986 resultados para Confine parco cimitero colonia


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Cocrystallization of the molecule of interest could be a smart and dainty way to tune solubility properties of solid phases leaving the molecule chemically unchanged, hence it is widely investigated by companies and by solid state scientists. Despite of this extremely high interest towards cocrystallization no particular emphasis has been paid to using it as a means to stabilize liquid molecules. In this work we define a benchmark of relevant molecules for human health that have been combined with suitable partners according to crystal engineering methods in order to obtain cocrystals. Solubility properties in different solvents of cocrystals new solid phases have been tested and compared to the properties of the drugs. A further approach to deal with volatile compounds is molecular confinement inside molecular scaffold. Nowadays metal organic frameworks (MOFs) are studied in many fields ranging from catalysis to trapping or storage of gases, such as hydrogen, methane, CO2 thanks to their extremely high porosity. Our goal is to confine liquid guests of biological relevance inside MOF pores, monitoring via X-ray diffraction, spectroscopy and thermal analysis the stabilization of the molecule of interest inside the cavities.


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Los dramáticos cambios y avances tecnológicos, científicos y en las comunicaciones de los pasados 50 años han enfrentado a Puerto Rico con escenarios marcadamente complejos. A pesar de que la globalización tiende a ser considerada como un conjunto de variables económicas, este concepto trasciende esos límites y abarca otros aspectos fundamentales de la sociedad, tales como la política, la ideología, la comunicación, el medioambiente y la cultura, cuyos efectos han sido, y previsiblemente serán, críticos en muchos ámbitos en Puerto Rico. Por otro lado, desde su colonización en 1507 hasta el presente, Puerto Rico ha mantenido un estatus político de territorio o colonia bajo España o Estados Unidos de América y no han existido acuerdos para su autodeterminación como nación soberana o para su completa anexión a los Estados Unidos. El propósito principal de esta investigación es indagar en este marco general y analizar cuáles han sido los efectos de la globalización sobre el sector económicoindustrial y laboral de Puerto Rico, haciendo un recorrido por la macroeconomía, la cultura, la sociedad y la situación política. Ello nos ha llevado a documentar cómo la situación política afecta al desarrollo del sector industrial y, en consecuencia, al progreso de la Isla. El trabajo concluye evidenciando la relación que se establece entre los factores económicos, sociales y políticos y mostrando la necesidad de resolver la encrucijada del estatus colonial de Puerto Rico, lo cual implica la puesta en marcha de un proceso de reflexión colectiva, al que este trabajo pretende contribuir, que en última instancia culmine con la puesta en práctica de reformas en lo social, político y económico...


