggest that saliva possibly reduces immature DC migration, while mature DC chemotaxis remains unaffected. In support of this, we have analyzed the percentage of DCs on mice 48 h after intradermal inoculation with saliva and found that the DC turnover in the skin was reduced compared with controls. Finally, to test the biological activity of the saliva-exposed DCs, we transferred DCs pre-cultured with saliva and loaded with the keyhole limpet haemocyanin (KLH) antigen to mice and measured their capacity to induce specific T cell cytokines. Data showed that saliva reduced the synthesis of both T helper (Th)1 and Th2 cytokines, suggesting the induction of a non-polarised T cell response. These findings propose that the inhibition of DCs migratory ability and function may be a relevant mechanism used by ticks to subvert the immune response of the host. (c) 2007 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this work the performance of graded-channel (CC) SOI MOSFETs operating as source-follower buffers is presented. The experimental analysis is performed by comparing the gain and linearity of buffers implemented with CC and standard SOI MOS devices considering the same mask dimensions. It is shown that by using CC devices, buffer gain very close to the theoretical limit can be achieved, with improved linearity, while for standard devices the gain departs from the theoretical value depending on the inversion level imposed by the bias current and input voltage. Two-dimensional numerical simulations were performed in order to confirm some hypotheses proposed to explain the gain behavior observed in the experimental data. By using numerical simulations the channel length has been varied, showing that the gain of buffers implemented with CC devices remains close to the theoretical limit even when short-channel devices are adopted. It has also been shown that the length of a source-follower buffer using CC devices can be reduced by a factor of 5, in comparison with a standard Sol MOSFET, without gain loss or linearity degradation. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Leaf wetness duration (LWD) is related to plant disease occurrence and is therefore a key parameter in agrometeorology. As LWD is seldom measured at standard weather stations, it must be estimated in order to ensure the effectiveness of warning systems and the scheduling of chemical disease control. Among the models used to estimate LWD, those that use physical principles of dew formation and dew and/or rain evaporation have shown good portability and sufficiently accurate results for operational use. However, the requirement of net radiation (Rn) is a disadvantage foroperational physical models, since this variable is usually not measured over crops or even at standard weather stations. With the objective of proposing a solution for this problem, this study has evaluated the ability of four models to estimate hourly Rn and their impact on LWD estimates using a Penman-Monteith approach. A field experiment was carried out in Elora, Ontario, Canada, with measurements of LWD, Rn and other meteorological variables over mowed turfgrass for a 58 day period during the growing season of 2003. Four models for estimating hourly Rn based on different combinations of incoming solar radiation (Rg), airtemperature (T), relative humidity (RH), cloud cover (CC) and cloud height (CH), were evaluated. Measured and estimated hourly Rn values were applied in a Penman-Monteith model to estimate LWD. Correlating measured and estimated Rn, we observed that all models performed well in terms of estimating hourly Rn. However, when cloud data were used the models overestimated positive Rn and underestimated negative Rn. When only Rg and T were used to estimate hourly Rn, the model underestimated positive Rn and no tendency was observed for negative Rn. The best performance was obtained with Model I, which presented, in general, the smallest mean absolute error (MAE) and the highest C-index. When measured LWD was compared to the Penman-Monteith LWD, calculated with measured and estimated Rn, few differences were observed. Both precision and accuracy were high, with the slopes of the relationships ranging from 0.96 to 1.02 and R-2 from 0.85 to 0.92, resulting in C-indices between 0.87 and 0.93. The LWD mean absolute errors associated with Rn estimates were between 1.0 and 1.5h, which is sufficient for use in plant disease management schemes.
