936 resultados para Community-based social services -- Victoria -- Melbourne


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BACKGROUND: People with diabetes do not regularly utilise eye services for the early prevention of vision loss due to diabetic eye disease. A community-based screening program has been initiated in Victoria to address this issue. To encourage people to take preventive eye health care measures, the most effective health promotion strategies were identified. METHODS: Thirty-three health professionals were invited to attend focus groups. A sample of 35 people with diabetes was approached by their GPs or diabetes educators because of their motivation to participate in diabetes activities. Each group consisted of 10 members. Discussion points included the type of education messages available to people with diabetes; use of eye services among the participants with diabetes; and strategies required promoting the screening service. RESULTS: Five focus groups were conducted. The discussions highlighted that a great deal could be achieved by using local community networks to promote the benefits of early detection of diabetic retinopathy and local screening program. The group members recommended that particular attention be directed to general practitioners and their distribution of materials to patients. Key issues for planning and implementing the program were highlighted. The groups urged development of strategies to encourage people with diabetes in rural Victoria to participate in a program for the early detection of diabetic retinopathy.


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The national reform agenda for early childhood education and care across Australia has led to an increased demand for qualified early childhood teachers. In response, universities have developed innovative approaches in delivering early childhood teacher educa tion courses designed to support existing diploma qualified educators to gain their teaching qualifications. One such course at a major Australian University incorporated a flexible multi-modal option of study which included community -based, on line e-learning and face -to- face intensive tutorials. This paper reports on a study examining the outcomes for students undertaking their studies using this course delivery mode. The study sought to examine the students’ perceptions of the efficacy of the teaching and learning approach in meeting their learning needs, and the factors that were most influential in informing these perceptions. The findings indicated that it was the inclusion of contact and a social presence in the online learning environment which was most influential.


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The creation of sharing communities has resulted in the astonishing increasing of digital videos, and their wide applications in the domains such as entertainment, online news broadcasting etc. The improvement of these applications relies on effective solutions for social user access to video data. This fact has driven the recent research interest in social recommendation in shared communities. Although certain effort has been put into video recommendation in shared communities, the contextual information on social users has not been well exploited for effective recommendation. In this paper, we propose an approach based on the content and social information of videos for the recommendation in sharing communities. Specifically, we first exploit a robust video cuboid signature together with the Earth Mover's Distance to capture the content relevance of videos. Then, we propose to identify the social relevance of clips using the set of users belonging to a video. We fuse the content relevance and social relevance to identify the relevant videos for recommendation. Following that, we propose a novel scheme called sub-community-based approximation together with a hash-based optimization for improving the efficiency of our solution. Finally, we propose an algorithm for efficiently maintaining the social updates in dynamic shared communities. The extensive experiments are conducted to prove the high effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed video recommendation approach.


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O objetivo da dissertação foi analisar o processo de desenvolvimento e a aplicação de ações sociais e trabalho voluntário, que demonstram a preocupação da empresa com o seu papel social, através de uma participação mais ativa, concreta e efetiva, influenciando na ocorrência das mudanças que a sociedade necessita. O foco do estudo foi analisar um dessas empresas, notadamente a Robert Bosch Limitada, de capital alemão, radicada no Brasil desde o início da década de 1950. Sendo considerada, mais especificamente, uma de suas unidades, localizada no Paraná desde 1975. A Bosch Curitiba, através da implementação de um programa de ação social baseado principalmente na educação e no desenvolvimento sustentável, pretendeu criar condições para que a comunidade de um bairro da periferia de Curitiba pudesse identificar oportunidades de desenvolvimento econômico e social. Esta dissertação é o resultado dessa discussão e se desenvolveu por meio de um programa de ação social que evidencia a importância da participação ativa da empresa na comunidade, baseada em projetos que evidenciam a educação como a essência para o desenvolvimento social. A Vila Verde, comunidade da periferia de Curitiba, foi escolhida pela empresa para implantar o programa de responsabilidade social (Peça por Peça). Nessa comunidade, o foco principal foram os membros da faixa etária de O a 18 anos. O programa, portanto, teve a participação de uma empresa, dos seus colaboradores, como voluntários, e das escolas da comunidade envolvida. A coleta dos dados deu-se por diferentes procedimentos: pesquisa bibliográfica, pesquisa documental, observação participante e entrevistas. Os dados qualitativos foram comparados, e foram apresentados em forma de relatório. Os dados quantitativos foram tabulados e avaliados, servindo de apoio e confirmação aos resultados apresentados pela análise dos dados quantitativos. A atuação do programa social, Peça por Peça, foi no sentido de sensibilizar, estimular e criar condições de conscientizar os envolvidos que as mudanças necessárias somente serão efetivas na medida em que aumentar o seu nível de comprometimento, ou seja, tomar-se uma população capaz de se organizar e de preservar e defender seus interesses e anseios, desenvolvendo seu papel natural do exercício da cidadania e de uma convivência social que assegure direitos básicos para qualquer processo e evolução de uma sociedade. Sistematizar um programa de responsabilidade social, mais do que pretender criar soluções inovadoras, busca consolidar um outro pressuposto, em que a maioria das atividades sociais implementadas, sejam elas de cunho filantrópico ou não, dificilmente conseguem se manter e alegando várias razões, mas de que alguma forma sempre se reflete na falta de uma sistemática de trabalho, com metas, monitoramento, resultados esperados, com um planejamento estratégico que projete as ações a curto, médio e longo prazo. Isso também é uma evidência de que um projeto social não direcionado para atividades assistencialistas, mas sim para a busca de exercer efetivamente a responsabilidade social, não deve ter no fator tempo a principal referência de sucesso do empreendimento, mas sim de pequenas ações de melhoria de forma continuada e planejada, auto-sustentada, efetiva, mensurável e compartilhada.