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Three usually unexpressed, and too often unnoticed, conceptual dichotomies underlie our perception and understanding of lawyers’ ethics. First, the existence of a special body of professional ethics and professional regulation presupposes some special need or risk. Criminal and civil law are apparently insufficient. Ordinary day-to-day morality and ordinary ethics, likewise, are not considered to be enough. What is the risk entailed by the notion of a profession that is special; who needs protection, and from what? Two quite different possible answers to this question provide the first of the three dichotomies examined in this article: one can understand the risk as primarily to a vulnerable client from a powerful professional; or, to the contrary, from a powerful client-lawyer combination toward vulnerable others. Second, what is the foundational orientation of lawyers? Are lawyers serving primarily their particular clients, and those clients’ preferences, choices and autonomy? Or is the primary allegiance of lawyers to some community or collective goal or interest distinct from the particular goals or interests of the client? The third dichotomy concerns not the substance of the risk, or the primary orientation, but the appropriate means of responding to that risk or that fundamental obligation. Should professional ethics be implemented primarily through rules? Or, should we rely on character and the discretion of lawyers to make a thought out, all things considered, decision? Each of these three presents a fundamental difference in how we perceive and address issues of lawyers’ ethics. Each affects our understanding and analysis on multiple levels, from (1) determining the appropriate or requisite conduct in a particular situation, to (2) framing a specific rule or approach for a particular category of situations, to (3) more general or abstract theory or policy. A person’s inclinations in regard to the dichotomies affects the conclusions that person will reach on each of those levels of analysis, yet those inclinations and assumptions are frequently unexamined and unarticulated. One’s position on each of the dichotomies tends to structure the approach and outcome without the issues and choice having been explicitly addressed or possibly even noticed. This article is an effort to ameliorate that problem. Part I addresses the question of what is the risk in the work of lawyers, or the function of lawyers, for which professional ethics is the answer. The concluding section focuses on the particular problem of the corporation as client. Part II then asks the related and possibly consequent question of what is the foundational orientation or allegiance of the lawyer? Is it to the individual client? Or is it to some larger community interest? Again, the concluding section focuses on the corporation. Part III turns to the means or method for addressing the obligations and possible problems of the professional ethics of lawyers. Should lawyers’ ethics guide and confine the conduct of lawyers primarily through rules? Or should it function primarily through reliance on the knowledge, judgment and character of lawyers? If the latter were the guide, ethical decisions would be made on a situation by situation basis under the discretion of each lawyer. Toward the end of each discussion possibilities for bridging the dichotomy are considered (and with such bridges each dichotomy may come to look more like a spectrum or continuum.). At several points after its introduction in Parts I and II, the special problem of the corporation as client is revisited and possible solutions suggested. Illustrating the usefulness of keeping the dichotomies in view, Part IV applies them to several exemplary situations of ethical difficulty in actual lawyer practice. For readers finding it difficult to envision the consequences of these distinctions, turning ahead to Part IV may be useful in making the discussion more concrete. Some commonalities across the dichotomies and connections among them are then developed in the concluding section, Part V.


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Three usually unexpressed, and too often unnoticed, conceptual dichotomies underlie our perception and understanding of lawyers’ ethics. First, the existence of a special body of professional ethics and professional regulation presupposes some special need or risk. Criminal and civil law are apparently insufficient. Ordinary day-to-day morality and ordinary ethics, likewise, are not considered to be enough. What is the risk entailed by the notion of a profession that is special; who needs protection, and from what? Two quite different possible answers to this question provide the first of the three dichotomies examined in this article: one can understand the risk as primarily to a vulnerable client from a powerful professional; or, to the contrary, from a powerful client-lawyer combination toward vulnerable others. Second, what is the foundational orientation of lawyers? Are lawyers serving primarily their particular clients, and those clients’ preferences, choices and autonomy? Or is the primary allegiance of lawyers to some community or collective goal or interest distinct from the particular goals or interests of the client? The third dichotomy concerns not the substance of therisk, or the primary orientation, but the appropriate means of responding to that risk or that fundamental obligation. Should professional ethics be implemented primarily through rules? Or, should we rely on character and the discretion of lawyers to make a thought out, all things considered, decision? Each of these three presents a fundamental difference in how we perceive and address issues of lawyers’ ethics. Each affects our understanding and analysis on multiple levels, from (1) determining the appropriate or requisite conduct in aparticular situation, to (2) framing a specific rule or approach for a particular category of situations, to (3) more general or abstract theory or policy. A person’s inclinations in regard to the dichotomies affects the conclusions that person will reach on each of those levels of analysis, yet those inclinations and assumptions are frequently unexamined and unarticulated. One’s position on each of the dichotomies tends to structure the approach and outcome without the issues and choice having been explicitly addressed or possibly even noticed. This article is an effort to ameliorate that problem. Part I addresses the question of what is the risk in the work of lawyers, or the function of lawyers, for which professional ethics is the answer. The concluding section focuses on the particular problem of the corporation as client. Part II then asks the related and possibly consequent question of what is the foundational orientation or allegiance of the lawyer? Is it to the individual client? Or is it to some larger community interest? Again, the concluding section focuses on thecorporation. Part III turns to the means or method for addressing the obligations and possible problems of the professional ethics of lawyers. Should lawyers’ ethics guide and confine the conduct of lawyers primarily through rules? Or should it function primarily through reliance on the knowledge, judgment and character of lawyers? If the latter were the guide, ethical decisions would be made on a situation by situation basis under the discretion of each lawyer. Toward the end of each discussion possibilities for bridging the dichotomy are considered (and with such bridges each dichotomy may come to look more like a spectrum or continuum.). At several points after its introduction in Parts I and II, the special problem of the corporation as client is revisited and possible solutions suggested. Illustrating the usefulness of keeping the dichotomies in view, Part IV applies them to several exemplary situations of ethical difficulty in actual lawyer practice. For readers finding it difficult to envision the consequences of these distinctions, turning ahead to Part IV may be useful in making the discussion more concrete. Some commonalities across the dichotomies and connections among them are then developed in the concluding section, Part V.