The objectives were to evaluate preweaning performance, body composition, and efficiency of calves representing straightbred Nellore (NL), F(1), and 3-breed-cross systems. Energy requirements, milk production, and efficiency of 39 cow-calf pairs were recorded from straightbred NL calves from NL cows (10), crossbred (Angus-sired) calves from NL cows (ANL: 9), and crossbred calves (CC; Canchim-sired: 5/8 Charolais, 3/8 Zebu) from ANL (10) and Simmental x NL (10) cows. Cows and their respective calves were individually fed from birth to weaning (17 to 190 d postpartum). At 38 d of age, corn silage (7.8% CP, 2.19 Mcal of ME/kg of DM) was available to calves ad libitum. Milk production at 42, 98, 126, and 180 d postpartum was recorded by weighing calves before and after suckling. The ratio between GE and ME of milk was considered 1:0.93. Calves were slaughtered at weaning and the 9th-, 10th-, and 11th-rib section was removed for body composition estimation. The ANL calves were lighter (P < 0.01) at birth than the CC calves; the NL calves were intermediate. At weaning, the CC calves were heavier (P = 0.04) than the NL and ANL calves (230 +/- 5.5 vs. 172 +/- 8.1 and 209 +/- 8.6 kg, respectively). The ANL calves had greater (371 +/- 27 Mcal; P = 0.01) silage intake than the NL (270 +/- 25 Mcal) and CC (279 +/- 17 Mcal) calves. Milk energy intake was greater for the CC calves (970 +/- 38 Mcal of ME; P = 0.005) than the NL (670 +/- 57 Mcal of ME) and ANL (743 +/- 61 Mcal of ME) calves. The ANL calves compensated for the reduced milk production of the NL cows, which supplied less of their energy requirement for growth by increased silage intake. Calves from crossbred cows received a greater proportion of their total energy intake from milk. Crossbred calves had greater (P < 0.03) retained energy (retained energy = weaning body energy - birth body energy) than the NL calves (388 +/- 23 for ANL, and 438 +/- 15 for CC vs. 312 +/- 22 Mcal for NL calves). Percentages of water (P = 0.74) and chemical fat (P = 0.51) were similar among groups (63.7 +/- 0.6 and 14.3 +/- 0.7% for ANL calves, 63.1 +/- 0.4 and 14.7 +/- 0.5% for CC calves, and 63.3 +/- 0.6 and 13.7 +/- 0.7% of empty BW for water and chemical fat, respectively, for NL calves). Energetic efficiency (kcal of retained energy/Mcal of ME intake) was similar (P = 0.52) among groups (358 +/- 22 for ANL calves, 355 +/- 14 for CC calves, and 327 +/- 22 for NL calves). The greater BW gains and the differences in empty body composition at weaning were not enough to compensate for the greater ME intake of crossbreds. In this study, the crossbreeding systems evaluated increased preweaning calf performance but did not affect gross or energetic calf efficiency.
Plasmodium vivax Merozoite Surface Protein-3 alpha and 3 beta are members of a family of related merozoite surface proteins that contain a central alanine-rich domain with heptad repeats that is predicted to form alpha-helical secondary and coiled-coil tertiary structures. Seven recombinant proteins representing different regions of MSP-3 alpha and MSP-3 beta of P. vivax were generated to investigate their structure. Circular dichroism spectra analysis revealed that some proteins are folded with a high degree of alpha-helices as secondary structure, whereas other products contain a high content of random coil. Using size exclusion chromatography, we found that the two smaller fragments of the MSP-3 alpha, named CC4 and CC5, predicted to form coiled-coil (CC) structures, eluted at volumes corresponding to molecular weights larger than their monomeric masses. This result suggests that both proteins are oligomeric molecules. Analytical ultracentrifugation experiments showed that the CC5 oligomers are elongated molecules. Together, these data may help to understand important aspects of P. vivax biology. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Choline citrate (CC) and acetylmethionine (AM) are lipotropic drugs used in several pharmaceutical formulations. The objective of this research was to develop and validate a high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for simultaneous determination of CC and AM in injectable solutions, aiming its application in routine analysis for quality control of these pharmaceutical formulations. The method was validated using a Shim-Pack (R) C18 (250 x 4.6 mm, 5 mu m) column. The mobile phase was constituted of 25 mM potassium phosphate buffer solution, pH 5.7, adjusted with 10 % orthophosphoric acid, acetonitrile and methanol (88:10:2, v/v/v). The flow rate was 1.1 mL.min(-1) and the UV detection was made at 210 nm. The analyses were made at room temperature (25 +/- 1 degrees C). The method is precise, selective, accurate and robust, and was successfully applied for simultaneous quantitative determination of CC and AM in injectables.
This work deals with the use of an aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) of PEG/citrate to remove proteases from a Clostridium perfringens fermentation broth. To plan the experimental tests and evaluate the corresponding results, three successive experimental designs were employed, for which the PEG molar mass (M-PEG) and concentration (C-PEG), the citrate concentration (C-C) and the pH were selected as independent variables, while the purification factor (PF), the partition coefficient (K), the activity yield (Y) and the selectivity (S) were selected as responses. PF of proteases in the top phase was shown to increase with increasing MPEG and decreasing Cc, whereas a completely opposite trend was observed for K. On the other hand, Y was favored by simultaneous decreases in both these variables, while S decreased with increasing Cc. Therefore, selecting a simultaneous increase in PF and Y as the most desirable result, the best performance of the system was obtained using M-PEG = 10-000 g/mol C-PEG = 22% (w/w) and C-c = 8.0% (w/w) at pH 8.5. Under these conditions, the activity yield was very high (131 %) but the purification factor (4.2) and the selectivity (4.3) were lower than those ensured by more selective purification methods. According to these results, the ATPS seems to be an interesting alternative primary concentration/decontamination step for vaccine preparation from C. perfringens fermented broth. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The effects of acai pulp addition and different probiotic bacteria on the fatty acid profile of stirred yoghurt were examined. Skim milk was divided into two groups: one containing acai pulp and another without the fruit. Batches were inoculated with yoghurt starter culture and divided into five groups according to probiotic addition. Counts of viable microorganisms were measured at days 1, 14 and 28 of cold storage. Fatty acid profile was determined by gas chromatography at day 1. Acai pulp favoured an increase in Lactobacillus acidophilus L10, Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis Bl04 and Bifidobacterium longum Bl05 counts at the end of 4 weeks of cold storage. This study demonstrated that acai pulp addition increased monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acid contents in probiotic yoghurt and enhanced the production of cc-linolenic and conjugated linoleic acids during fermentation of skim milk prepared with B. animalis ssp. lactis Bl04 and B94 strains. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Much information on flavonoid content of Brazilian foods has already been obtained; however, this information is spread in scientific publications and non-published data. The objectives of this work were to compile and evaluate the quality of national flavonoid data according to the United States Department of Agriculture`s Data Quality Evaluation System (USDA-DQES) with few modifications, for future dissemination in the TBCA-USP (Brazilian Food Composition Database). For the compilation, the most abundant compounds in the flavonoid subclasses were considered (flavonols, flavones, isoflavones, flavanones, flavan-3-ols, and anthocyanidins) and the analysis of the compounds by HPLC was adopted as criteria for data inclusion. The evaluation system considers five categories, and the maximum score assigned to each category is 20. For each data, a confidence code (CC) was attributed (A, B, C and D), indicating the quality and reliability of the information. Flavonoid data (773) present in 197 Brazilian foods were evaluated. The CC ""C"" (as average) was attributed to 99% of the data and ""B"" (above average) to 1%. The main categories assigned low average scores were: number of samples; sampling plan and analytical quality control (average scores 2, 5 and 4, respectively). The analytical method category received an average score of 9. The category assigned the highest score was the sample handling (20 average). These results show that researchers need to be conscious about the importance of the number and plan of evaluated samples and the complete description and documentation of all the processes of methodology execution and analytical quality control. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Baccharis dracunculifolia DC. (Asteraceae), popularly known as alecrim do campo, is a native plant from Brazil used in folk medicine as febrifuge, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and to treat skin sores. Also, B. dracanculifolia is the most important plant source of the Brazilian green propolis. which is recognized for its antiseptic and antiprotozoal activities. This study aimed at investigating the in vitro antiprotozoal. schistosomicidal, and antimicrobial activities of the essential oil from the leaves of R. dracunculifolia. The essential oil was obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by CC and GC/MS, which allowed the identification of 14 compounds, mainly oxygenated sesquiterpenes, such as ( E)nerolidol (33.51%) and spathulenol (16.24%). The essential oil showed activity against promzistigote forms of Leishmania donovani, with IC(50), values of 42 mu g/ml. The essential oil displayed high activity in the schistosomicidal assay, since all pairs of Schistosoma mansoni adult worms were dead after incubation with the essential oil (10, 50, and 100 fig/m1). B. dracunculifolia essential oil was neither cytotoxic against Vero cells, nor active in the antimicrobial and antiplasmodial assays.
Time-averaged conformations of (+/-)-1-[3,4-(methylenedioxy)phenyl]-2-methylaminopropane hydrochloride (MDMA, ""ecstasy"") in D(2)O, and of its free base and trifluoroacetate in CDCl(3), were deduced from their (1)H NMR spectra and used to calculate their conformer distribution. Their rotational potential energy surface (PES) was calculated at the RHF/6-31G(d,p), 133LYP/6-31G(d,p), B3LYP/cc-pVDZ and AM1 levels. Solvent effects were evaluated using the polarizable continuum model. The NMR and theoretical studies showed that, in the free base, the N-methyl group and the ring are preferentially trans. This preference is stronger in the salts and corresponds to the X-ray structure of the hydrochloride. However, the energy barriers separating these forms are very low. The X-ray diffraction crystal structures of the anhydrous salt and its monohydrate differed mainly in the trans or cis relationship of the N-methyl group to the a-methyl, although these two forms interconvert freely in solution. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The synthetic peptide pilosulin 1, corresponding to the largest defined allergenic polypeptide found in the venom of the jumper ant Myrmecia pilosula, inhibited the incorporation of [methyl-H-3]thymidine into proliferating Epstein-Barr transformed (EBV) B-cells. The LD50 was four-fold lower in concentration than melittin, a cytotoxic peptide found in honey bee venom. Loss of cell viability was assessed by flow cytometry by measuring the proportion of cells that fluoresced in the presence of the fluorescent dye 7-aminoactinomycin D. Examination of proliferating EBV B-cells indicated that the cells lost viability within a few minutes exposure to pilosulin 1. Partial peptides of pilosulin 1 were less efficient in causing loss of cell viability and the results suggest that the 22 N-terminal residues are critical to the cytotoxic activity of pilosulin 1. Normal blood white cells were also labile to pilosulin I. T- and B-lymphocytes, monocytes and natural killer cells, however, were more labile than granulocytes. Analysis of pilosulin I using circular dichroism indicated that, in common with melittin and other Hymenoptera venom toxins, it had the potential to adopt an cc-helical secondary structure. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V, All rights reserved.