1000 resultados para Classe de cheminement particulier de formation


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l’educació física esdevé un excel·lent camp d’actuació per educar en valors a l’alumnat, sent aquesta una necessitat social existent segons els experts. El propòsit d’aquesta investigació és saber com i de quina manera s’educa en valors a les classes d’educació física, si és que es fa, i des d’un punt de vista del professorat. A través d’una recerca teòrica en l’àmbit, complementada amb 4 entrevistes a professorat d’educació física en actiu i amb més de 20 anys d’experiència, s’analitza qualitativament l’estat actual de l’educació en valors als instituts. L’anàlisi del marc teòric ressalta la importància que per desenvolupar aquests valors personals i socials, cal seguir un procés adequat, planificat i conscient per part del professorat. La part aplicada de l’estudi suggereix que en general es tenen en compte valors com el respecte i la cooperació durant el transcurs de les classes d’educació física, però que no es desenvolupen de forma eficient per manca de recursos i per infravalorar la seva importància. La investigació conclou que l’educació en valors als instituts, ha de ser una tasca transversal i coordinada amb d’altres agents fora d’aquest àmbit escolar, com són els entrenadors/es de clubs esportius, els pares i les mares i d’altres institucions implicades en el procés educatiu de l’alumnat. A partir d’aquesta anàlisi es vol promoure l’educació física com a eina per desenvolupar els valors en l’alumnat.