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Presentación realizada para VIII Trobades del Seminari d’Estudis sobre la Ciència: L’oci, el turisme, i la salut en als municipis valencians, San Vicente del Raspeig, 26-27 mayo 2011.


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En el presente artículo se estudian las relaciones existentes en materia de hospitales entre la disciplina de la arquitectura y la ciencia de la medicina en el periodo de las eras Moderna y Contemporánea (1450-1950), es decir: las influencias entre ambas a través de sus respectivos avances y descubrimientos; particularizado para Occidente y para las tierras valencianas. El recorrido jalona los tipos arquitectónicos hospitalarios cruciforme, radial, pabellonario y colonia, y los coloca en correspondencia paralela a las teorías médicas hipocrática y galénica, la miasmática, la taxonomía y la nosología, para finalizar con las teorías del higienismo (sanitary movement) y la teoría microbiana de las enfermedades con los cambios que esta última introduce, junto a otros de índole técnica. Esto supone un cierto distanciamiento entre arquitectura y medicina a partir del siglo XX. Con la revolución industrial el tiempo era dinero; con la revolución sanitaria el tiempo sería vida. A ello se añaden las relaciones entre las curas por hidroterapia, talasoterapia y climatoterapia con los balnearios termales y los marinos. Se asiste a la doble evolución: del enfrentamiento a la enfermedad como un acto de cura de agudos y la arquitectura vinculada entendida como una máquina para curar (los hospitales), al planteamiento de la salud como un acto de tratamiento de crónicos y prevención, entendiendo la arquitectura vinculada como residencias o lugares de residencia y/o ocio (los balnearios). Las obras y proyectos arquitectónicos más sobresalientes que ilustran el discurso son: el antiguo hospital general de Valencia (s. XVI), el hospital civil de Oliver en Alcoy (s. XIX), el antiguo hospital provincial de Alicante (s. XX), el balneario de Busot (ss. XIX-XX), el sanitarium de Babel (s. XIX) y el conjunto de balnearios marítimos que existían por toda la costa valenciana (desde Torrevieja hasta Benicásim) y que han desaparecido en su totalidad tras la II guerra mundial. Se efectúa un recorrido histórico por los tipos de hospitales, que se plantean como arquitecturas para curar las enfermedades, hasta la aparición de los balnearios, planteados como arquitecturas para prevenirlas.


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Porous adsorbents are currently investigated for hydrogen storage application. From a practical point of view, in addition to high porosity developments, high material densities are required, in order to confine as much material as possible in a tank device. In this study, we use different measured sample densities (tap, packing, compacted and monolith) for analyzing the hydrogen adsorption behavior of activated carbon fibres (ACFs) and activated carbon nanofibres (ACNFs) which were prepared by KOH and CO2 activations, respectively. Hydrogen adsorption isotherms are measured for all of the adsorbents at room temperature and under high pressures (up to 20 MPa). The obtained results confirm that (i) gravimetric H2 adsorption is directly related to the porosity of the adsorbent, (ii) volumetric H2 adsorption depends on the adsorbent porosity and importantly also on the material density, (iii) the density of the adsorbent can be improved by packing the original adsorbents under mechanical pressure or synthesizing monoliths from them, (iv) both ways (packing under pressure or preparing monoliths) considerably improve the storage capacity of the starting adsorbents, and (v) the preparation of monoliths, in addition to avoid engineering constrains of packing under mechanical pressure, has the advantage of providing high mechanical resistance and easy handling of the adsorbent.


