934 resultados para Constitutional patriotism
O federalismo brasileiro é, tal como outros tantos ao longo do globo, dotado de peculiariedades. Neste sentido, equilibra-se entre a busca de uma unidade, especialmente normativa, e a promoção da autonomia dos poderes regionais e locais, algo típico do modelo federal estatal. Nesta realidade se insere a questão do portador de deficiência e do dever do estado, através de todos os seus entes componentes, de atender a essa obrigação imposta pela Constituição Federal.
Objetivos: Determinar a dose eritematosa mínima (DEM) medida por exposição controlada à radiação ultravioleta-B (RUV-B), como limiar para dano solar agudo nos diversos fototipos, e medir a cor da pele constitucional pelo sistema colorimétrico CIELAB. Pacientes e Métodos: Um total de 194 voluntários, sadios, com idades acima de 18 anos, distribuídos em um mínimo de 30 participantes por fototipo. Todos foram classificados por fototipos segundo os critérios de Fitzpatrick. As regiões infra-axilar torácica e nádega foram irradiadas em 4 áreas de 1 cm2, assim como foi registrada a cor da pele desses locais pelo sistema CIELAB. Delineamento: Estudo transversal. Resultados: A média de idade dos participantes foi de 38 anos, sendo 68% do sexo feminino. A avaliação da associação entre as medidas das DEMs e dos valores colorimétricos da coordenada L*, mostrou uma correlação de Pearson negativa com r = -0,91 para um valor p<0,05. Para os valores das DEMs e os escores da classificação dos voluntários por fototipos, obteve-se correlação de Spearman (rs) de +0,95 para p<0,05 e, correlacionando os valores colorimétricos com os escores dos fototipos, encontrou-se em tórax um rs de -0,93 e em nádega -0,92 para um p < 0,05. Conclusões – Concluiu-se que: 1)- a mensuração dos valores colorimétricos da coordenada L* nas regiões infra-axilar torácica e nádega mostraram uma forte correlação com os valores das DEMs, sendo de menor poder invasivo e de maior praticidade para mensuração de sensibilidade à radiação ultravioleta; 2)- apesar de os escores de Fitzpatrick terem alta correlação com os valores das DEMs, mostraram superposição de valores nos fototipos adjacentes; 3)- o grau de associação das classes dos fototipos com a cor da pele permite dizer que a categoria numérica do fototipo aumenta à medida que a pele fica mais escura.
O Estado e o mercado são instituições complementares. O Estado é a instituição principal que coordena as sociedades modernas; é o sistema constitucional e a organização que o garante; é o principal instrumento através do qual as sociedades democráticas estão moldando o capitalismo de modo a alcançar seus próprios objetivos políticos. Os mercados são instituições baseadas na competição, regulada pelo Estado para que contribuam com a coordenação da economia. Enquanto o liberalismo emergiu no século 18 para combater o estado autocrático, desde os anos 1980 o neoliberalismo (uma distorção maior do liberalismo econômico) tornou-se dominante e montou um assalto ao estado em nome do mercado, mas eventualmente também atacou o mercado. A macroeconomia neoclássica e a teoria da escolha pública foram as meta-ideologias que deram a esse assalto um apelo ‘científico’ e matemático.
Estudando o controle do endividamento público no Brasil e Estados Unidos, este trabalho examina a eficácia das restrições constitucionais e legais existentes nestes países, os fatores políticos e de mercado que afetam o deficit público e o nível do endividamento. Enfase especial é atribuída ao papel do Senado no caso brasileiro e aos mecanismos de controle através do mercado no caso americano.
Estudando o controle do endividamento público nos Estados Unidos, este trabalho examina a eficácia das restrições constitucionais e legais existentes naquele país, os fatores políticos que afetam o deficit públic e o nível do endividamento e ainda os mecanismos de controle das finanças públicas através do mercado.
