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Investigating parents’ formal engagement opportunities in public schools serves well to characterize the relationship between states and societies. While the relationship between parental involvement and students’ academic success has been thoroughly investigated, rarely has it been seen to indicate countries’ governing regimes. The researcher was curious to see whether and how does parents’ voice differ in different democracies. The hypothesis was that in mature regimes, institutional opportunities for formal parental engagement are plenty and parents are actively involved; while in young democracies there are less opportunities and the engagement is lower. The assumption was also that parental deliberation in expressing their dissatisfaction with schools differs across democracies: where it is more intense, there it translates to higher engagement. Parents’ informedness on relevant regulations and agendas was assumed to be equally average, and their demographic background to have similar effects on engagement. The comparative, most different systems design was employed where public middle schools last graders’ parents in Tartu, Estonia and in Huntsville, Alabama the United States served as a sample. The multidimensional study includes the theoretical review, country and community analyses, institutional analysis in terms of formal parental involvement, and parents’ survey. The findings revealed sizeable differences between parents’ engagement levels in Huntsville and Tartu. The results indicate passivity in both communities, while in Tartu the engagement seems to be alarmingly low. Furthermore, Tartu parents have much less institutional opportunities to engage. In the United States, multilevel efforts to engage parents are visible from local to federal level, in Estonia similar intentions seem to be missing and meaningful parental organizations do not exist. In terms of civic education there is much room for development in both countries. The road will be longer for a young democracy Estonia in transforming its institutional systems from formally democratic to inherently inclusive.


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Die transmembrane Potenzialdifferenz Δφm ist direkt mit der katalytischen Aktivität der Cytochrom c Oxidase (CcO) verknüpft. Die CcO ist das terminale Enzym (Komplex IV) in der Atmungskette der Mitochondrien. Das Enzym katalysiert die Reduktion von O2 zu 2 H2O. Dabei werden Elektronen vom natürlichen Substrat Cytochrom c zur CcO übertragen. Der Eleltronentransfer innerhalb der CcO ist an die Protonentranslokation über die Membran gekoppelt. Folglich bildet sich über der inneren Membrane der Mitochondrien eine Differenz in der Protonenkonzentration. Zusätzlich wird eine Potenzialdifferenz Δφm generiert.rnrnDas Transmembranpotenzial Δφm kann mit Hilfe der Fluoreszenzspektroskopie unter Einsatz eines potenzialemfindlichen Farbstoffs gemessen werden. Um quantitative Aussagen aus solchen Untersuchungen ableiten zu können, müssen zuvor Kalibrierungsmessungen am Membransystem durchgeführt werden.rnrnIn dieser Arbeit werden Kalibrierungsmessungen von Δφm in einer Modellmembrane mit inkorporiertem CcO vorgestellt. Dazu wurde ein biomimetisches Membransystem, die Proteinverankerte Doppelschicht (protein-tethered Bilayer Lipid Membrane, ptBLM), auf einem transparenten, leitfähigem Substrat (Indiumzinnoxid, ITO) entwickelt. ITO ermöglicht den simultanen Einsatz von elektrochemischen und Fluoreszenz- oder optischen wellenleiterspektroskopischen Methoden. Das Δφm in der ptBLM wurde durch extern angelegte, definierte elektrische Spannungen induziert. rnrnEine dünne Hydrogelschicht wurde als "soft cushion" für die ptBLM auf ITO eingesetzt. Das Polymernetzwerk enthält die NTA Funktionsgruppen zur orientierten Immobilisierung der CcO auf der Oberfläche der Hydrogels mit Hilfe der Ni-NTA Technik. Die ptBLM wurde nach der Immobilisierung der CcO mittels in-situ Dialyse gebildet. Elektrochemische Impedanzmessungen zeigten einen hohen elektrischen Widerstand (≈ 1 MΩ) der ptBLM. Optische Wellenleiterspektren (SPR / OWS) zeigten eine erhöhte Anisotropie des Systems nach der Bildung der Doppellipidschicht. Cyklovoltammetriemessungen von reduziertem Cytochrom c bestätigten die Aktivität der CcO in der Hydrogel-gestützten ptBLM. Das Membranpotenzial in der Hydrogel-gestützten ptBLM, induziert durch definierte elektrische Spannungen, wurde mit Hilfe der ratiometrischen Fluoreszenzspektroskopie gemessen. Referenzmessungen mit einer einfach verankerten Dopplellipidschicht (tBLM) lieferten einen Umrechnungsfaktor zwischen dem ratiometrischen Parameter Rn und dem Membranpotenzial (0,05 / 100 mV). Die Nachweisgrenze für das Membranpotenzial in einer Hydrogel-gestützten ptBLM lag bei ≈ 80 mV. Diese Daten dienen als gute Grundlage für künftige Untersuchungen des selbstgenerierten Δφm der CcO in einer ptBLM.