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Una de las necesidades de las escuelas de nivel medio es la de tender lazos con otros niveles de la educación, es por ello que surge la necesidad de programar espacios en los cuales se puedan intercambiar conocimientos científicos-tecnológicos entre el equipo de docentes investigadores de la FCA y los docentes y alumnos de las Escuelas de Nivel Medio de la Provincia de Cordordoba con orientacion en Ciencias Agropecuarias, Ciencias Naturales, Esecializacion en Alimentos y afines. Es por ello, que se abordararán en este Proyecto de Tranferencias, herramientas y modelos conceptuales acerca de la incorporación de Nuevas tecnologías educativas al aulas, así como la actualización disciplinar de los docentes en temáticas relacionadas a la Biología Celular. Las escuelas receptoras han estado en contacto permanente con el Equipo de trabajo de la Catedra de Biologia Celular de la FCA UNC, a partir del Programa Visitas a Centros de Investigación, por el cual estan en conocimiento de las actividades docentes y de investigación educativa que realiza ese equipo de trabajo.Es por ello que estarían dispuestos a implementar las aplicaciones hipermedia, desarrolladas por este equipo de trabajo, para la enseñanza y aprendizaje de los temas “Fotosíntesis" y "Ciclo celular y Biotecnología"en los cursos que se dicten esas temáticas. En una primera etapa se propone trabajar con las siguientes Instituciones Educativas: Escuelas Pías, Instituto San Jose y la Asociacion Educativa Pio Leon (Colonia Caroya, Cordoba) .


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Plano de la Ciudad de México. It was published by American Book and Printing C[o]. in 1913. Scale [ca. 1:21,000]. Covers a portion of Mexico City, Mexico. Map in Spanish.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM Zone 14N, meters, WGS 1984) projected coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map is an outline map showing features such as roads, parks, built-up areas with selected public buildings, city district boundaries, and more. Relief shown by hachures. Includes also inset map "Colonia Romero Rubio."This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Colonia Agrippina antiquissima, maxima ac celeberrima libera imperii civitas et emporium florentissimum autore Matth�o Seutter Sac. C�s. et Reg. Cathol May Geogr. August = C�lln am Rhein eine uhralte sehr grose Hochber�hmte freye Reichs-und florisante Handel-Statt versertigt und heraus gegeben von Matth�us Seutter, Kaysrl. Georg: in Augspurg. It was published by Matt�o Seutter in 1740. Scale [ca. 1:8,200]. Covers Cologne, Germany. Map in Latin and German.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Deutsches Hauptdreiecksnetz (DHDN) 3-degree Gauss-Kruger Zone 2 coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map.This map shows features such as roads, drainage, built-up areas and selected buildings, fortification, ground cover, and more. Relief shown pictorially. Includes index, text and view below map: Agrippina C�lln am Rhein. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from The Harvard Map Collection as part of the Imaging the Urban Environment project. Maps selected for this project represent major urban areas and cities of the world, at various time periods. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features at a large scale. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Carta della colonia Eritrea coll'Abissinia : e regioni limitrofe tra il Nilo, Suakin e il Golfo d'Aden, costrutta e designata da Guido Cora ; lit[ografia] Salussolia. It was published by Fratelli Bocca in 1895. Scale 1:4,000,000. Covers Djibouti, Eritrea, and portions of Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia. Map in Italian.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the World Miller Cylindrical projected coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, roads, railroads, cities and other human settlements, territorial boundaries, shoreline features, and more. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Includes also inset: "Parte dell'Italia centrale alla medesima scala."This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.


