929 resultados para Channel State Information in MIMO


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There are numerous formats for writing spellcheckers for open-source systems and there are many descriptions for languages written in these formats. Similarly, for word hyphenation by computer there are TEX rules for many languages. In this paper we demonstrate a method for converting these spell-checking lexicons and hyphenation rule sets into finite-state automata, and present a new finite-state based system for writer’s tools used in current open-source software such as Firefox, OpenOffice.org and enchant via the spell-checking library voikko.


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Texture development in commercially pure titanium during equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) through Routes A, Be and C has been studied up to three passes at 400 C. Textures were measured using X-ray diffraction, while the microstructural analyses were performed using electron back-scattered diffraction as well as transmission electron microscopy. Occurrences of dynamic restoration processes (recovery and recrystallization) were clearly noticed at all levels of deformations. Finally, the textures were simulated using a viscoplastic polycrystal self-consistent (VPSC) model. Simulations were performed incorporating basal, prismatic and pyramidal slip systems as well as tensile and compressive twinning. The simulated textures corroborate well with experimental textures in spite of the occurrence of dynamic restoration processes. (C) 2010 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In a typical sensor network scenario a goal is to monitor a spatio-temporal process through a number of inexpensive sensing nodes, the key parameter being the fidelity at which the process has to be estimated at distant locations. We study such a scenario in which multiple encoders transmit their correlated data at finite rates to a distant, common decoder over a discrete time multiple access channel under various side information assumptions. In particular, we derive an achievable rate region for this communication problem.


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The neuronal sodium channels are responsible for the rising phase of action potential and are composed of three subunits, of which the alpha-subunit has been shown to be adequate for most of its functional properties. We have stably expressed the rat brain type IIA sodium channel alpha-subunit in CHO cell tine using a CMV promoter-based vector. The expression was confirmed by detecting a 6.5 kb RNA corresponding to sodium channel alpha-subunit using Northern hybridization. The cells stably expressing the alpha-subunit, yield isolated sodium currents of amplitudes greater than 4nA when studied in whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique. The sodium currents are characterized by activation and inactivation properties similar to neuronal sodium channels, and are blocked by the voltage gated sodium channel blocker tetrodotoxin (TTX).


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Displaced squeezed states are proposed as variational ground states for phonons (Bose fields) coupled to two-level systems (spin systems). We have investigated the zero-temperature phase diagram for the localization-delocalization transition of a tunneling particle interacting with an Ohmic heat bath. Our results are compared with known existing approximate treatments. A modified phase diagram using the displaced squeezed state is presented.


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The Ca2+-activated K+ channel in endocrine cells is responsible for membrane hyperpolarization and rhythmic firing of action potentials. The probability of opening of this channel is sensitive to intracellular-free Ca2+ concentration. In this study we have identified one such large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel in alpha T3-1 pituitary gonadotroph cell. This channel is ohmic with a unit conductance of 170 pS in symmetrical KCl (135 mM) and its current reverses near zero millivolts. When more than one channel is present in the patch membrane they open and close independent of each other, exhibiting no cooperativity between them as expected of a binomial distribution. The regulatory mechanism of this channel in modulating hormone secretion from alpha T3-1 gonadotroph cells is indicated.


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ChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was extracted from about 100 leading journals. To access a ChemInform Abstract of an article which was published elsewhere, please select a �Full Text� option. The original article is trackable via the �References� option.


