977 resultados para Cardiac Troponin-i
The spectral response and the photocurrent delivered by entirely microcrystalline p-i-n-Si:H detectors an analysed under different applied bias and light illumination conditions. The spectral response and the internal collection depend not only on the energy range but also on the illumination side. Under [p]- and [n]-side irradiation, the internal collection characteristics have an atypical shape. It is high for applied bias and lower than the open circuit voltage, shows a steep decrease near the open circuit voltage (higher under [n]-side illumination) and levels off for higher voltages. Additionally, the numerical modeling of the VIS/NIR detector, based on the band discontinuities near the grain boundaries and interfaces, complements the study and gives insight into the internal physical process.
A two terminal optically addressed image processing device based on two stacked sensing/switching p-i-n a-SiC:H diodes is presented. The charge packets are injected optically into the p-i-n sensing photodiode and confined at the illuminated regions changing locally the electrical field profile across the p-i-n switching diode. A red scanner is used for charge readout. The various design parameters and addressing architecture trade-offs are discussed. The influence on the transfer functions of an a-SiC:H sensing absorber optimized for red transmittance and blue collection or of a floating anode in between is analysed. Results show that the thin a-SiC:H sensing absorber confines the readout to the switching diode and filters the light allowing full colour detection at two appropriated voltages. When the floating anode is used the spectral response broadens, allowing B&W image recognition with improved light-to-dark sensitivity. A physical model supports the image and colour recognition process.
A series of large area single layers and heterojunction cells in the assembly glass/ZnO:Al/p (SixC1-x:H)/i (Si:H)/n (SixC1-x:H)/Al (0
A series of large area single layers and glass/ZnO:AVp(SixC1-x:H)/i(Si:H)/n(SixC1-x:H)/AI (0 < x < 1) heterojunction cells were produced by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PE-CVD) at low temperature. Junction properties, carrier transport and photogeneration are investigated from dark and illuminated current-voltage (J-V) and capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics. For the heterojunction cells atypical J-V characteristics under different illumination conditions are observed leading to poor fill factors. High series resistances around 106 Q are also measured. These experimental results were used as a basis for the numerical simulation of the energy band diagram, and the electrical field distribution of the structures. Further comparison with the sensor performance gave satisfactory agreement. Results show that the conduction band offset is the most limiting parameter for the optimal collection of the photogenerated carriers. As the optical gap increases and the conductivity of the doped layers decreases, the transport mechanism changes from a drift to a diffusion-limited process.
A large area colour imager optically addressed is presented. The colour imager consists of a thin wide band gap p-i-n a-SiC:H filtering element deposited on the top of a thick large area a-SiC:H(-p)/a-Si:H(-i)/a-SiC:H(-n) image sensor, which reveals itself an intrinsic colour filter. In order to tune the external applied voltage for full colour discrimination the photocurrent generated by a modulated red light is measured under different optical and electrical bias. Results reveal that the integrated device behaves itself as an imager and a filter giving information not only on the position where the optical image is absorbed but also on it wavelength and intensity. The amplitude and sign of the image signals are electrically tuneable. In a wide range of incident fluxes and under reverse bias, the red and blue image signals are opposite in sign and the green signal is suppressed allowing blue and red colour recognition. The green information is obtained under forward bias, where the blue signal goes down to zero and the red and green remain constant. Combining the information obtained at this two applied voltages a RGB colour image picture can be acquired without the need of the usual colour filters or pixel architecture. A numerical simulation supports the colour filter analysis.
Large area hydrogenated amorphous silicon single and stacked p-i-n structures with low conductivity doped layers are proposed as monochrome and color image sensors. The layers of the structures are based on amorphous silicon alloys (a-Si(x)C(1-x):H). The current-voltage characteristics and the spectral sensitivity under different bias conditions are analyzed. The output characteristics are evaluated under different read-out voltages and scanner wavelengths. To extract information on image shape, intensity and color, a modulated light beam scans the sensor active area at three appropriate bias voltages and the photoresponse in each scanning position ("sub-pixel") is recorded. The investigation of the sensor output under different scanner wavelengths and varying electrical bias reveals that the response can be tuned, thus enabling color separation. The operation of the sensor is exemplified and supported by a numerical simulation.
Amorphous glass/ZnO-Al/p(a-Si:H)/i(a-Si:H)/n(a-Si1-xCx:H)/Al imagers with different n-layer resistivities were produced by plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition technique (PE-CVD). An image is projected onto the sensing element and leads to spatially confined depletion regions that can be readout by scanning the photodiode with a low-power modulated laser beam. The essence of the scheme is the analog readout, and the absence of semiconductor arrays or electrode potential manipulations to transfer the information coming from the transducer. The influence of the intensity of the optical image projected onto the sensor surface is correlated with the sensor output characteristics (sensitivity, linearity blooming, resolution and signal-to-noise ratio) are analysed for different material compositions (0.5 < x < 1). The results show that the responsivity and the spatial resolution are limited by the conductivity of the doped layers. An enhancement of one order of magnitude in the image intensity signal and on the spatial resolution are achieved at 0.2 mW cm(-2) light flux by decreasing the n-layer conductivity by the same amount. A physical model supported by electrical simulation gives insight into the image-sensing technique used.