A inserção do Princípio Constitucional da Eficiência no art. 37 da Constituição Federal do Brasil, por meio da Emenda Constitucional n. 19/98, representa a busca da maximização do aproveitamento dos recursos públicos na prestação apropriada de serviços públicos e da excelência da qualidade dos mesmos. Observa-se, ainda, que a aplicação deste Princípio na Administração Pública carece de instrumentos normativos que permitam o alcance da melhor efetividade possível. Este trabalho busca elencar indicadores com capacidade de mensurar o grau de eficiência de certos órgãos públicos, seja por intermédio de órgãos (organizações) fiscalizadores ou superiores, ou pelo público atendido, que se beneficia dos serviços disponibilizados. Para isso buscou-se, inicialmente, conceituar termos como princípio, eficiência e outros diretamente ligados à Administração Pública. Em seguida, são abordados os conceitos relativos a indicadores, em especial aos de eficiência. De forma mais específica, são apresentados indicadores usados por alguns órgãos públicos e, a fim de contribuir com a implementação mais efetiva destes, foram feitos acréscimos e adaptações de outros, bem como se sugere uma planilha para avaliar a gestão em seus diversos aspectos, seja por auditoria ou pela mensuração da qualidade e satisfação referentes aos serviços públicos prestados à população. Tenciona-se com este trabalho colaborar para a melhoria da gestão com foco nos resultados na Administração Pública, disponibilizando um rol de indicadores básicos que possam ser utilizados na mensuração da eficiência de um órgão público, destacando-se que é necessário atualizar e aprimorar constantemente a aplicação destes instrumentos.
O Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) foi configurado para ser um instrumento de justiça social, utilizando a estratégia de descentralização político-administrativa, com vistas à equidade, universalização e integridade das ações de saúde. No entanto, após oito anos de aprovação e legitimação constitucional, o seu processo de implantação tem sofrido desvios na sua trajetória idealizada pela Reforma Sanitária. Nesta dissertação serão enfocadas as possíveis causas dos obstáculos desencaminhadores do SUS. Pontualizando duas questões conceituais: a equidade e a descentralização dos serviços de saúde. A grande interrogação que permeia todo o trabalho está no questionamento sobre a factibilidade do SUS, enquanto um modelo teórico, realizado em moldes utópicos, passível de transformar-se em mais um mito do imaginário social brasileiro, do que uma efetiva política social, voltada para a obtenção de uma sociedade democrática e participativa.
With the redefinition of the constitutional paper of the State, the federal Government developed through the Ministry of the Federal Administration and of the Reform of the State a ¿Director Plan of the Reform of the State Apparatus¿. Having as main objective the retaking of the capacity of management of the State, this Managing Plan proposes the introduction of the methodologies of modernization of the public administration and the revision in the ways of property of the State. As a complement to this Plan the Program of Quality and Participation in the Public Administration ¿ QPAP ¿ was developed. This Program proposes the accomplishment of some strategic projects. Among those projects it stands out the one of Restructuring and Quality in the Federal Executive Power, which defines as one of the work stages, the dissemination of the strategic planning in all the entities of the public administration. The strategic planning is considered nowadays only one of the stages of the strategic administration and it is fundamental that all elements of sistematization and analysis in all the phases of the administration of an organization are knomn. This dissertation tries to show that the dissemination of the strategic planning in the public institutions, especially in the IBGE, it is opportune and coherent, but that it will also be necessary to do an analysis of all the limitations and challenges that the leaders will face so that the strategic restructuring is implemented with the effective participation and all the employees commitment.
Este estudo descritivo-explicativo teve como finalidade demonstrar as principais dificuldades enfrentadas pelo atual Sistema Brasileiro de Segurança Pública, em conseqüência, pelos órgãos de segurança pública, para diminuir os índices de criminalidade e violência praticados no país. Para isso, enfoca o Exército Brasileiro como possível subsistema do sistema de segurança pública, abordando aspectos da estrutura funcional e operacional da Força Terrestre que poderiam ser empregados, em apoio aos órgãos policiais, no combate à criminal idade. Conclui apresentando possíveis setores em que o Exército Brasileiro poderia atuar na área da segurança pública, sem prejudicar suas missões constitucionais.
The Brazilian Public Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS), defined by the Constitution of 1988, is almost 20 years old and is a landmark for health public policies. In these 20 years, the law was altered several times with the objective of prioritizing the investment of public money in such a needy area as health. Among these changes, it is important to single out the Constitutional Amendment number 29, issued on 13th September 2000, which determined the minimum investment in health. According to this amendment, as from the year 2000, the municipalities should invest in health services a minimum of 7% of the revenue from taxes and transferences from the Federal and State governments. This value was to rise gradually to 15% by 2004. Since every public policy should be systematically evaluated and considering the assumption that, according to the incrementalist theory, more money invested in health would tend to solve the crisis in the health system, this dissertation consists of a study of a set of health indicators in some municipalities of the State of Pernambuco after the Amendment 29. The evaluation period spanned 4 years, from 2002 to 2005 and the area chosen for the study was located in southern agreste region of the state. Ten health indicators were selected, all of which included in the Administrative Rule no 493, of the Health Ministry. It was found that in the chosen period the average investment in health was greater than 15% of the municipalities¿ revenue since 2002. However, the value of the investment per capita, considering the municipality's share of it, which was half of the total investment, decreased from 2002 to 2004 and increased in 2005. It was also found that the municipalities with the lowest per capita income were the ones with the highest investment per capita in health. As regards children mortality in the region, it was on average 33 for every 1000 children born, which is classified as ¿medium¿ according to the above mentioned Administrative Rule no 493. No statistically significative correlation was found between the amount of money invested in health and children mortality.