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Cytochrom c Oxidase (CcO), der Komplex IV der Atmungskette, ist eine der Häm-Kupfer enthaltenden Oxidasen und hat eine wichtige Funktion im Zellmetabolismus. Das Enzym enthält vier prosthetische Gruppen und befindet sich in der inneren Membran von Mitochondrien und in der Zellmembran einiger aerober Bakterien. Die CcO katalysiert den Elektronentransfer (ET) von Cytochrom c zu O2, wobei die eigentliche Reaktion am binuklearen Zentrum (CuB-Häm a3) erfolgt. Bei der Reduktion von O2 zu zwei H2O werden vier Protonen verbraucht. Zudem werden vier Protonen über die Membran transportiert, wodurch eine elektrochemische Potentialdifferenz dieser Ionen zwischen Matrix und Intermembranphase entsteht. Trotz ihrer Wichtigkeit sind Membranproteine wie die CcO noch wenig untersucht, weshalb auch der Mechanismus der Atmungskette noch nicht vollständig aufgeklärt ist. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, einen Beitrag zum Verständnis der Funktion der CcO zu leisten. Hierzu wurde die CcO aus Rhodobacter sphaeroides über einen His-Anker, der am C-Terminus der Untereinheit II angebracht wurde, an eine funktionalisierte Metallelektrode in definierter Orientierung gebunden. Der erste Elektronenakzeptor, das CuA, liegt dabei am nächsten zur Metalloberfläche. Dann wurde eine Doppelschicht aus Lipiden insitu zwischen die gebundenen Proteine eingefügt, was zur sog. proteingebundenen Lipid-Doppelschicht Membran (ptBLM) führt. Dabei musste die optimale Oberflächenkonzentration der gebundenen Proteine herausgefunden werden. Elektrochemische Impedanzspektroskopie(EIS), Oberflächenplasmonenresonanzspektroskopie (SPR) und zyklische Voltammetrie (CV) wurden angewandt um die Aktivität der CcO als Funktion der Packungsdichte zu charakterisieren. Der Hauptteil der Arbeit betrifft die Untersuchung des direkten ET zur CcO unter anaeroben Bedingungen. Die Kombination aus zeitaufgelöster oberflächenverstärkter Infrarot-Absorptionsspektroskopie (tr-SEIRAS) und Elektrochemie hat sich dafür als besonders geeignet erwiesen. In einer ersten Studie wurde der ET mit Hilfe von fast scan CV untersucht, wobei CVs von nicht-aktivierter sowie aktivierter CcO mit verschiedenen Vorschubgeschwindigkeiten gemessen wurden. Die aktivierte Form wurde nach dem katalytischen Umsatz des Proteins in Anwesenheit von O2 erhalten. Ein vier-ET-modell wurde entwickelt um die CVs zu analysieren. Die Methode erlaubt zwischen dem Mechanismus des sequentiellen und des unabhängigen ET zu den vier Zentren CuA, Häm a, Häm a3 und CuB zu unterscheiden. Zudem lassen sich die Standardredoxpotentiale und die kinetischen Koeffizienten des ET bestimmen. In einer zweiten Studie wurde tr-SEIRAS im step scan Modus angewandt. Dafür wurden Rechteckpulse an die CcO angelegt und SEIRAS im ART-Modus verwendet um Spektren bei definierten Zeitscheiben aufzunehmen. Aus diesen Spektren wurden einzelne Banden isoliert, die Veränderungen von Vibrationsmoden der Aminosäuren und Peptidgruppen in Abhängigkeit des Redoxzustands der Zentren zeigen. Aufgrund von Zuordnungen aus der Literatur, die durch potentiometrische Titration der CcO ermittelt wurden, konnten die Banden versuchsweise den Redoxzentren zugeordnet werden. Die Bandenflächen gegen die Zeit aufgetragen geben dann die Redox-Kinetik der Zentren wieder und wurden wiederum mit dem vier-ET-Modell ausgewertet. Die Ergebnisse beider Studien erlauben die Schlussfolgerung, dass der ET zur CcO in einer ptBLM mit größter Wahrscheinlichkeit dem sequentiellen Mechanismus folgt, was dem natürlichen ET von Cytochrom c zur CcO entspricht.