ZnO:Al/p (SiC:H)/i (Si:H)/n (SiC:H) large area image and colour sensor are analysed. Carrier transport and collection efficiency are investigated from dark and illuminated current-voltage (I-V) dependence and spectral response measurements under different optical and electrical bias conditions. Results show that the carrier collection depends on the optical bias and on the applied voltage. By changing the electrical bias around the open circuit voltage it is possible to filter the absorption at a given wavelength and so to tune the spectral sensitivity of the device. Transport and optical modelling give insight into the internal physical process and explain the bias control of the spectral response and the image and colour sensing properties of the devices.
OBJETIVO: Estabelecer a influência exercida por três diferentes biótopos em áreas do Parque Nacional da Serra da Bocaina (PNSB) sobre a fauna local de mosquitos. MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas capturas mensais em ambiente silvestre e domiciliar, em isca humana, durante três diferentes períodos do dia, pelo período de 24 meses consecutivos, de janeiro de 1991 a dezembro de 1992. RESULTADOS: Foram capturados 11.808 espécimes adultos, pertencentes a 28 espécies. Ru. reversa e An. cruzii foram predominantes, respectivamente 52,5% e 17,9% do total de mosquitos. Ru. reversa representou 59,4% do total de espécimes no ambiente de mata fechada, seguida por Ru. frontosa com 10,5% e An. cruzii com 9,9%. No ambiente formado por campos de altitude e matas de galeria, o An. cruzii predominou com 48,1%, seguido por Ru. reversa com 28,1%. No ambiente modificado pelo homem, o An. cruzii predominou com 73,7% dos espécimes. Coquillettidia chrysonotum foi a única que se apresentou preferencialmente nesse biótopo: 14,9% no intra, 19,4% no peri e 65,7% no extradomicílio. An. cruzii e Ru. reversa foram constantes em todos os ambientes ao longo do ano. CONCLUSÕES: Com exceção de Cq. chrysonotum, com preferência pelo ambiente modificado pelo homem, os mosquitos apresentam hábitos assinantrópicos no PNSB. An. cruzii, embora assinantrópico, se aproxima e adentra o domicílio para realizar a hematofagia. A presença do Ae. serratus no extra e peridomicílio reforça a importância epidemiológica como vetora potencial de arboviroses. Os Sabethini apresentaram-se exclusivamente silvestres.
O presente relatório visa apresentar o trabalho desenvolvido pelo estagiário, na empresa Freyssinet -Terra Armada, SA. Este encontra-se dividido em 2 partes distintas. A primeira no âmbito da actividade Terra Armada, consistiu no acompanhamento da montagem do túnel pré-fabricado que estabelece a ligação entre a Rua C junto ao Centro Comercial Dolce Vita em Braga e a Variante do Cávado. A segunda no âmbito da actividade Freyssinet, consistiu no acompanhamento da obra de reabilitação e reforço estrutural de duas pontes denominadas de Criz I e Criz II, ambas localizadas na E.N.234 junto a Santa Comba Dão. A intensa ocupação dos terrenos em meio urbano leva cada vez mais ao estudo de novas soluções que permitem melhorar a circulação de pessoas e bens. Para restabelecer a ligação entre a Rua C e a Variante do Cávado a solução encontrada passou pela construção de um Túnel a céu aberto. Esta foi a melhor solução encontrada pois está prevista a intersecção de três vias denominadas de Variante do Cávado, Rua B e Rua D, todas relacionadas com os restabelecimentos de acesso ao empreendimento Dolce Vita Braga. Sobre as pontes de Criz I e Criz II recordamos que as mesmas foram projectadas em 1975 pelo Prof. Edgar Cardoso, tendo sido construídas no período que decorreu entre 1976 e 1979. Apesar de serem pontes recentes, estas apresentavam um avançado estado de deterioração o que levou à elaboração de um projecto específico de reparação e reforço estrutural e consequente intervenção, tendo sido adjudicadas à Freyssinet as intervenções concernentes ao reforço com Pré-Esforço, substituição de aparelhos de apoio e juntas de dilatação. O que mais adiante se detalhará no presente relatório será a explicação e descrição dos trabalhos executados em ambas as obras, onde foram aplicadas a tecnologia Terra Armada no primeiro caso e a tecnologia Freyssinet para o segundo caso.
Este projecto basear-se-á na descrição da exploração do universo da falha como um motor de criação. Para tal, foi tomado como ponto de partida as dificuldades inerentes à dislexia. Será também descrito de forma pormenorizada o tempo passado juntamente com a companhia Les Ballets C . de la B. Incluirá igualmente um diário de bordo com a descrição detalhada do projecto A.I.M.
Jornadas de Contabilidade e Fiscalidade promovidas pelo Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto, em Abril de 2009