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Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les aspects comportementaux d'agents qui interagissent dans des systèmes de files d'attente à l'aide de modèles de simulation et de méthodologies expérimentales. Chaque période les clients doivent choisir un prestataire de servivce. L'objectif est d'analyser l'impact des décisions des clients et des prestataires sur la formation des files d'attente. Dans un premier cas nous considérons des clients ayant un certain degré d'aversion au risque. Sur la base de leur perception de l'attente moyenne et de la variabilité de cette attente, ils forment une estimation de la limite supérieure de l'attente chez chacun des prestataires. Chaque période, ils choisissent le prestataire pour lequel cette estimation est la plus basse. Nos résultats indiquent qu'il n'y a pas de relation monotone entre le degré d'aversion au risque et la performance globale. En effet, une population de clients ayant un degré d'aversion au risque intermédiaire encoure généralement une attente moyenne plus élevée qu'une population d'agents indifférents au risque ou très averses au risque. Ensuite, nous incorporons les décisions des prestataires en leur permettant d'ajuster leur capacité de service sur la base de leur perception de la fréquence moyenne d'arrivées. Les résultats montrent que le comportement des clients et les décisions des prestataires présentent une forte "dépendance au sentier". En outre, nous montrons que les décisions des prestataires font converger l'attente moyenne pondérée vers l'attente de référence du marché. Finalement, une expérience de laboratoire dans laquelle des sujets jouent le rôle de prestataire de service nous a permis de conclure que les délais d'installation et de démantèlement de capacité affectent de manière significative la performance et les décisions des sujets. En particulier, les décisions du prestataire, sont influencées par ses commandes en carnet, sa capacité de service actuellement disponible et les décisions d'ajustement de capacité qu'il a prises, mais pas encore implémentées. - Queuing is a fact of life that we witness daily. We all have had the experience of waiting in line for some reason and we also know that it is an annoying situation. As the adage says "time is money"; this is perhaps the best way of stating what queuing problems mean for customers. Human beings are not very tolerant, but they are even less so when having to wait in line for service. Banks, roads, post offices and restaurants are just some examples where people must wait for service. Studies of queuing phenomena have typically addressed the optimisation of performance measures (e.g. average waiting time, queue length and server utilisation rates) and the analysis of equilibrium solutions. The individual behaviour of the agents involved in queueing systems and their decision making process have received little attention. Although this work has been useful to improve the efficiency of many queueing systems, or to design new processes in social and physical systems, it has only provided us with a limited ability to explain the behaviour observed in many real queues. In this dissertation we differ from this traditional research by analysing how the agents involved in the system make decisions instead of focusing on optimising performance measures or analysing an equilibrium solution. This dissertation builds on and extends the framework proposed by van Ackere and Larsen (2004) and van Ackere et al. (2010). We focus on studying behavioural aspects in queueing systems and incorporate this still underdeveloped framework into the operations management field. In the first chapter of this thesis we provide a general introduction to the area, as well as an overview of the results. In Chapters 2 and 3, we use Cellular Automata (CA) to model service systems where captive interacting customers must decide each period which facility to join for service. They base this decision on their expectations of sojourn times. Each period, customers use new information (their most recent experience and that of their best performing neighbour) to form expectations of sojourn time at the different facilities. Customers update their expectations using an adaptive expectations process to combine their memory and their new information. We label "conservative" those customers who give more weight to their memory than to the xiv Summary new information. In contrast, when they give more weight to new information, we call them "reactive". In Chapter 2, we consider customers with different degree of risk-aversion who take into account uncertainty. They choose which facility to join based on an estimated upper-bound of the sojourn time which they compute using their perceptions of the average sojourn time and the level of uncertainty. We assume the same exogenous service capacity for all facilities, which remains constant throughout. We first analyse the collective behaviour generated by the customers' decisions. We show that the system achieves low weighted average sojourn times when the collective behaviour results in neighbourhoods of customers loyal to a facility and the customers are approximately equally split among all facilities. The lowest weighted average sojourn time is achieved when exactly the same number of customers patronises each facility, implying that they do not wish to switch facility. In this case, the system has achieved the Nash equilibrium. We show that there is a non-monotonic relationship between the degree of risk-aversion and system performance. Customers with an intermediate degree of riskaversion typically achieve higher sojourn times; in particular they rarely achieve the Nash equilibrium. Risk-neutral customers have the highest probability of achieving the Nash Equilibrium. Chapter 3 considers a service system similar to the previous one but with risk-neutral customers, and relaxes the assumption of exogenous service rates. In this sense, we model a queueing system with endogenous service rates by enabling managers to adjust the service capacity of the facilities. We assume that managers do so based on their perceptions of the arrival rates and use the same principle of adaptive expectations to model these perceptions. We consider service systems in which the managers' decisions take time to be implemented. Managers are characterised by a profile which is determined by the speed at which they update their perceptions, the speed at which they take decisions, and how coherent they are when accounting for their previous decisions still to be implemented when taking their next decision. We find that the managers' decisions exhibit a strong path-dependence: owing to the initial conditions of the model, the facilities of managers with identical profiles can evolve completely differently. In some cases the system becomes "locked-in" into a monopoly or duopoly situation. The competition between managers causes the weighted average sojourn time of the system to converge to the exogenous benchmark value which they use to estimate their desired capacity. Concerning the managers' profile, we found that the more conservative Summary xv a manager is regarding new information, the larger the market share his facility achieves. Additionally, the faster he takes decisions, the higher the probability that he achieves a monopoly position. In Chapter 4 we consider a one-server queueing system with non-captive customers. We carry out an experiment aimed at analysing the way human subjects, taking on the role of the manager, take decisions in a laboratory regarding the capacity of a service facility. We adapt the model proposed by van Ackere et al (2010). This model relaxes the assumption of a captive market and allows current customers to decide whether or not to use the facility. Additionally the facility also has potential customers who currently do not patronise it, but might consider doing so in the future. We identify three groups of subjects whose decisions cause similar behavioural patterns. These groups are labelled: gradual investors, lumpy investors, and random investor. Using an autocorrelation analysis of the subjects' decisions, we illustrate that these decisions are positively correlated to the decisions taken one period early. Subsequently we formulate a heuristic to model the decision rule considered by subjects in the laboratory. We found that this decision rule fits very well for those subjects who gradually adjust capacity, but it does not capture the behaviour of the subjects of the other two groups. In Chapter 5 we summarise the results and provide suggestions for further work. Our main contribution is the use of simulation and experimental methodologies to explain the collective behaviour generated by customers' and managers' decisions in queueing systems as well as the analysis of the individual behaviour of these agents. In this way, we differ from the typical literature related to queueing systems which focuses on optimising performance measures and the analysis of equilibrium solutions. Our work can be seen as a first step towards understanding the interaction between customer behaviour and the capacity adjustment process in queueing systems. This framework is still in its early stages and accordingly there is a large potential for further work that spans several research topics. Interesting extensions to this work include incorporating other characteristics of queueing systems which affect the customers' experience (e.g. balking, reneging and jockeying); providing customers and managers with additional information to take their decisions (e.g. service price, quality, customers' profile); analysing different decision rules and studying other characteristics which determine the profile of customers and managers.