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Heusler compounds are key materials for spintronic applications. They have attracted a lot of interest due to their half-metallic properties predicted by band structure calculations.rnThe aim of this work is to evaluate experimentally the validity of the predictions of half metallicity by band structure calculations for two specific Heusler compounds, Co2FeAl0.3Si0.7 and Co2MnGa. Two different spectroscopy methods for the analysis of the electronic properties were used: Angular Resolved Ultra-violet Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARUPS) and Tunneling Spectroscopy.rnHeusler compounds are prepared as thin films by RF-sputtering in an ultra-high vacuum system. rnFor the characterization of the samples, bulk and surface crystallographic and magnetic properties of Co2FeAl0.3Si0.7 and Co2MnGa are studied. X-ray and electron diffraction reveal a bulk and surface crossover between two different types of sublattice order (from B2 to L21) with increasing annealing temperature. X-ray magnetic circular dichroism results show that the magnetic properties in the surface and bulk are identical, although the magnetic moments obtained are 5% below from the theoretically predicted.rnBy ARUPS evidence for the validity of the predicted total bulk density of states (DOS) was demonstrated for both Heusler compounds. Additional ARUPS intensity contributions close to the Fermi energy indicates the presence of a specific surface DOS. Moreover, it is demonstrated that the crystallographic order, controlled by annealing, plays an important role on brodening effects of DOS features. Improving order resulted in better defined ARUPS features.rnTunneling magnetoresistance measurements of Co2FeAl0.3Si0.7 and Co2MnGa based MTJ’s result in a Co2FeAl0.3Si0.7 spin polarization of 44%, which is the highest experimentally obtained value for this compound, although it is lower than the 100% predicted. For Co2MnGa no high TMR was achieved.rnUnpolarized tunneling spectroscopy reveals contribution of interface states close to the Fermi energy. Additionally magnon excitations due to magnetic impurities at the interface are observed. Such contributions can be the reason of a reduced TMR compared to the theoretical predictions. Nevertheless, for energies close to the Fermi energy and for Co2MnGa, the validity of the band structure calculations is demonstrated with this technique as well.


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The incorporation of modified nucleotides into ribonucleic acids (RNAs) is important for their structure and proper function. These modifications are inserted by distinct catalytic macromolecules one of them being Dnmt2. It methylates the Cytidine (C) at position 38 in tRNA to 5-methylcytidine (m5C). Dnmt2 has been a paradigm in this respect, because all of its nearest neighbors in evolution are DNA-cytosine C5-methyltransferases and methylate DNA, while its (own) DNA methyltransferase activity is the subject of controversial reports with rates varying between zero and very weak. This work determines whether the biochemical potential for DNA methylation is present in the enzyme. It was discovered that DNA fragments, when presented as covalent RNA:DNA hybrids in the structural context of a tRNA, can be more efficiently methylated than the corresponding natural tRNA substrate. Additional minor deviations from a native tRNA structure that were seen to be tolerated by Dnmt2 were used for a stepwise development of a composite system of guide RNAs that enable the enzyme to perform cytidine methylation on single stranded DNA in vitro. Furthermore, a proof-of-principle is presented for utilizing the S-adenosyl methionine-analog cofactor SeAdoYn with Dnmt2 to search for new possible substrates in a SELEX-like approach.rnIn innate immunity, nucleic acids can function as pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) recognized by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs). The modification pattern of RNA is the discriminating factor for toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7) to distinguish between self and non-self RNA of invading pathogens. It was found that a 2'-O-methylated guanosine (Gm) at position18, naturally occurring at this position in some tRNAs, antagonizes recognition by TLR7. In the second part of this work it is pointed out, that recognition extends to the next downstream nucleotide and the effectively recognized molecular detail is actually a methylated dinucleotide. The immune silencing effect of the ribose methylation is most pronounced if the dinucleotide motif is composed of purin nucleobases whereas pyrimidines diminish the effect. Similar results were obtained when the Gm modification was transposed into other tRNA domains. Point mutations abolishing base pairings important for a proper tertiary structure had no effect on the immune stimulatory potential of a Gm modified tRNA. Taken together these results suggest a processive type of RNA inspection by TLR7.rn