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The present study analyses the actual relations and work conditions found in the third sector in Natal city, in the context of productive restoration and increasingly retraction from the State in providing Social Service before the new approach that has been destined to the social issue. The study talks about the work of the social worker when fighting the different expressions the social issue has, such as social service provision as a way of teamwork associated to work relations and conditions, to accessible resources and quality control management. These are elements that affect and interfere in the accomplishment and in the work of the social worker itself. The State s improvement, according to neoliberal-political precepts and increasingly retraction from the public investment in the areas of social concern (health, social welfare, assistance) and in the wage and employment policy, besides expanding the partnership with the public and private areas, in search for social services with quality, it has diversified the structures of the professional work with the growth of the so called third sector institutions. However, the absorption of the social workers by the third sector groups in general, has as major features the impoverishment of work relations, the maintenance of an unequal salary model, pointing out the deadline contracts and/or single tasks that generate work instability. The research debates, with a critical view and full perspective, over the conception of the third sector, interpreted as an action that expresses functions and values, treated as a real phenomenon generated from the restoration of the capital based on neoliberal principles. This study aims for responding what the established work relations are and under what work conditions the social worker has been fitting in the third sector and how such a reality echoes in the current work conditions for a social work in the city of Natal, before this new model of state intervention that transfers part of the social service provision to distinctive divisions of society, among them the so called third sector. The research results have shown that like the other workers the social worker passes through the same crises, dilemmas, advances and challenges that occur in the world of employment and which are expressed in the drop of salary average in the growth of contemporary contracts, unemployment, and in the ever more selective requirements to one be included in the social spaces, where the professional work is done, having as a result a greater impoverishment of work relations and conditions as well as more vulnerability as a salaried occupation


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This paper aims to contribute to developing the normative framework for rights-based social protection systems and discusses lessons learned in some emblematic programmes implemented in Latin America which have sought to advance a rights approach. The paper emphasizes the added value of the rights-based approach and describes the normative content of the right to social security. It then describes the basic elements of a rights-based approach and examines how it is operationalized in the design, implementation and evaluation of landmark social protection programmes in the region. The paper seeks to demonstrate that, despite the large gap that still exists between the rhetoric of a human rights approach and its implementation in specific policies, there have been significant achievements in some countries in Latin America. It argues that some of the good practices in the region can serve as policy examples to follow elsewhere. The paper concludes with a number of public policy recommendations with a view to consolidating the rights perspective in social protection programmes.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Analisa e discute as possibilidades e limitações de etnodesenvolvimento da comunidade negra de Itacoã a partir do estudo de seus pilares de sustento: território, biodiversidade e organização social e sabendo que ela se encontra num processo de transformação das suas atividades produtivas pela maior necessidade de ingressos monetários das familias moradoras. Neste estudo, o uso e manejo dos recursos naturais, a proximidade geográfica com a cidade de Belém do Pará e a capacidade organizativa interna têm sido considerados os principais fatores favoráveis para a melhora das condições de vida de população local. Por contra, a densidade populacional em relação à área demarcada, a minimização de alguns serviços sociais e as dificuldades sazonais de obtenção de renda mínimos têm sido analisados como obstáculos para a implementação de práticas de desenvolvimento rural. De igual modo se significa a manutenção da diversidade de plantas medicinais e frutíferas na área investigada, resultado da tradicional prática do manejo agroflorestal e as contradições das relações estabelecidas entre as diversas familias do povoado e entre elas e as instituições envolvidas, públicas e de direito privado.


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O artigo analisa a importância e o significado da inserção social da UNESP de Araraquara, a partir de duas perspectivas: 1. dos impactos sobre a economia do município e do montante de recursos financeiros movimentados; 2. da prestação de serviços à comunidade. O período estudado compreende os anos de 1993 a 1995.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In the context of medical school instruction, the segmented approach of a focus on specialties and excessive use of technology seem to hamper the development of the professional-patient relationship and an understanding of the ethics of this relationship. The real world presents complexities that require multiple approaches. Engagement in the community where health competence is developed allows extending the usefulness of what is learned. Health services are spaces where the relationship between theory and practice in health care are real and where the social role of the university can be revealed. Yet some competencies are still lacking and may require an explicit agenda to enact. Ten topics are presented for focus here: environmental awareness, involvement of students in medical school, social networks, interprofessional learning, new technologies for the management of care, virtual reality, working with errors, training in management for results, concept of leadership, and internationalization of schools. Potential barriers to this agenda are an underinvestment in ambulatory care infrastructure and community-based health care facilities, as well as in information technology offered at these facilities; an inflexible departmental culture; and an environment centered on a discipline-based medical curriculum.


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Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas - FCHS