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European countries are losing momentum for social policy reforms: The results of the SIM Europe Index report on social justice, published in September 2014, suggested a growing social divide among the member states. Assessing six policy areas of social inclusion, the data revealed the deteriorating social situation since 2009 across the EU. The report stressed, in particular, the difficulties southern EU member states were having in coping with the effects of the financial and economic crisis. This second report, the SIM Europe Reform Barometer, takes up these results and delivers two tasks: to impartially assess the extent of problem awareness of governments, and to ask whether they have enacted concrete social policy initiatives to tackle these challenges and to counterbalance the growing divide. Southern European member states, especially, did not or have not been able to pursue reforms to limit their withering levels of a socially inclusive society. In almost all key dimensions of social inclusion, those member states most affected by the implications of the protracted economic and fiscal crisis in the EU have been least able to confine the ongoing ‘internal devaluation’ in terms of socially balanced governmental activity. By contrast, some northern member states have legislated acts which seem well-suited to at least stabilise or even increase their level of social inclusion.


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A presente dissertação de Mestrado em Estudos Regionais e Locais aborda o papel do Centro de Informação Popular de Machico (CIPM), entre 25 de Abril de 1974 e 25 de Novembro de 1975. Este agrupamento, surgido logo após o 25 de Abril, constituiu uma associação revolucionária, contribuindo para a transformação sócio-económica e político-cultural de Machico, através da difusão dos ideais da Revolução do 25 de Abril e da dinamização da comunidade local e regional, à luz desses novos valores. O CIPM foi um promotor e organizador de várias intervenções, nomeadamente, na alteração da gestão municipal, na extinção da colonia, na melhoria das condições de vida de diversos sectores profissionais, como as bordadeiras, os trabalhadores das conservas, os baleeiros, os operários da construção civil e os trabalhadores da hotelaria, bem como desenvolveu um conjunto de actividades educativas e culturais. Esta investigação permitiu concluir que o CIPM foi um agente decisivo para a expansão dos ideais da Revolução dos Cravos, em Machico e na Madeira, apoiando a materialização de um grande número de mudanças e impulsionando a instauração da prática democrática, quer a nível local, quer a nível regional.


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Il lavoro sviluppato intende affrontare in modo integrato la problematica ambientale relativamente allo sviluppo della flotta di veicoli di un grande operatore del trasporto pubblico. In prima istanza il lavoro si è focalizzato sull’analisi approfondita della flotta esistente, ed accanto ai dati tradizionali è stata sviluppata anche un’analisi dei costi totali comprensive anche delle esternalità calcolate come da direttiva 2009/33/CE. Sono state sviluppate numerose elaborazioni di uso aziendale relativamente alla metodologia del costo del ciclo di vita, LCC, che è in uso presso TPER S.p.A. sin dal 2001. Successivamente sono stati sviluppati gli scenari evolutivi della flotta automobilistica individuando per il confronto finale tre scenari distinti in ottica 2020: - Il primo scenario inerziale senza nessuna modifica della flotta consolidato al 31.12.2015, tale scenario è definito dai veicoli presenti, dai costi di gestione della manutenzione, dai costi di carburante e dai costi esterni come suddetto; - Il secondo con orizzonte 2016 prevede l’inserimento in servizio dei n. 49 filosnodati Crealis e viene consolidato al 31.12.2016; - Il terzo scenario è quello obiettivo e considera nel 2020 l’entrata in parco via via degli acquisti che TPER S.p.A. ha già programmato per il 2017, 2018 e compresi i n.55 snodati con alimentazione elettrica del progetto PIMBO. Le comparazioni di questi scenari permettono in modo molto realistico di individuare gli effetti su una flotta reale delle politiche di investimento reali e non simulate e di poter quantificare quindi l’andamento dei costi esterni in relazione alla modifica della flotta di TPER S.p.A.


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