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L'obiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di analizzare la stabilità di uno spettro raggi X emesso da un tubo usurato per analisi cardiovascolari, in modo da verificare il suo comportamento. Successivamente questo tipo di analisi sarà effettuata su tubi CT. Per raggiungere questo scopo è stato assemblato un particolare set-up con un rivelatore al germanio criogenico in modo da avere la miglior risoluzione energetica possibile ed alcuni particolari collimatori così da ridurre il flusso fotonico per evitare effetti di pile-up. Il set-up è stato costruito in modo da avere il miglior allineamento possibile nel modo più veloce possibile, e con l'obiettivo di rendere l'intero sistema portabile. Il tubo usato è un SRM Philips tube per analisi cardiovascolari; questa scelta è stata fatta in modo da ridurre al minimo i fattori esterni (ottica elettromagnetica, emettitori) e concentrare l'attenzione solo sugli effetti, causati dalle varie esposizioni, sull'anodo (roughness e bending) e sul comportamento di essi durante il surriscaldamento e successivo raffreddamento del tubo. I risultati mostrano come durante un'esposizione alcuni fattori di usura del tubo possono influire in maniera sostanziale sullo spettro ottenuto e quindi alterare il risultato. Successivamente, nell'elaborato, mediante il software Philips di ricostruzione e simulazione dello spettro si è cercato di riprodurre, variando alcuni parametri, la differenza riscontrata sperimentalmente in modo da poter simulare l'instabilità e correggere i fattori che la causano. I risultati sono interessanti non solo per questo esperimento ma anche in ottica futura, per lo sviluppo di applicazioni come la spectral CT. Il passo successivo sarà quello di spostare l'attenzione su un CT tube e verificare se l'instabilità riscontrata in questo lavoro è persiste anche in una analisi più complessa come quella CT.


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The aim of this study was to examine the wear behavior of conical crowns of gold alloy and zirconium dioxide ceramics facing electroplated gold copings.


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Although death receptors and chemotherapeutic drugs activate distinct apoptosis signaling cascades, crosstalk between the extrinsic and intrinsic apoptosis pathway has been recognized as an important amplification mechanism. Best known in this regard is the amplification of the Fas (CD95) signal in hepatocytes via caspase 8-mediated cleavage of Bid and activation of the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway. Recent evidence, however, indicates that activation of other BH3-only proteins may also be critical for the crosstalk between death receptors and mitochondrial triggers. In this study, we show that TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) and chemotherapeutic drugs synergistically induce apoptosis in various transformed and untransformed liver-derived cell lines, as well as in primary human hepatocytes. Both, preincubation with TRAIL as well as chemotherapeutic drugs could sensitize cells for apoptosis induction by the other respective trigger. TRAIL induced a strong and long lasting activation of Jun kinase, and activation of the BH3-only protein Bim. Consequently, synergistic induction of apoptosis by TRAIL and chemotherapeutic drugs was dependent on Jun kinase activity, and expression of Bim and Bid. These findings confirm a previously defined role of TRAIL and Bim in the regulation of hepatocyte apoptosis, and demonstrate that the TRAIL-Jun kinase-Bim axis is a major and important apoptosis amplification pathway in primary hepatocytes and liver tumor cells.


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Invasion and migration are key processes of glioblastoma and are tightly linked to tumor recurrence. Integrin inhibition using cilengitide has shown synergy with chemotherapy and radiotherapy in vitro and promising activity in recurrent glioblastoma. This multicenter, phase I/IIa study investigated the efficacy and safety of cilengitide in combination with standard chemoradiotherapy in newly diagnosed glioblastoma.


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CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein-alpha (CEBPA) is crucial for normal granulopoiesis and is frequently disrupted in acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). Increasing evidence suggests that CEBPA exerts its effects, in parts, by regulating specific microRNAs (miRNAs), as previously shown for miR-223. The aim of this study was to investigate the genome-wide pattern of miRNAs regulated by CEBPA in myeloid cells.


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We investigate a recently proposed model for decision learning in a population of spiking neurons where synaptic plasticity is modulated by a population signal in addition to reward feedback. For the basic model, binary population decision making based on spike/no-spike coding, a detailed computational analysis is given about how learning performance depends on population size and task complexity. Next, we extend the basic model to n-ary decision making and show that it can also be used in conjunction with other population codes such as rate or even latency coding.