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La meva investigació de metodologia qualitativa es base en observar el grau de consciència que tenen els alumnes de tercer de primària, de l’escola El Gegant del Rec, dels valors, les actituds i les normes que es treballen a través de jocs cooperatius, els quals estan presentats a partir d’una unitat de programació. El motiu del meu estudi és que l’educació en valors ha d’estar present a l’àrea d’Educació Física, ja que és un escenari molt potent i és molt interessant observar i potenciar als discents diferents actituds i valors a través de jocs i normes.


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Problématique à résoudre Le difficile pari pour tout individu n'est pas tant de réussir sa vie, mais de s'assurer qu'une fois parti, il permettra à ses proches de poursuivre leur propre existence dans une certaine sérénité et avec le seul souvenir des bons moments passés ensemble. Après le choc de la perte de l'être cher, les aléas d'une succession mal réglée ou la découverte d'un testament inconnu auront tôt fait de ternir l'image du défunt et de mettre en lumière les conflits de famille latents. Que l'on ne se fasse aucune illusion, on règle le partage de sa succession comme on a mené sa vie. La répartition de ses biens par le disposant ou le partage ultérieur de ceux-ci après son décès par les héritiers eux-mêmes, voire, en cas de mésentente, par l'autorité judiciaire, sont des opérations particulièrement douloureuses, non pas tant en raison de la valeur économique que ces biens peuvent représenter pour les héritiers, qu'en raison de leur valeur sentimentale. Si le de cujus souhaite, dans la mesure du possible, éviter tout conflit, il peut décider d'organiser lui-même le partage de sa succession en attribuant directement ses biens à ses héritiers. Mais lorsqu'il procède ainsi, quelle catégorie de dispositions à cause de mort prend-il? Règle de partage, legs, institution d'héritier, ou encore charge? Et si, par surcroît, il détermine la valeur à laquelle il entend attribuer un bien, influence-t-il la nature de la disposition prise? C'est particulièrement à cette seconde question que nous entendons répondre, mais pour ce faire, il est indispensable de débuter ce travail par la qualification de l'attribution d'un bien en tant que tel. Notre étude est divisée en deux parties : la première permettra de présenter les différentes lectures juridiques possibles des attributions de biens que tout individu peut faire à ses héritiers légaux ou à des tiers auxquels il souhaite transmettre une partie de son patrimoine; la seconde s'attachera à déterminer quelles sont les conséquences éventuelles d'une estimation de ses biens par le disposant sur les qualifications juridiques retenues. Souvent en effet, le de cujus ne se limite pas à prévoir à qui doit revenir tel ou tel bien, mais fixe également la valeur de reprise de ce bien.