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The isothermal section of the phase diagram for the system NiO-MgO-SiO2 at 1373 K is established, The tie lines between (NiXMg1-X)O solid solution with rock salt structure and orthosilicate solid solution (NiYMg1-Y)Si0.5O2 and between orthosilicate and metasilicate (NiZMg1-Z)SiO3 crystalline solutions are determined using electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and lattice parameter measurement on equilibrated samples, Although the monoxides and orthosilicates of Ni and Mg form a continuous range of solid solutions, the metasilicate phase exists only for 0 < Z < 0.096, The activity of NiO in the rock salt solid solution is determined as a function of composition and temperature in the range of 1023 to 1377 K using a solid state galvanic cell, The Gibbs energy of mixing of the monoxide solid solution can be expressed by a pseudo-subregular solution model: Delta G(ex) = X(1 - X)[(-2430 + 0.925T)X + (-5390 + 1.758T)(1 - X)] J/mol, The thermodynamic data for the rock salt phase are combined with information on interphase partitioning of Ni and Mg to generate the mixing properties for the orthosilicate and the metasilicate solid solutions, The regular solution model describes the orthosilicate and the metasilicate solid solutions at 1373 K within experimental uncertainties, The regular solution parameter Delta G(ex)/Y(1 - Y) is -820 (+/-70) J/mol for the orthosilicate solid solution, The corresponding value for the metasilicate solid solution is -220 (+/-150) J/mol, The derived activities for the orthosilicate solid solution are discussed in relation to the intracrystalline ion exchange equilibrium between M1 and M2 sites. The tie line information, in conjunction with the activity data for orthosilicate and metasilicate solid solutions, is used to calculate the Gibbs energy changes for the intercrystalline ion exchange reactions, Combining this with the known data for NiSi0.5O2, Gibbs energies of formation of MgSi0.5O2, MgSiO3, and metastable NiSiO3 are calculated, The Gibbs energy of formation of NiSiO3, from its component oxides, is equal to 7.67 (+/-0.6) kJ/mol at 1373 K.


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The velocity distribution function for the steady shear flow of disks (in two dimensions) and spheres (in three dimensions) in a channel is determined in the limit where the frequency of particle-wall collisions is large compared to particle-particle collisions. An asymptotic analysis is used in the small parameter epsilon, which is naL in two dimensions and na(2)L in three dimensions, where; n is the number density of particles (per unit area in two dimensions and per unit volume in three dimensions), L is the separation of the walls of the channel and a is the particle diameter. The particle-wall collisions are inelastic, and are described by simple relations which involve coefficients of restitution e(t) and e(n) in the tangential and normal directions, and both elastic and inelastic binary collisions between particles are considered. In the absence of binary collisions between particles, it is found that the particle velocities converge to two constant values (u(x), u(y)) = (+/-V, O) after repeated collisions with the wall, where u(x) and u(y) are the velocities tangential and normal to the wall, V = (1 - e(t))V-w/(1 + e(t)), and V-w and -V-w, are the tangential velocities of the walls of the channel. The effect of binary collisions is included using a self-consistent calculation, and the distribution function is determined using the condition that the net collisional flux of particles at any point in velocity space is zero at steady state. Certain approximations are made regarding the velocities of particles undergoing binary collisions :in order to obtain analytical results for the distribution function, and these approximations are justified analytically by showing that the error incurred decreases proportional to epsilon(1/2) in the limit epsilon --> 0. A numerical calculation of the mean square of the difference between the exact flux and the approximate flux confirms that the error decreases proportional to epsilon(1/2) in the limit epsilon --> 0. The moments of the velocity distribution function are evaluated, and it is found that [u(x)(2)] --> V-2, [u(y)(2)] similar to V-2 epsilon and -[u(x)u(y)] similar to V-2 epsilon log(epsilon(-1)) in the limit epsilon --> 0. It is found that the distribution function and the scaling laws for the velocity moments are similar for both two- and three-dimensional systems.