The developed democracies only have results or crystallise, when the exercise of the government policies has two dimensions: the first one, is the dimension of the government decisions making: in which, the governor accomplishes the priorities and orientations submitted to the population by electoral decisions. Then the second dimension, is the functionality of the State: capable to transform policies into convergent actions for accomplishment of the negotiated results. The consolidation of the democracy and the consequent increase of the social demand by decisions and public and government lawsuits, able to generate results that attend collectively the different levels of the society and able to aggregate and articulate additional values to their interests, imposes to the public sector administration, great challenges of public policies. Nowadays, the indispensable condition to guarantee a minimum governmental benchmark, it to overcome these challenges, in the plan of the public administration, demanded for the promotion of the economic development, in the democratic scope, to reach the politician-institutional values of the society. However, It is undeniable, the universality of the challenges of public administration that consequently, are the effects of modern administrative systems. To attempt the best result, the mast satisfy the attributes of speed, flexibility, integration and innovation, amongst others. The diffusion of guided doctrines of public management by results is reflecting in the institutionalization of new types of bureaucratic activities and amongst this context, it is distinguished as a basic importance of what we call Performance Audit. This work intends to describe how the control organs and especially the Accounts Court of the Union, the sensitive demands of the society, and attending to new constitutional order, they are structuring itself to face the new organizational and institutional challenges, in consequence of the gradual redefinition of your task, more and more liable uncertainties, current of the intimate nature of the performance audit, in development, face the traditional audit, which characterizes them in general. Therefore, the main goal of this these, is the analysis of the organizational challenges and consequently ,the lawsuits changes of the organizational structures faced in general by the Brazilian¿s Accounts Courts, which we believe, will help to elaborate paths of propulsive evaluating and restrictive elements to the innovations that are intended to introduce the systems of necessary control in the evaluation of government programs.
Governmental acquisitions, in Brazil, must be proceeded, as a rule, by means of licitation. Though this principle became constitutional rule only from 1988's Constitution, its existence in Brazilian legal system retraces century XV: by that time, the Filipinas Ordinations ruled it in one only law article. Since then, several rules of law had been incorporated to the Brazilian governmental acquirement system, especially during century XX, hardening the procedures and restricting public manager's discritionarity. Current governmental acquirement system was instituted by the Law nº 8,666/1993, which, however, did not disrupt previous system: with few innovations and more restrictions, it only copied the instruments in the system of the Decree nº 2,300/1986 and previous ones. In its original text, Law nº 8,666/1993 had three licitation procedures for acquisitions - concorrência, tomada de preços, convite - and the exceptional procedures - dispensa and inexigibilidade. Once revealed itself a rigid system, several measures were implemented in order to make it more flexible, having for objectives celerity and price reduction, from discrete alterations of articles of laws to the creation of pregão as a new licitation procedure - initially, there was only the pregão presencial, proceeded face to face - and no longer, the pregão eletrônico, proceeded through web. This research focuses the analysis of the impact of the rigidity / flexibility on Government acquirement system. Despite specialized literature, studies carried through for governmental agencies and state publicity praises the results reached with the use of the pregão eletrônico, the analyses that lead to such conclusion are based on questionable premises. The studies on the efficiency of the pregão eletrônico restrict this concept to its economic dimension, interpreting it as costs reduction. Beyond, the methodology of analysis of this cost reduction has for reference hypothetical values which are also defined by random standards. Here it is, therefore, the objective of this study: to analyze, from the perception of the public managers, the relation between flexibility or rigidity of a procedure and its efficiency, under a multidimensional perspective - taking into consideration, beyond the prices gotten for objects, the time of transaction, the quality of objects and the security of the procedure. From the answers to the questionnaires applied to licitation managers and to members of licitations permanent commissions it was raisen three kinds of information: descriptive data concerning to the ordinal or nominal variables, extracted from the analysis of the objective fields of the questionnaire; not-structuralized, extracted directly from the subjective fields of the questionnaire; e, finally, treated data, extracted from the hypotheses formulated in the research and statistically analyzed. The reflections on the information allowed concluding that the acquirement governmental procedures flexibility extends its efficiency. Restricted the analysis to the pregão eletrônico, it is concluded that it is more efficient under the economic and time perspectives, in relation to the classic procedures; however, under the perspective of the security it does not significantly differs from those; under the qualitative perspective, it is less efficient than the classic procedures, implying in the reduction of the quality of acquired or contracted objects.