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The oligomeric state of BAFF (B cell activing factor), a tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family cytokine that plays a critical role in B cell development and survival, has been the subject of recent debate. Myc-tagged BAFF starting at residue Gln136 was previously reported to crystallize as trimers at pH 4.5, whereas a histidine-tagged construct of BAFF, starting at residue Ala134, formed a virus-like cluster containing 60 monomers when crystallized at pH 9.0. The formation of the BAFF 60-mer was pH dependent, requiring pH >or= 7.0. More recently, 60-mer formation was suggested to be artificially induced by the histidine tag, and it was proposed that BAFF, like all other TNF family members, is trimeric. We report here that a construct of BAFF with no amino-terminal tag (Ala134-BAFF) can form a 60-mer in solution. Using size exclusion chromatography and static light scattering to monitor trimer to 60-mer ratios in BAFF preparations, we find that 60-mer formation is pH-dependent and requires histidine 218 within the DE loop of BAFF. Biacore measurements established that the affinity of Ala134-BAFF for the BAFF receptor BAFFR/BR3 is similar to that of myc-Gln136-BAFF, which is exclusively trimeric in solution. However, Ala134-BAFF is more efficacious than myc-Gln136-BAFF in inducing B cell proliferation in vitro. We additionally show that BAFF that is processed and secreted by 293T cells transfected with full-length BAFF, or by a histiocytic lymphoma cell line (U937) that expresses BAFF endogenously, forms a pH-dependent 60-mer in solution. Our results indicate that the formation of the 60-mer in solution by the BAFF extracellular domain is an intrinsic property of the protein, and therefore that this more active form of BAFF may be physiologically relevant.


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The formation and development of transverse and crescentic sand bars in the coastal marine environment has been investigated by means of a nonlinear numerical model based on the shallow-water equations and on a simpli ed sediment transport parameterization. By assuming normally approaching waves and a saturated surf zone, rhythmic patterns develop from a planar slope where random perturbations of small amplitude have been superimposed. Two types of bedforms appear: one is a crescentic bar pattern centred around the breakpoint and the other, herein modelled for the rst time, is a transverse bar pattern. The feedback mechanism related to the formation and development of the patterns can be explained by coupling the water and sediment conservation equations. Basically, the waves stir up the sediment and keep it in suspension with a certain cross-shore distribution of depth-averaged concentration. Then, a current flowing with (against) the gradient of sediment concentration produces erosion (deposition). It is shown that inside the surf zone, these currents may occur due to the wave refraction and to the redistribution of wave breaking produced by the growing bedforms. Numerical simulations have been performed in order to understand the sensitivity of the pattern formation to the parameterization and to relate the hydro-morphodynamic input conditions to which of the patterns develops. It is suggested that crescentic bar growth would be favoured by high-energy conditions and ne sediment while transverse bars would grow for milder waves and coarser sediment. In intermediate conditions mixed patterns may occur.


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Bacterial plasmids with two origins of replication in convergent orientation are frequently knotted in vivo. The knots formed are localised within the newly replicated DNA regions. Here, we analyse DNA knots tied within replication bubbles of such plasmids, and observe that the knots formed show predominantly positive signs of crossings. We propose that helical winding of replication bubbles in vivo leads to topoisomerase-mediated formation of knots on partially replicated DNA molecules.


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The Variscan structures of the Caucasus region are still quite difficult to decipher, they certainly deserved some in depth investigations in the future. Thus, it is right to question any paleogeographic models proposed in that area, as made by D.A. Ruban. We present here the arguments that we used to decide on the distribution of the terranes in that region. The Transcaucasus massif is regarded as pertaining to the Galatian super-terrane, whereas, the Great Caucasus terrane belongs to the Hanseatic ribbon terrane. The latter was a part of Hunia, detached from Laurussia in the Devonian.


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A cultivar de trigo BRS Guamirim foi desenvolvida pela Embrapa e resultou de um cruzamento entre os genitores Embrapa 27/Buck Nandu e PF 93159. Possui ciclo precoce, baixa estatura de planta e intenso afilhamento. Apresenta equilibrada reação às principais moléstias do trigo, pertence à classe pão e demonstra adaptabilidade às diferentes regiões tritícolas do país, com estabilidade de produção. Seu potencial de rendimento é superior a 5 t ha-1.