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We report results of statistical and dynamic analysis of the serrated stress-time curves obtained from compressive constant strain-rate tests on two metallic glass samples with different ductility levels in an effort to extract hidden information in the seemingly irregular serrations. Two distinct types of dynamics are detected in these two alloy samples. The stress-strain curve corresponding to the less ductile Zr65Cu15Ni10Al10 alloy is shown to exhibit a finite correlation dimension and a positive Lyapunov exponent, suggesting that the underlying dynamics is chaotic. In contrast, for the more ductile Cu47.5Zr47.5Al5 alloy, the distributions of stress drop magnitudes and their time durations obey a power-law scaling reminiscent of a self-organized critical state. The exponents also satisfy the scaling relation compatible with self-organized criticality. Possible physical mechanisms contributing to the two distinct dynamic regimes are discussed by drawing on the analogy with the serrated yielding of crystalline samples. The analysis, together with some physical reasoning, suggests that plasticity in the less ductile sample can be attributed to stick-slip of a single shear band, while that of the more ductile sample could be attributed to the simultaneous nucleation of a large number of shear bands and their mutual interactions. (C) 2011 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We consider Gaussian multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels with discrete input alphabets. We propose a non-diagonal precoder based on X-Codes in to increase the mutual information. The MIMO channel is transformed into a set of parallel subchannels using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and X-codes are then used to pair the subchannels. X-Codes are fully characterized by the pairings and the 2 × 2 real rotation matrices for each pair (parameterized with a single angle). This precoding structure enables to express the total mutual information as a sum of the mutual information of all the pairs. The problem of finding the optimal precoder with the above structure, which maximizes the total mutual information, is equivalent to i) optimizing the rotation angle and the power allocation within each pair and ii) finding the optimal pairing and power allocation among the pairs. It is shown that the mutual information achieved with the proposed pairing scheme is very close to that achieved with the optimal precoder by Cruz et al., and significantly better than mercury/waterfilling strategy by Lozano et al.. Our approach greatly simplifies both the precoder optimization and the detection complexity, making it suitable for practical applications.


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Low-spin (LS) to intermediate-spin (IS) state transitions in crystals of LnCoO3 (Ln=La, Pr and Nd) have been investigated by variable temperature infrared spectroscopy. The spectra reveal the occurrence of the transition around 120, 220 and 275 K, respectively, in LaCoO3,PrCoO3 and NdCoO3, at which temperatures the intensities of the stretching and the bending modes associated with the LS state decrease, accompanied by an increase in the intensities of the bands due to IS state. The characteristic frequencies of both the spin states decrease with increase in temperature, showing anomalies around the transition.


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Low-spin (LS) to intermediate-spin (IS) state transitions in crystals of LnCoO(3) (Ln = La, Pr and Nd) have been investigated by variable temperature infrared spectroscopy. The spectra reveal the occurrence of the transition around 120, 220 and 275 K, respectively, in LaCoO3,PrCoo(3) and NdCoO3, at which temperatures the intensities of the stretching and the bending modes associated with the LS state decrease, accompanied by an increase in the intensities of the bands due to IS state. The characteristic frequencies of both the spin states decrease with increase in temperature, showing anomalies around the transition. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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This paper compares and analyzes the performance of distributed cophasing techniques for uplink transmission over wireless sensor networks. We focus on a time-division duplexing approach, and exploit the channel reciprocity to reduce the channel feedback requirement. We consider periodic broadcast of known pilot symbols by the fusion center (FC), and maximum likelihood estimation of the channel by the sensor nodes for the subsequent uplink cophasing transmission. We assume carrier and phase synchronization across the participating nodes for analytical tractability. We study binary signaling over frequency-flat fading channels, and quantify the system performance such as the expected gains in the received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the average probability of error at the FC, as a function of the number of sensor nodes and the pilot overhead. Our results show that a modest amount of accumulated pilot SNR is sufficient to realize a large fraction of the maximum possible beamforming gain. We also investigate the performance gains obtained by censoring transmission at the sensors based on the estimated channel state, and the benefits obtained by using maximum ratio transmission (MRT) and truncated channel inversion (TCI) at the sensors in addition to cophasing transmission. Simulation results corroborate the theoretical expressions and show the relative performance benefits offered by the various schemes.


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In sensor networks, routing algorithms should be designed such that packet losses due to wireless links are reduced.In this paper, we present a ”potential”-based routing scheme to find routes with high packet delivery ratios. The basic idea is to define a scalar potential value at each node in the network and forward data to the neighbour with the highest potential.For a simple 2-relay network, we propose a potential function that takes into account wireless channel state. Markov-chain based analysis provides analytical expressions for packet delivery ratio. Considerable improvement can be observed compared to a channel-state-oblivious policy. This motivates us to define a channel-state-dependent potential function in a general network context. Simulations show that for a relatively slowly changing wireless network, our approach can provide up to 20% better performance than the commonly- used shortest-hop-count-based routing.