The acts of public administration personnel are of great importance and various laws have been passed in attempt to limit the related expenses. The management of Public administration personnel is based on the principle of efficiency. The TCE/RJ (State of Rio de Janeiro/Audit Court) digital communication system is expected through telework to facilitate its auditing duties in compliance with the terms of the Federal and State constitutions. The TCE/RJ, the superior judicial body of auditing, has done more than just reduce costs and use flextime; it applies telework as an instrument to optimize public service through SICODI digital certification to maximize the resources applied to this constitutional act with greater efficiency for effective auditing. The focus of the first part of this study is to evaluate the tasks of positions that forward the TCE/RJ objectives and the profile characteristics of employees of the inspection area on personnel performance beginning with defined concepts and purposes. Questionnaires for auditors and technicians of the area were approved for this specific purpose to analyze the duties of positions and employee profiles. The second part of this study evaluates the TCE/RJ digital communication system according to theoretical reference and ISO/IEC Standard No. 9126-1, observing three dimensions: the content, usability and functionality. The results obtained, with the use of qualitative methods complemented by quantitative analysis, were positive for the implementation of telework in the inspection of personnel performance in relation to the analysts and technicians involved in this type of auditing as well as in relation to the TCE/RJ digital communication system.
This work is funded based on the uneasiness with the concept of State as a public machine for development. Of State as a public machine to deliberate valid practices for valid methods and to limit valid subjects in valid spaces. In midst of this specific context, this work dedicates itself to investigate the following research problem: the mistaken recognition of the blind subject in public spaces of representation. For this reason, it was addressed the following question: how the blind subject is recognized in public spaces of representation? To answer the question, it was necessary to contextualize how the blind subject is being recognized in various public spaces of representation. In the international scope, the human rights debate held between the National States was analyzed (BRAND, 2005; KOERNER, 2002; UN, 2006). In the national arena, constitutional rights, federal laws, public policies and institutions representing the blind subject were examined (CABRAL, 2008; SARAVIA, 2006). Finally, in a local context, the fundaments of the concept of citizen for the subject recognition were investigated (AGAMBEN, 2002; RORTY, 1999, DELEUZE AND GUATTARI, 1996). The methodology included reports of national and international representatives in the Lusophone Countries Meeting for Dissemination and Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and, mainly, interviews with blind subjects. The data was processed by content analysis and was discussed based on the following categories: representation spaces; representation modes; representation amplitude; representation premises. The results show, regarding such spaces of representation, the growing importance of thinking the rights of persons with disabilities ¿ group in which belongs the blind subject ¿ as of the international and national scenario. However, the blind subjects announced alternative local spaces for representation: church, internet, radio, etc. Regarding the representation modes, the role of law and standards has been advocated specially in the human rights field. The importance of the cooperation between the States and the civil society to ensure, in practice, the rights achieved was also emphasized. But other forms of representation, directly linked to each interviewee¿ history, was important. Regarding the representation amplitude, there were arguments in defense of a conception of human dignity and freedom to all inhabitants of the globe. The lusophone event highlighted the concern of the cultural peculiarities of those involved in the meeting. The blind interviewees argued for citizenship as construction of instruments for freedom and autonomy, but recognized that this is not a clear desire between the blind people in general, and even less in society as a whole. With respect to the representation premises, the fundaments for the recognition of the blind subject were based on the primacy of reason at the expense of personal experimentation. Experimentation that serves as the foundation of a new form of recognition of the blind subject in public spaces of representation, one more interested in singularities, impenetrable by reason, unmovable to another, and which are irreducible to each subject. The final considerations suggest that if the State has a reason to be, this is not another than to offer instruments to manifest as many as the existential possibilities of the subject. This is the concept of State for development.
The goal of this work is to study microcredit public policy as a mechanism of improving wage and decreasing unemployment rates. This study is contextualized by analysis of up-to-date macroeconomic national situation, Brazilian intergovernamental constitutional relationship, Brazilian job market and local development perspectives, trying to show that public microcredit driven by local government is a natural and useful way. Two cases have been chosen for analysis: Banco do Povo de Juiz de For a and São Paulo Confia.