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The intestinal ecosystem is formed by a complex, yet highly characteristic microbial community. The parameters defining whether this community permits invasion of a new bacterial species are unclear. In particular, inhibition of enteropathogen infection by the gut microbiota ( = colonization resistance) is poorly understood. To analyze the mechanisms of microbiota-mediated protection from Salmonella enterica induced enterocolitis, we used a mouse infection model and large scale high-throughput pyrosequencing. In contrast to conventional mice (CON), mice with a gut microbiota of low complexity (LCM) were highly susceptible to S. enterica induced colonization and enterocolitis. Colonization resistance was partially restored in LCM-animals by co-housing with conventional mice for 21 days (LCM(con21)). 16S rRNA sequence analysis comparing LCM, LCM(con21) and CON gut microbiota revealed that gut microbiota complexity increased upon conventionalization and correlated with increased resistance to S. enterica infection. Comparative microbiota analysis of mice with varying degrees of colonization resistance allowed us to identify intestinal ecosystem characteristics associated with susceptibility to S. enterica infection. Moreover, this system enabled us to gain further insights into the general principles of gut ecosystem invasion by non-pathogenic, commensal bacteria. Mice harboring high commensal E. coli densities were more susceptible to S. enterica induced gut inflammation. Similarly, mice with high titers of Lactobacilli were more efficiently colonized by a commensal Lactobacillus reuteri(RR) strain after oral inoculation. Upon examination of 16S rRNA sequence data from 9 CON mice we found that closely related phylotypes generally display significantly correlated abundances (co-occurrence), more so than distantly related phylotypes. Thus, in essence, the presence of closely related species can increase the chance of invasion of newly incoming species into the gut ecosystem. We provide evidence that this principle might be of general validity for invasion of bacteria in preformed gut ecosystems. This might be of relevance for human enteropathogen infections as well as therapeutic use of probiotic commensal bacteria.


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Since the invention of firearms, arrow wounds represent a rarity in the daily routine of forensic pathologists. In the present paper, we describe a homicide by a broadhead arrow shot from a compound bow in a domestic environment. Based on this homicide, we discuss the characteristics of the lesion caused by broadhead arrows and field-tip arrows. We look critically at the free saleability of this equipment mostly used for sport shooting in Germany.


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Intracellular copper routing in Enterococcus hirae is accomplished by the CopZ copper chaperone. Under copper stress, CopZ donates Cu(+) to the CopY repressor, thereby releasing its bound zinc and abolishing repressor-DNA interaction. This in turn induces the expression of the cop operon, which encodes CopY and CopZ, in addition to two copper ATPases, CopA and CopB. To gain further insight into the function of CopZ, the yeast two-hybrid system was used to screen for proteins interacting with the copper chaperone. This led to the identification of Gls24, a member of a family of stress response proteins. Gls24 is part of an operon containing eight genes. The operon was induced by a range of stress conditions, but most notably by copper. Gls24 was overexpressed and purified, and was shown by surface plasmon resonance analysis to also interact with CopZ in vitro. Circular dichroism measurements revealed that Gls24 is partially unstructured. The current findings establish a novel link between Gls24 and copper homeostasis.


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During pregnancy, trophoblasts grow to adapt the feto-maternal unit to fetal requirements. Aldosterone and cortisol levels increase, the latter being inactivated by a healthy placenta. By contrast, preeclamptic placental growth is reduced while aldosterone levels are low and placental cortisol tissue levels are high due to improper deactivation. Aldosterone acts as a growth factor in many tissues, whereas cortisol inhibits growth. We hypothesized that in preeclampsia low aldosterone and enhanced cortisol availability might mutually affect placental growth and function. Proliferation of cultured human trophoblasts was time- and dose-dependently increased with aldosterone (P < 0.04 to P < 0.0001) and inhibited by spironolactone and glucocorticoids (P < 0.01). Mineralo- and glucocorticoid receptor expression and activation upon agonist stimulation was verified by visualization of nuclear translocation of the receptors. Functional aldosterone deficiency simulated in pregnant mice by spironolactone treatment (15 μg/g body weight/day) led to a reduced fetal umbilical blood flow (P < 0.05). In rat (P < 0.05; R(2) = 0.2055) and human (X(2) = 3.85; P = 0.0249) pregnancy, placental size was positively related to plasma aldosterone. Autocrine production of these steroid hormones was excluded functionally and via the absence of specific enzymatic transcripts for CYP11B2 and CYP11B1. In conclusion, activation of mineralocorticoid receptors by maternal aldosterone appears to be required for trophoblast growth and a normal feto-placental function. Thus, low aldosterone levels and enhanced cortisol availability may be one explanation for the reduced placental size in preeclampsia and related disorders.